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No Order To Open Fire On The Crowds In 2010: Abhisit


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No order to open fire on the crowds in 2010: Abhisit

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has denied his government had ordered troops to open fire on the crowds in connection with the bloodshed at Rajdamnoen Avenue on April 10, 2010.

Some 25 civilians and soldiers were killed and hundreds sustained injuries in the clash between anti-riot forces and red-shirt protesters.

Abhisit testified on the political mayhem at the Wednesday's hearing by the Truth for Reconciliation Commission.

The TRCT is expected on July 16 to issue its final report on the 2010 political strife.

"Abhisit has given a very useful statement to shed light on the violence," TRCT chairman Kanit na Nakorn said.

The TRCT report will not seek to apportion the blame or single out culprits but focus on how the events unfolded in order to prevent a repeat and enable the country to move on, Kanit said.

In his statement, Abhisit said the Centre for the Resolution of the Crisis Situation gave the green light for riot forces to be armed for self-protection and safegurd the people's lives but did not order any firings into the crowds.

In regard to the public announcement on live bullet zone, he said the true purpose was to deter the crowds from joining the protests.

Democrat MP Suthep Thaugsuban is scheduled to give his statement on June 27 in his capacity as the then deputy prime minister in charge of security affairs.


-- The Nation 2012-06-21

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So tell us who did give the order then, or tell us if you ordered them to not fire and tell us who ignored that order, tell us exactly who was controlling the country at that point as it seems you were not. Or tell us who did not understand that the term 'live fire zone' was not actually meant to be a live fire zone but rather a deterrent only.

Some one gave the order, or the soldiers were firing without any control, and that backs up my theory about random indiscriminate shootings in which unarmed people were killed by the army whilst posing to immediate threat, either the soldiers were ordered to fire, or they took it upon themselves to fire at unarmed civilians. which is it ex PM Abhisit?

If there is any evidence that people were killed by their own side then lets see it, if all the deaths were in self defence then let us see the evidence, there are nearly 100 people dead here on both side and just saying you did not give the order does not absolve you, you were running the country at the time, or where you?

I am 100% sure that some of the red shirt deaths were self defence, just as i am 100% sure that some of the red shirts that died were not armed and were no threat, and before posters pipe up with the nonsense that they deserved to die because they were there then just remember we are talking also about medics and journalists here.

Well, I would doubt very much he was on the front line giving direct orders.

He never gave a specific order,he was involved in specifying the rules of engagement, after that, we are never going to know which specific army commander gave the specific order and at what specific moment.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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So tell us who did give the order then, or tell us if you ordered them to not fire and tell us who ignored that order, tell us exactly who was controlling the country at that point as it seems you were not. Or tell us who did not understand that the term 'live fire zone' was not actually meant to be a live fire zone but rather a deterrent only.

Some one gave the order, or the soldiers were firing without any control, and that backs up my theory about random indiscriminate shootings in which unarmed people were killed by the army whilst posing to immediate threat, either the soldiers were ordered to fire, or they took it upon themselves to fire at unarmed civilians. which is it ex PM Abhisit?

If there is any evidence that people were killed by their own side then lets see it, if all the deaths were in self defence then let us see the evidence, there are nearly 100 people dead here on both side and just saying you did not give the order does not absolve you, you were running the country at the time, or where you?

I am 100% sure that some of the red shirt deaths were self defence, just as i am 100% sure that some of the red shirts that died were not armed and were no threat, and before posters pipe up with the nonsense that they deserved to die because they were there then just remember we are talking also about medics and journalists here.

Let the witch hunt begin! I say lets burn them all at the stake! Doesn't matter if they are guilty or not as some people have already decided they are guilty :)

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So tell us who did give the order then, or tell us if you ordered them to not fire and tell us who ignored that order, tell us exactly who was controlling the country at that point as it seems you were not. Or tell us who did not understand that the term 'live fire zone' was not actually meant to be a live fire zone but rather a deterrent only.

Some one gave the order, or the soldiers were firing without any control, and that backs up my theory about random indiscriminate shootings in which unarmed people were killed by the army whilst posing to immediate threat, either the soldiers were ordered to fire, or they took it upon themselves to fire at unarmed civilians. which is it ex PM Abhisit?

