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There are some older foreigner who do look good and will have no problem finding young girls wanting them for their looks, think Sean Connery and George Cloony ......

Yet both these guys are balding fat puddings, which you just stated Thai girls don't like.

If you look in most Thai / Thai relations you will see that there is no large age gap unless money is involved.

Yet my wife's friend is 32 and her husband is 58, both Thai, both poor.

Girls who already have money or have an education / family who can supply in money will in general don't go for older guys.

There was me thinking they go for guys with even more money.

Sorry, but you just sound a bit desperate to convince yourself that your girl really loves you for being you.

Only time will tell.

What girls all over the world are attracted to is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, FAME, POWER and MONEY.

If you don't have that, you will only ever be second choice.

As for a Thai girls first choice as a sexual partner.

Small, effeminate, young Korean and Thai guys, not white guys and not muscle guys who work out all the time.

Gay Thai guys do appear to be attracted to white muscle guys though.


There are some older foreigner who do look good and will have no problem finding young girls wanting them for their looks, think Sean Connery and George Cloony ......

Yet both these guys are balding fat puddings, which you just stated Thai girls don't like.

If you look in most Thai / Thai relations you will see that there is no large age gap unless money is involved.

Yet my wife's friend is 32 and her husband is 58, both Thai, both poor.

Girls who already have money or have an education / family who can supply in money will in general don't go for older guys.

There was me thinking they go for guys with even more money.

Sorry, but you just sound a bit desperate to convince yourself that your girl really loves you for being you.

Only time will tell.

What girls all over the world are attracted to is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, FAME, POWER and MONEY.

If you don't have that, you will only ever be second choice.

As for a Thai girls first choice as a sexual partner.

Small, effeminate, young Korean and Thai guys, not white guys and not muscle guys who work out all the time.

Gay Thai guys do appear to be attracted to white muscle guys though.

Its quite simple if you go for gold diggers in the west you get a gold digger and dont expect them to love you. Here the guys seem to lure the girls with money (getting gold diggers) and then expect them to love them instead of the money.

You just gave one example of an age gap but how many Thai couples are of normal age ? Loads more id wager.

As for Thai girls first choice for sexual partners:

I have no idea how muscle guys rank. Probably a lot higher then aging balding men. But you might be right that they prefer effeminate young korean guys even more. I have no idea. I don't make it a contest. I stay in shape for myself and im not that muscle bound (how i wish)


First off your ground rules are wrong on two points. One they are incorrect but two they aren’t ground rules they are myths either way.

A ground rule would be, “I won’t tolerate anyone posting anything I disagree with.”

Looking at what you wrote I would say that you wrote it because you don’t like rich old fat guys and you are hung up on appearances because you don’t have the intelligence to get a woman who has a brain. Or you can’t differentiate between commercials designed to appeal to gay guys vs. women.

Give yourself a break. You actually write like you can think a bit.

Thai women have progressed beyond the caveman stage. They now realize that Alpha males are not necessarily good looking and fit. Check out Rupert Murdoch’s wife.

The male of the human species is really not very bright. You were correct when man lived in caves but after that things changed and women began to look at the total package even in Issan. It didn’t take the Korat kitty long to realize that motorcycle taxi driver with the muscles Somchai was not the ticket to fame and fortune.

Not every girl is smart enough to realize this and there are still some cute wenches floating around wearing only one wooden shoe.

But not long after the discovery of fire women began to opt for the guys with big brains regardless of appearance.

I realize this may come as a shock but most men from Holland marry women from Holland. Yes they do.

After your third marriage it is a good time to come to Thailand. You won’t have to justify all the good looking Thai ladies marrying old guys when you are old too. Thread after thread of the same old s*** day after day. Thai women love young fit guys and only marry old guys for money. OK sure everyone believes you.

It is less stressful if you migrate to Thailand when you are an old guy and all and all you will have more fun.


So Kerry its a myth that girls dont like aging balding men ? Given a choice they would not go for an aging balding man if they can get the same deal with a younger guy.

So please prove me how my ground rules are wrong and how TV and movies are not a projection of how we want our lovers to be.

