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What Is It With Paying Your Wife A Wage?


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I keep reading on these posts that husbands have to give the wife an allowance which they agree before they get married ,why ? i had a live in Thai girlfriend for many years and have been married for far longer ,but there was never any talk of having to give my wife a wage every month .i dont want to appear rude but if my wife wants something she just asks for it ,to me paying the wife money every month doesnt much sound like a love match more a buisness agreement.

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I told my wife if she quit her job, I would pay her income she used to make. 12hr days for 400-600 day is not what I call a good job.

All our money is our money. Like normal married couples.

But she feels like she is not a sponge. When she doesn't have to ask for some money or for me to buy something.

Maybe a lot of guys are still paying the bar fine?

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I think it maybe it's because Thai Culture is different then the Western Culture.

If you marry here, then you marry also her Family, and the allowance could be used for sending money to the family.

But I could be wrong.

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Same, same me op. The money is our money, if either wants something we say what we want and then talk about whether we can have it now or have to wait. We never say no, just work out when we can have it - although she is giving me a ridiculous time frame for me to buy the Ferrari.

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For me it's necessary to set their expectation realistically. I can't afford to take on the obligations a "normal" husband-wife relationship would imply, particularly wrt to emergencies among her relatives. And I have no interest in that kind of relationship anyway.

My girls are poor uneducated farmgirls who think (along with their very large extended families) that every farang has a bottomless pile hidden away. And I have no interest in girls from more elevated circumstances.

In other words my M.O. is dictated by my preferences, perfectly rational but certainly not appropriate for many who want things basically the same as they would be back home.

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I have had many friends over the years that turn their whole pay packet over to the missus and are given a little daily pocket money, all the rest is up to her.

Some of them with Thai wives swear they're financially much better off that way. Others have been taken to the cleaners by their western tilacs. AFAIC to each their own, as long as they're willing to wear the consequences of their choices.

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Sounds like a rental agreement till money runs out to me.

Of course things are not always as black and white giving the wife some extra money is totally different from giving her a salary that goes to her family and such.

Personally i don't give money and my wife contributes to the costs because she has a job. I never understood why a girl should not work if she could. Unless the guy is free all day or something like that. But if the guy works, different story.

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It comes from people who don't trust their wives , people who trust their wives allow them access to accounts , they have their own credit cards ect , people who don't give them money because they dont trust them with a credit card or acesss to the banks accounts. All the other answers from people doing it but disputing that are just from people denying reality.

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It comes from people who don't trust their wives , people who trust their wives allow them access to accounts , they have their own credit cards ect , people who don't give them money because they dont trust them with a credit card or acesss to the banks accounts. All the other answers from people doing it but disputing that are just from people denying reality.

I think having separate accounts and such is something quite normal. At least it is with the younger generation where i am from.

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It comes from people who don't trust their wives , people who trust their wives allow them access to accounts , they have their own credit cards ect , people who don't give them money because they dont trust them with a credit card or acesss to the banks accounts. All the other answers from people doing it but disputing that are just from people denying reality.

my wife has her own cards and knows all my pin numbers and has done for donkeys years .

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I told my wife if she quit her job, I would pay her income she used to make. 12hr days for 400-600 day is not what I call a good job.

All our money is our money. Like normal married couples.

But she feels like she is not a sponge. When she doesn't have to ask for some money or for me to buy something.

Maybe a lot of guys are still paying the bar fine?


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It comes from people who don't trust their wives , people who trust their wives allow them access to accounts , they have their own credit cards ect , people who don't give them money because they dont trust them with a credit card or acesss to the banks accounts. All the other answers from people doing it but disputing that are just from people denying reality.

I think having separate accounts and such is something quite normal. At least it is with the younger generation where i am from.

I didn't say it wasn't normal ..... I said it comes from people not trusting the other one to not spend their money , and thats why people have seperate accounts so the other person can't spend it.
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It comes from people who don't trust their wives , people who trust their wives allow them access to accounts , they have their own credit cards ect , people who don't give them money because they dont trust them with a credit card or acesss to the banks accounts. All the other answers from people doing it but disputing that are just from people denying reality.

I think having separate accounts and such is something quite normal. At least it is with the younger generation where i am from.

I didn't say it wasn't normal ..... I said it comes from people not trusting the other one to not spend their money , and thats why people have seperate accounts so the other person can't spend it.

Only if you have a suspicious mind coffee1.gif

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My wife stopped working to spend time with me. I do give her an allowance for herself to budget. It is less than she would have previously earned. Out of this she pays most of the things she contributes to the extended family...mostly some extra education for her two nieces. The rest she banks to provide a buffer for when I die and she has to wait till probate goes through to access funds and to burn me. Most months the contribution to the kids is about 1000 baht. On a couple of occasion when she wants me to give them something extra I have suggested splitting it between the two of us. This gives her time to think whether she will do it. Sometimes the kids win sometimes they do not.

