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After several attempts to locate and purchase a legit copy of photo shop im forced to go the route i did not want to go, during my travels between one major mall to the next i was sent everywhere by ever helpful counter staff, ( i dont want to purchase and download online as i want a hard copy of my purchase)

This sort of thing has happened to me before here, ever knowledgeable staff directing me here or there... i since realize that this must be a cultural thing back home if you dont know you say it.

Now lets not hear form the "this is Thailand group" or "the get use to it group" or "im so bored i get on here for a laugh and make sarcastic comments group"

I and many others have worked out its a different operating system here but you know what? we still have that good old western mentality thats been entrenched in our heads for so long that from time to time such trivial things like this make me want to post my experience.

Now have i opened a can of worms? i recall one guy posting that they put ramps on footpaths because its legal for motorbikes to use too when i started a topic on zebra crossings, how about the relationship experts who advise to throw the adulterers wife out with her stuff because the husband cant trust his wife anymore, great advice...2 kids involved etc etc...

Seems to me its a bit of both ways, i can actually image some of the guys that post on here, maybe its why i dont have many male friends....Oh i shouldnt have said that...tutt tutt....food for that "sarcastic group"

I am known for having a sarcastic streak but im only Australian, the English are some dam good at it i wish i had that skill.

And dont start me talking about women and since were in Thailand Thai women...no please dont start me up....Thats another book...

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184 posts...senior member...hmmm makes me seem OLD im not old....im not young either cant we have a rewording of senior to something like star or monster plzz mr moderator?


Mr david...why does there have to be a question? is this forum only a question and answer forum? maybe its a food for thought story, it could be im still looking for a copy of photoshop, i had women problems last week too and did i tell you i got lost in tokyo the morning of my departure only to make the bullet train to the airport with 2 min to spare?


Mr david...why does there have to be a question? is this forum only a question and answer forum? maybe its a food for thought story, it could be im still looking for a copy of photoshop, i had women problems last week too and did i tell you i got lost in tokyo the morning of my departure only to make the bullet train to the airport with 2 min to spare?

Agreed ... there is no set formula for an OP.

The Q and A is the most widely used.

Sometimes I have see a photo used to open a discussion.

But generally there was only one point of discussion/conjecture ... and you have identified many which may make it confusing for this wishing to reply.

Just saying like ...


No question as such but a perfectly reasonable observation…if you ask a Thai for directions and they don’t know they will just guess and send you off in any direction because they can’t say “I don’t know” without loss of face.

Can be frustrating or amusing depending on what mood you are in. All good fun if you ask me biggrin.png


Ok, I'll bite.

Assuming that this is the real topic, and it's not just some whine about Thai's admitting they don't know...

After several attempts to locate and purchase a legit copy of photo shop im forced to go the route i did not want to go, during my travels between one major mall to the next i was sent everywhere by ever helpful counter staff, ( i dont want to purchase and download online as i want a hard copy of my purchase)

By 'I want a hard copy of my purchase', I assume you mean that you want a CD/DVD. Yes?

Well, guess what. After you download from adobe.com, you can burn the file (along with emails/seriels you receive from Adobe) to a DVD.

Problem solved.

As for the whine... yes, I understand. Also love the other stock answer... 'No have'.


Have read the OP twice ... what's the question?

I too have read it twice with neither a discernible question or a particular point to show for my efforts... only 6 minutes of my life, which I will never get back blink.png


I think he was saying that staff kept sending him to other departments or stores to buy the product, but none of the places had it so it was a wild goose chase.

Or maybe that they directed him to where he could buy pirated software. Not sure.


I have to say customer satisfaction must be very low in Thailand apart from apparel which comes as second nature to the when the tough get going they go shopping Thai's, i have had to do some grandstanding to get a pair of well known world wide brand of sneakers replaced due to faulty workmanship and there was a lot of passing the buck in the process i have to say in that 5 week process.

Most missed what i was ranting about, thanks for the website for abode products but i wasnt looking for that, thank you to the guys who were willing to give there time to help me when i didnt need help, i was merely writing what i was thinking about which were my recent experiences.

Interesting to see how so many read a page differently and yet not so how it was intended, some take a bit of offense that they cannot understand it, 'read it twice" was one comment.

If we take this to an other level is it any wonder there are conflicts from small relationship to nation against nation.

Surprised that sarcastic lot havent got in on the act...were are you?


I have to say customer satisfaction must be very low in Thailand apart from apparel which comes as second nature to the when the tough get going they go shopping Thai's, i have had to do some grandstanding to get a pair of well known world wide brand of sneakers replaced due to faulty workmanship and there was a lot of passing the buck in the process i have to say in that 5 week process.

How long have you been wearing the sneaker or how long ago did you buy them? Just curious, I've never thought about returning clothes or shoes after I've been wearing them or considered them to have a warranty but it seems you have a valid point if their was a workmanship issue.

