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Australians Travelling To Thailand On 'Steriod Vacations'

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This article just appeared in the Fairfax media in Australia

THERE'S something about the seedy Thai beachside town of Pattaya that keeps enticing Michael Dorn back - but it's not the sun, sea, sand or sex for which the resort is famous.

The 21-year-old from Blacktown is part of a thriving amateur bodybuilding subculture that uses anabolic steroids and growth hormones as a fast track to the ultimate ''ripped'' body. While the drugs are heavily restricted in Australia by laws that are among the strictest in the world, Dorn - and hundreds like him - have discovered a novel way around the problem: they travel to Thailand on ''steroid vacations''.

See the full article below



And also this additional article in the same newspaper today about Tim Sharky in Pattaya...

TIM ''SHARKY'' WARD is an imposing former Gold Coast loan shark. He has also become an online social media celebrity among amateur bodybuilders, boasting more than 30,000 followers.

Now living in the Thai beach resort of Pattaya, he openly admits to being a full-time steroid user.

''I take testosterone, I take Deca [a popular, slow-bulking, synthetic steroid] for my joints and muscle tears and I take human growth hormones, which is phenomenal in that it gives me enormous energy and makes me so much more alert...



And if you google Sharky's exploits in Pattaya you'll see some of steroid use's side effects, and his Facebook is a real riot, truly funny he's willing to post details for the world to see. I'm sure he's developed good connections with the local BIB, or at least I hope that's the only reason he hasn't be found persona non grata here.

I'm very happy someone like that wouldn't consider living anywhere else in Thailand.


And what is the problem with people taking steroids ? I mean alcohol is much more damaging. I mean as long as they don't hurt anyone up to them.

But an ass on steroids can be an even greater ass then same goes for alcohol.

Anyway their body and as long as they don't abuse people i don't see the problem.

And what is the problem with people taking steroids ?

Well, looking at the picture, it didn't do him any good.

Difference of opinion, i guess. I could post pictures of alcoholics and think he looks a lot better as those. I think percentage wise more people die from alcohol then steroids.

Of course you got guys who are constantly using them aren't doing their bodies any favors. But i doubt its worse then guys drinking too much every day.

Anyway as long as they don't bother anyone they can both damage their bodies the way they want.

And what is the problem with people taking steroids ?

Well, looking at the picture, it didn't do him any good.

Difference of opinion, i guess. I could post pictures of alcoholics and think he looks a lot better as those. I think percentage wise more people die from alcohol then steroids.

Of course you got guys who are constantly using them aren't doing their bodies any favors. But i doubt its worse then guys drinking too much every day.

Anyway as long as they don't bother anyone they can both damage their bodies the way they want.

You know the old saying about 2 wrongs do not make a right? The issue isn't alcoholism , which is often a bonafide addiction and mental health issue. Non medically prescribed steroid use is a serious health risk and destroys the human body's vital organs and functions. There is no dispute on that matter. Users of illegal steroids typically present with other behavioural issues often invoving anger management. Steroids do have an impact on behaviour and health. The end result is that sooner, rather than later, a steroid user makes life unpleasant for those around him.

Why is it foreigners that are quick to spot building deficiencies or complain about Thai quality and standards are so quick to accept pharmaceuticals from the black market? The steroids sold illegally in Thailand are in most cases non verified and do not come from safe and quality assured suppliers. And yet, these users are willing to accept a product of which the origin and quality is unknown. I was involved in a quick check of viagra 2 years ago. All of the samples we obtained without prescription from an approved pharmacist were counterfeit. The packaging was perfect, except the lot numbers and coding was bogus. Sometimes the spelling errors in the monograph and the quality of paper were the immediate tip off. The common position is that this applies to many other pharmaceuticals obtained on the "black market" or from independent "pharmacies" in Thailand. I am aware of something as mundane as the individual packets of tylenol being sold in some shops as being counterfeit. Even if the product the steroid users purchasers contained some active ingredient, the dosing, and purity would be unreliable.


And what is the problem with people taking steroids ?

Well, looking at the picture, it didn't do him any good.

Difference of opinion, i guess. I could post pictures of alcoholics and think he looks a lot better as those. I think percentage wise more people die from alcohol then steroids.

Of course you got guys who are constantly using them aren't doing their bodies any favors. But i doubt its worse then guys drinking too much every day.

