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Dogs In Danger In Bangkok

Lite Beer

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Yes, it is a clash of cultures. We need to remind ourselves that although they dress like modern people, drive motor vehicles and have access to other modern conveniences, some cultures are still living with a 1st century primative mentality..."If it has 4 legs, it's food".

what an ignorant post, some cultures consider eating cows primitive does that make steak eaters 1st century primitives.

Dogs have been domesticated to be companions and serve many useful purposes for humans. In this case the dogs were gathered for food in a nation where we see the most respected person in the country being accompanied by his dog wherever he goes. It appears that the dog serves as both a companion and a service dog. Both of which I am sure enrich his life. I believe we should follow his wise example and treat dogs the way he treats his.

I challenge you to name one major culture which believes eating cows is primitive. Some cultures don't eat cows due to ancient religious beliefs based on the necessity of not killing the beast of burden which was used for increased productivity of vegetable based food sources...NOT...because they believe it is primitive. In fact, that belief itself is now considered primitive because most cows roaming around that country are not used for agricultural purposes these days and could be used as a food source for an undernourished population.

However, dogs are consumed as a delicacy in countries where there are abundances of food sources and are only consumed because of some primitive belief that dog meat warms the blood, and that the more inhumane manner in which the dog is killed enhances the taste of the meat. Plus, the man in question had other options, since it was stated that he had a job and chose to use his wages for alcohol instiead of buying food.

Before you challenge a statement as being ignorant you should put down your bottle of beer and conduct some research in the matter.

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Yes, it is a clash of cultures. We need to remind ourselves that although they dress like modern people, drive motor vehicles and have access to other modern conveniences, some cultures are still living with a 1st century primative mentality..."If it has 4 legs, it's food".

what an ignorant post, some cultures consider eating cows primitive does that make steak eaters 1st century primitives.

Dogs have been domesticated to be companions and serve many useful purposes for humans. In this case the dogs were gathered for food in a nation where we see the most respected person in the country being accompanied by his dog wherever he goes. It appears that the dog serves as both a companion and a service dog. Both of which I am sure enrich his life. I believe we should follow his wise example and treat dogs the way he treats his.

I challenge you to name one major culture which believes eating cows is primitive. Some cultures don't eat cows due to ancient religious beliefs based on the necessity of not killing the beast of burden which was used for increased productivity of vegetable based food sources...NOT...because they believe it is primitive. In fact, that belief itself is now considered primitive because most cows roaming around that country are not used for agricultural purposes these days and could be used as a food source for an undernourished population.

However, dogs are consumed as a delicacy in countries where there are abundances of food sources and are only consumed because of some primitive belief that dog meat warms the blood, and that the more inhumane manner in which the dog is killed enhances the taste of the meat. Plus, the man in question had other options, since it was stated that he had a job and chose to use his wages for alcohol instiead of buying food.

Before you challenge a statement as being ignorant you should put down your bottle of beer and conduct some research in the matter.


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There are many badly behaved children but I don't think they should be rounded up, tortured and skinned alive as happens to many of the dogs that are stolen.

I would eat those kids for 100,000 baht.

Well I didn't say you shouldn't eat them did I? smile.png

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If a dog is out on the Soi bothering people, put it on the menu. Maybe that will teach the owners some responsibility.

Way too many strays out there.

A fairly stupid comment I think. Yes there may be too many strays out there but the word "stray" suggests they don't have an owner so how's your great well thought out plan going to work then. I admit Thais need to learn how to treat dogs to stop them bothering people. My gf has 8 dogs and although they spend most of their time on our property they do sometimes run out if something is going on at the end of the drive. We've had gates put up which are closed at night but at the back it just goes onto the rice field so it's a bit difficult. One of the problems is they keep getting pregnant. It's not really practical to get them to the vets which is a pity as I believe there is a government scheme to get them spayed or neutered. The only option to date has been injections for the bitches to prevent pregnancy. Unfortunately the last litter came from a bitch that had injections so it doesn't always work. They also seem to have no idea how to train them and now with 8 of them it's a bit difficult. This is going to be a long process for me and may only get better as some dogs die.

Your comment "put it on the menu" suggests you haven't discovered the real problem here. As I said in an earlier post (# 50) it's not the eating that's the problem but the treatment. Check the link in my post.

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thats the point isnt it

that more thais need to care more about animals welfare, instead of just leaving pets stranded on motorways or on sois because they lose interest in owning their pets,

only twisted morons on this site can blame pets or soi dogs for wandering around without any home

most days i will give soi dogs/ cats fresh water as thats one thing that most people forget, sure you see many kind people give food but also fresh water is just as needed for these animals

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If a dog is out on the Soi bothering people, put it on the menu. Maybe that will teach the owners some responsibility.