My wife bought a fairly expensive name brand blouse a couple months ago and after washing it, all the seems came loose. I just assumed there was nothing that could be done without jumping through a lot of hoops but would have assumed that anywhere, not just here.

Oh, actually I had a pair of work Red Wing boots I bought when I was like 19 for more than 15 years. I remember they told me they had a lifetime warranty when I bought them. I used to wear them any chance I got and was just shocked at how long the lasted and always remembered the warranty ... then one day my ex-wife's little freaking miniature dog chewed the leather up on one. It took me a year to finally throw them away, they had become like family unlike the freaking dog.

Anyway .. sorry to hear you are not having a good day or week or is it month?


I often go to shopping malls, look in the shop windows, have an ice cream, then go home. Sometimes I don't go home, I go see a movie. If the weather is good I go to the park, but then on good weather days the park is too busy so I just go home and look out the window and wish I was at the park. coffee1.gif

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I usually just go to the pub and whinge about it to Brian. He ignores me and all is well in the world. smile.png

I like cheese, but Brian doesn't like cheese. Sometimes I eat a cheese sandwich and Brian says, "theblether, I don't like cheese" then I say, " I know, but I like it", then he doesn't talk to me for 5 minutes then we're okay again.

Do you like cheese? coffee1.gif


I usually just go to the pub and whinge about it to Brian. He ignores me and all is well in the world. smile.png

I like cheese, but Brian doesn't like cheese. Sometimes I eat a cheese sandwich and Brian says, "theblether, I don't like cheese" then I say, " I know, but I like it", then he doesn't talk to me for 5 minutes then we're okay again.

Do you like cheese? coffee1.gif

Yeah but only on wholemeal toast....but he only stocks white. When i asked him he just shrugged his shoulders and carried on playing his Angry Birds game.


I usually just go to the pub and whinge about it to Brian. He ignores me and all is well in the world. smile.png

I like cheese, but Brian doesn't like cheese. Sometimes I eat a cheese sandwich and Brian says, "theblether, I don't like cheese" then I say, " I know, but I like it", then he doesn't talk to me for 5 minutes then we're okay again.

Do you like cheese? coffee1.gif

Yeah but only on wholemeal toast....but he only stocks white. When i asked him he just shrugged his shoulders and carried on playing his Angry Birds game.

Makes sense. By the way, what was the OP on about? coffee1.gif


I usually just go to the pub and whinge about it to Brian. He ignores me and all is well in the world. smile.png

I like cheese, but Brian doesn't like cheese. Sometimes I eat a cheese sandwich and Brian says, "theblether, I don't like cheese" then I say, " I know, but I like it", then he doesn't talk to me for 5 minutes then we're okay again.

Do you like cheese? coffee1.gif

Yeah but only on wholemeal toast....but he only stocks white. When i asked him he just shrugged his shoulders and carried on playing his Angry Birds game.

Makes sense. By the way, what was the OP on about? coffee1.gif

He wanted to buy a legit DVD/CD copy of Adobe Photoshop but Thai shopkeepers chased him away politely, giving him directions to go to stores where he was referred to another store that he ended up walking hither and thither like a headless chicken. Now he tries to scratch his head but he can't find it.

//Sent from my dumb phone//


Those sarcastic remarks seem to be coming from those who are already assimilated. "We don't know or don't care so let's talk about something else... "

On a similar note, I was led around the Emporium yesterday trying to return some merchandise for a cash refund. Eventually, I got some in-mall vouchers and would have been pissed, except I found other things I needed to purchase.



I like cheese...especially with tomato, toasted white or multi grain bread is the way to go, hard too find here you know unless you make your own then finding sugarless bread is a problem to.

I make a special trip once a week just to get a vegie patter at subway, you know in Australia i wouldnt touch one with your hands, but look how far ive dropped standards...same with MacDonald when i travel, if i eat that muck once or twice a year its enough but on my recent week in japan...a wooing 4 times...

My sneakers were Adidas, over 3000 i payed for them and the first split within 6 weeks after being fobbed off (by the way ive told this story in another post) the second split on the apposite foot after 12 weeks so Nisa if you bought from a department store you should be able to get a replacement a credit or repaired, but you need to be assertive or they will give you that blank i dont know anything dreamy eyed look.

New experience last night, wanted to go to the Frazier suites roof top bar for some cool sexy salsa dancing so i look up the web and the location and address...the map clearly showed were it was located but not in reality, i sent the poor taxi driver criss crossing all over the place.

By the way the phone number of the Thai distributor for abode is incorrect when i called after looking at that website...