I have nothing with people with money i got money myself i just don't use it to attract woman. It just attracts the wrong kind.

Think you are going into the fit and good looking part too much. Probably because you think im a muscle bound hansum man. I wish this were true, i just like working out and i don't think i'm that muscular. I just make sure i don't toss around a beer gut.

I can only be happy if girls like guys with large brains because then i'm in luck. I'm not super smart but the tests i did all came out around 124-136. Fair enough id say. But the whole point here was not about me or how perfect i am / or not am. The point was that many guys fish with money for bait and once they get a girl who is in it for the money complain and call all Thai girls bad. Just change your bait and fish in a different pool.

My point is that if your fishing for girls using money as bait, you will get girls that want you for your money and should not be surprised if they don't respect you or leave you when the money dries up. If you don't use money to attract woman and make sure that there is no financial gain to be had from you there is a bigger chance they will love you for your other qualities. Whatever they are on an individual base (some girls like smart guys some girls like funny guys some girls like in shape guys ect). But when you remove the money part you also remove a large part of younger females. (not all). You will also get a more genuine set of girls.


So Kerry its a myth that girls dont like aging balding men ? Given a choice they would not go for an aging balding man if they can get the same deal with a younger guy.

So please prove me how my ground rules are wrong and how TV and movies are not a projection of how we want our lovers to be.

I have nothing with people with money i got money myself i just don't use it to attract woman. It just attracts the wrong kind.

Think you are going into the fit and good looking part too much. Probably because you think im a muscle bound hansum man. I wish this were true, i just like working out and i don't think i'm that muscular. I just make sure i don't toss around a beer gut.

I can only be happy if girls like guys with large brains because then i'm in luck. I'm not super smart but the tests i did all came out around 124-136. Fair enough id say. But the whole point here was not about me or how perfect i am / or not am. The point was that many guys fish with money for bait and once they get a girl who is in it for the money complain and call all Thai girls bad. Just change your bait and fish in a different pool.

My point is that if your fishing for girls using money as bait, you will get girls that want you for your money and should not be surprised if they don't respect you or leave you when the money dries up. If you don't use money to attract woman and make sure that there is no financial gain to be had from you there is a bigger chance they will love you for your other qualities. Whatever they are on an individual base (some girls like smart guys some girls like funny guys some girls like in shape guys ect). But when you remove the money part you also remove a large part of younger females. (not all). You will also get a more genuine set of girls.

1. It is your definition of ground rule. It is a rule to help posters discuss the topic. Not a rule of thumb. I would think you mean to say rule of thumb rather than ground rule. I am not debating the rightness or wrongness of the rule just saying you are using the wrong term. It might confuse anyone trying to understand what you mean.

2. I will of course prove you are wrong as soon as you prove that you are right. (All we have is your opinion.)

I think you are mixing up what girls want as opposed to what gay, TV and movie producers want. There is a British series called “House Gift” where two gay guys buy gifts for straight families. Pretty weird. Same sort of assumptions.

You have a job. You dress well. Sorry but you are using money for bait too. Don’t be silly.

Poor Farangs when compared to motorcycle taxi drivers are a very small part of the total mix who come here.

If you are here and white you are assumed to be rich. Get used to it. The older the richer.

Sorry Rob but we are all in the same boat. The girls think you are rich. You are fishing in the same pond. Apparently you are the only one who has not noticed.


So Kerry its a myth that girls dont like aging balding men ? Given a choice they would not go for an aging balding man if they can get the same deal with a younger guy.

So please prove me how my ground rules are wrong and how TV and movies are not a projection of how we want our lovers to be.

I have nothing with people with money i got money myself i just don't use it to attract woman. It just attracts the wrong kind.

Think you are going into the fit and good looking part too much. Probably because you think im a muscle bound hansum man. I wish this were true, i just like working out and i don't think i'm that muscular. I just make sure i don't toss around a beer gut.

I can only be happy if girls like guys with large brains because then i'm in luck. I'm not super smart but the tests i did all came out around 124-136. Fair enough id say. But the whole point here was not about me or how perfect i am / or not am. The point was that many guys fish with money for bait and once they get a girl who is in it for the money complain and call all Thai girls bad. Just change your bait and fish in a different pool.

