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It Never Ceases To Amaze Me.............

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They do it all through hard graft, they work hard, they save hard, and they sacrifice for their families. These people make Thailand what it is, they scratch around the forests looking for windfalls, scraping a living selling their fruits and produce at the side of the road.

This the reality of life in Thailand, people grafting and scratching for a living, they put a lot of country people to shame. The ordinary people of Thailand are the true jewels of the country.

yes i see these people every day and i also see the other[dont know what to call them] spending their hard earned money which they have theived from the very people that pay for services that they dont get.myself and the wife always supprt these that work morning noon and night just to put food on the table.
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while the sentiment is 'nice', i see it as rather self-serving in that it will reach absolutely none of the hard-working Thais to whom it is allegedly addressed.


Our Thai maid in Bangkok works a solid 10 hour shift for 5 pounds per day. In London, we paid 10 pounds per hour!

Seeing some of these low-level workers slave away for a pittance reminds me how lucky I am to have been born in a country with such great opportunities for well-paid employment.

I hope one day the Thai workers will be rewarded for their endeavours with equivalent wages.

Isn't the minimum salary in Bangkok something like 6 Pounds for an 8 hour work day?

So you're ruthlessly exploiting these people and even proud to post it on a public forum?


Well thankx for the pic on the 500K note ..... the 10,000 bht notes are bank notes used between banks not in circulation according to my reletive who is a banker , but since I have never seen one I wouldnt bet my life on it and I to could not find any evedence of this either. I have however seen fake ones before or at least ones I assumed ot be fake based on the person who had it and how they flashed it. I guess I assumed that faking a bill that does not even exist would be to foolish to do but while I didnt buy the bill , I may have at least been fooled into thinking their is a real version when their might not be. But my banker brother in law told me it's true as well.


Please pass that along to the last contractors I had , who did an excellent job however had a shift of 6 with 2-3 laying down sobering up in shifts at any given time ! I get your point but I think it's a bit of an exaguration. Thai people don't come to the city to work as a sacrafice they come because they think it's better not a sacrafice. I have never seen Thai or Burmeese people work anywhere close to as hard or get a house up nearly as fast as Mexicans in America , and their general work ethic is no where near the Japaneese.

The unfortunate reality is if in fact they did work really hard and were in fact productive while doing it, they would get paid more than they do. Their low pay is a function of their lack of productivity not because the owners are ripping them off so bad and keeping a staggeringly unfair percentage of the company profits.

I have pretty much the oppisite opinion , when I see hard working Thai people they stand out as unusual not the norm , for example go to patpong and watch the guys set up or take down the shopping area around the bars and those guys actually do work hard and it's noteworthy because it's unusual , I see guys packing bags of rice at a hard working clip and it stands out because it's unusual not because everyone is doing it. Have you been inside many factorys ? The pace is pretty slow , a fish factory in Alaska runs nearly 3 times as fast. The labor required to make a Toyota in Thailand is FAR more than the same setup in Japan. A Thai watriess would have a VERY difficult time adjusting to working a busy shift at Dennys in America because they just don't move that fast. Have you seen a bartender in a busy nighclub in Vegas slinging out the drinks so fast you can barely believe it ? I have sure never seen that in Thailand !

Those millions of small biz owners would be better off with some Denny's waitress's , Vegas bartenders , Japaneese auto workers , and Mexican construction workers in my opinion.

My friend who is Thai and educated in Calif owns Hotels in Thailand and he told me once it takes 4 Thai people to do the work of 1 American at his Thai Hotels. Probabbly a bit of an exaguration but you get the point.

I hope one day they are rewared for the endeavors with equivalent wages IF they reward the company with equivalent productivity....... as of now they do not

And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.


I like robber barons. I think the best one on Thai Visa was Guesthouse. It was some thread years ago where he was the perfect example of let the buyer beware. I can't remember exactly but he sure caught a lot of flak. Maybe he will remember.

In politics it is usually the labor candidates that are employing the low paid third world household employees.

You can't win though. I remember being yelled at for paying women too much money. They said i ruined them for any other job because I paid them too much.

I hope one day they are rewared for the endeavors with equivalent wages IF they reward the company with equivalent productivity....... as of now they do not

And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

Better productivity will come over time in line with improved education and training, as well as more efficient working hours.

My point about hours is that they are often working the equivalent hours of two full-time jobs, and one's productivity is negatively correlated to working hours.

Also, don't forget (on the flip side) that Thai workers are not protected by anything like as strict labour laws as back in the UK, for example.

With regards to our maid, we pay the local going rate (obviously) as paying her London wages would cost us an extra +100k baht per month.

However, I wouldn't mind paying that if it was the going rate and if that was the personal price of an entire nation of workers (including my extended family) receiving a good wage.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

We pay our loyal, hardworking maid 500baht a day because she deserves to be paid more than the going rate. There's nothing to stop you rewarding yours with pay above the slave rate she currently receives from you, regardless of what the going rate is. I'd be ashamed to pay a good worker the equivalent of as little as 5 Pounds a day.
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You find the same thing in Thailand ..... people pay "rent" to someone even on the side of a street you know....... health inspections dont cost the bisness by the way , paid for by the general tax fund. It's not nearly as cheap as it looks to start a simple chicken stand , wanna drive a motorbike ? Better have a few 10,000 bhat bills to buy the vest smile.png The lady with a chicken stand anyplace can grow it as big as their capabilitys allow not just Thailand.