If there is any evidence that people were killed by their own side then lets see it, if all the deaths were in self defence then let us see the evidence, there are nearly 100 people dead here on both side and just saying you did not give the order does not absolve you, you were running the country at the time, or where you?

I am 100% sure that some of the red shirt deaths were self defence, just as i am 100% sure that some of the red shirts that died were not armed and were no threat, and before posters pipe up with the nonsense that they deserved to die because they were there then just remember we are talking also about medics and journalists here.

Can't you read?

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"The TRCT report will not seek to apportion the blame or single out culprits"

What a crock of Sh_it then. What is the point of trying to find accountability when you will not risk upsetting (and criminalising) your mates and relatives. Someone said fire. Someone approved that order. Therefore someone is accountable. Who ever that is needs to be identified and locked up. Can't happen though as that person is no doubt a supposed defender of the law (police) or country (Army).

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"The TRCT report will not seek to apportion the blame or single out culprits"

What a crock of Sh_it then. What is the point of trying to find accountability when you will not risk upsetting (and criminalising) your mates and relatives. Someone said fire. Someone approved that order. Therefore someone is accountable. Who ever that is needs to be identified and locked up. Can't happen though as that person is no doubt a supposed defender of the law (police) or country (Army).

The order was legal if it was given in self-defence. There is no way they are going to hang an army commander out to dry as in "A Few Good Men".

Now someone has to work out whether everyone from the army was acting in self-defence. Good luck disproving that one when all it largely comes down to "he says", "she says" during a running street battle.

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I think that your post is very much biased, and you know it

I am very much convinced that if you were in a situation where your life were at risk and you had a gun in hand......you would use it!

Now, I am also sure that there is no need to receive an order for that, and that faced with a life threatening situation, every one would have the same reaction. It is clear that the people who were at this place on April 10th, 2010 were NOT (repeat: were NOT) innocent unarmed protesters ONLY (repeat: ONLY).

Please tell me in which country would a situation like this one (mass protest with numerous provocations from armed protestors) have been tolerated without the police or/and the army taking actions?

It is easy to come on a forum and to accuse the police, army or/and government to fire live rounds at innocent unarmed civilians. It is not all black or all white.

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I think that your post is very much biased, and you know it

I am very much convinced that if you were in a situation where your life were at risk and you had a gun in hand......you would use it!

Now, I am also sure that there is no need to receive an order for that, and that faced with a life threatening situation, every one would have the same reaction. It is clear that the people who were at this place on April 10th, 2010 were NOT (repeat: were NOT) innocent unarmed protesters ONLY (repeat: ONLY).

Please tell me in which country would a situation like this one (mass protest with numerous provocations from armed protestors) have been tolerated without the police or/and the army taking actions?

It is easy to come on a forum and to accuse the police, army or/and government to fire live rounds at innocent unarmed civilians. It is not all black or all white.

Yes correct. But things wouldn't have gone out of hand if police did their job: maintaining law and order. It seemed that police vanished from the area once the reds came in.

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In the States its called sucide by cop, threaten a cop with a gun, knife or other lethal weapon and you are dead. In Vietnam we were told to defend yourself aganist any threat, I am sure the soliders in Downtown bangkok were told the same thing defend yourself and others aganist threats to your personal safety. In the situations stuff happens. may the dead find peace.

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put a neutral head for a minute

If you mean that, then I have to say that really you are very partisan in your posts, which is totally OK, everyone is allowed to have party loyalties, but really its a bit much to support one side like you do and then claim neutrality.


Edited by Yunla
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Why would any order need to have been given, either to shoot or not to shoot?

The army were told to disperse and control the protesters using riot gear. They came under fire and responded.

Sent from my shoe phone

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haha, all pick on carra again for having a view and asking questions, even telling me to get a life thumbsup.gif

i have a life thanks, a great life, but thanks for that posters concern. I also make it clear in my opening post that I am sure BOTH sides are to blame here so no attempt at a whitewash from my side, i wish some people would see my avatar for what it actually is and not its colour, it is for my football, not my thai politics.