My point is that if your fishing for girls using money as bait, you will get girls that want you for your money and should not be surprised if they don't respect you or leave you when the money dries up. If you don't use money to attract woman and make sure that there is no financial gain to be had from you there is a bigger chance they will love you for your other qualities. Whatever they are on an individual base (some girls like smart guys some girls like funny guys some girls like in shape guys ect). But when you remove the money part you also remove a large part of younger females. (not all). You will also get a more genuine set of girls.

1. It is your definition of ground rule. It is a rule to help posters discuss the topic. Not a rule of thumb. I would think you mean to say rule of thumb rather than ground rule. I am not debating the rightness or wrongness of the rule just saying you are using the wrong term. It might confuse anyone trying to understand what you mean.

2. I will of course prove you are wrong as soon as you prove that you are right. (All we have is your opinion.)

I think you are mixing up what girls want as opposed to what gay, TV and movie producers want. There is a British series called “House Gift” where two gay guys buy gifts for straight families. Pretty weird. Same sort of assumptions.

You have a job. You dress well. Sorry but you are using money for bait too. Don’t be silly.

Poor Farangs when compared to motorcycle taxi drivers are a very small part of the total mix who come here.

If you are here and white you are assumed to be rich. Get used to it. The older the richer.

Sorry Rob but we are all in the same boat. The girls think you are rich. You are fishing in the same pond. Apparently you are the only one who has not noticed.

I can agree about them being called rules of thumb. Fair enough.

I still think TV is what people want to see else it would not be watched. So therefor i think my point is valid. If something is not watched it brings in no advertisement revenues. The show you are talking about might be an exception to the rule of thumb.

I think i dress well (if i go out) at home i just walk around in one of those Thai fisherman pants and a t shirt. Same if i go fishing (real fishing) i look like shit then and i don't care.

Sorry we are not in the same boat and will never be. Im not fishing for girls that are out of my normal leage and age range. Thus i am reducing the risks. I also let girls pay for food and such to make sure they aren't with me for money alone.

Do you pay your girls a salary ? Pay all costs for the house ?. I don't.

I just make sure this way it's not a money thing, simple. I am sure i could have a stunning girl if paid her a salary or gave her a free place to live. Coyote dancer even. Do i expect her to love me then or be with me for anything else then money. Nope.


@ kerry

I think i do have to agree there always is some money added in the mix, trick is to minimize it as not to attract the wrong crowd.


So Kerry its a myth that girls dont like aging balding men ? Given a choice they would not go for an aging balding man if they can get the same deal with a younger guy.

So please prove me how my ground rules are wrong and how TV and movies are not a projection of how we want our lovers to be.

I have nothing with people with money i got money myself i just don't use it to attract woman. It just attracts the wrong kind.

Think you are going into the fit and good looking part too much. Probably because you think im a muscle bound hansum man. I wish this were true, i just like working out and i don't think i'm that muscular. I just make sure i don't toss around a beer gut.

I can only be happy if girls like guys with large brains because then i'm in luck. I'm not super smart but the tests i did all came out around 124-136. Fair enough id say. But the whole point here was not about me or how perfect i am / or not am. The point was that many guys fish with money for bait and once they get a girl who is in it for the money complain and call all Thai girls bad. Just change your bait and fish in a different pool.

My point is that if your fishing for girls using money as bait, you will get girls that want you for your money and should not be surprised if they don't respect you or leave you when the money dries up. If you don't use money to attract woman and make sure that there is no financial gain to be had from you there is a bigger chance they will love you for your other qualities. Whatever they are on an individual base (some girls like smart guys some girls like funny guys some girls like in shape guys ect). But when you remove the money part you also remove a large part of younger females. (not all). You will also get a more genuine set of girls.

1. It is your definition of ground rule. It is a rule to help posters discuss the topic. Not a rule of thumb. I would think you mean to say rule of thumb rather than ground rule. I am not debating the rightness or wrongness of the rule just saying you are using the wrong term. It might confuse anyone trying to understand what you mean.

