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"Thai Only" Sign Seen At Mbk


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Hotels in Bangkok refuse blacks and Indians.

The above was a thread/topic some time ago on TV.

I can't post the link as I cannot copy and paste on my phone.

May be someone else can

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

If that is correct then that would also be wrong, illegal under the Thai constitution, and not a desirable practice in a country where tourism is a large part of The GDP.

Many bars refuse to serve Indians. One go-go bar barred them. A group would sit around with one drink between them at the go-go bar. Same at some of the other bars. So they are refused service. The bars want customers who spend money.

Then they should have a minimum cover charge that covers a certain amount of drinks

This Thread is quickly becoming boring, How many different ways can we make the same point?

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y'see the shop girls at the chemist were obviously afraid of dispensing the wrong medication due to the language problem...but the lady at the liquor shop just said: 'you just wanna get fcuked up on vodka and like to look at my tits so OK'...so that you really can't blame them...

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Hotels in Bangkok refuse blacks and Indians.

So what?

Indians refuse Israelis. Israelis refuse Arabs. Japanese refuse all of them.

I have seen it everywhere, and there is nothing wrong about it: if you have bad experiences with a certain clientele, you just refuse business with them.

And please stop the nonsense about "it's against the law". Under the law, everybody is equal. But this applies to state institutions.

Private businesses are free to discriminate. Girls are free to discriminate against fat men. Men are free to discriminate against fat girs. This is the situation in a FREE country.

Unlike your semi-communist PC home-country, where everything is regulated.

"so what"

Yeah so what, I posted the title to a thread/topic which was on Thai Visa forums some time ago which may be of interest to participants or readers of this topic, you need to calm down and take deep breaths IMO or you may do yourself an injury.

Maybe your just an angry troll and have not been fed today.

Oh and Snapper the Snappy one, pray tell me tell me where I mentioned anything about

"it's against the law".

You were replying to me so if you can find where I said it on this thread I'll gladly feed you and chuck you a bun.

Have a pleasant day under your bridge.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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What if I (farang) go there with my (Thai) wife?

It says push in English and Thai so you "Push"rolleyes.gif


Does anyone really care? Probably put up by a disgruntled store owner who got shouted at by a foreigner he was trying to rip off.

Places like this are a dime a dozen. Only people losing out are the store owners.

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y'see the shop girls at the chemist were obviously afraid of dispensing the wrong medication due to the language problem...but the lady at the liquor shop just said: 'you just wanna get fcuked up on vodka and like to look at my tits so OK'...so that you really can't blame them...

so why didnt you just say that in the first place?

The fact remains is that NO ONE has actually confirmed the meaning of the sign with the management, and as such the whole thread is predicated on spurious interpretations.

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Cant see the problem with this, private shop owners are allowed to set their own right of admission rules, seen signs which say "No Thai's" and one that says "no Russians"

and both these signs are posted on TV...get over it

Isn't the Klu Klux Klan also a PRIVATE organisation? Edited by pipo1000
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Why don't you just ask her...instead of this mindless speculation that serves no point.

You'll get used to it in time somtum, it"s a thread/topic on Thai Visa where some people like to speculate or just give their views. They do it because they can.


Have just read a few of your post and can see you are already used to it. Care to tell us who your a reincarnation of on Thai Visa.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Then they should have a minimum cover charge that covers a certain amount of drinks

"Should" says who, you? Who the heck are you to tell people what to do with their own property and business? They are free to do this and that's that.

This Thread is quickly becoming boring, How many different ways can we make the same point?

I completely agree and promise to shut up if you do too.

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I can only thank Buddha that National Parks in Thailand don't display such discrimination against farang. They are delighted to allow foreigners into the parks, for a nominal fee of 400 baht each, whilst Thais are charged 40 baht. That's fair..........isn't it?

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Then they should have a minimum cover charge that covers a certain amount of drinks

"Should" says who, you? Who the heck are you to tell people what to do with their own property and business? They are free to do this and that's that.

This Thread is quickly becoming boring, How many different ways can we make the same point?

I completely agree and promise to shut up if you do too.

I would say, I am one, who under the Thai Constitution is afforded the right not to be discriminated against.

Shut up? ... I would say very tough talking there Hombre.

I am not in the habit of shutting up. If you would like me I would be happy to meet you at your place of choice, and we can talk about that some moreangry.png

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I imagine it's more to do with copies not getting spotted by foreign company employees than race.

