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What You Like Doing Best On Your Farm,{Keep It Clean Ish}

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When I retired, my friends told me that I would be bored to tears. They were wrong. I enjoy being lazy and although I have many things I could be doing, I prefer to just relax. We have a small weekend house (very small) built overlooking our pond. I like to sit on the front porch and watch the sun go down over the mountains. I'd enjoy staying there overnight once in a while but there is no electricity available. The generator interrupts the peace and quiet.

The other day the wife and I went shopping for some plumbing fittings to get more of the pigs drinking system installed. The girl at the shop asked why I hadn't gone home to Australia like all the other farangs? I was a bit puzzled and she explained that there had many many farangs build homes in our area in the last few years but they all end up getting bored and taking the new families with them back home.

I think living on a farm offers interests that dont have to be physical, you are watching stuff grow not in front of the TV. For me, doing things around the place is great fun. New projects include a cold room to hang carcasses and getting into pelletising our organic fertiliser and pig feed. Bored? No don't have time to think about that...

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I like watching things grow and thinking hey I had a part in that. I like learning to do things that I never would have thought that I could do myself having been an office johnnie. I had a job where I had to fight with f---wits, and help unfortunates, when I left I was replaced with a system that didn't help anybody and let the f---wits walk all over it. But anyway I was never confident of things outside my comfort zone, now with wife at my side, but not always, I tackle just about anything, except climbing ladders beyond about the 4th step.

And the Archa at the end of the day is cold, but I enjoy the rare morning drink with BiL 1-4, (BiL5 doesn't drink) when there is a wedding or some other such occasion to stop for a day.

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i like to watch things grow too, see pics,

the baby ducks the wife bought while i was in scotland all growing well, she says shes going to let them out into the pond area now,

and thats the last lot of baby pigs we got in, she,ll be going to get more end of this month,

and the last one is the wife, with the baby growing nice and strong, cant wait, all the sleepless nites,,lol





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Yesterday I stuck a spade into some new dirt I have "making" over the dry season. We still have not has any rain so the "unnatural" soil on our place is still like Ayers rock, but this bit, spade into it full depth. Not a sign of any of the materials used everything just soil. So into the truck and off to get some more rice hulls to make biochar and start the next patch.

The experiments in windrowing anything that would compost produced a thin layer on top of ground but really didnt achieve much. Back to getting the plough stuck in first, you can keep the no dig stuff when your base is as poor as mine.

So before I can enjoy watching more stuff grow it will be back on the shovel and pitch fork in the compost bins and muckout barrow in the pig pens. Slashing grass and pulling weeds. Whats not to love about farming? I wouldn't be dead for quids.

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IA ,,, you make me laugh,,

we wouldnt have it any other way,,lol

we must like to strugle, if the soil was like i had in england ide be as happy as a pig in s,,t but it isnt ive got what ive got, so we just make the best of it, we are lucky that a lot of us keep pigs,chickens ect so we have all the things there to inprove our soil, like IA says its just hard work, but we love it,,,,

its what we all wanted to do, and to be honest i think a lot of this grow your own and try to be selfsuffisiant is in us all, i know this is my future and i wouldnt want it any other way, yes a bit more money would make things easyer, thats why im here in scotland at the moment thinking of our future, im working 7x12hour nites, ok im supervision so i dont work as hard as the boys on the tools but im still here the hours,

but this is my dream and ill work my ass of for it, both here and at home,

take care all, and i wont forget your vegimite IA, and if you want other things i can get in my case just ask, seeds ect,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, jake

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IA ,,, you make me laugh,,

we wouldnt have it any other way,,lol

we must like to strugle, if the soil was like i had in england ide be as happy as a pig in s,,t but it isnt ive got what ive got, so we just make the best of it, we are lucky that a lot of us keep pigs,chickens ect so we have all the things there to inprove our soil, like IA says its just hard work, but we love it,,,,

its what we all wanted to do, and to be honest i think a lot of this grow your own and try to be selfsuffisiant is in us all, i know this is my future and i wouldnt want it any other way, yes a bit more money would make things easyer, thats why im here in scotland at the moment thinking of our future, im working 7x12hour nites, ok im supervision so i dont work as hard as the boys on the tools but im still here the hours,

but this is my dream and ill work my ass of for it, both here and at home,

take care all, and i wont forget your vegimite IA, and if you want other things i can get in my case just ask, seeds ect,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, jake

Bring back the real stuff pigeonjake- marmite! 'I've been searching high and low' as Roger Daltrey sings in The Seeker' but 'I won't get what I'm after till the day I die'.

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I am just about to go out and start a new compose pile. I have only been living up here since January but I have been renovating the place for almost a year now. Would really like to do more of the agricultural projects, but still have a couple of months left of completing the rebuild of the old farmhouse.

What do I like best? Being alone with thoughts and having free reign to attempt any project I wish.

And morning sunrise coffee.

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I am just about to go out and start a new compose pile. I have only been living up here since January but I have been renovating the place for almost a year now. Would really like to do more of the agricultural projects, but still have a couple of months left of completing the rebuild of the old farmhouse.

What do I like best? Being alone with thoughts and having free reign to attempt any project I wish.

And morning sunrise coffee.

Remember if you want to get a garden going, the wet season is the time when you can turn a sod!

