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Arsenal's Celebrations Tell Us All We Need To Know

Tuesday 6th November 2007

Psychological boost for United's team

Fergie, "At the end of the Arsenal game, our players were in the dressing room feeling absolutely sick. That's twice in two years they've turned the game around and got something in the last minute, so we were definitely disappointed to come away with a draw.

"Meanwhile, their dressing room was elated. They were celebrating as if they'd won the World Cup, which I found very interesting. Our players took something out of that, psychologically.

"I think we're a better team than Arsenal now. They're a young team and they're going to be a very good team - there's no question of that - but we went there when they were on top form and they hardly managed a shot on goal. There were definitely a lot of positives for us.

"I think English football has taken another step forward from last year. At the moment, Manchester United and Arsenal are possibly the two best teams in Europe. And don't dismiss Chelsea - they'll be there come the end of the season."


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Arsenal's Celebrations Tell Us All We Need To Know

Tuesday 6th November 2007

Psychological boost for United's team

Fergie, "At the end of the Arsenal game, our players were in the dressing room feeling absolutely sick. That's twice in two years they've turned the game around and got something in the last minute, so we were definitely disappointed to come away with a draw.

"Meanwhile, their dressing room was elated. They were celebrating as if they'd won the World Cup, which I found very interesting. Our players took something out of that, psychologically.

"I think we're a better team than Arsenal now. They're a young team and they're going to be a very good team - there's no question of that - but we went there when they were on top form and they hardly managed a shot on goal. There were definitely a lot of positives for us.

"I think English football has taken another step forward from last year. At the moment, Manchester United and Arsenal are possibly the two best teams in Europe. And don't dismiss Chelsea - they'll be there come the end of the season."


So ole purple nose thinks Sepp Blatter is an intelligent man aswell as his team being better than the gooners :o

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Qualification is the only aim

Owen Hargreaves, "Dynamo seemed a bit afraid of us in Kiev. It is rare in the Champions League that you see someone pulled apart so easily and concede four goals at home. Normally, those types of game are difficult but Dynamo were really quite poor.

"I am sure Kiev will try to redeem themselves but we are expecting to win. We should go through easily and ideally we will have two games to spare."

Ryan Giggs, "You leave Arsenal disappointed because of the manner in which they got the draw. But when the dust settles you take the positives out of the game and there were some really good performances. The quality of our goals and our play at times was brilliant.

"It was not a bad result. It was hard to take at the end but we will get ready for Kiev and we will go into that game confident after our performance at Arsenal."

Gary Neville, "We're now in a really strong position where we just need to win one game… then maybe those players who haven't been playing for the last eight months can get on the pitch for the matches that don't matter so much!

"I think Kyiv will play a completely different game at Old Trafford. They'll sit behind the ball, play on the counter attack and it will be more difficult to break them down because they won't have the same kind of attacking ambitions this time.

"When you're in front of your home fans you're almost forced to attack but they won't have that same pressure on them this time. This time we're expected to win and why shouldn't we win? We're playing well, we're confident and this is a great chance for us to qualify at such an early stage of the competition.

"But we can't get carried away. We were in a similar position last year and made it hard for ourselves. And I remember when Kyiv came here in 2000 and nearly scored a late goal to knock us out of the Champions League. We have to be careful."

Fergie Backs Blatter

07 November 2007

He agrees with a 'home based' player rule

Sir Alex Ferguson, "It's certainly not wrong that clubs should be seen to have a proportion of home-based players. I totally agree (with Blatter) but it would be a problem for a club like Arsenal. That's why they'll protest the loudest. You want to protect your own, and there is nothing wrong with that. But, for the good of the game in England, it would be good to see more home-based players at the top clubs.

"United's critics would say `It's all right for you, you already have English players in your side'. But I think if you asked a neutral, they would rather see more home-based players. Under the present Treaty of Rome you couldn't make it law. It would have to be an agreement between the clubs. But if it went to a vote, I think it would get through [even though] there would be opposition from clubs like Liverpool and Arsenal, who have strong Spanish and French connections. It would certainly be a contentious issue but I agree with the principle of it."

Interviewed in the magazine 'Inside United' Ferguson also had something to say about agents in the game. "I think we need a tariff for agents that brings them in line with other professions, like lawyers or accountants. Agents need to be regulated in a far stricter way than they have been in the past. They are a very lucky breed because as long as you have greedy club presidents, agents will always be in the driving seat. But if world football recognises the need for regulation, that would make a real difference. The set up has to be more professional."

