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Korean Invasion


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Has anyone noticed how younger Thai's are becoming ever more addicted to everything Korean?

From the cheesy soap opera's, "flock of seagulls" hairstyles, to the "Oscar Wilde" Style dress. I find this stuff unbearable to witness.

It's almost like they are going through their own version of the 80's. Surely they will look back on this with shame.

Does anyone feel like the farang is taking a back seat to the Koreans in regards to Thai ladies preference?

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Has anyone noticed how younger Thai's are becoming ever more addicted to everything Korean?

From the cheesy soap opera's, "flock of seagulls" hairstyles, to the "Oscar Wilde" Style dress. I find this stuff unbearable to witness.

It's almost like they are going through their own version of the 80's. Surely they will look back on this with shame.

Does anyone feel like the farang is taking a back seat to the Koreans in regards to Thai ladies preference?

I agree that Korean culture is very popular in Thailand, including Korean fashion, music and television.

Having moved to Bangkok from London, I was also (pleasantly) surprised to find there is a Korean restaurant (or several) on most streets.

However, I didn't realise this interest in Korea was anything new. Many of the restaurants, for example, have been open for many years.

With regards to Thai ladies' preference for Korean men, I think other factors such as looks, personality, manners, education, class and wealth, are more important to them than a man's nationality.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Has anyone noticed how younger Thai's are becoming ever more addicted to everything Korean?

From the cheesy soap opera's, "flock of seagulls" hairstyles, to the "Oscar Wilde" Style dress. I find this stuff unbearable to witness.

It's almost like they are going through their own version of the 80's. Surely they will look back on this with shame.

Does anyone feel like the farang is taking a back seat to the Koreans in regards to Thai ladies preference?

I agree that Korean culture is very popular in Thailand, including Korean fashion, music and television.

Having moved to Bangkok from London, I was also (pleasantly) surprised to find there is a Korean restaurant (or several) on most streets.

However, I didn't realise this interest in Korea was anything new. Many of the restaurants, for example, have been open for many years.

With regards to Thai ladies' preference for Korean men, I think other factors such as looks, personality, manners, education, class and wealth, are more important to them than a man's nationality.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

With respect, the word 'manners' can certainly be deleted from this list.

Ten years ago here in Thailand I met a group of young members of my profession, being hosted by their parent company. The English of them all was near-fluent, as were (on their first day & night) their appalling insulting attitudes to me, my fellow farangs and Thais.

For the next 3 days they were almost silent. I wish I'd been a fly on the wall when the boss addressed them that first night!

An American friend has taught English there for 2 years and tells me (and I can't be bothered to check) that for the past few years, S.Koreans must pass an exam in good manners before they are allowed a passport.

Keeping in mind the major importance that well-brought-up Thai ladies attach to politeness, I don't think most of we farangs have much to worry about.

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I've never felt that farangs were high on Thai teenagers want list anyway. They prefer moneyed Asians if they have a choice.

And thank god for that.

My only qualm with all this is that girls/women seem to be liking more and more feminine looking men every year, even getting to the point now where they do in fact flat out look like women.

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No I haven't noticed young Thais becoming more addicted to everything Korean, so why does it concern you?????

I am sorry that I do not really understand your post...otherwise I would do my utmost to help you in any way that would relieve you of your concern for something that I have absolutely no desire in losing sleep over.

Good luck. coffee1.gif

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As Brit says it's nothing new. The korean thing has been here for years.

Kids follow fashions of whatever country is fashionable at the time. Look how many American teenage films there were in the eighties(plus other decades) in the UK and the culture and fashions that followed.

Teenage girls and young gay lads like non-threatening pretty boy bands whatever country they are in. Korean and Japanese bands maybe make it here more than in the west due to the kids being the same race and identifying with them more or the fashions may suit them.

Aren't eighties fashions in fashion in the west and eighties styled, dressed bands ?

The girls who are into boy bands/singers will fancy young and good looking lads whatever race they are, the important bit being young and good looking.

That Bieber kid is doing alright here isn't he ?

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I've never felt that farangs were high on Thai teenagers want list anyway. They prefer moneyed Asians if they have a choice.

And thank god for that.

My only qualm with all this is that girls/women seem to be liking more and more feminine looking men every year, even getting to the point now where they do in fact flat out look like women.

The wife said it's very fashionable to be/have a teenage tom boy girlfriend at the moment the other day. It looks like the current fashion has already gone past that.

I blame Boy George.

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Has anyone noticed how younger Thai's are becoming ever more addicted to everything Korean?

From the cheesy soap opera's, "flock of seagulls" hairstyles, to the "Oscar Wilde" Style dress. I find this stuff unbearable to witness.