2. I will of course prove you are wrong as soon as you prove that you are right. (All we have is your opinion.)

I think you are mixing up what girls want as opposed to what gay, TV and movie producers want. There is a British series called “House Gift” where two gay guys buy gifts for straight families. Pretty weird. Same sort of assumptions.

You have a job. You dress well. Sorry but you are using money for bait too. Don’t be silly.

Poor Farangs when compared to motorcycle taxi drivers are a very small part of the total mix who come here.

If you are here and white you are assumed to be rich. Get used to it. The older the richer.

Sorry Rob but we are all in the same boat. The girls think you are rich. You are fishing in the same pond. Apparently you are the only one who has not noticed.

I can agree about them being called rules of thumb. Fair enough.

I still think TV is what people want to see else it would not be watched. So therefor i think my point is valid. If something is not watched it brings in no advertisement revenues. The show you are talking about might be an exception to the rule of thumb.

I think i dress well (if i go out) at home i just walk around in one of those Thai fisherman pants and a t shirt. Same if i go fishing (real fishing) i look like shit then and i don't care.

Sorry we are not in the same boat and will never be. Im not fishing for girls that are out of my normal leage and age range. Thus i am reducing the risks. I also let girls pay for food and such to make sure they aren't with me for money alone.

Do you pay your girls a salary ? Pay all costs for the house ?. I don't.

I just make sure this way it's not a money thing, simple. I am sure i could have a stunning girl if paid her a salary or gave her a free place to live. Coyote dancer even. Do i expect her to love me then or be with me for anything else then money. Nope.

My GF is an executive engineer. I don't pay her rent nor do I give her any money. I pay for food. I'm a guy after all. I paid half of a pair of clogs she wanted once because they were expensive.

Thai girls like the skinny Asian guys on TV for sex but they think white guys have more money. Sorry but this is Thailand. It is nice you try and get the money out of it. Your posting this thread is a subconscious attempt to justify your own behavior.

Look at it this way. Over and over again on Thai Visa we have the same threads about the old fat guys and the bar girls and the young guys and the hi so educated Thai/Chinese ladies. Why do you think that is? The old guys don't start the threads. The younger men are trying desperately to justify their behavior. They are trying to convince themselves that the ladies are in love with them and faithful and not the typical Thai stereotype.


So Kerry its a myth that girls dont like aging balding men ? Given a choice they would not go for an aging balding man if they can get the same deal with a younger guy.

So please prove me how my ground rules are wrong and how TV and movies are not a projection of how we want our lovers to be.

I have nothing with people with money i got money myself i just don't use it to attract woman. It just attracts the wrong kind.

Think you are going into the fit and good looking part too much. Probably because you think im a muscle bound hansum man. I wish this were true, i just like working out and i don't think i'm that muscular. I just make sure i don't toss around a beer gut.

I can only be happy if girls like guys with large brains because then i'm in luck. I'm not super smart but the tests i did all came out around 124-136. Fair enough id say. But the whole point here was not about me or how perfect i am / or not am. The point was that many guys fish with money for bait and once they get a girl who is in it for the money complain and call all Thai girls bad. Just change your bait and fish in a different pool.

My point is that if your fishing for girls using money as bait, you will get girls that want you for your money and should not be surprised if they don't respect you or leave you when the money dries up. If you don't use money to attract woman and make sure that there is no financial gain to be had from you there is a bigger chance they will love you for your other qualities. Whatever they are on an individual base (some girls like smart guys some girls like funny guys some girls like in shape guys ect). But when you remove the money part you also remove a large part of younger females. (not all). You will also get a more genuine set of girls.

1. It is your definition of ground rule. It is a rule to help posters discuss the topic. Not a rule of thumb. I would think you mean to say rule of thumb rather than ground rule. I am not debating the rightness or wrongness of the rule just saying you are using the wrong term. It might confuse anyone trying to understand what you mean.

2. I will of course prove you are wrong as soon as you prove that you are right. (All we have is your opinion.)

I think you are mixing up what girls want as opposed to what gay, TV and movie producers want. There is a British series called “House Gift” where two gay guys buy gifts for straight families. Pretty weird. Same sort of assumptions.

You have a job. You dress well. Sorry but you are using money for bait too. Don’t be silly.

