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Suggest A Name For The New Hotel

Gonzo the Face

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The Dew Drop Dead

I can see the humorous side of this exercise, but I also think of those that lost loved ones at the hotel, which shall not be named and they might keep contact with this forum for any news. I feel uncomfortable with it being turned into a joke with names like this.

Decent people died here and no criminal charges have been laid.Can we have some respect for the families who would still be grieving.One of the more tasteless threads on TV with these pathetic attempts at "humour"

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Gonzo - So using your logic, anyone who doesn't have the same sense of humour as you is a miserable person?


As far as offence - the people that might be offended (as I indicated previously) could possibly be anyone who lost a loved one and follows this forum for news/updates etc. As for myself, I'm not easily offended by people such as yourself, but I do have the right to make a comment on any thread.

All I can say is I'm eternally grateful, that I don't have your sense of humour. smile.png

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Since I was singled out I would lie to respond too. This is called Dark Humor. Here is a definition I found.

The purpose of black comedy is to make light of serious and often taboo subject matter, and some comedians use it as a tool for exploring vulgar issues, thus provoking discomfort and serious thought as well as amusement in their audience. Popular themes of the genre include murder, suicide, depression, abuse,mutilation, war, barbarism, drug abuse, terminal illness, domestic violence, sexual violence, paedophilia, insanity, nightmare, disease, racism, homophobia,sexism, disability (both physical and mental), chauvinism, corruption, and crime.

I'm sure some of the suggestions are considered over the top for some but for others they bring home a point with a humorous twist in a nonconventional way. I also had intention to disrespect and hope I didn't upset anyone. I do not follow your logic about Gonzos logic but anyway freedom of speech should also be respected.

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Since I was singled out I would lie to respond too. This is called Dark Humor. Here is a definition I found.

The purpose of black comedy is to make light of serious and often taboo subject matter, and some comedians use it as a tool for exploring vulgar issues, thus provoking discomfort and serious thought as well as amusement in their audience. Popular themes of the genre include murder, suicide, depression, abuse,mutilation, war, barbarism, drug abuse, terminal illness, domestic violence, sexual violence, paedophilia, insanity, nightmare, disease, racism, homophobia,sexism, disability (both physical and mental), chauvinism, corruption, and crime.

I'm sure some of the suggestions are considered over the top for some but for others they bring home a point with a humorous twist in a nonconventional way. I also had intention to disrespect and hope I didn't upset anyone. I do not follow your logic about Gonzos logic but anyway freedom of speech should also be respected.

I started off my quote by saying; "I can see the humorous side of this exercise"..........I'm very well aware of dark humour, gallow's humour, call it what you will.

I'm sure you mean you had NO intention to disrespect and it's not a Freudian slip. smile.png

BTW You weren't singled out, your's was only the second post and the most tasteless (at the time).

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Gonzo - So using your logic, anyone who doesn't have the same sense of humour as you is a miserable person?


As far as offence - the people that might be offended (as I indicated previously) could possibly be anyone who lost a loved one and follows this forum for news/updates etc. As for myself, I'm not easily offended by people such as yourself, but I do have the right to make a comment on any thread.

All I can say is I'm eternally grateful, that I don't have your sense of humour. smile.png

re 1st para........ that is not what I said, but rather your interpretation.....

re your last sentence, believe me the feeling is mutual.....but at least I have one and have the ability to see things in a possibly happier light..... not like some of the sour grape, all negative frumps that sometimes post here.

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Gonzo - So using your logic, anyone who doesn't have the same sense of humour as you is a miserable person?


As far as offence - the people that might be offended (as I indicated previously) could possibly be anyone who lost a loved one and follows this forum for news/updates etc. As for myself, I'm not easily offended by people such as yourself, but I do have the right to make a comment on any thread.

All I can say is I'm eternally grateful, that I don't have your sense of humour. smile.png

re 1st para........ that is not what I said, but rather your interpretation.....

re your last sentence, believe me the feeling is mutual.....but at least I have one and have the ability to see things in a possibly happier light..... not like some of the sour grape, all negative frumps that sometimes post here.

+1 thumbsup.gif

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I think this thread is unfair and bringing discredit against a legitimate hotel owner.

