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I had my annual check-up today and everything in my bloodwork was normal except my AST level was 56. In the past years it has been between 15 and 35. All of the other liven enzymes (Albumin, ALT, and Alkaline Phosphate) were in the normal range. I am slightly disturbed by this AST level, although I understand it is not that far above the normal range (0-40).

I do not drink or smoke, nor do I have any other diseases which may affect the liver (such as Hepatitis or HIV).

I did take a 2 month course of the oral steroid anavar (oxandrolone) to gain some muscle mass - at 30mg per day. This was discontinued several weeks ago. Anavar is supposed to be very mild but I am now thinking that it was a silly idea to take it at all and that it may be the cause of my slightly elevated AST levels. I guess I will test again in another few weeks to see if there is any improvement.

Has anyone else experienced elevated liver enzyme levels with anavar?




If you a do a quick google you will see you are not alone with elevated liver enzymes and the use of Anavar.

As long as you have discontinued usage your liver should return to normal over time.

You could also start taking milk thistle and some cleaning fresh veggie juices and general diet maitenance if you want to hurry the process along.

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If you a do a quick google you will see you are not alone with elevated liver enzymes and the use of Anavar.

As long as you have discontinued usage your liver should return to normal over time.

You could also start taking milk thistle and some cleaning fresh veggie juices and general diet maitenance if you want to hurry the process along.

Thank you, Tolley. I have purchased some Samarin 140 and will take a tablet a day for the next several weeks. My diet is good and I generally eat fresh fruit and vegetables, chicken and fish, and brown rice.

Mr. Doctor has suggested a liver ultrasound on the basis of the AST 56 result - but I am thinking that he is jumping the gun a little. I would like to test again after a few more weeks to see if there is any improvement. I was a bit surprised, however, that the effects of the anavar would still result in elevated levels even after three weeks of discontinuation.

I have no other symptoms so I am hopeful that it nothing serious. The doctor mentioned fatty liver but I do not have any risk factors for that. I am 6ft 2, 75kg, and very active. I do not drink or smoke.

Anyway, thank you very much for your kind response.




Mild elevations of liver enzymes like this are often the result of a medication. Are you on anything else? In not then the Anavar was quite likely the culprit.

Given your lack of risk factors, I think it would be reasonable to wait a few more weeks (not taking thje Anavar of course, and also keep meds like paracetemol etc to a minimum) and then repeat the test before deciding on an ultrasound.

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Mild elevations of liver enzymes like this are often the result of a medication. Are you on anything else? In not then the Anavar was quite likely the culprit.

Given your lack of risk factors, I think it would be reasonable to wait a few more weeks (not taking thje Anavar of course, and also keep meds like paracetemol etc to a minimum) and then repeat the test before deciding on an ultrasound.

Thank you very much, Sheryl.

I do take some other medications but I have taken these for some time - including the last time I had my blood tested when the AST liver enzyme levels were normal. The medications I take daily are - Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Zinc, CoQ10, Omega 3 Fish Oil, and Propecia. I think Anavar was the culprit but was a bit surprised given that I discontinued it a few weeks ago. I guess it takes some time for the levels to go back to normal.

I have also read that lifting weights can increase AST levels for up to 7 days after exercise. I exercise 3 times a week with weights and this, too, may have had an impact.

Again, many thanks for the kind response.




Propecia is extensively metabolized in the liver and it is not unusual for it to cause elevations in liver enzymes. You may have taken it for a while, but you are also getting older all the while and your liver along with you. If your enzymes remain elevated in a few weeks time we can probably conclude the propecia is the culprit...


have you had iron levels checked?

high iron also increases liver enzymes, faik...

and vitamin c does (somehow) "enhance" the iron in the body...

there is sort of a free iron and a bound (in blood) iron, and vitamin c increases the bound iron (as far as i understood this)...

therefore, the vitamin c to take best in the morning, before any food...


Hi Dingdang. No, I have not had my iron levels checked. I will wait for a few more weeks and have another test and see whether the liver enzyme level has normalised. Cheers for your response.


i second the milk thistle. I swear by the stuff for keeping the liver healthy.

If you a do a quick google you will see you are not alone with elevated liver enzymes and the use of Anavar.

As long as you have discontinued usage your liver should return to normal over time.

You could also start taking milk thistle and some cleaning fresh veggie juices and general diet maitenance if you want to hurry the process along.

Sent from my HTC ChaCha A810e using Thaivisa Connect App


That's interesting, Sheryl. Millions of people around the world take propecia on a daily basis. If it is the reason, what can I do?

Assuming you are taking it for baldness, I would suggest either resigning yourself to what is ultimately a losing battle or switching to topical minoxidil. That too can affect the liver but is less likely to do so than oral meds. I'd also takea one month break before starting it just to let your liver rest.


Yeah I would buy a weave if I was worried about a hair loss.

Ditch the unecessary chemicals which could as Sheryl as indicated have caused the increase in liver enzymes.


Hi Dingdang. No, I have not had my iron levels checked. I will wait for a few more weeks and have another test and see whether the liver enzyme level has normalised. Cheers for your response.

You didn't indicate the result of the most important of liver tests (bilirubin), after a course of oral anabolic steroids. Total and direct bilirubin are normally given on standard liver function tests.

Oral steroids can (and normally do after prolonged heavy use) cause (drug-induced) cholestasis of the liver which leads to jaundice. This is easily diagnosed by a rise in bilirubin.

Your slight elevation of AST is so minor it should be of no concern to you at all. The cause would seem quite obvious (Anavar) and it should soon normalize. Even if you weren't taking Anavar, 56 is so low that it shouldn't concern you anyway. The doctor suggesting an ultrasound for an AST of 56 is absurd. It's profiteering.

Regarding Anavar being a mild drug - this is not really the case. The reason this myth does the rounds is because it is so expensive that most people only use a low dose - as you did... therefore low dose - limited benefit, limited side effects ... which is lucky for you really.

I'd be more concerned about it (Anavar) shutting down your natural testosterone production, which it almost certainly did after 2 months of use - along with a rise in estradiol. Unless you were doing some PCT (post cycle therapy) you would have ended up with low testosterone and high estrogen.. which will take some time to normalize without any PCT.

In the meanwhile, while you're waiting for your own hormone levels to normalize you'll lose all the muscle you gained from the cycle and possibly more and also risk side effects from high estrogen (fat gain in areas you don't want it, bloating from water retention) and low testosterone (losing muscle, low sex drive, low energy etc).

I find it incredible that you'll take steroids without a clue of what you're doing.

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