And to the poster that asked what would happen in another country, well a couple of things, most other countries would not even have this situation as politically they are more mature and the army stays in its barracks, and the police deal with civil unrest in those countries, so quite what other countries have to do with this is beyond me, I would also like to point out that abhisit was born and raised in the UK so I would guess he already knows how other countries would deal with this.

Now someone was in charge of the country at this time, eitehr fairly or unfairly depending on how you see coups and party disbandment, he wasn't there because the majority of voters wanted him there but that is by the by, the fact is he was there and he was supposed to be running the country, the buck stops with him, I could; also ask in which other country would he still be walking free or have been allowed to continue as PM after nearly 100 people are dead either on his orders or he wasn't in control of the situation, which is it?

I am happy to debate with anyone, but if people can't have a reasonable discussion without resorting to personal comments such as 'get a life' i really don't see why I should entertain their opinion if it is written along with juvenile comments such as this.

yes I can read, yes i read it, and yes I formed an opinion about it.

It is a simple question, if you did not give the order then who did give the order? do you know who gave the order, if so then tell us? did he give this order contrary to your orders? Was the order to just defend yourselves against direct threats? If so who gave the order to ignore this advice?

you can see guys there are so many questions here, put a neutral head for a minute and the questions that need answering are obvious. Put your yellow head on and as far as you are concerned everyone that died deserved to die.

Again I reiterate by concern is for the people that died on BOTH sides, get it? BOTH sides, I will say it again for the hard of thinking, BOTH sides, families from the victims on both sides deserve to know the truth, so come on abhisit, give the truth, no whitewash, no cover up.

It most probably wasn't given by Abhisit, it was most probably given by someone in the army, under the nice and convenient cover of "self-defence".

This isn't the movies where the commander in Chief screams and the army jumps, and Abhisit (nor would most politicians) be so dumb as to give a direct order to the army to shoot their own population.

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haha, all pick on carra again for having a view and asking questions, even telling me to get a life thumbsup.gif

i have a life thanks, a great life, but thanks for that posters concern. I also make it clear in my opening post that I am sure BOTH sides are to blame here so no attempt at a whitewash from my side, i wish some people would see my avatar for what it actually is and not its colour, it is for my football, not my thai politics.

And to the poster that asked what would happen in another country, well a couple of things, most other countries would not even have this situation as politically they are more mature and the army stays in its barracks, and the police deal with civil unrest in those countries, so quite what other countries have to do with this is beyond me, I would also like to point out that abhisit was born and raised in the UK so I would guess he already knows how other countries would deal with this.

Now someone was in charge of the country at this time, eitehr fairly or unfairly depending on how you see coups and party disbandment, he wasn't there because the majority of voters wanted him there but that is by the by, the fact is he was there and he was supposed to be running the country, the buck stops with him, I could; also ask in which other country would he still be walking free or have been allowed to continue as PM after nearly 100 people are dead either on his orders or he wasn't in control of the situation, which is it?

I am happy to debate with anyone, but if people can't have a reasonable discussion without resorting to personal comments such as 'get a life' i really don't see why I should entertain their opinion if it is written along with juvenile comments such as this.

yes I can read, yes i read it, and yes I formed an opinion about it.

It is a simple question, if you did not give the order then who did give the order? do you know who gave the order, if so then tell us? did he give this order contrary to your orders? Was the order to just defend yourselves against direct threats? If so who gave the order to ignore this advice?

you can see guys there are so many questions here, put a neutral head for a minute and the questions that need answering are obvious. Put your yellow head on and as far as you are concerned everyone that died deserved to die.

Again I reiterate by concern is for the people that died on BOTH sides, get it? BOTH sides, I will say it again for the hard of thinking, BOTH sides, families from the victims on both sides deserve to know the truth, so come on abhisit, give the truth, no whitewash, no cover up.

so with over 2,500 dead people in Thaksin's war on drugs, someone should have clapped the handcuffs on?

