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Mods/ Forum Support ... I sent this below as an email to Forum Support and received the answer as 'not possible'

Hi guys, I have a few threads running which are sort of more like information blogs.

One of them, about how to apply for an Australian Visa has been pinned by the Mods.

I was playing just now on how to get a direct link to these threads as clickable links that appear under my Avatar.

Currently it looks like this …

Super Member
  • post-104736-0-70049900-1337660534_thumb.
  • Advanced Members
  • 1,402 posts

What I want it to look like is this …

Super Member
  • post-104736-0-70049900-1337660534_thumb.
  • Advanced Members
  • 1,402 posts

  • Gender:Male
  • Interests: Click below

How To …

Fish and Shrimp Farming

Photography Tips

Australian Tourist Visa Application

With those ‘interests’ being clickable links which take the viewer to those individual threads in a separate web page.

I know that it’s a bit of an ask … but you guys are smart programmers!

No need to tell me, if you can directly do it then great, please do.


Then I asked ...

OK … then how about dropping them into my signature then please in the same format as previously suggested …

Say above the words “Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch ...”

And received the reply as "We don't allow links in signatures, please post in about me on your profile, thanks"

Now I understand that you don’t want clickable links disappearing off into other commercial websites … but that is not what I’m asking for.

Just a redirection within Thai Visa Forum.

Forum Support came back with the corporate response, which I can understand, however anything is possible in programming … it just requires the will and the permission.


For example, the photography thread is not attracting the hits that it could potentially could and a simple redirection would boost the numbers.

You might want to limit this feature to those with say, 1,000 posts or more to weed out the commercial redirectors, or 500 if you think a better level.


Hi there Mods/Admin.

Any chance you might have a positive reply for me?

If you are thinking about it GREAT ... but just let me know.




You can post a link to your blog on your profile page and refer to your profile page in your signature. Links in signatures are not allowed, see forum rules.

Hope this helps.


Just to clarify it for you, Thaivisa are not the core programmers for the board software, that would be the commercial company Invision and though we can submit suggestions for future upgrades it is up to them as to whether to implement them based on requested demand and feasibility. We have the ability to format the web pages and certain configurations/features which our IT guys do but not the core elements.

As support has stated, putting clickable links in the format you have requested, specifically 'Interests' box is not possible without the company modifying the core software. However, you can go to your profile, select Edit My Profile, then Edit About Me and that will open the full editor given you the same options as in replying to a topic. That is, you can have your clickable links to forum topics there in the format you specified above.

This is not a 'corporate' response but tailored just for you. biggrin.png


Tywais, thanks for the personal response and all that you wrote there all makes sense.

Maybe an option for the next upgrade?

I'll try and implement what you suggest on my profile page.


  • 1 month later...

David48, your avatar metamorphed from a grown-up farang waiing a Thai Buddhist monk novice to a cat with a machine gun (and shooting).

Quite an extreme change. What's the story?


David48, your avatar metamorphed from a grown-up farang waiing a Thai Buddhist monk novice to a cat with a machine gun (and shooting).

Quite an extreme change. What's the story?

Hi Tom ... it's a quiet day on the Forum, so I have some time to answer your question in full.

Correct, started with post-104736-0-83603600-1341109897_thumb.

It's my nephew (in waiting) when he was a novice monk.

Had that for a year or two.

A long time member here (who I assume was born in Thailand) PM'ed me and said that my first Avatar (novice Monk and me) offended him ... don't know why. Did ask ... didn't get a reply … maybe the Avatar wasn’t too offensive.

Found this and liked it post-104736-0-57215700-1341109893.gif

Works on the large scale but is a bit indistinct when viewed in the smaller scale.

I was sent this one post-104736-0-60857300-1341109895.gif some time ago by a friend.

I like the animation and the vibrant colours, but it doesn't really reflect my personality ... exactly the opposite actually.

Probably the first one is really me ... great love and respect for Thai Culture and Thai people.

I know that a distinctive Avatar is your brand thus I suppose I should marry one and stick with it.

That's the true story.

David48 cowboy.gif



Thanks for the explanation. Interesting how an avatar can have a story.

I'm not going to read the cricket thread right now - it says it has 149 pages and over 3,700 posts... unsure.png


It's my nephew (in waiting) when he was a novice monk.

Had that for a year or two.

A long time member here (who I assume was born in Thailand) PM'ed me and said that my first Avatar (novice Monk and me) offended him ... don't know why. Did ask ... didn't get a reply … maybe the Avatar wasn’t too offensive.

David48 cowboy.gif


Hi David,

Sorry for my lateness.

I am the one that PM'ed you with other things about photos .......

I am from Europe.

Avatar never give me any grief only yours as you are kneeing and wai-ing to your junior, is that correct in Buddist tradition? if it is I am very sorry for PM'ing you.

My step-son Khun Thai went into monk hood and I did not Wai to him, just bought him some KFC each and every time we met up with him.

In addition, I have never ever seen Non-Thais kneeing and wai-ing to junior monks, sure for more senior monks, yes, they show respect, as I do as well with a wai.gif

Win from Kan smile.png


Hi there Kan Win, thanks for replying above.

Not knowing the answer I asked a higher authority ... biggrin.png

I asked about whether I wai or not, was the level or respect suitable and if required to wai, were my hands in the correct position (to high or low)

The answers are that yes, Thai will wai to a novice Monk and the wai is the same respect as to a 'normal' Monk.

Plus the photo is respectful.

But it's all a mute point now as my Avatar has moved on post-104736-0-00718100-1341301211.gif and I kinda like it.

  • Like 2

Avatar never give me any grief only yours as you are kneeing and wai-ing to your junior, is that correct in Buddist tradition? if it is I am very sorry for PM'ing you.


In addition, I have never ever seen Non-Thais kneeing and wai-ing to junior monks, sure for more senior monks, yes, they show respect, as I do as well with a wai.gif

Win from Kan smile.png

Hi David,

Thank you for your post.

It was the kneeling bit that took me aback? (sorry for missing out the l in the kneeing bit above).

Win thumbsup.gif

P.S. I like your new one as well. w00t.gif

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