Richard Williams has a suggestion for how to make things more professional, in his Guardian blog he wrote:

'Ferguson was quoted yesterday as calling for restrictions to be placed on the activities of players' agents. "Agents have come to us many times before and they give you a transfer fee that they want," he said. "It's not directly linked to anything - and the figure is in millions. Agents need to be regulated in a far stricter way than they have been in the past."

'The solution is obvious. Managers should deal only with agents who happen to be their blood relatives - preferably their sons. Then the transfer fees could be set to suit the managers and their clubs and all would be right with the world.'

Also from yesterday....

21 Years

Tuesday 6th November 2007

United fan James Lawton in the Independent, on Sir Alex Ferguson.

'Another milestone for Sir Alex Ferguson, his 21st anniversary today at Manchester United as the most consistently successful manager in the history of English football.

'Twenty-one years at one football place, 21 years when ambition is rekindled as formally as we turn back and forward the clocks, is a phenomenal circumstance, and permits no routine explanation. It is true that his great predecessor Sir Matt Busby went 23 unbroken years at Old Trafford, built three great teams and survived, bruised and agonised in the spirit, the tragedy of Munich. But then if Sir Matt climbed great pinnacles, he also had years of pause, gaps in success that would have tormented Ferguson to the point of distraction.

'Because of his nature, Busby was easier on himself - and the rest of the world. Ferguson has never stopped running, in ecstasy at moments of supreme triumph, and in anger when things haven't worked so well. He is fuelled by joy and rage and adrenalin. In another man it might be a toxic mix. For Fergie is it is life-sustaining.

'For some the celebration of Ferguson's 21 years at Old Trafford needs to be muted. Yes, he has proved himself a natural-born winner, but what about his bullying style, his refusal to see any point of view but his own? Someone said he could have caused a row among the flower people of Woodstock, possibly even at the Last Supper. No doubt they are right, but then Ferguson is what he is and the results have been tumultuous. If we salute Wenger for the artistry of his football - and recognition is, understandably enough, running at a flood time now - is he any better able to step away from the trenches than his fiercest rival? Does it not hurt him just as badly to lose, and are the results often not equally unedifying? Of course, the answers are yes.

'Today we have to judge Ferguson on his work and who can say that, when you bring it all together, it does not represent a hugely rich contribution to the English game? He has given us great players, underpinned by ceaseless ambition, and if there has been ruthlessness, if such separate characters as Roy Keane and David Beckham have been let go without, in the end, a sliver of sentimentality, it has been the mark of his understanding of how to develop a team. Like Busby, he has made three championship teams. Unlike Busby, he has been careless in the matter of creating waves of controversy - and shaping his image. His signings have not been unerringly brilliant and sometimes his tactics have been open to question.

'But now we are in the margins of astonishing achievement. Above all, he has demanded competitive honesty from his players, and never was the result more spectacular than at the Nou Camp in 1999, when a team who looked beaten found something that carried them beyond the normal boundaries of commitment. He could have gone then, with the historic hat-trick of league title, FA Cup and European Cup gathered in at the age of 57, and of course some urged him to do so. The advice has punctuated recent years, but, except for one period of indecision, it has been brusquely rejected.

'In this we find the great and continuing redemption of Alex Ferguson. He cares less for his reputation as a gentleman of sport than the sting of battle. He ignites the game to which he has devoted his life and because he cares so much, and whatever we think of his style, so do we. It means that today the toast is not so much to a unique football manager as the sheer force of life.'


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Ferguson talks of winning the big one

On his 21st anniversary as United manager Ferguson has challenged his current team to become legends and win the Champions League.

"If you are one of the best you naturally look to spell it out with cups and medals, otherwise you are in danger of ending your career as a nearly man - and I don't think a single Manchester United player wants that," said Ferguson, who won the Champions League in 1999.

"Talk comes cheap but I think we have built a platform that, with just a little bit of luck, will launch us on our way to capture this most elusive of trophies.

"We have had our disappointments on the Champions League trail but, while you can never take anything for granted at this level because the competition is needle sharp, I really believe we are capable of going all the way."

He may stay on for another four years too.

"I am proud to have been at the right club," he said.

