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When A Person Pushes In Front At Counter Or Checkout.


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A post containing racist generalizations has been removed as well as an inflammatory reply post.

Fair play, but the phrase used in the post was not a racial generalisation, it's a highly offensive racial slur thats illegal to use in the country from which the poster probably originated. I believe the phrase used has not been in common currency since the 1970's, possible early 80's.

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It's not new agey it's a thousand year old concept and quite true. And if you had actually been there and done that and then tried the reverse you would not have the same attitude. Nice brings nice and anger brings more anger like it or not thats the way of the world. Like I have stated none of this kind of nonsense EVER comes my way because the world I create around me is a world in which it would make no sense to the people entering it to act that way.

I love this stuff,... whenever someone mentions newage to a newager they always say, "no, this is ancient wisdom' haha, sounds like that comedy movie called "The secret" you know the "law of attraction" and all that. giggle.gif ..... 7-11 is quite good at honoring the que, have seen a few clerks there scold the jumpers cute to see some 40 kilo girl stand up to a rude guy.
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I stopped at a stall that sells freshly butchered pork.One dog I have on a leash, so I shortened the leash and stood back around two feet and waited for two people in front of me to be served.While waiting another three people came,pushed in front of me and each one of them started picking up pieces of meat and putting it on the scales or waving money in front of the lady serving.

How long have you lived in Thailand? I don't know, maybe I'm just used to it, but I do close to the same at the market stalls now. Just make my way through, and start grabbing whatever I need, regardless of who's there, and who's doing what. If I was a polite Canadian about it all, I'd probably end up spending an hour at the market versus 15 minutes. I'll always make an exception if it's an elderly person though, especially an elderly lady. Then I back away, and politely wait for them to get what they want.

I know by Western standards it's pretty rude, but when in Rome...

Besides, they don't have a problem doing it to me. After I patiently wait in line to get some chicken say, they have no problem budding in, saying I'll take 40 baht of this or that. So what the hell, I'll do the same.

I've become a little like this too, except it's while driving.

I now ignore junctions

I now don't indicate

I now have removed some lights

I now overtake on blind sections

I now run red lights

When on my moped I weave in and out of traffic

I ride slowly in the middle of the road

I don't look at other traffic when exiting a junction

I believe I am invincible

When in Rome. Lol

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I stopped at a stall that sells freshly butchered pork.One dog I have on a leash, so I shortened the leash and stood back around two feet and waited for two people in front of me to be served.While waiting another three people came,pushed in front of me and each one of them started picking up pieces of meat and putting it on the scales or waving money in front of the lady serving.

How long have you lived in Thailand? I don't know, maybe I'm just used to it, but I do close to the same at the market stalls now. Just make my way through, and start grabbing whatever I need, regardless of who's there, and who's doing what. If I was a polite Canadian about it all, I'd probably end up spending an hour at the market versus 15 minutes. I'll always make an exception if it's an elderly person though, especially an elderly lady. Then I back away, and politely wait for them to get what they want.

I know by Western standards it's pretty rude, but when in Rome...

Besides, they don't have a problem doing it to me. After I patiently wait in line to get some chicken say, they have no problem budding in, saying I'll take 40 baht of this or that. So what the hell, I'll do the same.

I've become a little like this too, except it's while driving.

I now ignore junctions

I now don't indicate

I now have removed some lights

I now overtake on blind sections

I now run red lights

When on my moped I weave in and out of traffic

I ride slowly in the middle of the road

I don't look at other traffic when exiting a junction

I believe I am invincible

When in Rome. Lol

You forgot driving in the wrong direction on the wrong side of the road or wrong carriage way.
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It happened to me this morning as I was walking my dogs around our local village.On the way back home I stopped at a stall that sells freshly butchered pork.One dog I have on a leash, so I shortened the leash and stood back around two feet and waited for two people in front of me to be served.While waiting another three people came,pushed in front of me and each one of them started picking up pieces of meat and putting it on the scales or waving money in front of the lady serving.She is a very nice lady and I wouldn't like to upset her but I could see her getting frustrated and confused.The other people would not give her a chance to attend to me,so I did the only thing I could and turned around and walked away rather than cause a scene as I was getting hot under the collar.Maybe I should have let the dog go closer,jump up and start helping himself.

If it is a Rottweiler I am surprised.....all Thais I know keep 5 meter distance from them and are usually shocked when I step forward playing with it......Rottis are usually lovely dogs.....

His father is a rottweiler,don't know about the mother.He is not a vicious dog, loves people and playing with other dogs.Two years old and most people around know him by name,but he is very protective and can like most dogs detect when people are scared of him.That wasn't the case yesterday.

Oh and I forgot.One of the women actually pushed him out of the way to get to the counter.He looked up to her and looked as if to say "What the hell did you do that for?"
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What was it that Rudyard Kipling said? "And the epitaph drear - 'a fool lies here, who tried to hustle the East' ".

I honestly wonder why people try to impose their own (usually western) values on those of a very different culture.

