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Loudspeaker Driving Me Crazy


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Another example of how things are not as much of a bargin as people think. Good deal yesterday not so much today.

how was he supposed to know the thai govt was going to erect speakers nearby when he moved in ??

He wasn't , but that's not relevant to my point ....... which is things in Thailand often end up to be a lot less of a good deal in the end than they seemed in the beginning , and this is just another example. How would you know they will build a noisy bar next to your house ? You don't but thats not the point now is it ?

In my area in BKK they first built an expensive condo building, and when everything was sold, they placed a HiSo open-air restaurant/bar with pizza oven straight in front of the condo balconies.

These condos cannot be sold anymore. I always pity the owners.

That's an example of people not asking the right questions before they buy , they might not have told them what they were going to do, but if they had asked if it was even possible for that to happen, they might have changed their mind about risking it in the first place. Remember Thailand is a buyer beware place so you really need to ask a lot of questions about what is allowed or possible to happen. Also Knowing a little Thai law helps as well. for example in a typical gated village with empty land of even a house someone wanted to tear down you could build a "factory\warehouse" which would be completely inapropriate in most reasonable peoples minds and illegal unless you slightly modified it with a living room , bedroom ...... then it's a house ! lol As opposed to what most westerners would say is a factory with a livingroom\bedroom and still a factory. Edited by MrRealDeal
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1. Disconnect the existing wires.

2. Connect your own from your dvd player.

3. Insert chosen cd of your choice of music (if you're British, the shipping forecast will do).

4. Press play.

The speakers will be gone by Saturday...

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I'm not a HI-FI nerd, but I think speakers have some sort of membrane inside to produce the sound. So a slingshot and some good aiming should take care of it.

They're mostly made with paper cones that vibrate - so real easy to destroy. A pellet gun would work - though expect some really weird noises until you've managed to totally shred the paper cone. Good target practise anyway.

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At least you haven't got posts stating you're not tough enough to handle the noise, TIT, if you can't handle it go back to where you came from etc etc. A refreshing change!

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At least you haven't got posts stating you're not tough enough to handle the noise, TIT, if you can't handle it go back to where you came from etc etc. A refreshing change!

You know you made me do it dont you...... laugh.png

OP you are obviously new to Thailand and dont speak Thai and you have not embraced or understand Thai culture fully as those people who have been here 20 years plus living in the wilds of Isaan living in bamboo accomadation on stilts and eating leaves carefully picked from the side of the road every morning and here you are bringing your corruption western practices to Thailand, and tell us that the Thai people must change..

I say to you if you cant handle the noise go an buy a plane ticket and go home because all you are doing is making it harder for those of us who are at one with our Thainess to live in Thailand, because you are making Thailand tighten visa regulations and making it harder for those true Thai wannabee from ever own land..

OP...I am only kidding...biggrin.png

My solution to your problem...CD player hooked in their speaker system and blast out AC/DC, Led Zep, Hendrix or the sex pistols all day...pretty sure speakers will disappear very quickly...thumbsup.gif

Edited by Soutpeel
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dont cut the wire right thru just cut halfway thru with a very sharp razor type blade, if they try to fix it it will take them longer, repeat as necessary

Got one better...quick trip to Cambodia, purchase RPG-7, come back to Thailand and aim at said speakers...problem solved..

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I am lucky our headman does not drink. All our anouncements are in the morning. Music for only on song and then a short message.

Our headman has a drink on the odd occasion but he operates much the same way as yours.Maybe there will be a message in the early evening if needed.The problem in our village at the moment is there is a by election on and there are two trucks running up and down 5 or 6 times a day and the volume is unbelievable.Sometimes I am using the computer and listening to music at the same time with a little bit of volume and they drown out my speakers when they are still 400 metres away.I can still hear them with hands clamped to my ears
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I wish I could follow all of your suggestions. Most are quite creative, I have to say. Unfortunately, all the wires are way too high and is clearly beyond reach. There is no wire that leads to ground level.

As promised, this is what happened today...

It was seven in the morning and I was having a hearty breakfast. I was sitting at my usual place and my wife is just across the table from me. We heard what we were silently dreading all morning. It started as a crackle. We both looked up and stared at each other. Neither one of us said anything. Our eyes are fixed on each other but we were not really seeing anything. Our ears were suddenly on a higher level of awareness. We were straining to hear what will come next.One crackle was followed by another then there was complete silence. As I started to look down at my food, I almost heard my wife breathe out the air that she had been holding fir the last few seconds.Then it came. Just when we thought we'd have a peaceful morning, the Speakarus horribilis started blaring out that dreaded sound that a few locals consider as music.