"I thought 20 years was the landmark last year and now there is an extra year to add to that. It does mean something to me and now I see that are taking odds on me getting to 25 years. It will be interesting to see if I last that long."

He also makes a small comparison with himself and Sir Matt Busby.

"I don't think of Sir Matt in terms of him lasting so long but there was an impact from his reign, which leaves us with a big incentive," said Ferguson.

"I think back to what he started after the war, when he had the vision to take Manchester United into Europe in 1956. That was before his time and beyond everyone's thinking.

"Chelsea won the league the previous year but didn't fancy Europe. The FA didn't fancy it and the Football League didn't fancy it either.

"But Sir Matt Busby did. That is the real link I have got with Sir Matt. The years I have spent here have been about achieving and entertaining and about meeting the demands of the modern game."

Tinkerbell Heaven

Wednesday 7th November 2007

United, Spurs and City want massive benches

Tottenham and Manchester United have asked the Premier League to allow teams to have more substitutes on the bench.

The managers of both clubs believe that there should be seven substitutes to choose from instead of five.

"Every club has players of squads of more than 16 players," said Ferguson.

"I didn't choose Darren Fletcher for the Arsenal game and that was a kick in a teeth for him and it didn't sit easy with me," added Ferguson.

The Premier League says it may look at the issue.

"If member clubs want to raise it then we'll look and discuss it as a league," a Premier League spokesman told BBC Sport.

"We've resisted the idea before because we feel it favours the bigger clubs who have bigger squads.

"If it was raised it would go to (our) summer conference, and if the clubs agreed it could be in place for the start of the 2008/2009 season."

Changes predicted for tonight

Press reports this morning suggest that Ferguson will make three changes for tonight's game against KIev. Carrick, Nani and Saha (if he stays fit) are said to be replacing Anderson, Giggs and Tevez.

Excuses, Excuses.

Wednesday 7th November 2007

Kiev get them in early.

Kiev have had to replace their coach Jozef Szabo with Oleg Luzhny as the former is suffering from heart problems. Luzhny seems to be already over-awed with the prospect of coming to Old Trafford.

"This is a big step for me and I do worry about the game," he said. "I have been here on quite a few occasions with Arsenal and found it difficult.

"I have only had two or three days to prepare for this game and it is just not enough time."

Should be a walk in the park tonight and I'm sure we'll not see the full first team as Fergoz seeks emulate, Ranieri et al....! I still think we should stuff em by 3 or 4...


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This years Champions League would be a teriffic time to win it, just for the fact of the 50th Anniversary.

I seriously beleive that if we had this squad last year, then we would have disposed of AC Milan in the Semi final, and taken care of the scousers in the final with little problem. This year is going to be really interesting, as always plenty of good teams, but I have not seen one team who look way better than any of the best 8. Hope the boys gert on with the business this evening and get qualified.

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Fergie Backs Blatter

But I think if you asked a neutral, they would rather see more home-based players.

Nope, i disagree. Having "foreigners" playing has made the EPL the best league in the world. I want to see good, stylish football. There aren't enough good players that are "home based" to acheive that.

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I set the alarm clock and was up to watch the boys on Thai Ch 3 with sound wound down. As I got back to Phuket with the worst dose of Bronchhitis, Laryngitis & Tonsillitis after a week in Oz, it wasn't too difficult to fall out of bed as I was coughing half the night anyway.

Very happy to see the young lads do the business, and whilst it wasn't the prettiest game of football I've ever watched, there were some good patches and a good healthy appetite for hard work by most of the lads.

Rooney was powering about everywhere and was M O T M for me, Ronaldo was strutting his stuff, and Tevez was a force to be reckoned with. Vidic who was given the Captain's armband after the interval must be one of Fergies Best defensive aquisitions in recent years, he linked up well with Piquet giving him support and encouragement. Another young boy coming along well is Danny Simpson, another year or 2 of experience and maturity and he'll be the perfect replacement for Neville. Pity Kiev tried just to play a defensive game, they were still outplayed and should have been instructed to just play their natural game.

Anyway I reckon we've got the right mix and depth of squad to go all the way, now it's just up to the planets all aligning correctly, and a few other spiritual factors. :o

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Fergie Backs Blatter

But I think if you asked a neutral, they would rather see more home-based players.

Nope, i disagree. Having "foreigners" playing has made the EPL the best league in the world. I want to see good, stylish football. There aren't enough good players that are "home based" to acheive that.

