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How Did Thaivisa Help You?.......


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I discovered TV only a few years ago and yes I have to admit that it has helped me on some occassions,but it has made me feel miserable at many more occassions.

I struggle to see how the rantings and opinions of others can make one feel miserable - unless one is an aspiring celebrity.\

Sometimes, TV highlights some truths that we might be happier if we could ignore. We either have to live with these facts, or improve our ability to ignore facts - perhaps the divine right of kings, though King Canute argued otherwise


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I'm getting very tired of people who keep coming into positive threads to moan and whine, or take pot shots at others. If you want to be miserable, log off and be miserable by yourself, and let those who want to enjoy their time here do so.

Is this moderation?

Can I confirm that if we want to be happy, forum rules allow us to do so in public, but if we are sad, miseable or cynical, we are not allowed to do so on this forum?

I don;t think this was made fully clear on the forum rumles, but I am sure many would like to know this, rather than joining me on a bus with cliff richards


I think the point being there are plenty of bashing threads where a negative approach appears to be almost compulsory, and supported by multitudes of likes, without taking one of the few positive threads off on yet another we are not all happy in Thailand misery tangent

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I'm getting very tired of people who keep coming into positive threads to moan and whine, or take pot shots at others. If you want to be miserable, log off and be miserable by yourself, and let those who want to enjoy their time here do so.

Is this moderation?

Can I confirm that if we want to be happy, forum rules allow us to do so in public, but if we are sad, miseable or cynical, we are not allowed to do so on this forum?

I don;t think this was made fully clear on the forum rumles, but I am sure many would like to know this, rather than joining me on a bus with cliff richards


I think the point being there are plenty of bashing threads where a negative approach appears to be almost compulsory, and supported by multitudes of likes, without taking one of the few positive threads off on yet another we are not all happy in Thailand misery tangent

Some of us might have got the impression there was a willingness amongst members for a more positive approach.

To be fair the populace appears split on the issue.

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I'm getting very tired of people who keep coming into positive threads to moan and whine, or take pot shots at others. If you want to be miserable, log off and be miserable by yourself, and let those who want to enjoy their time here do so.

Is this moderation?

Can I confirm that if we want to be happy, forum rules allow us to do so in public, but if we are sad, miseable or cynical, we are not allowed to do so on this forum?

I don;t think this was made fully clear on the forum rumles, but I am sure many would like to know this, rather than joining me on a bus with cliff richards


I think the point being there are plenty of bashing threads where a negative approach appears to be almost compulsory, and supported by multitudes of likes, without taking one of the few positive threads off on yet another we are not all happy in Thailand misery tangent

Some of us might have got the impression there was a willingness amongst members for a more positive approach.

To be fair the populace appears split on the issue.

I just wanted to be clear on where we stood - if I were to say with respect to what, I would look like Cliff Richards.

Can I just confirm that negativity and positivity are not viewed the same?


Edit: I suppose we don;t appreciate the feelings of others, when we do not suffer ourselves. I mean, seriously, who has negative feelings towards rugby league?

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Just because a person only has 27 posts or joined recently, is no indication of his / her knowledge.Some people have been living & reading this forum for years as guests.

Now back on topic please.

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I learned a lot about fishing in Thailand, great people in that forum.

Met nice people from there and went fishing with them

I learned a lot about finding the right foods and other things for someone who loves weight training

I learned that it was a lot cheaper to import a rowing machine then to buy here one member helped me with a few pointers and as a consequence i imported one

Enjoy reading it seeing other people's idea's on stuff and its entertaining. I work behind a computer so i can post a lot.

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Posts commenting on moderation and off topic have been removed. This topic is "How Did Thaivisa Help You" and not a catchall to complain about moderation and to moan. Further such posts will be removed unceremoniously.

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what is untrue? are there not members here with thousands of posts who only see thailand while on holiday for a few weeks?

?Weeks of holiday?

You lucky barstewards


Your whole life is one long holiday SC....don't be forgetting that now. wink.png

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Does it matter ?

it does when the pass their input off as either current or definitive. i must admit though i am speaking more about the general forum than the specific subforums

I must agree to a point, after all, how can people who have no Thai children poossibly comment on how they will take care of a tablet computer......

But they have, and they do.....such audacity.......

There is also a big danger people accepting the stereotyping that is present on Tvisa, I agree it is good to have up to date information.......for instance, in the village where my familty live there has been a big decline in the consumption of Lao Kao as the older hardened drinkers die off, am I allowed to post my experience that flies in the face of the opinion that the rural Thai sit around, eat somtam and drink Lao Kao all day.......

Thai visa has taught me to beware of the majority of posted generalisations, especially if they do not reflect my experience, I am not visiting Tvisa to change the minds of the masses. I try not to get into the classification discussions, but another thing Thai visa and life has taught me, perhaps it is not the length of time you spend in Thailand that forms the basis of your understanding and Thai experience, but the cross section of people you encounter interact with while you are here

For sure some of those working amongst the uptight urbanites on a daily basis may well experience a different Thailand to the visitors to the Islands or the rural communities......I chose the rural community.....others will enjoy Bangkok.....