Welcome to the pretend land the land of copy and shoddy service, you know my Thai friends tell me they work hard, Thais have no idea what hard work is i will say some work long hours for not much pay but thats about it, no aussie girl has time to chat with you on msn while at work, yesterday in Paragon 8 female sales staff in an area of approximately 50 sq m were put on make up or chatting and laugh in a group of 3 lounging around clearly doing sweet nothing, when i have pointed this out to former gfs and i tell them that back home there would only be 1 sales assistant in this area i get a bewildered look, ho and the last gf said i shouldnt be so mean ,"they dont earn much, you should be happy they have a job"

Its almost lunch time but i dont have any butter for bread....and only a little cheese...

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Nisa....in Australia we have customer protection for faulty goods, if there is a problem within a reasonable period of time they are covered by a consumer warranty, that is everything, were talking about items like clothes, footwear, supermarket, gift stores etc etc.

Items will be repaired or replaced or if out of stock a credit, the better organizations will refund your money also. The major department sores as well as many smaller stores will replace an item if you decided you dont like the color or style once you get it home but of course again you need to return that item within a few days or you can forget it.

A former Thai gf was amazed that she could return items or have faulty items replaced and no issues about it while she lived in AU.

I think all major western country would have similar consumer laws, even yesterday i returned 4 shirts i bout at MBK because they were a size to big and had them replaced, again no issue but i did return the following day not 2 weeks later.


Those sarcastic remarks seem to be coming from those who are already assimilated. "We don't know or don't care so let's talk about something else... "

On a similar note, I was led around the Emporium yesterday trying to return some merchandise for a cash refund. Eventually, I got some in-mall vouchers and would have been pissed, except I found other things I needed to purchase.


I think it has more to do with their inability to assimilate after being here a long time and their need to feel superior, out of a lack of self-esteem, at every opportunity they can. Either that or just bored and wanting to have a laugh at the expense of somebody else.


No nisa your dead wrong, and im amazed you can make that prognoses on the strength of whats written.

<snip - comments about Australia immigrants>

This afternoon i had words with apartment staff about the unreliable internet in this building, this is the 4th or 5th chat i had with them, this time i reminded that i pay, and that i should get a service to go with it, thats its not good enough to just call the internet company, might be time to look at there own gear, its obvious to me that something isnt right, i said look out there its a sunny day its not raining, i told her i was getting tired of talking to her about it that if theres a next time i want to know the reason not the stock comment that she will call the internet company....if you take this example you can see a foreigner educating the service provider that if someones paying then a good service is required that there indifference and acceptance of a situation is not good enough for everyone....in other words im trying to educate that silly woman to lift her game if she wants my money.

While walking down to local villa supermarket to get some cheese and butter an above poster mentioned and made me hungry for early this afternoon i witnessed a minor but loud car crash, taxi run up the backside of a women in a camray...the crash was very loud but it didnt look like anything but scratch marks on her rear bar, well this woman took a whole min before she got out of her car...i thought this strange, on closer inspection she was on the phone...my god that call must have been important and thats not to mention the zig zaging Thais walking down the footpath blocking your ever chance to pass and thats not to mention all the obstacles that are there in the first place plus the new ones that come out after lunch.

So, it would seem you are still having trouble accepting the way things work here. And my comment had nothing to do with farangs but to do with posters here as well I thought it was fairly clear it wasn't meant to be taken as gold or even all that seriously since I provided two very different possibilities. But when was protests a bit too much over an issue ...


Trouble accepting? there strong words, the only trouble i have here are with cars and women, the cars are worse than the women, well the women on the main are actually pretty good but the last one kinda left a dark cloud over me hope it lifts soon.

why cant i bring and contribute something here? obviously you didnt take any notice of what i wrote and i competently misunderstood your post.

If i had to actually go to work every day i would get tired of this country pretty quick unless i was out of BKK, i see it as a bit of an adventure, i prefer to fight BKK cars than do a steve irwin and go after crocs and snakes, you know in time when i return to AU and decide for some reason like im killing them in business not to return i will look back on this period here as an adventure 9 mths of it ,like when i backpacked around combodia or the time i got lost in saigon not forgetting getting lost in tokyo too but that wasnt half as scary.


To the OP ... there is an expression named TLTR ... Too Long To Read.

Or TLDR … Too Long Didn’t Read.

There might be some good points made in your posts but I wasn't bothered to read them.

One thought ... one sentence.

Like life ... have some clarity.

Minestrone Soup is good to eat ... not to read.

Is my cheese sandwich ready yet?

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To the OP ... there is an expression named TLTR ... Too Long To Read.

Or TLDR … Too Long Didn’t Read.

There might be some good points made in your posts but I wasn't bothered to read them.

One thought ... one sentence.

Like life ... have some clarity.

Minestrone Soup is good to eat ... not to read.

Is my cheese sandwich ready yet?

BUT, perhaps he was having a Yaba moment eh. whistling.gif

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