Way too many strays out there.

A fairly stupid comment I think. Yes there may be too many strays out there but the word "stray" suggests they don't have an owner so how's your great well thought out plan going to work then.

I think the lesson would be for owners not to let their dogs run wild unless they want them to become a meal.

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I think the majority of dogs found wandering in the west are put down .. why not have the meat go to some good? I think even good ole PETA ends up killing the majority of dogs they "rescue"

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In the Ban Phe area you have holidaymakers who leave their dogs on the beach when there's already a big problem with stray dogs and everybody feeds the puppies which causes the alpha dogs to get agressive. I have had a lot of problems with dogs after dark when they wake up after lying in the streets all day but it's not just soi dogs, so many owners have ignored their dogs getting aggressive towards me and there will be payback soon. (rat poison + paracetomol). It is a big problem here and I would pay these people to come and take them to Vietnam as nobody seems bothered about the problem. They could feed the dogs contraceptives, they did a similar thing with rabies by feeding them anti-biotics as I understand it.

A tip when you're looking to rent a house, go there after dark and see if it's still quiet as I rented one place and it was a nightmare at night with all the barking dogs.

You are a gutless COWARD.

Have you ever seen the hell a dog goes through when it's poisoned?

Man up and kill the dog humanely, since you're so keen on killing a creature, which through no fault of it's own disturbs your existence. Catch them and euthanise them if you're so keen on playing god.

Better yet, man up and confront the people you've identified as being responsible for your inability to deal with something in your environment.

What about carrying a stick and become the Alpha male of your environment

Be careful people don't take the same "eradication" strategy on you.

You get caught poisoning dogs and payback may come soon...

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My home has a 2 metre high wall around the land, inside are 7 dogs (rescued) they are all different types, they are far lovlier than majority of persons outside. Giving me so much love, When we talk about politics here I would sooner have some of them put down.

Big problem street dogs-unwanted because they are not puppies anymore. I rescued a pregnant 2 year old bitch, vets here are not allowed to operate to terminate a bitch in pup. So we are left with more dogs, And Thailand cannot expect to make inroads into the dog problem when it fails to take care of it's elderly and sick.

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In the Ban Phe area you have holidaymakers who leave their dogs on the beach when there's already a big problem with stray dogs and everybody feeds the puppies which causes the alpha dogs to get agressive. I have had a lot of problems with dogs after dark when they wake up after lying in the streets all day but it's not just soi dogs, so many owners have ignored their dogs getting aggressive towards me and there will be payback soon. (rat poison + paracetomol). It is a big problem here and I would pay these people to come and take them to Vietnam as nobody seems bothered about the problem. They could feed the dogs contraceptives, they did a similar thing with rabies by feeding them anti-biotics as I understand it.

A tip when you're looking to rent a house, go there after dark and see if it's still quiet as I rented one place and it was a nightmare at night with all the barking dogs.

You are a gutless COWARD.

Have you ever seen the hell a dog goes through when it's poisoned?

Man up and kill the dog humanely, since you're so keen on killing a creature, which through no fault of it's own disturbs your existence. Catch them and euthanise them if you're so keen on playing god.

Better yet, man up and confront the people you've identified as being responsible for your inability to deal with something in your environment.

What about carrying a stick and become the Alpha male of your environment

Be careful people don't take the same "eradication" strategy on you.

You get caught poisoning dogs and payback may come soon...

to carry a stick is fine , its not always a good idea to complain to thai's about a noisy dog though,...... i remember a story on here a while back about a thai stabbing his nieghbour to death over them complaining about his dog barking , ...... no easy answer to this problem , everything seems to revert back to the lack of education and responsability but until thailand gets 100 meechais' running the country nothing will change,.................dont hold your breath ! , until that day ,i see nothing wrong if soi dogs were helping to feed the needy , though i think to feed the cruel chinese hi-so's stupid beliefs is just wrong period.

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why is it that the thai gov;t past or present never see the the advantage/opportunity/benefit of having public information films on tv ???..........i have never seen one on any subject be it about road safety for kids,wearing crash helmets,driving sefely,seat belts,aids,hiv,std's or that a dog is for life , not just a birthday and they don't stay pups forever.......etc etc ,.........anyone here ever seen one ? , not suprising thais are so irrisponsible if they follow their leaders example .

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In the Ban Phe area you have holidaymakers who leave their dogs on the beach when there's already a big problem with stray dogs and everybody feeds the puppies which causes the alpha dogs to get agressive. I have had a lot of problems with dogs after dark when they wake up after lying in the streets all day but it's not just soi dogs, so many owners have ignored their dogs getting aggressive towards me and there will be payback soon. (rat poison + paracetomol). It is a big problem here and I would pay these people to come and take them to Vietnam as nobody seems bothered about the problem. They could feed the dogs contraceptives, they did a similar thing with rabies by feeding them anti-biotics as I understand it.

