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Hi my little cat has an eye infection in eye. I have many eyedrops but not sure which one is for the cat but if I remember they are the same for people Can anyone advise.

He does seem to have a fever but ate today and does not seem dehydrated but did have the runs.

(9 hours outside only to run in the house and use the sink. urg)

The eye is open but runny.



I suggest to take your cat to a vet for a full check up. There may be something else bothering your cat, and the infected eye is just part of the symptoms. (the diarrhea and fever another part).

Better safe than sorry. smile.png


Check out these common causes (my emphasis):


Uveitis is an inflammation of the inner pigmented structures of the eye. It is one of the most common inner eye conditions of cats, in part because a number of feline infectious diseases can involve the eye. They include feline leukemia (FeLV), feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), especially the granulomatous form), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), toxoplasmosis, herpesvirus, bartonella, systemic fungal infections, and the larvae of roundworms and heartworms. Uveitis may also be caused by penetrating eye injuries, blood-borne bacterial infections, and eyetumors. Uveitis is a serious disorder that can lead to blindness.

Uveitis is painful. The cat squints, and the affected eye waters. Other distinguishing signs of uveitis are surface redness and a small pupil. When you push with your finger against the eyelid, the eye is tender and feels like a soft grape. Some cats will show a clouding or edema of the cornea and there may be new blood vessels growing across the cornea. Blood or pus may leak into the front area of the eye. The accumulation of inflammatory cells may cause the iris to stick to the lens and lead to secondary

glaucoma as a result of scar-type damage."

As Nienke suggests, vet first.

Good luck for moggie.

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