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When A Person Pushes In Front At Counter Or Checkout.


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You should try shopping in Hong Kong. OMG! One would think pushing to the front of a queue was an irrepressible cultural characteristic of the HK citizenry. As well as rushing to the front of the aircraft for deplaning even before seatbelt signs are released.

yeah I love it when everyone gets up when the plane lands and stays immobile for 10 minutes.We all get on the same bus anyway. We stay sat, get off the plane last, get on the bus last, meaning we get off the bus first. This aspect of human behaviour has been puzzling me since I started to 'think'.

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I rarely encounter these probs but in the scenario outlined in the previous post I have simply smiled & abandoned my shopping on the conveyor so that the staff have to put it all back.

Doesn't seem to help your case if u do that. U then have to go and do all that shopping again, wasting your own time. And then if it happened the second time u did your repeat shop, do you then leave your goods on the conveyor belt again?

If it really bugs you why not just tell the person who has done it?

Some poorly paid checkout staff person isn't going to want to offend any customer by telling them to wait their turn. They probably don't really care.

They're less likely to pretend ferangs are invisible:)

Edited by evadgib
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I rarely encounter these probs but in the scenario outlined in the previous post I have simply smiled & abandoned my shopping on the conveyor so that the staff have to put it all back.

Doesn't seem to help your case if u do that. U then have to go and do all that shopping again, wasting your own time. And then if it happened the second time u did your repeat shop, do you then leave your goods on the conveyor belt again?

If it really bugs you why not just tell the person who has done it?

Some poorly paid checkout staff person isn't going to want to offend any customer by telling them to wait their turn. They probably don't really care.

Can I say I liked your previous avatar better ? :)

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I rarely encounter these probs but in the scenario outlined in the previous post I have simply smiled & abandoned my shopping on the conveyor so that the staff have to put it all back.

Doesn't seem to help your case if u do that. U then have to go and do all that shopping again, wasting your own time. And then if it happened the second time u did your repeat shop, do you then leave your goods on the conveyor belt again?

If it really bugs you why not just tell the person who has done it?

Some poorly paid checkout staff person isn't going to want to offend any customer by telling them to wait their turn. They probably don't really care.

Can I say I liked your previous avatar better ? smile.png

yes u can, and u wont be the first to say so.

Ill see how i feel about this one tomorrow...maybe go back to the soi dog..hard to say tonight

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Anyways, as I was getting closer to get in, there was an Indian/Paki looking guy trying to jump the line ahead but nowhere near me. The conversation I overheard was, basically he was told to get to the end of line to which he replied, my flight is leaving in 5 min.

I wonder at the outcome had he been a 6' 5" Maori weighing 130Kgs ?

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Anyways, as I was getting closer to get in, there was an Indian/Paki looking guy trying to jump the line ahead but nowhere near me. The conversation I overheard was, basically he was told to get to the end of line to which he replied, my flight is leaving in 5 min.

I wonder at the outcome had he been a 6' 5" Maori weighing 130Kgs ?

yes indeed. I have always let people in front that have shown their ticket and asked POLITELY if they can take my place. It's the not asking that guarantees that they WILL miss their plane if they try that with me. (Big tough guy that I am).

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Koh tohd. Pom gohn khun. Kow jai mai ? Said in a stern voice usually works. If they don't take any notice the cashier usually does.

Some people though you have to give as good as you get and just stand in front of them as if they didn't exist and when I'm not in the best of moods this is the first tatic.

Walking off and preferably causing a fuss does work. (Due to some workers repeatedly doing it) I've had several apoligies from banks and eateries.

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I rarely encounter these probs but in the scenario outlined in the previous post I have simply smiled & abandoned my shopping on the conveyor so that the staff have to put it all back.

Doesn't seem to help your case if u do that. U then have to go and do all that shopping again, wasting your own time. And then if it happened the second time u did your repeat shop, do you then leave your goods on the conveyor belt again?

If it really bugs you why not just tell the person who has done it?

Some poorly paid checkout staff person isn't going to want to offend any customer by telling them to wait their turn. They probably don't really care.

Can I say I liked your previous avatar better ? smile.png

yes u can, and u wont be the first to say so.

Ill see how i feel about this one tomorrow...maybe go back to the soi dog..hard to say tonight

Welcome back cute doggy :)

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cool.png When I first moved to Thailand in 2000 it would happen quite a bit. I was living in Hua Hin and there were not so many Farangs there back then. When I still had that warm fuzzy feeling and saw everything through the rose colored glasses I could easily overlook it. As time wore on and I began to see everything for what it was it truly annoyed me.

I remember the first time it happened to me very clearly. I was standing in the line outside of the bank at the ATM. Just as it was my turn a Thai girl just squeezed right in front of me as I was invisible and began her transaction. Now if anyone has ever experienced a Thai using an ATM . This was at a time when there were only ATM's at the Banks and not one on every corner and in front of every 7-11. It was common in those days for one person to come to the bank with a handful of ATM cards and a list do make transactions for a group of people.