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ok mate leave it with me,lol, i saw real big jars today

Check this out 600gram tubs Marmite total cost delivered Thailand about 1000 bht


Look at some of their other goodis and they will combine postage

A thousand baht for axle grease? You atomic bombs amaze me, rats in the scruppy cider, dogs in the pubs and a crooked clock being renamed after the Queen. There was a book written about "Ozzies" called a weird mob, (muffled rush of methane) your guys take the cake.

Sorry while editing time allows, let me change that to "the pork pie".

Edited by IsaanAussie
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they wont have to pay me post and packing, im not in it to make money, im just here in scotland working and said i would bring some of the boys something home for them ,, thats all,,

i come over just about every yr for a few weeks to work, so why not help my fellow farmer

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ok mate leave it with me,lol, i saw real big jars today

Check this out 600gram tubs Marmite total cost delivered Thailand about 1000 bht


Look at some of their other goodis and they will combine postage

A thousand baht for axle grease? You atomic bombs amaze me, rats in the scruppy cider, dogs in the pubs and a crooked clock being renamed after the Queen. There was a book written about "Ozzies" called a weird mob, (muffled rush of methane) your guys take the cake.

Sorry while editing time allows, let me change that to "the pork pie".

Listen you aged Aussie Twazzock it's not 5 mins ago you were waxing lyrical about how you missed your Vegimite. You must have a bout of cabin fever and gone native "I miss you too much. I luv you long time etc until you have to pay. There's only one thing tighter than an old Aussie Piggyophile and thats a Masterbaker from Barnsley ( I was going to send you 3 sachets of Marmite I found in a cafe but I'm going to find some homeless person on the streets and see if they want to buy them cheap)

I'm all heart LY LT Bob Mrs G sends her love to Mrs Mac

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After spending 33 years in the Maritime Industry, this farming caper is a whole new world to me.

Like others here I love to start the day with a flat white coffee (brought our own espresso coffee machine with us) and if the wife hasn't got any jobs in mind for me, I might spend an hour or so on the brush cutter to cut the grass. We live on 6 rai so it's like painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge..........once you've finished, it's time to start again.

But what I like to do on the farm is having the freedom to do whatever tickles my fancy.

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We've just moved out on a spread in the last few months and things are so different from the city. We have our coffee and watch the sun come up, watch the weather change over the day, plant trees, water them, talk to the local farmers, feed the fish or catch a few to eat. Still a million projects to get the place done but very rewarding work. One of the most satisfying things we have done is the wife and I drilled our own well. Quite a good feeling being able to drink good water from your own efforts.

Nice to see a thread like this pidgeonjake.

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thank you, i just thought it would be nice if we all told what we like to do, i just like being with my wife building our future, im not a rich man, but i love my wife and ill do what is needed to make us happy,

im in scotland at the moment, and im missing everything so so much, but my wife sends me pics and tell me all about the farm when i ring her twice a day,,lol, she sold 8 pigs this last week,,

its a good life when it all starts to come together, theres another couple of things we want to do, im going to make a small mushrrom shed, and i want to start selling some pork from home, so there will be plenty of things for me to do when i get back,

see i do most of my own building work, my father was a builder so i can lay blocks and bricks,, soi do most of it myself, hard work but i cant be one of them falang who just sit around all day doing nothing,


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Sometimes I take my coffee down to the stream that runs out back.


Mate you have me green with envy, what a beautiful spot. The thought of having a running stream like that on our property would be heaven of a stick. Best I can do is pumps and waterfalls, watch this space... Your picture has spurred to do something about it. Practical reasoning to aerate the pond.

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We live on 6 rai ...

Any plans for Plants or an Animal Farm (pun intended) of any persuasion?

We have mango trees, bananas, lime, kaffir lime, paw paw, coconut and lots of others I don't know their names. Plus about 2 rai of lemon grass.

Also 4 dogs, 4 cats + kittens, chooks.

So there is always something to do......never seem to get on top of it though.....mai pen rai.

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great stuff all you farmer types...keep it coming....been cutting brush today..heaving rocks and shoveling sand/cement for new deck....drinking beer........love it here...they can use my ashes for fertiliser..no worries...

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great stuff all you farmer types...keep it coming....been cutting brush today..heaving rocks and shoveling sand/cement for new deck....drinking beer........love it here...they can use my ashes for fertiliser..no worries...

It would make me quite happy if, when my time comes, my remains will become part of the soil that I have worked on. Can't think of anything more fitting.

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Time to sit and think , kids playing in the street, with their cousins, a big moon coming over the trees. In laws, aunt and sister in law sitting on the floor in the open air area of the house eating, 2 tappers sleeping in hammocks. While I play Irish Celtic music softly, sipping an ice cold can of Leo.

There is no other place that I would rather be, unlike when I lived in the world and wished I was anyway, but where I was.

Issan will do me fine for the rest of my time. Jim

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I always enjoy visiting friends that have a few rai and walking through their plants and trees and we are patiently waiting for our fruit trees to grow and start producing. We do have a 1 meter tall mango tree that has 3 huge mangoes hanging from it already and the Lamyai are mature and getting heavy with berries. Here's our current tree tally:

Norfolk Pine: 6

Mango: 4

Jackfruit: 2

Pomelo: 2

Putsah: 2

Lomyai: 7

Laprang: 2

Roseapple: 2

Delonix: 1

Lillawadee: 2

Travellers Palm: 2

Bird of paradise: 1

Mahogony: 1

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