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In Patong at the Big 1/Family Mart/7-11, I will shock you, I always see Thais respect the queue. In fact. most people do. The only place I have a problem is at the Big C at jungceylon and it is with visitors that speak a certain eastern european language. Perhaps it is a cultural aspect of this demographic, because their countrymen from a different "status" group are always polite. Maybe science people are just superior whistling.gif

I do notice one thing, younger people, tend to be much more polite in line than the middle aged people. Well dressed, poorly dressed, it's always the 35-55 year olds that push in, let doors slam in your face, push aside women with kids etc.

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In Patong at the Big 1/Family Mart/7-11, I will shock you, I always see Thais respect the queue. In fact. most people do. The only place I have a problem is at the Big C at jungceylon and it is with visitors that speak a certain eastern european language. Perhaps it is a cultural aspect of this demographic, because their countrymen from a different "status" group are always polite. Maybe science people are just superior whistling.gif

I do notice one thing, younger people, tend to be much more polite in line than the middle aged people. Well dressed, poorly dressed, it's always the 35-55 year olds that push in, let doors slam in your face, push aside women with kids etc.

The taxi queue at On Nut was generally very orderly, but a minority ignored it completely, resulting in a far greater wait for those being patient and polite, and on my part foul and abusive language, including, on occasion, hauling people out of a cab.

In the interests of personal safety, to avoid the rush, I ended up having a few beers down town before coming home, generally in the small hours of the morning.


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New Age - that's when 350 people all decide they've done with this world and pick the one flight in 5 years that they all just know is going to crash into the middle of the Atlantic ocean so they can all die. The all made the "choice". Right?

Or the young kid that gets AIDs from it's mother and dies young - that was their "Choice". Right?

Do me a favour. Get some brains.

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It's not new agey it's a thousand year old concept and quite true. And if you had actually been there and done that and then tried the reverse you would not have the same attitude. Nice brings nice and anger brings more anger like it or not thats the way of the world. Like I have stated none of this kind of nonsense EVER comes my way because the world I create around me is a world in which it would make no sense to the people entering it to act that way.

Very impressive attaining that level of omnipotence. Where were you a couple years ago when Bangkok burned and factions battled it out in the street. We could've just had you walk the sois bringing peace and sublime tranquility to the unwashed masses.

I've heard of rose tinted glasses before, but chumley, you've locked yourself away in a rose tinted vacuum chamber. Though I suppose if you're going to indulge in illusions, one could do worse.

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I understood Mrrealdeal's post as meaning that he is a very big and aggressive looking, uncool guy! Sorry.

Ok to be zen about everything but you can't expect people to act rationally in general, especially en masse.

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Jumping Q is rude, sometimes you have to look at the full picture.....sometimes ago at the Chiangmai airport Airasia check-in counter for flight to Singapore,

there were this couple a middle age farang and his young local lass yapping away waiting to check in....they stood about four or five feet behind the person in front of them . Then came a young Singaporean ( holding the RED SIN passport )...he joined the Q accordingly that is behind the last person.

The farang blew his top and went up to him telling the poor guy to have some courtesy and follow the Q.

The guy apologised saying he didn't know the farang was in the Q as he was standing away from the proper Q.

Then the farang start cursing and swearing to his lass about Singapore and its people...BTW the farang was from down under...

I was also queuing but the other counter, that's how I saw and heard everything... bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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This is less of a problem than some years back. Stores structurally handle this better than in the past.

A few years back, I stopped to pick up some things for my breakfast and lunch--just a few items. Sometimes people would walk around the next check-out, put their stuff in front of mine, I was always at the same store, and I always just left the stuff on the conveyor and walked out. After about 3rd time, the clerk always checked my stuff out first.

Once in a while I have people sneak in the line at places like Big C, but this is often due to a spacing situation. I don't like to have my cart 1/2 up the person in front of me bum. Keep the space minimal. If someone has just a few items, I let them in front of me--time permitting.

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I rarely encounter these probs but in the scenario outlined in the previous post I have simply smiled & abandoned my shopping on the conveyor so that the staff have to put it all back.

Yeah, when you're working or traveling through BKK's traffic out 8 hours a day, then coming to 2 hours housework every evening, 6 days a week, cancelling shopping just because someone is rude is not an option

There is always an optionwai.gif

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I rarely encounter these probs but in the scenario outlined in the previous post I have simply smiled & abandoned my shopping on the conveyor so that the staff have to put it all back.

yep, that sure shows em -- 40 minutes of shopping abandoned at the checkout due to a hissy fit.

Edited by nocturn
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I was in the department of land transport making a new insurance policy and i waited for 10-15 minutes in the line to get to the counter and talk to the girl

As soon as we started doing the paperwork a pot bellied thai man wearing an army suit and a buddah amulet walked up with a handful of documents as if i was invisible and rudely pushed them between me and the cashier and asked her to check them

I turned around and looked right through him and pushed his documents to the side as rudely as he had pushed them

for a minute it felt like violence was about to erupt and i half hoped it would because i would have loved to put his teeth down his throat

the girl called someone else over to deal with this prick instead of sending him to the back of the queue so his rudeness paid off in the end because he didnt have to queue up for 15 minutes like everyone else

Edited by YipYipYa123
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Depends on the situation.

