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Bangkok: Vietnamese Kidnapper Escapes During Crime Reenactment In Sai Mai


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He somehow unlocked his handcuffs?

Not hard at all these days - link

handcuffs have a two locks and the problem is many coppers do not use the 2nd lock. Double locking handcuffs is important when securing a crook as it makes it more difficult to pick the simple locking mechanism. It also prevents the cuffs from getting tighter. I always double lock.

Are you a police officer?

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I'm surprised he managed to escape. I was watching television the other day where the guy who sprayed cleaning liquid (or whatever it was) in people's faces. There were three or four cops clinging on to him for dear life (probably because they knew there were on television) but there was no way could he have escaped.

Usually there are simply so many cops around trying to get their faces in the press.

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According to Richard Barrow

.... the police took the five men to re-enact their crime at Phaon Yothin Soi 54/4 at about 10 a.m. As the suspects were getting out of the police van, one of them, who was still handcuffed, fled over a nearby wall and escaped.

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The guy took to the mango tree, to await autumn, the police did something so clever, that was to retire to make him think they had gone Ha Ha ha. Who the hell would hide up a tree, he would maybe do this to escape a bear also--the nut.

These re-enactment are a joke, some movie producer has to hear of this get here fast. I have an Idea that the bib do this in hope a super star spotter will grab one of them, they look so sexy in their belly showing uniforms.

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i guess they use soi dogs in stead of real tracking dogs... so they found him and in stead of getting him out, shooting would be one option, he is a criminal after all, or cutting down the mango tree, were no option

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The guy took to the mango tree, to await autumn, the police did something so clever, that was to retire to make him think they had gone Ha Ha ha. Who the hell would hide up a tree, he would maybe do this to escape a bear also--the nut.

These re-enactment are a joke, some movie producer has to hear of this get here fast. I have an Idea that the bib do this in hope a super star spotter will grab one of them, they look so sexy in their belly showing uniforms.

Charles II hid in an oak tree after the defeat of his troops at Worcester by the Roundhead Army. To commemorate the event many English pubs are called The Royal Oak and 8 Royal Navy ships were so named, the last, a redundant battleship acting as an accomodation ship sunk in Scapa Flow, torpedoed by U47 in a daring attack.

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"Later police received reports that the man was hiding up in a mango tree. Local residents said they had tried to get him down from the tree with ladders but failed. Police decided to try a different tactic: They pretended to leave the area and waited for the man to get tired and come down himself. When he did come down hours later, local dogs raised a ruckus and led police to the suspect.

What utter bullshit!!! There's no <SNIP!> way the police would wait for him to come down. And how come if they pretended to leave the area that they needed the soi dogs to notify them of his coming down. Why wasn't he under surveillance! That whole story is fabricated to let certain people save face!!!!

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I wonder what purpose the cops think these reenactments serve?

My understand is that police forces that do this do it mainly because it helps show a confession wasn't false. If the person can walk through the details of how the crime was committed and it ties to the evidence then it makes a much stronger case in court.

Edited by Nisa
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I wonder what purpose the cops think these reenactments serve?

My understand is that police forces that do this do it mainly because it helps show a confession wasn't false. If the person can walk through the details of how the crime was committed and it ties to the evidence then it makes a much stronger case in court.

How much stronger a case in court do you want than a confession, a stage managed video confession proves that the accused has learned his part and lines, they may of course go the whole nine yards by making him carry a bunch of balloons in one hand.

A confession wasn't false, don't me me laugh, who does that benefit?

I'll tell you who, the police, no extra work involved, he did it, he did it even more convincingly the second time..... string him up .... smile for the camera, and don't forget to point boys.

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I wonder what purpose the cops think these reenactments serve?

My understand is that police forces that do this do it mainly because it helps show a confession wasn't false. If the person can walk through the details of how the crime was committed and it ties to the evidence then it makes a much stronger case in court.

Also, this might give some insight .. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/2010/0609/Why-Peru-s-police-need-Joran-van-der-Sloot-to-reenact-killing

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The guy took to the mango tree, to await autumn, the police did something so clever, that was to retire to make him think they had gone Ha Ha ha. Who the hell would hide up a tree, he would maybe do this to escape a bear also--the nut.

These re-enactment are a joke, some movie producer has to hear of this get here fast. I have an Idea that the bib do this in hope a super star spotter will grab one of them, they look so sexy in their belly showing uniforms.

Charles II hid in an oak tree after the defeat of his troops at Worcester by the Roundhead Army. To commemorate the event many English pubs are called The Royal Oak and 8 Royal Navy ships were so named, the last, a redundant battleship acting as an accomodation ship sunk in Scapa Flow, torpedoed by U47 in a daring attack.

Correct The Mitre Oak in Hartlebury, went to school just down the road from there.
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I wonder what purpose the cops think these reenactments serve?

My understand is that police forces that do this do it mainly because it helps show a confession wasn't false. If the person can walk through the details of how the crime was committed and it ties to the evidence then it makes a much stronger case in court.

Also, this might give some insight .. http://www.csmonitor...reenact-killing

I'm so glad you brought that up, I did wait.... please tell me how this re-enactment by the police in Peru bears any resemblance to the ones that occur in Thailand?

Anything, anything at all, and not just they do it.

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