There's also a lot of Japanese only signs around Thailand at a certain type of entertainment venues also no Thais only foreigners are allowed into another kind of entertainment venue.

The 'No Thais' sign is in English, it's to stop foreigners taking prostitutes back to their room.

I figure they thought 'No Thai prostitutes' was too rude.

Yes I know that, but you're replying to the wrong post. I didn't post the photo.

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I imagine it's more to do with copies not getting spotted by foreign company employees than race.

There's also a lot of Japanese only signs around Thailand at a certain type of entertainment venues also no Thais only foreigners are allowed into another kind of entertainment venue.

The 'No Thais' sign is in English, it's to stop foreigners taking prostitutes back to their room.

I figure they thought 'No Thai prostitutes' was too rude.

I have heard it before. The no Thai sign is to prevent from farang bringing a prostitute into the room. Not a discrimination issue.

Although many places with these signs have no problem letting Thais in with young foreigners of a similar age.

It seems some of these places discriminate against dirty old men.

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If the sign is there just because of a language barrier, it would be better phrased, "Only Thai speaking customers"

Anything else makes you go hmmm

But if the sign is there because of a language barrier, then you can hardly expect a perfectly frased sign in English wink.png


Why not, if your staff only speak Thai, and they can't handle customers who can only speak English, any shop owner with a degree of common would get help with writing a sign in English that could be read by English speakers, but, from a Thai who thinks they have some command of the language, and this is a good example of the end result.


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Maybe someone should have done that sooner in SouthAfrica too./

Hyperbole of the day award...


So far he's only refused to sell dodgy watches to non-Thais. I don't think he's thrown anyone out of a 4th floor window yet rolleyes.gif

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Most likely explanation: hamhanded way of dealing with past 'problems' in communication with foreign customers by underpaid, non-fluent staff.

2nd most likely explan.: the product is some kind of scam or pyramid scheme which foreigners have been too quick to spot, or less sinisterly, a business scheme which only Thais are eligible for.

3rd most likely explan: racism or xenophobia

If it is the 2nd one, then the whole thing is just some kind of misunderstanding- they need a better, clearer sign. If it is the 1st or 3rd, then technically they might be in violation of some kind of law to which Thailand is a signatory, but good luck getting it enforced (and why not just go somewhere else).

Most places with 'Japanese only' would probably be difficult of access at best, and overly priced and/or deadly boring at worst, to non-Japanese-fluent foreigners. Fancy nurse-uniform fetish bars for office workers, including latest Japanese pop song karaoke?

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Then they should have a minimum cover charge that covers a certain amount of drinks

"Should" says who, you? Who the heck are you to tell people what to do with their own property and business? They are free to do this and that's that.

This Thread is quickly becoming boring, How many different ways can we make the same point?

I completely agree and promise to shut up if you do too.

I would say, I am one, who under the Thai Constitution is afforded the right not to be discriminated against.

Shut up? ... I would say very tough talking there Hombre.

I am not in the habit of shutting up. If you would like me I would be happy to meet you at your place of choice, and we can talk about that some moreangry.png

I think you overestimate the rudeness of "shut up" or even "shut your pie hole", it's not worth getting so upset you should challenge me to online fisticuffs. giggle.gif

My points are three:

Everyone knows the Thai Constitution is worth less than the paper its written on, there is no rule of law here.

And even if that were relevant, I think you'll find private individuals and businesses are not prevented by Thai law from discriminating based on any of the categories so protected in western countries. This is even true for hiring, much less excluding whatever class of customers they don't like.

And finally, as you can see the vast majority of posters here couldn't give a flying flick about this issue, it's just such a trivial issue it isn't worth wasting time on as you point out. If you want to fight real racism in Thailand, get to work on preventing the slavery-like trafficking and abuse of Burmese, Rohinga labor in the fishing industry, also sanctioned and permitted by the inhuman mafia that runs this place, now that's an issue worth getting upset about. An IP-violating scam shop choosing not to do business with foreigners isn't.

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Cant see the problem with this, private shop owners are allowed to set their own right of admission rules, seen signs which say "No Thai's" and one that says "no Russians"

and both these signs are posted on TV...get over it

There's even a lot of hotels in Bangkok that won't let you take Thai girls to your room.

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Hotels in Bangkok refuse blacks and Indians.

So what?

Indians refuse Israelis. Israelis refuse Arabs. Japanese refuse all of them.