As a previous poster pointed out, queue jumping doesn't happen much at the check-outs in big stores. Its only happened once to me and the queue jumpers were Westerners... I expressed my disapproval... I'm sure they didn't understand what I was saying, but they understood the gist of it. I then just pushed in front of them. If it was a Thai, I would have just pushed in front of them without saying anything (on the basis that it would be rude on my part to talk to them in English when we are in Thailand).

Its more of a problem at the internal weighing/pricing counters in my experience, as it is more 'accepted' than at the check-out.

Markets are different - it happens frequently, but they do it to everyone not just Westerners. As I seriously don't like it - I leave my stuff and buy it at another stall. It only wastes a few minutes and (satisfyingly), the point is understood.

Mom and Pop stores - they usually know you and appreciate your business, so even when somebody else plonks their stuff on the counter just as you are about to put your stuff down - they ignore the queue jumper.

I agree that the 7/11 staff are generally pretty good, and with Yip Yip's comment about 'businesses' (TOT are my least favourite example)...

Edited by F1fanatic
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At Ikea yesterday I went to the tills and there were two women infront of me with nothing.

I was stood in the queue and then after minimum of 5 minutes I get a trolley bumped into my ankles. I look round and there is a woman with a trolley full of stuff saying excuse me, sorry, sorry sounds like the only English she knows.

She has already gone past everyone behind me. The two women in front of me then turn round and they are with this other woman. They both start with the same thing saying excuse me , excuse me sorry and gesturing to make space infront of me. They actually seem stupid enough to think I don't know what they are doing.

They walk to each other and back to me all saying and doing the same thing. They don't seem to be getting the hint so I just walk forward into the little space they were standing in before and say "Oh thankyou very kind. Thanks and take up the space they were standing in. smile.png

I only spoke English to hear what they said about me. Sadly they just laughed and and said "Farangs rolleyes.gif ".

I got plenty of smiles from other people in the queues for not letting these self important <deleted> get away with it. smile.png

Do people really think they can stand in a queue for someone and then wheel a trolleyful of items past everyone queuing when they like and not have to queue when they've finished like everyone else ? rolleyes.gif

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Elbows out, body turned to block them. If they protest, you can just sneer at them condescendingly until they realise what they are protesting or people start laughing at them (including me).

If they've done it in a way that I haven't had a chance to block, and the cashier colludes with them, then the cashier gets punished - I put all of my erstwhile purchases carefully on the floor and then leave.

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Elbows out, body turned to block them. If they protest, you can just sneer at them condescendingly until they realise what they are protesting or people start laughing at them (including me).

If they've done it in a way that I haven't had a chance to block, and the cashier colludes with them, then the cashier gets punished - I put all of my erstwhile purchases carefully on the floor and then leave.

again pointless defiance. punishing poor manners with a show of much worse

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At Ikea yesterday I went to the tills and there were two women infront of me with nothing.

I was stood in the queue and then after minimum of 5 minutes I get a trolley bumped into my ankles. I look round and there is a woman with a trolley full of stuff saying excuse me, sorry, sorry sounds like the only English she knows.

She has already gone past everyone behind me. The two women in front of me then turn round and they are with this other woman. They both start with the same thing saying excuse me , excuse me sorry and gesturing to make space infront of me. They actually seem stupid enough to think I don't know what they are doing.

They walk to each other and back to me all saying and doing the same thing. They don't seem to be getting the hint so I just walk forward into the little space they were standing in before and say "Oh thankyou very kind. Thanks and take up the space they were standing in. smile.png

I only spoke English to hear what they said about me. Sadly they just laughed and and said "Farangs rolleyes.gif ".

I got plenty of smiles from other people in the queues for not letting these self important <deleted> get away with it. smile.png

Do people really think they can stand in a queue for someone and then wheel a trolleyful of items past everyone queuing when they like and not have to queue when they've finished like everyone else ? rolleyes.gif

are you certain they were smiling in support of your actions or out of discomfort?

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What about in pubs back home? WHen its pretty much a free-for-all at the bar, and you have to fight your way (not literally) through the scallies to get within arms' reach of the bar...


That brings back memories!

Then after managing to navigate your way through the mob to reach the bar you had to lean over the bar-proppers and wave your money at the serving staff. It's much nicer here, being served by pretty girls.

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Elbows out, body turned to block them. If they protest, you can just sneer at them condescendingly until they realise what they are protesting or people start laughing at them (including me).

If they've done it in a way that I haven't had a chance to block, and the cashier colludes with them, then the cashier gets punished - I put all of my erstwhile purchases carefully on the floor and then leave.

again pointless defiance. punishing poor manners with a show of much worse

Exactly my thoughts. Can't believe what I'm reading here. Some people seem to work hard to give a bad image of "farang".

Queue jumping happened very rarely to me, and then it is mai-pen-rai, another 2 minutes extra wait.

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