And just to prove it.

Last nights 4 goals by United:

Gerard Pique - Spain

Carlos Tevez - Argentina

Wayne Rooney - England

Ronaltw4to - Portugal (did you see his c0ck up when he was trying to be flash) :o

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Having "foreigners" playing has made the EPL the best league in the world. I want to see good, stylish football. There aren't enough good players that are "home based" to acheive that.

I agree. The English Premiership is by far the best league in the world. IMHO.

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Having "foreigners" playing has made the EPL the best league in the world. I want to see good, stylish football. There aren't enough good players that are "home based" to acheive that.

I agree. The English Premiership is by far the best league in the world. IMHO.

Can't disagree with that at all. Not sure if it has done much for the National team, although my own feeling is that England have got good enough players to be succesful, it's just that the attitude is all wrong, and we keep appointing muppet managers.

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FootyMAD's Blackburn Rovers match preview

Saturday 10th November 2007

This week FootyMad's match preview focuses on the game between Manchester United and Blackburn Rovers at 15:00 on Sunday 11th November 2007 in the Premier League.

History of the Manchester United v Blackburn Rovers fixture

Man. Utd. prepare to entertain Blackburn Rovers at Old Trafford on Sunday afternoon, looking to continue an impressive record. The Red Devils are clearly on top, having won 26 and lost only 9 of the 49 games.

The most recent encounter between these two sides at Old Trafford was less than a year ago, in March 2007, when they eased past their opponents in a high-scoring 4-1 thriller, in a Premiership match.

For a detailed analysis of the head-to-head between the two sides, click here

Recent encounters between the teams:

2006/2007 Sat 31 Mar Man. Utd. 4-1 Blackburn R. PREM

2006/2007 Sat 11 Nov Blackburn R. 0 - 1 Man. Utd. PREM

2005/2006 Wed 01 Feb Blackburn R. 4 - 3 Man. Utd. PREM

2005/2006 Wed 25 Jan Man. Utd. 2 - 1 Blackburn R. LGEC

2005/2006 Wed 11 Jan Blackburn R. 1 - 1 Man. Utd. LGEC

2005/2006 Sat 24 Sep Man. Utd. 1 - 2 Blackburn R. PREM

2004/2005 Sat 02 Apr Man. Utd. 0 - 0 Blackburn R. PREM

Recent respective form guides

Manchester United have an excellent home record, winning five and losing just one of the last six games. In this time, Red Devils have rattled up an impressive 15 goals, and conceded 3.

The Rovers have had a decent run of form away from home recently, with 3 victories and just 1 loss from the last six. The Rovers's have a narrow positive goal difference over these games, with 7 goals for and 6 against.

Man. Utd. sit in a healthy 2nd in the league, and have picked up 27 points from their 12 games. Blackburn R. find themselves in a respectable 6th position, courtesy of the 22 points they have accumulated from 11 games.

For a detailed analysis of team form guides throughout the leagues, click here

Current form guides: P W D L F A P

Man. Utd. 6 5 1 0 22 6 16

Blackburn R. 6 5 1 0 12 6 16

FootyMad's prediction ...

Man. Utd. may be coming up against a decent side in Blackburn R., but I do believe that its going to result in a narrow home win for the Red Devils. Home Win

Sequence statistics:

Man. Utd. Won 4 successive home games.

9 games since last home draw.

Unbeaten run of 8 matches.

Blackburn R. 3 successive away victories.

5 games since last away draw.

9 games since last defeat.



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Manchester United 2 Blackburn Rovers 0

by Footymad

Match report of yesterday afternoon's home win in the clash against Blackburn Rovers

Cristiano Ronaldo eased Sir Alex Ferguson's striker concerns as he scored both goals in Manchester United's comfortable 2-0 victory over Blackburn Rovers.

While Wayne Rooney, Carlos Tevez and Louis Saha may be seen as the men to bring in the goals for the Red Devils, the message is forget Ronaldo at your peril.

The 22-year-old Portuguese winger, who scored 23 goals for United last season, took his tally for the current campaign to ten with another double at Old Trafford.

It was the third time this season that Ronaldo has scored twice in a game and, when his strength in the air and powerful shot are combined with his trademark trickery, his scoring prowess is no surprise.