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"The TRCT report will not seek to apportion the blame or single out culprits"

What a crock of Sh_it then. What is the point of trying to find accountability when you will not risk upsetting (and criminalising) your mates and relatives. Someone said fire. Someone approved that order. Therefore someone is accountable. Who ever that is needs to be identified and locked up. Can't happen though as that person is no doubt a supposed defender of the law (police) or country (Army).

I say Thaksin's armed militia fired first. Thaksin gave the orders. And therefore the army had the right to shoot back.

A link to qualify your thoughts would be appropriate, or do you have access to information that is not available to others?

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"The TRCT report will not seek to apportion the blame or single out culprits"

What a crock of Sh_it then. What is the point of trying to find accountability when you will not risk upsetting (and criminalising) your mates and relatives. Someone said fire. Someone approved that order. Therefore someone is accountable. Who ever that is needs to be identified and locked up. Can't happen though as that person is no doubt a supposed defender of the law (police) or country (Army).

I say Thaksin's armed militia fired first. Thaksin gave the orders. And therefore the army had the right to shoot back.

A link to qualify your thoughts would be appropriate, or do you have access to information that is not available to others?

Is common sense a good enough link?

Let me explain

There is no protestor at the place

Then, peaceful unarmed protestors show up, and start to disrupt the life of many

After many warnings, and a long time of occupation, officials decide to return the place to its "normal" use

Then the peaceful unarmed protestors start to shoot at the officials

Officials shoot back.....

Provided that the protestors were here following some "sponsor" request, who do you think is to blame for the situation?

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"The TRCT report will not seek to apportion the blame or single out culprits"

What a crock of Sh_it then. What is the point of trying to find accountability when you will not risk upsetting (and criminalising) your mates and relatives. Someone said fire. Someone approved that order. Therefore someone is accountable. Who ever that is needs to be identified and locked up. Can't happen though as that person is no doubt a supposed defender of the law (police) or country (Army).

I say Thaksin's armed militia fired first. Thaksin gave the orders. And therefore the army had the right to shoot back.

A link to qualify your thoughts would be appropriate, or do you have access to information that is not available to others?

Is common sense a good enough link?

Let me explain

There is no protestor at the place

Then, peaceful unarmed protestors show up, and start to disrupt the life of many

After many warnings, and a long time of occupation, officials decide to return the place to its "normal" use

Then the peaceful unarmed protestors start to shoot at the officials

Officials shoot back.....

Provided that the protestors were here following some "sponsor" request, who do you think is to blame for the situation?

So basically no links, no proof to back up your claims and that of the other poster apart from your common sense and thoughts?

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Pretty certain that if i was in the military or police force and deployed to contain civil unrest, if i faced armed civilians with intent to do me harm... i'd shoot one of them (to wound, at least) - i don't need an order from the PM, DPM or some bureaucrat sat in parliament with no frigging idea of whats going on outside of his own rose-tinted glasses...

Does that make me a criminal, or a survivor?

Edited by MunterHunter
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"The TRCT report will not seek to apportion the blame or single out culprits"

What a crock of Sh_it then. What is the point of trying to find accountability when you will not risk upsetting (and criminalising) your mates and relatives. Someone said fire. Someone approved that order. Therefore someone is accountable. Who ever that is needs to be identified and locked up. Can't happen though as that person is no doubt a supposed defender of the law (police) or country (Army).

I say Thaksin's armed militia fired first. Thaksin gave the orders. And therefore the army had the right to shoot back.

A link to qualify your thoughts would be appropriate, or do you have access to information that is not available to others?

Just proof me wrong.

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I would also like to know if Thaksin's trip to Russia in March 2010, in which he sent a televised broadcast to his redshirt followers, if this trip had any connection with his friend the democratically-challenged Mister Putin, who Thaksin had weapons contracts with since 2003.

Why did Thaksin go to Russia in March 2010 when redmob were first marching in Bangkok. Did Thaksin go see his friend Mister Putin. Did that meeting or other meetings in Russia have any connection with the mysterious black-clad caucasian snipers who appeared amongst the redmob a month later. Thaksin made no official comment as to his business in Russia during the redmob occupation of Bangkok. Maybe he was just soaking up the atmosphere there.


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