I have seen it everywhere, and there is nothing wrong about it: if you have bad experiences with a certain clientele, you just refuse business with them.

And please stop the nonsense about "it's against the law". Under the law, everybody is equal. But this applies to state institutions.

Private businesses are free to discriminate. Girls are free to discriminate against fat men. Men are free to discriminate against fat girs. This is the situation in a FREE country.

Unlike your semi-communist PC home-country, where everything is regulated.


- George Orwell, Animal Farm,

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Probably because they have no English speaking staff on hand, and are fed up with foreigners thinking if they shout louder they will be understood!!

This is the true definition of a Thai apologist. What reason do you have to believe that? From the sign, it is quite an assumption to make.

I believe this comes from the colonial attitude that foreigners know best what Thais are thinking, even when they say something different. They just don't get it that the person might actually mean what they say.

To me, this notion is more insulting than taking their word for it.

This sign is NO different from those in the South (US) in the fifties that said "Whites only" or "No jews of dogs allowed."

Lucky for the Thais who are racist jerks (not all of them, of course), they have people like you to defend them.

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All it means is that the staff don't know any foreign languages. Nice of them to tell us (and saves them embarrassment).

Then they should put a sign saying "we only speak Thai"

How can you talk about this subject , with out talking about discrimination, where the intent of the singe is to exclude a set people.

discrimination and racism are taboo words on this forum, you should know that by now .

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If the sign is there just because of a language barrier, it would be better phrased, "Only Thai speaking customers"

Anything else makes you go hmmm

But if the sign is there because of a language barrier, then you can hardly expect a perfectly frased sign in English wink.png


Why not, if your staff only speak Thai, and they can't handle customers who can only speak English, any shop owner with a degree of common would get help with writing a sign in English that could be read by English speakers, but, from a Thai who thinks they have some command of the language, and this is a good example of the end result.


Refusing customers because staff can't speak English ? Not in Thailand

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What if I (farang) go there with my (Thai) wife?

Cant you read the sign ?....Are you Thai ?....if no then the sign explains it all....whistling.gif

Thanks for the answer! Yes I can read the sign. No I am not Thai. But still, my question stands.

The question doesnt stand...... Are you Thai ?...if no you cannot be a "Thai customer"...ergo they dont want you in the shop....not hard

Easy there Tonto... he may be in one of 'em joined-at-the-hip type of marriages.

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All it means is that the staff don't know any foreign languages. Nice of them to tell us (and saves them embarrassment).

Then they should put a sign saying "we only speak Thai"

How can you talk about this subject , with out talking about discrimination, where the intent of the singe is to exclude a set people.

discrimination and racism are taboo words on this forum, you should know that by now .

discrimination and racism words are either totally misunderstood, wrongly used or simply abused by the ignorant

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Probably because they have no English speaking staff on hand, and are fed up with foreigners thinking if they shout louder they will be understood!!

This is the true definition of a Thai apologist. What reason do you have to believe that? From the sign, it is quite an assumption to make.

I believe this comes from the colonial attitude that foreigners know best what Thais are thinking, even when they say something different. They just don't get it that the person might actually mean what they say.

To me, this notion is more insulting than taking their word for it.

This sign is NO different from those in the South (US) in the fifties that said "Whites only" or "No jews of dogs allowed."

Lucky for the Thais who are racist jerks (not all of them, of course), they have people like you to defend them.

Whoops! Yet ANOTHER rant from the 'other side'.

Show me your Thai apologist and I will raise you two farang bigots. They LOVE gambling here don't they?

Edited by NanLaew
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Probably because they have no English speaking staff on hand, and are fed up with foreigners thinking if they shout louder they will be understood!!

This is the true definition of a Thai apologist. What reason do you have to believe that? From the sign, it is quite an assumption to make.

I believe this comes from the colonial attitude that foreigners know best what Thais are thinking, even when they say something different. They just don't get it that the person might actually mean what they say.

To me, this notion is more insulting than taking their word for it.

This sign is NO different from those in the South (US) in the fifties that said "Whites only" or "No jews of dogs allowed."

Lucky for the Thais who are racist jerks (not all of them, of course), they have people like you to defend them.

Whoops! Yet ANOTHER rant from the 'other side'.

Show me your Thai apologist and I will raise you two farang bigots. They LOVE gambling here don't they?

People have the right to be bigots. The Thai constitution however, prohibits discrimination as per this situation, not that the laws or constitutional rights are respected by Thais, only when it is convenient for them.

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