Although Ronaldo was the hero of a win which took the champions back to the top of the Premier League - albeit only likely until Arsenal play Reading on Monday night - this was a victory carved from a solid all-round performance.

Striker Tevez was in brilliant form up front and was unlucky not to score a brace himself and he received excellent support from Saha.

Tevez was denied United's opener in the sixth minute when Blackburn goalkeeper Brad Friedel was forced to dive across goal to beat away the Argentine's fierce 25-yard shot.

Blackburn were unlucky not to break the deadlock themselves after 19 minutes.

Ronaldo was robbed by David Dunn when he tried to dribble the ball out of his own box and it fell for Christopher Samba to hit a rasping 25-yard shot which crashed against a post.

But Blackburn's resistance was broken with two goals in 90 seconds.

In the 34th minute, Ryan Giggs fired a corner deep into the Blackburn box.

Ronaldo rose above Aaron Mokoena to head home from eight yards at the far post - the ball going in off the underside of the bar beating David Bentley's desperate bid to clear on the line.

Ninety seconds later, United made it 2-0 from a glorious move.

Rio Ferdinand's long ball out of defence was met by Brett Emerton, but the Blackburn man's header fell to Saha.

The Frenchman fed Tevez on the left and his tremendous run ended with a glorious pass across the box with the outside of his boot for Ronaldo to guide the ball home right footed from ten yards on the far post.

Blackburn's woes were compounded eight minutes into the second half when Dunn was sent off by referee Chris Foy.

Booked in the first half for obstructing Tevez, Dunn received his marching orders after a clumsy foul on Saha.

United had further chances to score, although Blackburn came closest two minutes from time when Samba's header from a Bentley corner was well saved by goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar, with the ball being kicked clear out of his hands by Patrice Evra.

Barclays Premier League, Sunday 11th November 2007 @ 15:00; Old Trafford

Click for Manchester United squad list

Ronaldo 34, 35

Click for Blackburn Rovers squad list

Starting Line-ups

1 Van der Sar

3 Evra

6 Brown

5 Ferdinand

15 Vidic

7 Ronaldo

8 Anderson

11 Giggs

4 Hargreaves (Carrick 77)

32 Tevez

9 Saha (Nani 68)


29 Kuszczak

22 O'Shea

17 Nani (Saha 68)

16 Carrick (Hargreaves 77)

24 Fletcher

22 Goal Attempts 12

15 On Target 7

7 Off Target 4

0 Hit Woodwork 1

2 Offsides 0

9 Corners 4

7 Fouls 19

Starting Line-ups

1 Friedel

3 Warnock

15 Mokoena

4 Samba

6 Nelsen

12 Pedersen

7 Emerton

11 Bentley

19 Dunn

10 McCarthy

9 Santa Cruz (Derbyshire 78)


32 Brown

20 Berner

2 Ooijer

5 Tugay

27 Derbyshire (Santa Cruz 78)


C Foy, Merseyside



Man. Utd. Cards

Ronaldo 90 unsporting behaviour

Blackburn R. Cards

Dunn 30 unsporting behaviour

Dunn 53 second bookable offence

Mokoena 75 unsporting behaviour

Nelsen 76 unsporting behaviour

Samba 86 unsporting behaviour


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Views From The Broadsheets

Monday 12th November 2007

United go clear at the top

The Guardian

Manchester United, if potentially only for a day, have eked out breathing space at the top. The reigning champions succeeded where Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool had been frustrated this season and defeated Blackburn Rovers, stubborn and awkward opponents, yesterday to move three points clear at the summit. They were not at their fluent best here but the result will serve as a statement of intent.

This is clearly a side than can still flourish without Wayne Rooney, who is out for a month with ankle damage. Cristiano Ronaldo provided the bite more normally demanded of the England forward, taking his season's goal tally into double figures, to shrug the hosts out of their initial lethargy. There had been times in the opening half hour when Rovers, all strength and aggression, appeared to be undermining the hosts' soaring confidence. Christopher Samba had thumped against the bar from distance and United, briefly, appeared fallible.

Then came the riposte, delivered by Ronaldo within a frantic minute to settle the contest and deflate Blackburn's optimism. A free header from the excellent Ryan Giggs' corner, the ball skimming in off David Bentley's scalp as he leapt on the goal-line, eased United ahead and calmed the jitters. Rovers were still panicked when a rat-a-tat of home passes sent Carlos Tevez scurrying down the inside-left channel with his centre steered low across and beyond Brad Friedel by the galloping Portuguese. There is no stopping Ronaldo in this form. Rooney may be missed more by his country than he is by his club.