Poor Farangs when compared to motorcycle taxi drivers are a very small part of the total mix who come here.

If you are here and white you are assumed to be rich. Get used to it. The older the richer.

Sorry Rob but we are all in the same boat. The girls think you are rich. You are fishing in the same pond. Apparently you are the only one who has not noticed.

I can agree about them being called rules of thumb. Fair enough.

I still think TV is what people want to see else it would not be watched. So therefor i think my point is valid. If something is not watched it brings in no advertisement revenues. The show you are talking about might be an exception to the rule of thumb.

I think i dress well (if i go out) at home i just walk around in one of those Thai fisherman pants and a t shirt. Same if i go fishing (real fishing) i look like shit then and i don't care.

Sorry we are not in the same boat and will never be. Im not fishing for girls that are out of my normal leage and age range. Thus i am reducing the risks. I also let girls pay for food and such to make sure they aren't with me for money alone.

Do you pay your girls a salary ? Pay all costs for the house ?. I don't.

I just make sure this way it's not a money thing, simple. I am sure i could have a stunning girl if paid her a salary or gave her a free place to live. Coyote dancer even. Do i expect her to love me then or be with me for anything else then money. Nope.

My GF is an executive engineer. I don't pay her rent nor do I give her any money. I pay for food. I'm a guy after all. I paid half of a pair of clogs she wanted once because they were expensive.

Thai girls like the skinny Asian guys on TV for sex but they think white guys have more money. Sorry but this is Thailand. It is nice you try and get the money out of it. Your posting this thread is a subconscious attempt to justify your own behavior.

Look at it this way. Over and over again on Thai Visa we have the same threads about the old fat guys and the bar girls and the young guys and the hi so educated Thai/Chinese ladies. Why do you think that is? The old guys don't start the threads. The younger men are trying desperately to justify their behavior. They are trying to convince themselves that the ladies are in love with them and faithful and not the typical Thai stereotype.

Then your fishing in the same pond as me. Professionals that can take care of themselves and have more then half a brain and don't need the money of a foreigner.

Of course the old guys wont start the threads because they know they are wrong and stupid. The young guys just show off to the old guys. My gf/wife is not hi so chinese.

I don't doubt for a moment that my gf is in love with me. No need to justify myself and see i'm different then the old guys paying for their relation.

I started this thread with a different reason. If you use money as bait don't be surprised that its only money they want. I see many threads about no respect no .. this no that. Many times its because the girl only wants money. Then you get the older guys that have been hurt and had before stating that all Thai girls are the same and are money grabbers that don't love anyone.

While there is a whole group of girls who are not like that. Just harder to get and they look for other things. I am sure your engineer gf was not after your money if you never paid a thing for her. I pay for food too in general as i make more money. But i get food and other stuff too when she has money.


My hi-so chinese/thai G/F is 42 earning 65,000 baht/month and has never asked me for any money in the 3 years I,ve known her-and I,m 64 years young wai.gif


My hi-so chinese/thai G/F is 42 earning 65,000 baht/month and has never asked me for any money in the 3 years I,ve known her-and I,m 64 years young wai.gif

Good for you, but i bet you did not get her by waving around money.

Think people here missed the point i was making.


My hi-so chinese/thai G/F is 42 earning 65,000 baht/month and has never asked me for any money in the 3 years I,ve known her-and I,m 64 years young wai.gif

Good for you, but i bet you did not get her by waving around money.

Think people here missed the point i was making.

You,re correct in your assumption rolleyes.gif


Should have written it more clearer, and should have left the age thing out more but i put it there because in general that is the way the older guys get the younger girls. Exceptions like petermik and others are always there.

The point i was trying to make is if you use money as bait and your way to get girls, don't be surprised you get a certain kind and dont be surprised if they will try to get more money from you one way or the other.

Its not always clear of course when money is bait but buying her everything / letting her live for free giving her a salary ect. are signs.

I don't care if people do it or not, but then don't start complaining about how all Thai girls are out there to get money from you and are all stupid ect. The ones that are independent are a totally different breed (though there will be bad ones there too)


@robblok. The purpose of this thread ??whistling.gif

I am one of those older balding guys, my wife is 20 years my junior (not 80-100rolleyes.gif ) for the last 10 years she has been the sole breadwinner for us. How does that fit into your theory? Oh, I forgot: The exception!!