A couple of days ago I had the pleasure of meeting the new owner of what was once the Downtown Inn. His name is Norman (pictured below) and he’s an American guy from Phoenix in Arizona and is offering a one nights free accommodation with on-suite shower to all new female customers.

I didn’t think much of his personality, but he is good to his mother.


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I think this thread is unfair and bringing discredit against a legitimate hotel owner.

A couple of days ago I had the pleasure of meeting the new owner of what was once the Downtown Inn. His name is Norman (pictured below) and he’s an American guy from Phoenix in Arizona and is offering a one nights free accommodation with on-suite shower to all new female customers.

I didn’t think much of his personality, but he is good to his mother.

One thing about you BJ, you do put a bit of thought and originality into your posts.

A hard act to follow, with just names.

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Ok; lets turn the corner of respectability to keep some members a little happier.

Absolutely not!!........it's good to get an insight into people's sensitivity regarding relatives & friends of those who died. If someone is bored and needs to start a pointless and silly thread, then that's their right. If others want to play follow the leader, then that too is their choice.

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Heartbreak Hotel

Indeed......I'm sure there are many whose hearts are breaking over this place.

I guess i lucky one still alive after being there when Thai Tour Guide and day 3 New Zealand girls got sick.

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I would like to make a statement at this point.

I get the sense that there are a minority of posters out there that think that this thread is demeaning and disrespectful.


There are certainly a minority posting, but I think it's rather grandiose to assume out of all the 1,000's of TV members/readers, it is just the minority that think it's disrespectful........they might simply choose not to post.

Anyway nice try.smile.png

There's no need for any more lengthy justifications, I think we all got it in one.saai.gif

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Uptheos, perhaps you are correct in that relatives of those poor victims read TV to keep updated on where to buy the best hamburger in Chiang Mai, but perhaps they have moved on by now. Your motives are pure but perhaps a little overly focused by now. The owners, unsurprisingly, have been cleared and they are doing a demolish and rebuild to bury the past.

I think the OP has just refocused attention back on that shocking episode and I agree with him that dark humor is one way to stop us forgetting what happened there. We all know Thais just bury the wrongdoings of the rich and forget them, the OP has brought it back into scrutiny. Did you send letters of complaint to the producers of Hogans Heroes, Monte Python etc for making fun of vile episodes in humanities past?

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Uptheos, perhaps you are correct in that relatives of those poor victims read TV to keep updated on where to buy the best hamburger in Chiang Mai, but perhaps they have moved on by now. Your motives are pure but perhaps a little overly focused by now. The owners, unsurprisingly, have been cleared and they are doing a demolish and rebuild to bury the past.

I think the OP has just refocused attention back on that shocking episode and I agree with him that dark humor is one way to stop us forgetting what happened there. We all know Thais just bury the wrongdoings of the rich and forget them, the OP has brought it back into scrutiny. Did you send letters of complaint to the producers of Hogans Heroes, Monte Python etc for making fun of vile episodes in humanities past?

I was going to hit the like button but I have one reservation. That is what is the point in bringing it back up. Yes it does serve as a point for dark humor but why use such a tragic event for that.

I was going to post the uptown but some one beat me to it. To be honest it is a little satisfying to my dark humor side. But not that munch.

One other point you say we all know Thais just bury the wrongdoings of the rich and forget them.

Is that what happened the rich did it! or was it just a overzealous exterminator or perhaps just like the report said we don't know.

Edited by hellodolly
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Uptheos, perhaps you are correct in that relatives of those poor victims read TV to keep updated on where to buy the best hamburger in Chiang Mai, but perhaps they have moved on by now.

Yeah, you're right, I too have given up on where to buy the best hamburger in town.

I can't believe you thought I was referring to hamburgers, when I mentioned relatives keeping updated for news........................oh, on second thoughts, perhaps I can.

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I was going to hit the like button but I have one reservation. That is what is the point in bringing it back up.

Very good question dolly......... maybe nothing better to do?

Well done for not being a sheep. thumbsup.gif

I'm sure a long winded reply answering your question, is being formulated right now.......well maybe in a couple of hours.

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