The winger has scored 10 times in 15 United appearances this term, a record which suggests that Ferguson's pre-season demand that he improve on last season's tally of 23 may not be fanciful. The header was powerful and true, Ronaldo benefiting from Aaron Mokoena's failure to leap and compete for the cross. The pace and accuracy with which Nemanja Vidic, Louis Saha and Tevez combined to set up the second could not be stifled. Ferguson described them as "marvellous" and "stunning" goals. Blackburn, one of the Premier League teams of the moment, could not contain such effervesence.

The Telegraph

A match made by Cristiano Ronaldo as a spectacle in the first half was then ruined by Chris Foy as a spectacle in the second half. When the referee sent off David Dunn for two innocuous offences, any hope Blackburn Rovers harboured of a comeback disappeared down the tunnel with the unfortunate midfielder.

As Dunn headed disconsolately towards the dressing-room, enduring the jibes and gesticulations of the home fans, Ronaldo and the champions were heading back to the top of the Premier League. Arsenal may reclaim the high ground at Reading tonight, but what United really showed against good opponents here is that, even without Wayne Rooney, they boast class from back to front.

"They have strength, power and pace which, allied with outstanding skill, makes them very difficult to overcome," said the Rovers manager, Mark Hughes, of his former team. Ronaldo embodied all these qualities, and an aerial menace as well. A header from a corner and then a low shot made it seven goals in seven games for United's No7.

After an uninspiring, suspension-hit start to the season, the winger is now really flying, a tally of 10 for the term reflecting his influence. With Sir Alex Ferguson using a 4-2-3-1 formation, Ronaldo featured all over the attacking third, starting on the right but finishing up swaggering through the middle. Ronaldo is a one-man variety show.

United enjoyed good performances all over the park. The ball seems to have a magnetic attraction to Nemanja Vidic's head and nearly every Rovers cross was met by the tall Serb. Vidic has brought a real stubborn streak to United's defence - and the best out of Rio Ferdinand.

In front of Ferdinand and Vidic, Owen Hargreaves anchored superbly, still finding time to slip upfield. So did Anderson, Ferguson's other holding midfielder. The Brazilian was again outstanding, all velvety touch and steely relish for a tackle.

Anderson has been presented with his chance in the absence of Paul Scholes, whose knee operation was pronounced "100 per cent successful" by Ferguson yesterday. "He will be back, refreshed and eager, in January," United's manager wrote in his programme notes.

Another evergreen Red, Ryan Giggs, rolled back the years, and a few markers, with some great moves. At one magical point in the second half, the 34-year-old swayed with the elasticity of a teenager past Benni McCarthy and Aaron Mokoena before being hauled down by Ryan Nelsen. Giggs then went round David Bentley twice; one more and he would have got to keep the Rovers winger. Old Trafford roared its admiration.

So did an illustrious alumnus. "I played with Ryan and I know what a good player he is," said Hughes. "He has made his mark on the football world and I hope he gets the [united] appearance record [held by Sir Bobby Charlton]."

The Times

Cristiano Ronaldo's double pole-axed 10-man Blackburn Rovers as Manchester United made light of Wayne Rooney's absence and surged to the top of the Barclays Premier League with a 2-0 victory

Rovers coped well with the dismissal of David Dunn but could only stand and admire as Ronaldo scored twice in two first-half minutes, powering home Ryan Giggs' corner before finishing off Carlos Tevez's magnificent square pass.

Although Ronaldo failed to complete his first United hat-trick, the double strike took him to 10 for the season and provided his team with their ninth win in 10 matches.

That run that does not seem likely to be tested by Bolton, Fulham and Derby, their next three opponents, as the pressure starts to build in the championship race.

Certainly a capacity crowd could not help but be impressed by Blackburn's early efforts.

With Benni McCarthy and Roque Santa Cruz mobile up front, the returning Aaron Mokoena biting into tackles in midfield and David Bentley providing a constant threat out wide, Rovers could easily have been ahead before Ronaldo sent them to the floor.

The nearest they came was when Christopher Samba belted a shot against Edwin van der Sar's left-hand post, with the Dutchman totally beaten.