F you horn speakers.Story ends here...It went on from 7:00-8:00. It stopped and started again at 12:00-1:00, and finally at 5:00-6:00.

Not bad, eh? No, it is still as bad as it was yesterday, There is always that constant fear that it will go on and on again. It was still terribly loud.I went to my landlady who said that she have had the same experience before. She told me that she went straight to the municipal hall and told them there that she didn't appreciate having those speakers in front of her house. She said that a few days later, they took the speakers down.

She lives just a few blocks from me.

I think I know now where those speakers came from.

Edited by sensei
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or...maybe capture the perps and convince them to play Tony Bennett and Frank S. to lullaby and assist with early morning repose...

That could lead to a farang suicide. sad.pngsmile.png

well...howzabout Johnny Mathis?

and I bet that transam has got him on the 8 track in his hot rod...cuddlin' in the back seat on the tuck 'n roll upholstery with his honey...'eek! yer ruining my pantyhose!...'

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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or...maybe capture the perps and convince them to play Tony Bennett and Frank S. to lullaby and assist with early morning repose...

That could lead to a farang suicide. sad.pngsmile.png

well...howzabout Johnny Mathis?

and I bet that transam has got him on the 8 track in his hot rod...cuddlin' in the back seat on the tuck 'n roll upholstery with his honey...'eek! yer ruining my pantyhose!...'

I am contemplating suicide now if l had to listen to that. Noooooooooooow, today, with, l am sure with my neighbours pleasure, l was blasting out ZZ Top, Legs, and the V8 Ford ride sound DVD, ZZ Top again, Gimme Some More Luvin''. Cooooooooooool. ( The latter is noooooo longer on youtube) sad.png
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when the floods come they start up the big pumps by the klong near the local market powered by big generators and then y'know when to flee...no speakers required...ermm.gif

surprisingly last year the market was ankle deep in flood water but folks still went about their business in wellies...and the pumps were in operation 24/7 and the operators were seriously fatigued as you could plainly see in their faces...the determination of the local people was steadfast and quite remarkable and they didn't need no stinkin' speakers...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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Wait till the floods come and they tell you get the hell out of there you will be praising them there speakers.

No, I don't think I will ever be thankful of those speakers.

No, I don't think I will ever praise them for coming up with something that is so irritating.

No, I wouldn't understand any announcement that they will make on those speakers because I do not understand Thai language.

No. if this area gets flooded, the 80% of the country will be neck-deep in water.

Edited by sensei
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when the floods come they start up the big pumps by the klong near the local market powered by big generators and then y'know when to flee...no speakers required...ermm.gif

surprisingly last year the market was ankle deep in flood water but folks still went about their business in wellies...and the pumps were in operation 24/7 and the operators were seriously fatigued as you could plainly see in their faces...the determination of the local people was steadfast and quite remarkable and they didn't need no stinkin' speakers...

Yes, sir!

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Some years ago somebody posted a great solution whose details I can't remember precisely but no doubt an electrician here will elucidate.

It involved puncturing the wires with a tiny pin and shorting them out. The puncture and pin would be nearly invisible and so difficult to find that the gov't hacks wouldn't be able to discover the source of the problem. They'd assume the speakers were defective or need to replace the entire wire, not perceiving sabotage at all. If they didn't give up the first time around, eventually they would.

This is the best solution. You need to follow the wire from the speakers and find a spot a good distance from them to install the shorting pin. If it is too close to the speakers there is the risk they will cut back and splice in a new wire. If the short is a good distance from the speaker they soon give up trying to find the fault. I speak from experience.rolleyes.gif

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Wait till the floods come and they tell you get the hell out of there you will be praising them there speakers.

The loudspeakers don't work for announcing things that are important or urgent. Some may be in the fields at the time, some may be too hard of hearing, some may not speak Thai, the power may already be out, etc etc.

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Several years ago a speaker in my wifes home town got blasted by a shotgun.........not that I'd ever condone such behaviour.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

goodness me no, me neither.

Anybody else draw the parallel with 'certain other <democracies>' that have loudspeakers in everyone's front garden also?

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Several years ago a speaker in my wifes home town got blasted by a shotgun.........not that I'd ever condone such behaviour.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

goodness me no, me neither.

Anybody else draw the parallel with 'certain other <democracies>' that have loudspeakers in everyone's front garden also?

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea?

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Several years ago a speaker in my wifes home town got blasted by a shotgun.........not that I'd ever condone such behaviour.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

goodness me no, me neither.

Anybody else draw the parallel with 'certain other <democracies>' that have loudspeakers in everyone's front garden also?

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea?

"The Democratic republic of we cant think for ourselves" ???

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