A tip when you're looking to rent a house, go there after dark and see if it's still quiet as I rented one place and it was a nightmare at night with all the barking dogs.

You are a gutless COWARD.

Have you ever seen the hell a dog goes through when it's poisoned?

Man up and kill the dog humanely, since you're so keen on killing a creature, which through no fault of it's own disturbs your existence. Catch them and euthanise them if you're so keen on playing god.

Better yet, man up and confront the people you've identified as being responsible for your inability to deal with something in your environment.

What about carrying a stick and become the Alpha male of your environment

Be careful people don't take the same "eradication" strategy on you.

You get caught poisoning dogs and payback may come soon...

to carry a stick is fine , its not always a good idea to complain to thai's about a noisy dog though,...... i remember a story on here a while back about a thai stabbing his nieghbour to death over them complaining about his dog barking , ...... no easy answer to this problem , everything seems to revert back to the lack of education and responsability but until thailand gets 100 meechais' running the country nothing will change,.................dont hold your breath ! , until that day ,i see nothing wrong if soi dogs were helping to feed the needy , though i think to feed the cruel chinese hi-so's stupid beliefs is just wrong period.

We have a Thai neighbour who's dog constantly barks and wakes us up, as you can see from the time stamp on this post. Another farang in the Moo Ban complained to him and he just pointed a gun at him and said "go away". So whilst dog lovers post comments about why don't you man up etc they do not understand realities of life in Thailand.

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In the Ban Phe area you have holidaymakers who leave their dogs on the beach when there's already a big problem with stray dogs and everybody feeds the puppies which causes the alpha dogs to get agressive. I have had a lot of problems with dogs after dark when they wake up after lying in the streets all day but it's not just soi dogs, so many owners have ignored their dogs getting aggressive towards me and there will be payback soon. (rat poison + paracetomol). It is a big problem here and I would pay these people to come and take them to Vietnam as nobody seems bothered about the problem. They could feed the dogs contraceptives, they did a similar thing with rabies by feeding them anti-biotics as I understand it.

A tip when you're looking to rent a house, go there after dark and see if it's still quiet as I rented one place and it was a nightmare at night with all the barking dogs.

You are a gutless COWARD.

Have you ever seen the hell a dog goes through when it's poisoned?

Man up and kill the dog humanely, since you're so keen on killing a creature, which through no fault of it's own disturbs your existence. Catch them and euthanise them if you're so keen on playing god.

Better yet, man up and confront the people you've identified as being responsible for your inability to deal with something in your environment.

What about carrying a stick and become the Alpha male of your environment

Be careful people don't take the same "eradication" strategy on you.

You get caught poisoning dogs and payback may come soon...

to carry a stick is fine , its not always a good idea to complain to thai's about a noisy dog though,...... i remember a story on here a while back about a thai stabbing his nieghbour to death over them complaining about his dog barking , ...... no easy answer to this problem , everything seems to revert back to the lack of education and responsability but until thailand gets 100 meechais' running the country nothing will change,.................dont hold your breath ! , until that day ,i see nothing wrong if soi dogs were helping to feed the needy , though i think to feed the cruel chinese hi-so's stupid beliefs is just wrong period.

We have a Thai neighbour who's dog constantly barks and wakes us up, as you can see from the time stamp on this post. Another farang in the Moo Ban complained to him and he just pointed a gun at him and said "go away". So whilst dog lovers post comments about why don't you man up etc they do not understand realities of life in Thailand.

Oh, I understand the realities of life in Thailand - you sign up for the good and have to roll with the bad

I understand that there are so many unjust things beyond our control here - but poisoning animals isn't the answer.

These unjust things are beyond the control of most Thais too. I wish I knew the answer, but the best I can do is to try to control/choose my environment and then let a bit of luck into the equation.

It's tough, but I've seen poisoned dogs and it's truly horrible.

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What animals are acceptable for food is cultural. Remember there are many Hindus in the world who consider the majority of western society barbaric and uncivilised for eating cows. Pets that are not able to be eaten eventually or who do not 'work' for their keep are definitely an indulgence of the more wealthy (societies and individuals).

I believe animals are animals-why draw the line at which one you eat, if indeed you choose to eat them? Be kind to them while they live and appreciate them for food when they are dead.

As for saying dog eaters are cruel and heartless and don't love animals, what rubbish. Perhaps those who grab dogs from the street for food simply trust that any 'owner' will appreciate their desperate need for sustenance and value the human's life . After all, there are plenty of dogs around. Pets are expendable where malnutrition is the alternative.

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