United were left to complain at referee Chris Foy's failure to spot Dunn's foul on Ronaldo on the edge of the Blackburn box which offered Samba his opportunity.

However, given the way Hughes spent the final 15 minutes of the opening period shaking his head in disbelief at the number of borderline decisions that went against his side, he would not have been impressed at the hosts moans.

And by half-time, Hughes had plenty to occupy his mind too.

Having won the corner initially with a shot that flicked off Dunn, Ronaldo rose highest to meet Giggs' set piece and this time Bentley, who had already hacked one shot off the line from the Portugal winger, could not keep it out

Within sixty seconds, Blackburn were two down, unable to withstand the sheer pace of United's brutal counter-attack. Once Brett Emerton had been unable to do any more than nod Rio Ferdinand's clearance straight up in the air, Rovers were doomed.

Louis Saha, on his first Premier League start since February and a man with much responsibility on his shoulders in Rooney's absence, was onto the loose ball in a flash, prodding it to Tevez who tore into the Blackburn half.

Saha kept motoring but it was Ronaldo to his right who received the perfect pass Tevez delivered with the outside of his right boot. Brad Friedel did his best to deny the wide-man but ultimately he failed.

If Hughes was unhappy before half-time, he was positively fuming seven minutes after the restart when his side were reduced to 10 men by Dunn's dismissal.

Dunn's exit effectively ended any hope of Blackburn preserving their unbeaten away record, although they remained determined enough to prevent United adding to their tally.

Ferguson's post-match comments.


"This is a good young team coming together, playing the right way," said Ferguson. "They have great courage in the way they want to play. They want to win something and the signs are good. They have a great chance of doing that. I believe this is the strongest squad I have ever had, so much so that I think I would be pushed to name my overall best team. This is what I have been working towards.

"I don't like the short-term fix. I prefer to see a pool of players emerge and develop into something special which - believe me - is what is happening at Old Trafford this season. We have the young players led by Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo and now joined by the likes of Carlos Tevez, Nani and Anderson.

"I am not becoming youth-obsessed either, with experience represented by [Paul] Scholes and Ryan Giggs who, in my view, will play until they are 36, such have been their lifestyles. There is many a pitfall for celebrity players but those two have avoided all the traps and set fine examples for those coming up behind them."

However he didn't want to be drawn into the debate of who will replace him when he decides to step down.

"Every time we play against an opponent managed by one of my old players, this crops up," added Ferguson. "It's unfair on whoever is being discussed at the time. Also it's trying to shove me out the door quicker than I want to go. I'm fit and healthy and, as long as that continues, I want to go on."

Hughes believes the title could stay at Old Trafford next season:

"They have strength, power, pace ... those qualities, allied with outstanding skill, make them a very difficult team to overcome. They're the current champions


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Ok, its a slow day....!

Today's Silly Story

Monday 12th November 2007

Wayne Rooney drinks wine.

From today's Sun

MANCHESTER United ace Wayne Rooney really is a vintage pro — he's become a wine connoisseur.

The England striker lists a snifter of Sauvignon blanc as his top tipple and has been eagerly building up his own cellar.

Wayne, 22, is taking advice from manager Sir Alex Ferguson, who is an expert on fine wines.

Cynics reckon Rooney thinks Sauvignon blanc is the brother of Utd's French former centre-half Laurent Blanc and the only whining he does is when he's booked.

But a source at the club's Carrington training ground said: "You'd think Wayne prefers a pint of fizzy lager, but a posh glass of wine with his dinner is what does it for him.

"He'll be the first to admit he knows very little about wine, but Fergie is showing him the ropes and recommending classy bottles of plonk.

"But he winds Wayne up about not knowing the difference between a bottle of wine and a bottle of vinegar."


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United mourn loss of Busby Babe Doherty

Manchester United have announced that former Busby Babe John Doherty has died at the age of 72.

Doherty, who was chairman of the Association of Former Manchester United Players, made 26 appearances for the club, scoring seven goals, before retiring at the age of just 23 with a chronic knee injury.

He was a member of the 1955-56 championship-winning team and was was one of three former players who carried the Premier League trophy on to the pitch for last season's title presentation.

United chief executive David Gill said: 'John was a tireless leader of the Association of Former Players and a much loved and popular figure around Old Trafford.

'His work with the Former Players saw the group go from strength to strength. His quick wit and easy manner will be greatly missed.