I saw in another post of yours, that you complained about the mods placing this thread, where is is now. With all your refferences to fishing in ponds here and there, you should be happy, it didn't end up in the Farming Forumcheesy.gif

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Sorry we are not in the same boat and will never be. Im not fishing for girls that are out of my normal leage and age range. Thus i am reducing the risks. I also let girls pay for food and such to make sure they aren't with me for money alone.

When you are as old as we are, you won't be fishing for girls in your age range either.

Or I may be totally wrong, and you may be a man happy to date ugly girls that are cheap to run.

Your postings are all about you being young and handsome ...... once that is gone you will either be alone, or like us.


Thai ladies rarely say openly if someone is handsome, especially not in the presence of men. As I have no farang connections here therefore I have a lot of interaction with Thai people on a day to day basis such as wife's friends, including poor and very rich ladies, other relatives, relatives' friends et cetera. I do have to say, I have caught some conversations in which ladies were talking about men. And yes, Robblok is right, they have their ideals too, the handsome white-skinned Korean looking guys, younger age but they do agree with older guys if there is money put in the relationship. Obviously, exceptions do not discredit the truth. Another reason, why younger Thai ladies choose older guys, either local or farang, is that the Thai men are incredibly unfaithful and they openly cheat unlike their western counterparts. I have gone through conversations regarding to this issue this is why I can say these.

  • Like 1

Sorry we are not in the same boat and will never be. Im not fishing for girls that are out of my normal leage and age range. Thus i am reducing the risks. I also let girls pay for food and such to make sure they aren't with me for money alone.

When you are as old as we are, you won't be fishing for girls in your age range either.

Or I may be totally wrong, and you may be a man happy to date ugly girls that are cheap to run.

Your postings are all about you being young and handsome ...... once that is gone you will either be alone, or like us.

Unlike money, you can't keep your youth in the bank for when you retire.

(I meant youth as in personal attirbute, not as in surly and churlish. Obviously the latter you could keep in a cellar, or, depending on the level of vivacity you expected, in the freezer or under the stairs with the tennents)




The po i was trying to make is if you use money as bait and your way to get girls, don't be surprised you get a certain kind and dont be surprised if they will try to get more money from you one way or the other.

Its not always clear of course when money is bait but buying her everything / letting her live for free giving her a salary ect. are signs."

The fact that money is involved is neither here nor there.

Even with money, once the girl has some financial security don't you think money will become less of an issue and some genuine affection and love might develop down the road at which stage the money girl is on a par with the so-called independent girl?


Thai women (like all women) consider a range of factors when choosing their partners. One of these factors is wealth but looks, personality, sense of humour, compatability also matter.

Money is likely to be a higher priority for a poverty stricken single mum in Isaan than a billionaire heiress who splits her time between Bangkok and Cannes. As the OP alludes to, if you don't want a gold-digger as a wife, it would be better to date girls that already have gold.

However, many men have little to offer other than money and for those men "saving" a girl from poverty may well be their only (or best) option, but they should obviously go into such a marriage with their eyes wide open.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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Should have written it more clearer, and should have left the age thing out more but i put it there because in general that is the way the older guys get the younger girls. Exceptions like petermik and others are always there.

The point i was trying to make is if you use money as bait and your way to get girls, don't be surprised you get a certain kind and dont be surprised if they will try to get more money from you one way or the other.

Its not always clear of course when money is bait but buying her everything / letting her live for free giving her a salary ect. are signs.

I don't care if people do it or not, but then don't start complaining about how all Thai girls are out there to get money from you and are all stupid ect. The ones that are independent are a totally different breed (though there will be bad ones there too)

You know why college boys drive expensive cars in Thailand? Do you know why college boys wear designer clothes in Thailand? Do you know why college boys have the latest and most expensive cell phones in Thailand?

To get laid.

Men show off their money to get laid. Monkeys don’t. They show off their muscles.