It's almost like they are going through their own version of the 80's. Surely they will look back on this with shame.

Does anyone feel like the farang is taking a back seat to the Koreans in regards to Thai ladies preference?

I agree that Korean culture is very popular in Thailand, including Korean fashion, music and television.

Having moved to Bangkok from London, I was also (pleasantly) surprised to find there is a Korean restaurant (or several) on most streets.

However, I didn't realise this interest in Korea was anything new. Many of the restaurants, for example, have been open for many years.

With regards to Thai ladies' preference for Korean men, I think other factors such as looks, personality, manners, education, class and wealth, are more important to them than a man's nationality.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

With respect, the word 'manners' can certainly be deleted from this list.

Ten years ago here in Thailand I met a group of young members of my profession, being hosted by their parent company. The English of them all was near-fluent, as were (on their first day & night) their appalling insulting attitudes to me, my fellow farangs and Thais.

For the next 3 days they were almost silent. I wish I'd been a fly on the wall when the boss addressed them that first night!

An American friend has taught English there for 2 years and tells me (and I can't be bothered to check) that for the past few years, S.Koreans must pass an exam in good manners before they are allowed a passport.

Keeping in mind the major importance that well-brought-up Thai ladies attach to politeness, I don't think most of we farangs have much to worry about.

I am sorry but I do not understand your post. What do you mean?

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My friend's sister has had a long time Korean b/f. He set her up with a nice mercedes and condo. Sound familiar?

She is 28 and he is 30. He won't bring her to meet the family as his mother does not approve of her son having a Thai g/f. (I bet she doesn't even know about the condo or car.)

G/f is very unhappy and is upset with the her b/f, asking why she can't meet the family since they have been together for 3 years, and she thinks marriage is the next step. it's been a year of tears as my friend rushes to Bangkok every few weeks to comfort his sister. Again, sounds familiar doesn't it?

My point is that the relations of Thais with other asians can be just as special as they are with westerners.

Koreans can appear be rather cold and not given to the easy smiles that distinguish Thais. It can be a real clash of cultures to the point that I think it is much harder for a Thai to have a ltr with the typical Korean than it is with a typical westerner. Koreans have their own unique social customs that can be quite unsettling for a Thai.

BTW, my friend had obnoxiously kept pointing out the Korean's generosity over and over and emphasizing that he wasn't cheap like me to the point I was ready to punch him in the yap to shut him up. Now, he says the Korean is not nice, a bad man and that his sister should find a new b/f. His view changed like a sail in the wind. Insert, sounds familiar, here. biggrin.png

Edited by geriatrickid
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I've never felt that farangs were high on Thai teenagers want list anyway. They prefer moneyed Asians if they have a choice.

And thank god for that.

My only qualm with all this is that girls/women seem to be liking more and more feminine looking men every year, even getting to the point now where they do in fact flat out look like women.

The wife said it's very fashionable to be/have a teenage tom boy girlfriend at the moment the other day. It looks like the current fashion has already gone past that.

I blame Boy George.

Really?? These people would not have known who Georgie was since he is from the 80's. All they would have seen would have beenimages like this. He looks like the typical type one sees on Bangla and in Pattaya;


Do you really think a chap sent to clean the streets as part of his criminal penalty is going to seduce the ladies? cheesy.gif

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I've never felt that farangs were high on Thai teenagers want list anyway. They prefer moneyed Asians if they have a choice.

And thank god for that.

My only qualm with all this is that girls/women seem to be liking more and more feminine looking men every year, even getting to the point now where they do in fact flat out look like women.

The wife said it's very fashionable to be/have a teenage tom boy girlfriend at the moment the other day. It looks like the current fashion has already gone past that.

I blame Boy George.

Really?? These people would not have known who Georgie was since he is from the 80's. All they would have seen would have beenimages like this. He looks like the typical type one sees on Bangla and in Pattaya;


Do you really think a chap sent to clean the streets as part of his criminal penalty is going to seduce the ladies? cheesy.gif

Yes I was deadly serious in writing that.

But anyhowe....




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I've never felt that farangs were high on Thai teenagers want list anyway. They prefer moneyed Asians if they have a choice.

And thank god for that.

My only qualm with all this is that girls/women seem to be liking more and more feminine looking men every year, even getting to the point now where they do in fact flat out look like women.

C'mon, nobody remember what pop bands looked like in the 70's? Remember Marc Bolan from T Rex?

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Has anyone noticed how younger Thai's are becoming ever more addicted to everything Korean?

You're not exactly a leading-edge coolhunter are you?