I spent 2.5 years and a substantial amount of time and money arranging migration to NZ, a great country, I experienced the difficulty of seeking acceptable employment, I took any work I could find, cleaning an abatoire on a daily basis was one rather interesting experience!. The bottom line is I had some lovely experiences but there were a couple of major players involved that made me unhappy, down to my own personality and drinking habits at the time to an extent sure. I could see no chance of immediate improvement in my situation so I made one.....I left.......I still think there are great people and New Zealand is a lovely country.......just did not work for me at the time

Strange note.....before I left for NZ people voiced their reservations.....due to the people involved..........same people have never made comment about my Thai experience.....because despite some pretty steep learning curves (Yes you might be surprised!! but all good fun) they can see the change and enjoyment it has finally brought to my life

I apologise for the off topic comments to those who feel my NZ 'experience' could not possibly be pertinent to those seeking a new life in Thailand

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Does it matter ?

it does when the pass their input off as either current or definitive. i must admit though i am speaking more about the general forum than the specific subforums

I must agree to a point, after all, how can people who have no Thai children poossibly comment on how they will take care of a tablet computer......

But they have, and they do.....such audacity.......

There is also a big danger people accepting the stereotyping that is present on Tvisa, I agree it is good to have up to date information.......for instance, in the village where my familty live there has been a big decline in the consumption of Lao Kao as the older hardened drinkers die off, am I allowed to post my experience that flies in the face of the opinion that the rural Thai sit around, eat somtam and drink Lao Kao all day.......

Thai visa has taught me to beware of the majority of posted generalisations, especially if they do not reflect my experience, I am not visiting Tvisa to change the minds of the masses. I try not to get into the classification discussions, but another thing Thai visa and life has taught me, perhaps it is not the length of time you spend in Thailand that forms the basis of your understanding and Thai experience, but the cross section of people you encounter interact with while you are here

For sure some of those working amongst the uptight urbanites on a daily basis may well experience a different Thailand to the visitors to the Islands or the rural communities......I chose the rural community.....others will enjoy Bangkok.....

I spent 2.5 years and a substantial amount of time and money arranging migration to NZ, a great country, I experienced the difficulty of seeking acceptable employment, I took any work I could find, cleaning an abatoire on a daily basis was one rather interesting experience!. The bottom line is I had some lovely experiences but there were a couple of major players involved that made me unhappy, down to my own personality and drinking habits at the time to an extent sure. I could see no chance of immediate improvement in my situation so I made one.....I left.......I still think there are great people and New Zealand is a lovely country.......just did not work for me at the time

Strange note.....before I left for NZ people voiced their reservations.....due to the people involved..........same people have never made comment about my Thai experience.....because despite some pretty steep learning curves (Yes you might be surprised!! but all good fun) they can see the change and enjoyment it has finally brought to my life

I apologise for the off topic comments to those who feel my NZ 'experience' could not possibly be pertinent to those seeking a new life in Thailand

It's pertinent because it's open minded, you took a chance, you tried, you moved on, and took responsibility.

You went to Thailand more experienced and with an open mind, and turned your life around.

Thailand changed your life, possibly even saved your life with your own circumstances described on other threads.

Now you use TV to assist others who are facing the same issue that you faced. The people who doubt your validity as a member due to the fact that you are now living overseas, with your Thai wife and children, would be mortified at their stupidity if they knew how much you help others here.

Some of the threads on TV are heart rending, people like geo473 and sheryl among others are at the front line assisting people every single day.

Sheryl was TV Member of the Year last year for the work she does in the health forum.

TV brings an extraordinary amount of help to people every day, some of it is life changing, and for some, it's life saving.

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Thanks, Theblether....but there are many who research information and upload it for the benefit of Thaivisa members, others maintain a constant presence to offer almost instant advice where required (Sheryl being a great example) these people deserve acknowledgement and all the praise you deliver.....for myself I am humbled to be mentioned in the same context....but in reality I offer no more than a recollection of having lived an eventful and colourful life, and all the hard lessons and nerve jangling enjoyment that can come with it....ok enough about me... thanks

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If it wasn't for Thai Visa, I would have a tan.

Seriously though, Thai Visa is the only expat resource I use and I am rarely let down when I need advice.

Also, I like being a smartass.

Me too biggrin.png

But sometimes I get in trouble for it so I'm on my best behaviour.......I wonder how long that will last coffee1.gif

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Seriously theblether, this is the worst attempt at being invited to be a mod, EVER.

Have you no shame?

I, theblether, do solemnly swear, that I do not presently, or at any point in the future, wish to be a mod. wai.gif

Carnage would follow if that was ever to be the case, and while I'm at it, I want to enjoy life. coffee1.gif

Cunning reverse psychology?

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Seriously theblether, this is the worst attempt at being invited to be a mod, EVER.

Have you no shame?

I, theblether, do solemnly swear, that I do not presently, or at any point in the future, wish to be a mod. wai.gif

Carnage would follow if that was ever to be the case, and while I'm at it, I want to enjoy life. coffee1.gif

Cunning reverse psychology?

I'm not that clever......if it ever came to pass some people should tremble biggrin.png

Anyway I'm too stupid to be a mod, I'm closer to being shown the door laugh.png

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Thai Visa has helped me out with lots of information. Just some of these tidbits have been..

I was able to use other peoples hard work and make my life easier with the groundwork in obtaining a visa for my GF to visit OZ. thumbsup.gif

I am now always on the lookout for roving Ladyboy gangs.

I have learnt that every bargirl wishes she had a heart of gold and that they want me to pay for it.

I feel like I know the quality and offerings of every restaurant in Pattaya despite never having visited.

I have learnt that Gold investors are very very very passionate about their Gold.

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I have to admit that when I very first found TV from the UK I did find the information very helpful and had some questions answered in a civil and informative way.

That profile went the journey because of some fault and i could never get it back again and that was a lot of years ago.

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I have to admit that when I very first found TV from the UK I did find the information very helpful and had some questions answered in a civil and informative way.

That profile went the journey because of some fault and i could never get it back again and that was a lot of years ago.

that's a very loaded reply Mr Dingo, a mysterious disappearing profile you say??? hmmm, I wonder coffee1.gif

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