Rob I think you are barking up the wrong tree. I know you wanted to say that young men get women based on their physical appearance and not their money. True in animals but not true in humans.

  • Like 2

Sorry we are not in the same boat and will never be. Im not fishing for girls that are out of my normal leage and age range. Thus i am reducing the risks. I also let girls pay for food and such to make sure they aren't with me for money alone.

When you are as old as we are, you won't be fishing for girls in your age range either.

Or I may be totally wrong, and you may be a man happy to date ugly girls that are cheap to run.

Your postings are all about you being young and handsome ...... once that is gone you will either be alone, or like us.

No its about me getting worked up about everyone talking about how bad Thai girls are while its mainly because the guys are fishing for the wrong girls because they want young pretty girls and need to pay for them. Then when those girls deceive them all Thai girls are bad. Constantly here on Thaivisa Thai girls are bad and cant be trusted. While in reality its a certain kind of girl that causes the problems because guy buy them and expect them to be loyal


Should have written it more clearer, and should have left the age thing out more but i put it there because in general that is the way the older guys get the younger girls. Exceptions like petermik and others are always there.

The point i was trying to make is if you use money as bait and your way to get girls, don't be surprised you get a certain kind and dont be surprised if they will try to get more money from you one way or the other.

Its not always clear of course when money is bait but buying her everything / letting her live for free giving her a salary ect. are signs.

I don't care if people do it or not, but then don't start complaining about how all Thai girls are out there to get money from you and are all stupid ect. The ones that are independent are a totally different breed (though there will be bad ones there too)

You know why college boys drive expensive cars in Thailand? Do you know why college boys wear designer clothes in Thailand? Do you know why college boys have the latest and most expensive cell phones in Thailand?

To get laid.

Men show off their money to get laid. Monkeys don’t. They show off their muscles.

Rob I think you are barking up the wrong tree. I know you wanted to say that young men get women based on their physical appearance and not their money. True in animals but not true in humans.

True in humans too, you just fail to admit it. I am probably not the one they are after. But studies have shown time and again that girls go for good looking guys. (if no money involved)

Women choose bad boys because their hormones make them, new research suggests. When ovulating a woman's hormones influence who she sees as good potential fathers, and they specifically pick sexier men over obviously more dependable men.

"Previous research has shown in the week near ovulation women become attracted to sexy, rebellious and handsome men like George Clooney or James Bond," study researcher Kristina Durante, of The University of Texas at San Antonio, said in a statement. "But until now it was unclear why women would ever think it's wise to pursue long-term relationships with these kinds of men."

The study was published today, May 14, in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


more research eat your heart out kerry. Im sure i can find many other studies proving my point.

I don't consider myself handsome or top of the crop. But i dont delude myself either that beauty plays no part.

Just look at you guys going for young "beautiful girls" but but.. men and woman are not they same is the standard reply.. guess what only partly right.



The po i was trying to make is if you use money as bait and your way to get girls, don't be surprised you get a certain kind and dont be surprised if they will try to get more money from you one way or the other.

Its not always clear of course when money is bait but buying her everything / letting her live for free giving her a salary ect. are signs."

The fact that money is involved is neither here nor there.

Even with money, once the girl has some financial security don't you think money will become less of an issue and some genuine affection and love might develop down the road at which stage the money girl is on a par with the so-called independent girl?

Only if she has her own source of income, not if it is derived from the foreigner. Then he is still in control and paying.


Should have written it more clearer, and should have left the age thing out more but i put it there because in general that is the way the older guys get the younger girls. Exceptions like petermik and others are always there.

The point i was trying to make is if you use money as bait and your way to get girls, don't be surprised you get a certain kind and dont be surprised if they will try to get more money from you one way or the other.

Its not always clear of course when money is bait but buying her everything / letting her live for free giving her a salary ect. are signs.

I don't care if people do it or not, but then don't start complaining about how all Thai girls are out there to get money from you and are all stupid ect. The ones that are independent are a totally different breed (though there will be bad ones there too)

You know why college boys drive expensive cars in Thailand? Do you know why college boys wear designer clothes in Thailand? Do you know why college boys have the latest and most expensive cell phones in Thailand?

To get laid.