Anyway as long as they don't bother anyone they can both damage their bodies the way they want.

You know the old saying about 2 wrongs do not make a right? The issue isn't alcoholism , which is often a bonafide addiction and mental health issue. Non medically prescribed steroid use is a serious health risk and destroys the human body's vital organs and functions. There is no dispute on that matter. Users of illegal steroids typically present with other behavioural issues often invoving anger management. Steroids do have an impact on behaviour and health. The end result is that sooner, rather than later, a steroid user makes life unpleasant for those around him.

Why is it foreigners that are quick to spot building deficiencies or complain about Thai quality and standards are so quick to accept pharmaceuticals from the black market? The steroids sold illegally in Thailand are in most cases non verified and do not come from safe and quality assured suppliers. And yet, these users are willing to accept a product of which the origin and quality is unknown. I was involved in a quick check of viagra 2 years ago. All of the samples we obtained without prescription from an approved pharmacist were counterfeit. The packaging was perfect, except the lot numbers and coding was bogus. Sometimes the spelling errors in the monograph and the quality of paper were the immediate tip off. The common position is that this applies to many other pharmaceuticals obtained on the "black market" or from independent "pharmacies" in Thailand. I am aware of something as mundane as the individual packets of tylenol being sold in some shops as being counterfeit. Even if the product the steroid users purchasers contained some active ingredient, the dosing, and purity would be unreliable.


Two wrongs indeed don't make a right and i draw the line when people are abusing others. However if they are just training and using steroids i could not care less. Its their body.

I really like those guys who have no knowledge and start the stupid steroid rage theory. Its crazy its just like with alcohol some people just cant tolerate it but most have no problems what so ever.

I would be willing to accept these risks if i wanted too. My body and as long as im not bothering anybody who cares.

I have done a cycle of testostorone when i first came here. Nothing wrong with that if you take the precautions and do your research. I never attacked anyone i'm one of the most peaceful people around. I'm not using it now because i don't see the need. But if someone does and he is not bothering anyone who cares.

Its not like drunk driving where you kill others. I also never heard of bodybuilders robbing old ladies to support their habit. Live and let live thats my view of it.


I knew a British guy in Pattaya who not only used steroids but smuggled them. He would fly to India three or four times a year for supplies. Didn't know him that well but the last I heard he suffered a massive stroke while on one of his trips abroad and died. He was in his late 20's. I don't know if he smuggled for his own use or supplied them to others but I suspected the latter. None of my business. He was never short of cash though and didn't ever mention anything about working for a living.

Oh, he also drank and smoked heavily and always looked flushed and bright red, like he was on the verge of a heart attack. It wasn't a surprise to hear he had gone.


I knew a British guy in Pattaya who not only used steroids but smuggled them. He would fly to India three or four times a year for supplies. Didn't know him that well but the last I heard he suffered a massive stroke while on one of his trips abroad and died. He was in his late 20's. I don't know if he smuggled for his own use or supplied them to others but I suspected the latter. None of my business. He was never short of cash though and didn't ever mention anything about working for a living.

Oh, he also drank and smoked heavily and always looked flushed and bright red, like he was on the verge of a heart attack. It wasn't a surprise to hear he had gone.

Drinking, smoking and steroids good combo.. i mean crazy to do. It just does not combine.


Thailand bad.... western world, Good!

I just makes me want to smash the computer when i read this crap. Sure it happens but its not like walking st is a mr universe parade..

must be a slow news week when this made top story on the Sydney news website. Next story will be about sex tourism and then about a tourist locked up for stealing a bar towel


Thailand bad.... western world, Good!

I just makes me want to smash the computer when i read this crap. Sure it happens but its not like walking st is a mr universe parade..

must be a slow news week when this made top story on the Sydney news website. Next story will be about sex tourism and then about a tourist locked up for stealing a bar towel

They managed to break it up into 3 individual stories somehow.


Two wrongs indeed don't make a right and i draw the line when people are abusing others. However if they are just training and using steroids i could not care less. Its their body.

I really like those guys who have no knowledge and start the stupid steroid rage theory. Its crazy its just like with alcohol some people just cant tolerate it but most have no problems what so ever.

I would be willing to accept these risks if i wanted too. My body and as long as im not bothering anybody who cares.