'It was a special moment for him to be able to bring on the Premier League trophy at the end of last season with his other friends from the Busby Babes' first title-winning team in 1956 for presentation to the team; a role he performed with great pride and dignity.

'Our thoughts are with his family.'

Paddy Crerand, a close friend of Doherty, said: 'I am absolutely devastated. It's hard to take. He was a great, great lad and such a big fan of United.

'He was always at the games at Old Trafford and obviously has the history of playing for the club as a Busby Babe.

'One of the great things about him was the work he did for the Association of Former Manchester United Players. He was absolutely fantastic with his work for the old boys.'

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£10m Veloso is United's next Portuguese target

Daniel Taylor

Wednesday November 21, 2007

The Guardian

Sir Alex Ferguson is strongly considering adding to the Portuguese contingent at Manchester United by making a transfer-window move for Miguel Veloso, Sporting Lisbon's impressive young midfielder.


SPORTING MANCHESTER................ :o:D

Edited by LeungKen
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Loos like a good player, and most of the players who have come over to play in the EPL recently have adapted well at United and Chelsea. Quirez obviously has an influence on this, but so far the guys United have bought in from Portugal have all bee quality.

I see know reason why he shouldn't stregnthen the side further in January if the right players are available. Personally, I'd like to see a new strkier in, as I still feel that come the run in after christmas we need that extra depth.

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Loos like a good player, and most of the players who have come over to play in the EPL recently have adapted well at United and Chelsea. Quirez obviously has an influence on this, but so far the guys United have bought in from Portugal have all bee quality.

I see know reason why he shouldn't stregnthen the side further in January if the right players are available. Personally, I'd like to see a new strkier in, as I still feel that come the run in after christmas we need that extra depth.

Don't panic Mr.Toad, all is under control, all you have to do is dust the cabinet room at Toad Hall and your Uncle Alex will do the rest......... :o

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Loos like a good player, and most of the players who have come over to play in the EPL recently have adapted well at United and Chelsea. Quirez obviously has an influence on this, but so far the guys United have bought in from Portugal have all bee quality.

I see know reason why he shouldn't stregnthen the side further in January if the right players are available. Personally, I'd like to see a new strkier in, as I still feel that come the run in after christmas we need that extra depth.

Don't panic Mr.Toad, all is under control, all you have to do is dust the cabinet room at Toad Hall and your Uncle Alex will do the rest......... :o

The purple nosed wizard, I am sure will deliver a trophy to the cabinet again this year.

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Rooney's powers of recovery are truely amazing ( unlike his international strike partner :o ).

I just wonder though will they catch up with him quicker than your average premiership player , in his mid twenties maybe ??? , time will tell ! :

Wayne Rooney's comeback from an ankle injury has seen him return to training for Manchester United. (Various)

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Rooney's powers of recovery are truely amazing ( unlike his international strike partner :o ).

I just wonder though will they catch up with him quicker than your average premiership player , in his mid twenties maybe ??? , time will tell ! :

Wayne Rooney's comeback from an ankle injury has seen him return to training for Manchester United. (Various)

Micheal Owen could get injured answearing the telephone. He's about as physically tuned as Joey Deacon. Sorry, for the use of Joey, but maybe some of you can remember him.

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I've just tried logging on to Man United web site to listen to the match commentry only to find it's only available to MUTV subscribers now (it was still available free for their last game).I've always been wary of paying for MUTV because the internet speed here in Thailand is so erratic.Does anybody else watch MUTV from here in Thailand and if so what sort of reception do you get?

I've just looked at TVU on line and it seems that Star Sports is not available on there either. The picture quality wasn't brilliant but at least they showed a premiership game every Saturday and Sunday.

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I've just tried logging on to Man United web site to listen to the match commentry only to find it's only available to MUTV subscribers now (it was still available free for their last game).I've always been wary of paying for MUTV because the internet speed here in Thailand is so erratic.Does anybody else watch MUTV from here in Thailand and if so what sort of reception do you get?

I've just looked at TVU on line and it seems that Star Sports is not available on there either. The picture quality wasn't brilliant but at least they showed a premiership game every Saturday and Sunday.

No, but I'm watching it on True at the moment, and you're not missing much. :o Ferguson has been sent off, and Tevex has just missed an open goal. Constant United pressure, but it's looking like onr of those days., :D

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