I began to not put up with it and usually got a mixed response. My thai became pretty good and I would explain that I was next . Usually this would suffice but sometimes I would get the reaction that how dare a Farang challenge a Thai's birthright to be served first.

My most recent experience on my trip last summer, I was staying on Sukumvit Soi 11. I went to the 7-11 to pick up a few things and there was a fat,smelly Indian woman holding up the line at the checkout while about 4 or 5 little Indian kids ran all around the store choosing what snacks they wanted. I lost it. I moved her stuff aside and started asking the clerk in Thai for what I wanted much to the chagrin of the other Thais in line. Other people in line did the same and pushed the Indian woman to the back of the line.


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You create it all .... one of my favorite expressions , These rude behavior threads always amaze me because things like this never happen to me , and plenty of other people in the world , why ? Because people don't act rudely to people who are friendly to them , or behave in a manner that makes them look stupid for doing it.

Personally I am never in such a hurry that I would even care and would have to assume that the person who tried to cut the line (pretty middle school anyhow) probabbly is in a hurry , and being the nice person I am would gladly wait the extra time as my good deed for the day as opposed to being offended over it or making it such an important issiue in my life I needed to discuss it on a website. why ? Because since I create the way others treat me, all the other people in the line would recognise that I am a nice person and treat me accordingly in the future.

Most people who would politely listen to your rant about what a bad person the line cutter was would actually go away thinking you were a petty person they wouldn't want as a friend , not agree how agregious is was and ask for your phone number to have luch later. Do people really want friends that would intentionally make someone miss their plane who was flustered and in such a hurry they forgot to ask them if going to the front of the line is ok with everyone in the line so they don't miss the plane or do they want friends that don't ?

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You create it all .... one of my favorite expressions , These rude behavior threads always amaze me because things like this never happen to me , and plenty of other people in the world , why ? Because people don't act rudely to people who are friendly to them , or behave in a manner that makes them look stupid for doing it.

Personally I am never in such a hurry that I would even care and would have to assume that the person who tried to cut the line (pretty middle school anyhow) probabbly is in a hurry , and being the nice person I am would gladly wait the extra time as my good deed for the day as opposed to being offended over it or making it such an important issiue in my life I needed to discuss it on a website. why ? Because since I create the way others treat me, all the other people in the line would recognise that I am a nice person and treat me accordingly in the future.

Most people who would politely listen to your rant about what a bad person the line cutter was would actually go away thinking you were a petty person they wouldn't want as a friend , not agree how agregious is was and ask for your phone number to have luch later. Do people really want friends that would intentionally make someone miss their plane who was flustered and in such a hurry they forgot to ask them if going to the front of the line is ok with everyone in the line so they don't miss the plane or do they want friends that don't ?

sorry, I can't follow, I would never push in front without asking (and never have) and can't see why I should put up with it from others.

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And that's why you have your friends and why I have mine smile.png ...... any why all of your friends could be my friends, but all of my friends could not be yours smile.png ...... because my friends can see why they should put up with it smile.png ..... and because not all of my friends want to be friends with people who can't smile.png but I on the other hand I can be friends with even people who are in a hurry and may make a mistake and even those who fail to understand it's a minor mistake smile.png And yes your friends would be my friends inspite of you wishing they might not be because I tolerate things you do not :)

Of course you don't follow , because you don't understand that it's really you who create how people treat you, not others who create how you are treated.

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And that's why you have your friends and why I have mine smile.png ...... any why all of your friends could be my friends, but all of my friends could not be yours smile.png ...... because my friends can see why they should put up with it smile.png ..... and because not all of my friends want to be friends with people who can't smile.png but I on the other hand I can be friends with even people who are in a hurry and may make a mistake and even those who fail to understand it's a minor mistake smile.png And yes your friends would be my friends inspite of you wishing they might not be because I tolerate things you do not smile.png

Of course you don't follow , because you don't understand that it's really you who create how people treat you, not others who create how you are treated.

Very New Agey, but you can only fool your self for so many years.

Been there, done that.

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Happened to me at an airport two days ago and I said 'excuse me' in a very much not apologetic (ie loud) fashion and plonked my lovable body in front of the guys. I later regretted this as they turned out to be people that were about to miss their train (they did). One word from them would have given them priority.

They were a nice Australian couple, not Thais, happens everywhere.

What you regretted their bad planning by being late for a train, sheesh!!

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Sorry but you or anyone else wouldn't treat me like a doormat because I don't create that world for myself ........ I live in Bangkok ....... It seems like you think my actions create a world where I would be treated like that, but the facts show a different result because I never have these types of problems. Is that because of some strange assbackwards coincedence in the world, or because being nice to people and allowing a small munber of mistakes everyone makes to go by without worry creates it for me ?