I have done a cycle of testostorone when i first came here. Nothing wrong with that if you take the precautions and do your research. I never attacked anyone i'm one of the most peaceful people around. I'm not using it now because i don't see the need. But if someone does and he is not bothering anyone who cares.

Its not like drunk driving where you kill others. I also never heard of bodybuilders robbing old ladies to support their habit. Live and let live thats my view of it.

I hadn't thought about the issue of steroids to often. Usually just in relation to the media stories about illegal steroids, and anecdotal stories about roid rage, men on steroids who are abnormally aggressive.

Reading through a few posts, I would have to agree with robblok, if you want to inject into your own body it is up to you.

There are already too many rules about what you can and cant do in Western countries.


I guess these are the better quality tourists Pattaya wants

Do you feel threatened in your manhood by guys with more muscle then you. Don't worry in Pattaya money talks not muscles. As long as they behave i don't think they are any different than anyone good and bad. Muscles don't make you aggressive, you will have good and bad guys. Just like not every old guy is a pedo, not every bodybuilder is an raging bull. There are good and bad everywhere.


apparently the tim sharky character recently stabbed someone and got arrested.

I heard the same thing.. if that is the case then its not good and he is bothering someone. Like i said there are good and bad apples everywhere. I heard of a farang who killed someone while drunk. Does that mean all drunks are killers ?


I guess these are the better quality tourists Pattaya wants

Do you feel threatened in your manhood by guys with more muscle then you. Don't worry in Pattaya money talks not muscles. As long as they behave i don't think they are any different than anyone good and bad. Muscles don't make you aggressive, you will have good and bad guys. Just like not every old guy is a pedo, not every bodybuilder is an raging bull. There are good and bad everywhere.

Manhood or not. Look at the picture, why doesn't he weare any clothes (except shorts and the silly cap). I mean he looks like a mo_ _n, even you have to admit it.


I guess these are the better quality tourists Pattaya wants

Do you feel threatened in your manhood by guys with more muscle then you. Don't worry in Pattaya money talks not muscles. As long as they behave i don't think they are any different than anyone good and bad. Muscles don't make you aggressive, you will have good and bad guys. Just like not every old guy is a pedo, not every bodybuilder is an raging bull. There are good and bad everywhere.

Manhood or not. Look at the picture, why doesn't he weare any clothes (except shorts and the silly cap). I mean he looks like a mo_ _n, even you have to admit it.

Of course i can admit that i would never walk like that. But come on many people go shirtless, at least he doesn't have a beer gut.

I also am not going to make any comments on the guy not like i need to defend him. Told you before there are good and bad guys around.


And also this additional article in the same newspaper today about Tim Sharky in Pattaya...

TIM ''SHARKY'' WARD is an imposing former Gold Coast loan shark.

Now living in the Thai beach resort of Pattaya, he openly admits to being a full-time steroid user.

"I take testosterone, I take Deca [a popular, slow-bulking, synthetic steroid] for my joints and muscle tears and I take human growth hormones, which is phenomenal in that it gives me enormous energy and makes me so much more alert...

apparently the tim sharky character recently stabbed someone and got arrested.

Angry New Zealand Bodybuilder Stabs Canadian English Teacher In Pattaya




And also this additional article in the same newspaper today about Tim Sharky in Pattaya...

TIM ''SHARKY'' WARD is an imposing former Gold Coast loan shark.

Now living in the Thai beach resort of Pattaya, he openly admits to being a full-time steroid user.

"I take testosterone, I take Deca [a popular, slow-bulking, synthetic steroid] for my joints and muscle tears and I take human growth hormones, which is phenomenal in that it gives me enormous energy and makes me so much more alert...

apparently the tim sharky character recently stabbed someone and got arrested.

Angry New Zealand Bodybuilder Stabs Canadian English Teacher In Pattaya



Don't worry, Pattaya is a safe city. This probably happens once in every 50 years.


Not all BBs loke like him, not all BBs take roids and out of those who take, not all BBs take huge amounts. I said it before, some teenage boys naturally have more than many BBs take.

Roid rage is a myth for the most part. Yes it kind of amplifies your inner "arseholness" but if you weren't much of an arse to begin with, you won't be affected.

As to me, I would rather see the guys like him than the paile fat farangs walking shirtless.

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