Men show off their money to get laid. Monkeys don’t. They show off their muscles.

Rob I think you are barking up the wrong tree. I know you wanted to say that young men get women based on their physical appearance and not their money. True in animals but not true in humans.

True in humans too, you just fail to admit it. I am probably not the one they are after. But studies have shown time and again that girls go for good looking guys. (if no money involved)

Women choose bad boys because their hormones make them, new research suggests. When ovulating a woman's hormones influence who she sees as good potential fathers, and they specifically pick sexier men over obviously more dependable men.

"Previous research has shown in the week near ovulation women become attracted to sexy, rebellious and handsome men like George Clooney or James Bond," study researcher Kristina Durante, of The University of Texas at San Antonio, said in a statement. "But until now it was unclear why women would ever think it's wise to pursue long-term relationships with these kinds of men."

The study was published today, May 14, in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


more research eat your heart out kerry. Im sure i can find many other studies proving my point.

I don't consider myself handsome or top of the crop. But i dont delude myself either that beauty plays no part.

Just look at you guys going for young "beautiful girls" but but.. men and woman are not they same is the standard reply.. guess what only partly right.

Rob you didn’t even attempt to answer my question. Why are all the young good looking educated Thai men trying so hard to impress women with status symbols that cost a lot of money?


You are trying to ignore the looks part here. I just showed some studies looks do in fact count for a lot. You can have all the status that you want but if you look bad they wont want you unless you have even more money and then its only money.

For the educated good looking Thai guys its a combination of looks and status. If one is missing the other needs to be exponentially higher. But then you get someone only going for money and then we are again at the point its only about money and you attract bad girls.


Not only the young, good looking Thai men but the whole society is trying hard to impress others by their wealth. This is their belief, no matter what their status is. As for the rich boys, the competition is fierce, none of them wants to lose out. This is what has been taught and this is what they take as a good example. Thai ladies are fairly patient when waiting for the right one. Unlike western ladies, thai ladies don't normally initiate a relationship, because of shyness and other factors this is why they lose out on the boys. If the Prince on the white horse does not arrive, obviously, they will opt for other available sources of happiness. No one should believe that a good-looking lady, in her twentieth, tries to find a man, who is much older than her, just because this is what she wants. There are many other factors to look into, such as sincerity, not the strength of the young lads, wealth, which is the most important part of the Thai society, expectations by the family...


No its about me getting worked up about everyone talking about how bad Thai girls are while its mainly because the guys are fishing for the wrong girls because they want young pretty girls and need to pay for them. Then when those girls deceive them all Thai girls are bad. Constantly here on Thaivisa Thai girls are bad and cant be trusted. While in reality its a certain kind of girl that causes the problems because guy buy them and expect them to be loyal

I don't expect my wife to be either 'good' or 'loyal', if I wanted that I would get a dog, and I don't complain about her.

All the complaints you see from posters like 'you know who', are weak men complaining their girl has got the best of them.

Not to do with Thai ladies, it's about strong women overcoming weak men. These guys you say are fishing in the wrong pond .... they will always fish in the wrong pond because of who/what they are, they pollute their own pond.

I just try to give advice on how not to be the weak one in the relationship, not that it helps as weakness is not something most weak men can decide not to be ...... no complaint about Thai ladies from me, but then I'm not weak.

(Same for KerryK, BJBK, they don't complain because they aren't the weak ones)


You are trying to ignore the looks part here. I just showed some studies looks do in fact count for a lot. You can have all the status that you want but if you look bad they wont want you unless you have even more money and then its only money.

For the educated good looking Thai guys its a combination of looks and status. If one is missing the other needs to be exponentially higher. But then you get someone only going for money and then we are again at the point its only about money and you attract bad girls.

The higher the status the more the family is involved; the more money is involved. This is Thailand. This is Asia. Family is more important here. I am struck that you would not know this. Good girls take the boy home. The family is not checking out his six pack. They are checking out his family and bank account. Better go back to Holland where your view of reality is closer to the truth.

I agree with you and think you are correct in most parts of the West. But in Thailand you are totally wrong. There is a reason why so many old men come here as opposed to Poland and the Ukraine.

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