Other money is spent as needed by both of us and accounted to each other. She has not yet even suggested I should not buy a new computer mouse or monitor or even the big new computer which she encouraged me to get as i SPEND SO MUCH TIME ON IT.

i do not consider it is a wage just a division of the expenses of our family to make it more manageable.

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guys pay it because there bargirls say they will leave the bar if they do.

they then pocket the wage and the bar money, and the money from the 6 other farang men they have on the side.

extra will be needed when dad gets cancer and grandma needs a transplant, sick buffalo's and farming equipment also must be factored in.

they will continue to spend all there waking hours at the bar, but only visiting old friends, and they were the only girl there who did waitressing for money and not sex any way.

they may get pregnant whilst your away, get a strange illness that requires weekly injections at a cost of 10000 bht a month at the doctors, meanwhile the belly at 30weeks pregnancy is dead flat yet no one finds this strange,

suddenly they are locked up for a terrible crime they did not commit, need 100000 bht bail, can strangely enough use there mobile to call you for the money at all hours, lose the baby thats never mentioned again after taking 100000 bht for the funeral you cant attend.

then buy a house in there name with your money, 6million bht, leave you 6 days later, keep it all, and all this to a girl my friend never even had sex with, ha ha ha, hhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hhaaa haha.

no wonder they laugh at westerners.

This is about paying YOUR WIFE A WAGE,been hurt before mate,totaly screwed i say,or u know nothing of Life

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If I feel like leaving the village I ask my wife where my wallet is. Usually she pulls it out of her purse.

We spend our money together and discuss larger costs, She pays all the bills because I hate paying bills.

I buy whatever I want, and I try to encourage her to do the same. But she rarely buys anything for herself.

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The word wage is pejorative in this example, the word would be better served as an allowance, or my favourite word for it, a budget.

I'm not interested in being involved in my partners daily spend decisions on dresses, toiletries, perfume, makeup, magazines, I-phone apps, shoes, handbags, lunch with pals, blah blah blah. She's my lady and she is entitled to make decisions without redress to me, and I get particularly impressed when she saves money from the relative pittance I allocate to her.

Incidentally, I did the same for my first wife, I was working, she wasn't, she was bringing up my kids, we had a household budget, I took on responsibility for Christmas and Holiday budgets, and on top of that my ex-wife got her own budget for personal spending ( as did I ).

My ex-wife used most of it to buy even more useless toys and things for the kids, up to her. It's my wife, my partner, not my possession or slave, I need to make sure she is provided for without any argument.

It's part of the contract of marriage you know it's this bit " for richer or for poorer", it's not for " so I can control every penny you spend for the rest of your life", which is far far more common then men are prepared to admit.

So OP........answer me this question, how much money per month does your wife get without having to ask you for it??????

This puts you in the weakest possible position, you are, in effect, her slave. Working to provide her with money.

This might be a radical idea, but why not expect a woman to earn and contribute an equal amount of money to the household.

You might want to read up on Thai customs, they don't make the same marriage promises as Christians.

My wife gets zero money from me, she is younger than me, she is allowed to work and earn in Thailand.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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The word wage is pejorative in this example, the word would be better served as an allowance, or my favourite word for it, a budget.

I'm not interested in being involved in my partners daily spend decisions on dresses, toiletries, perfume, makeup, magazines, I-phone apps, shoes, handbags, lunch with pals, blah blah blah. She's my lady and she is entitled to make decisions without redress to me, and I get particularly impressed when she saves money from the relative pittance I allocate to her.

Incidentally, I did the same for my first wife, I was working, she wasn't, she was bringing up my kids, we had a household budget, I took on responsibility for Christmas and Holiday budgets, and on top of that my ex-wife got her own budget for personal spending ( as did I ).

My ex-wife used most of it to buy even more useless toys and things for the kids, up to her. It's my wife, my partner, not my possession or slave, I need to make sure she is provided for without any argument.

It's part of the contract of marriage you know it's this bit " for richer or for poorer", it's not for " so I can control every penny you spend for the rest of your life", which is far far more common then men are prepared to admit.

So OP........answer me this question, how much money per month does your wife get without having to ask you for it??????

This puts you in the weakest possible position, you are, in effect, her slave. Working to provide her with money.

This might be a radical idea, but why not expect a woman to earn and contribute an equal amount of money to the household.

You might want to read up on Thai customs, they don't make the same promises as Christians.

My wife gets zero money from me, she is younger than me, she is allowed to work and earn in Thailand.

My lady earns......she has her own wage. In my current relationship what I give to my lady is a pittance. A real pittance. Please remember I'm Scottish coffee1.gif

Edited by theblether
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My lady earns......she has her own wage. In my current example what I give to my lady is a pittance. A real pittance. Please remember I'm Scottish coffee1.gif

I very much doubt you are 'Scots', never heard a real one refer to themselves as 'Scottish'.

Only s sassenach would use that word.

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This might be a radical idea, but why not expect a woman to earn and contribute an equal amount of money to the household.

For some people this would mean that she would have to go back to her old occupation. whistling.gif

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