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Of course you don't follow , because you don't understand that it's really you who create how people treat you, not others who create how you are treated.

I agree with about half of your premise, but reject the other half.

I absolutely believe that I have put myself in a position where others will cut in front of me- by living in a part of the world where that behavior is endemic. Yes, living in this part of the world is my choice and I am free to change that choice when people cutting in front of me outweighs the benefits of living here (and collecting the paycheck my company mails to Thailand)

I reject the part where I play any role in whether they cut in line or not. In that regard, I am simply a prop- a part of their scenery. They would have cut in line whether I was there or someone else.

It would be pretty narcissistic to believe that I affect that at all- without some rather confrontational actions.

BTW, I took that seminar, too. Spent thousands if USD to learn all kinds of good stuff that didn’t work once I left the circle of “friends” that all spoke the same seminar-speak. You’re right, I couldn’t be friends with them any more either. Worst set of decisions I ever made in my life.

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It's not new agey it's a thousand year old concept and quite true. And if you had actually been there and done that and then tried the reverse you would not have the same attitude. Nice brings nice and anger brings more anger like it or not thats the way of the world. Like I have stated none of this kind of nonsense EVER comes my way because the world I create around me is a world in which it would make no sense to the people entering it to act that way.

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I have never taken a seminar ! ..... of course you play a part ..... would they cut in line of you were some crazy looking killer ? probabbly not .... would they cut in line if you were wearing a suit and tie ? maybe maybe not ....... but to say your dress or demeanor plays no part in how people treat you is simply factually incorrect.

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What makes you think it's endemic ? Maybe to you for some reason, and even if it were doesnt mean that the world you create around you cant stop it .... you just think you can't stop it........... and you would be incorrect smile.png

Yeah, whenever I hear that, I'm reminded of the Boxer Rebellion in China.

They were taught that, "if you are spiritually fit, bullets cannot harm you". In way of a demonstration, the leaders would have one of their assistants shoot them- with a blank cartridge. Whenever any of them got shot in battle, their leaders just shrugged and claimed they must not have been spiritually fit. Kind of tough to argue with that logic (or lack thereof)...

I guess if a Bangkok bus careens over 3 lanes and crashes into the company van I'm riding in, it was something I created?

Why do I say queue jumping is endemic and not me? Because for every time someone has attempted to cut in front of me, I've seen dozens of queue jumpers in lines that I'm not in. And my mojo isn't strong enough to affect my own line, never mind that third line over to the left of me. That comes from living in another Asian country for over 10 years.

Frankly, coming to Thailand was a breath of fresh air in that respect.

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I stopped at a stall that sells freshly butchered pork.One dog I have on a leash, so I shortened the leash and stood back around two feet and waited for two people in front of me to be served.While waiting another three people came,pushed in front of me and each one of them started picking up pieces of meat and putting it on the scales or waving money in front of the lady serving.

How long have you lived in Thailand? I don't know, maybe I'm just used to it, but I do close to the same at the market stalls now. Just make my way through, and start grabbing whatever I need, regardless of who's there, and who's doing what. If I was a polite Canadian about it all, I'd probably end up spending an hour at the market versus 15 minutes. I'll always make an exception if it's an elderly person though, especially an elderly lady. Then I back away, and politely wait for them to get what they want.

I know by Western standards it's pretty rude, but when in Rome...

Besides, they don't have a problem doing it to me. After I patiently wait in line to get some chicken say, they have no problem budding in, saying I'll take 40 baht of this or that. So what the hell, I'll do the same.

I have been coming here for 21years and living here for 5years.Yes you are right,I suppose i will have to get used to it.That is why I turned away and left not wanting to rock the boat.Wanted to give them a mouthful but in a small village that could have made life difficult when you live there.
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It happened to me this morning as I was walking my dogs around our local village.On the way back home I stopped at a stall that sells freshly butchered pork.One dog I have on a leash, so I shortened the leash and stood back around two feet and waited for two people in front of me to be served.While waiting another three people came,pushed in front of me and each one of them started picking up pieces of meat and putting it on the scales or waving money in front of the lady serving.She is a very nice lady and I wouldn't like to upset her but I could see her getting frustrated and confused.The other people would not give her a chance to attend to me,so I did the only thing I could and turned around and walked away rather than cause a scene as I was getting hot under the collar.Maybe I should have let the dog go closer,jump up and start helping himself.

If it is a Rottweiler I am surprised.....all Thais I know keep 5 meter distance from them and are usually shocked when I step forward playing with it......Rottis are usually lovely dogs.....

His father is a rottweiler,don't know about the mother.He is not a vicious dog, loves people and playing with other dogs.Two years old and most people around know him by name,but he is very protective and can like most dogs detect when people are scared of him.That wasn't the case yesterday.
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