This has been the case for at least seven years ago when I started noticing it, but since I don't claim to be one either, probably a full decade or more. . .

Does anyone feel like the farang is taking a back seat to the Koreans in regards to Thai ladies preference?

You are very gullible to believe Thai ladies in general have ever preferred farang as such.

In recent decades, for those looking for free-spending foreigners, such Asians are vastly preferred by most, since they tend to be a bit more discreet and they aren't automatically judged a hooker walking down the street with one. Have you ever tried making contact with girls working the Japanese market? Won't even deign to make eye contact, except maybe at the total shitholes that place run by the cops in the basement on Sukhumvit around Soi 17?

Of course those working the long con know we're also much more gullible, but it's all just part of practical calculations, not any genuine preference unless you're listening to one telling you what you want to hear.

They all tell **me** they love old and fat guys with no hair wearing glasses and don't care about money. Now can you describe me? 8-)

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Most of my staff at work are in love with pretty much everything Korean. The newest "must have" for our female staff members is Korean make-up and face creams.

However, there is one major Korean brand which can't seem to get any traction: Hyundai. Hyundais are generally sneered at here in Thailand, which is odd to me as it is a decent car and the overall opinion of Korea in Thailand is quite positive.

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However, there is one major Korean brand which can't seem to get any traction: Hyundai. Hyundais are generally sneered at here in Thailand, which is odd to me as it is a decent car and the overall opinion of Korea in Thailand is quite positive.

Give it a few years. Years ago, back in the USA, Hyundais were considered no better than Yugos. But that is changing rapidly. Their top-end sedans are rivaling Lexus, which is quite a feat. Samsung is among the most successful consumer electronics companies in the world, and their reputation is also changing (from just "cheap" to high quality). Korea is doing more than Japan did in terms of molding world opinion. When Japan was the king of exports, it was mostly just "products." Korea is following the American model of exporting their pop culture as well. And doing a pretty good job.

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However, there is one major Korean brand which can't seem to get any traction: Hyundai. Hyundais are generally sneered at here in Thailand, which is odd to me as it is a decent car and the overall opinion of Korea in Thailand is quite positive.

Do they manufacture here?

In either case, most likely a failure in marketing, or perhaps even a smear campaign by the dominant Japanese, who are globally looking over their shoulders. No one's worried about American manufacturers of course. . .

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With respect, the word 'manners' can certainly be deleted from this list.

Ten years ago here in Thailand I met a group of young members of my profession, being hosted by their parent company. The English of them all was near-fluent, as were (on their first day & night) their appalling insulting attitudes to me, my fellow farangs and Thais.

For the next 3 days they were almost silent. I wish I'd been a fly on the wall when the boss addressed them that first night!

An American friend has taught English there for 2 years and tells me (and I can't be bothered to check) that for the past few years, S.Koreans must pass an exam in good manners before they are allowed a passport.

Keeping in mind the major importance that well-brought-up Thai ladies attach to politeness, I don't think most of we farangs have much to worry about.


Edited by PattayaParent
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With respect, the word 'manners' can certainly be deleted from this list.

Ten years ago here in Thailand I met a group of young members of my profession, being hosted by their parent company. The English of them all was near-fluent, as were (on their first day & night) their appalling insulting attitudes to me, my fellow farangs and Thais.

For the next 3 days they were almost silent. I wish I'd been a fly on the wall when the boss addressed them that first night!

An American friend has taught English there for 2 years and tells me (and I can't be bothered to check) that for the past few years, S.Koreans must pass an exam in good manners before they are allowed a passport.

Keeping in mind the major importance that well-brought-up Thai ladies attach to politeness, I don't think most of we farangs have much to worry about.


your response to this was more polite than mine....tongue.png

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However, there is one major Korean brand which can't seem to get any traction: Hyundai. Hyundais are generally sneered at here in Thailand, which is odd to me as it is a decent car and the overall opinion of Korea in Thailand is quite positive.

Give it a few years. Years ago, back in the USA, Hyundais were considered no better than Yugos. But that is changing rapidly. Their top-end sedans are rivaling Lexus, which is quite a feat. Samsung is among the most successful consumer electronics companies in the world, and their reputation is also changing (from just "cheap" to high quality). Korea is doing more than Japan did in terms of molding world opinion. When Japan was the king of exports, it was mostly just "products." Korea is following the American model of exporting their pop culture as well. And doing a pretty good job.

I had a Hyundai Getz in Australia, voted Best Car of the Year two years in a row. Had all the bells and whistles with a 5 year warranty, never missed a beat in the 5 years I had it. Cost around 500,000 baht on the road, there's not a car sold in Thailand that could equal it for value, and warranty.

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