I was making 2 points

1) People generally work harder when working harder generates more income for them than loafing along.

2) It's cheaper to start a business in Thailand than in the USA. Even at 10,000 baht ($333 USD), and paying whatever they pay to "rent" their spot on the street, it's still orders of magnitude cheaper than all the formalities, deposits and other upfront costs to start one in the USA (and Europe, I suppose, but I've never started a business in Europe).


Please pass that along to the last contractors I had , who did an excellent job however had a shift of 6 with 2-3 laying down sobering up in shifts at any given time ! I get your point but I think it's a bit of an exaguration. Thai people don't come to the city to work as a sacrafice they come because they think it's better not a sacrafice. I have never seen Thai or Burmeese people work anywhere close to as hard or get a house up nearly as fast as Mexicans in America , and their general work ethic is no where near the Japaneese.

The unfortunate reality is if in fact they did work really hard and were in fact productive while doing it, they would get paid more than they do. Their low pay is a function of their lack of productivity not because the owners are ripping them off so bad and keeping a staggeringly unfair percentage of the company profits.

I have pretty much the oppisite opinion , when I see hard working Thai people they stand out as unusual not the norm , for example go to patpong and watch the guys set up or take down the shopping area around the bars and those guys actually do work hard and it's noteworthy because it's unusual , I see guys packing bags of rice at a hard working clip and it stands out because it's unusual not because everyone is doing it. Have you been inside many factorys ? The pace is pretty slow , a fish factory in Alaska runs nearly 3 times as fast. The labor required to make a Toyota in Thailand is FAR more than the same setup in Japan. A Thai watriess would have a VERY difficult time adjusting to working a busy shift at Dennys in America because they just don't move that fast. Have you seen a bartender in a busy nighclub in Vegas slinging out the drinks so fast you can barely believe it ? I have sure never seen that in Thailand !

Those millions of small biz owners would be better off with some Denny's waitress's , Vegas bartenders , Japaneese auto workers , and Mexican construction workers in my opinion.

My friend who is Thai and educated in Calif owns Hotels in Thailand and he told me once it takes 4 Thai people to do the work of 1 American at his Thai Hotels. Probabbly a bit of an exaguration but you get the point.

I hope one day they are rewared for the endeavors with equivalent wages IF they reward the company with equivalent productivity....... as of now they do not

And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

I knew if I waited long enough we would agree on something. Good job. I agree.


I have seen extreme examples on both ends, I guess that makes Thais normal (oops we can't say that). There are conditions in Thailand that facilitate total inefficiency, but that is not to say Thais can't or won't work hard. When put in a situation where hard work is not expected or rewarded most people take it easy. This time of year in the village where I live, everyone is expending every last bit of energy to get the crops in before the main part of the rains start. It is hard to imagine they could work any harder, and it is freaking hot some times. I doubt I could do as well.

And if you think it's hot outside think of what it is like in the kitchen. So the next time you have a good meal go in the back and give the cook a tip!


You find the same thing in Thailand ..... people pay "rent" to someone even on the side of a street you know....... health inspections dont cost the bisness by the way , paid for by the general tax fund. It's not nearly as cheap as it looks to start a simple chicken stand , wanna drive a motorbike ? Better have a few 10,000 bhat bills to buy the vest smile.png The lady with a chicken stand anyplace can grow it as big as their capabilitys allow not just Thailand.

I was making 2 points

1) People generally work harder when working harder generates more income for them than loafing along.

2) It's cheaper to start a business in Thailand than in the USA. Even at 10,000 baht ($333 USD), and paying whatever they pay to "rent" their spot on the street, it's still orders of magnitude cheaper than all the formalities, deposits and other upfront costs to start one in the USA (and Europe, I suppose, but I've never started a business in Europe).

I understand that and would disagree if your saying that point 1 only applys in Thailand as opposed to anyplace else.

It may be cheaper in monetary terms however if you look at the availability of loans and the possibilitys to make more money I don't agree that a minimum wage worker in Thailand can save the amount to open a small coffe house for example and live while they are doing it easier than a worker in the USA , who could go to Alaska 7 days a week and work at a Cannery for 6 months food and rent paid and make all he needs and then some to do it. 6 months of min wage work in Thailand and they would still be trying to save to buy the coffee shop. 6 Months sliming fish in any of a hundred available places with job openings 7 days a week in alaska and you would have well more than 12,000 $ and the coffe house would cost about 8,000 leaving you 4,000 to spare.

I used the fish sliming thing because thats what I did when I was a kid , while it's still possible today, a more relevant example today would be a kid going to the Baken shale oil fields for 6 months where their are jobs a plenty 7 days a week and would make even more than fish sliming. Those opportunitys just don't exist for unskilled labor in Thailand except for a lucky few if at all.

If you look at the magnatudes of better pay and the magnatude of higher cost the unskilled worker still has the advantage in the USA over the lesser pay and lesser costs of Thailand.

I realise people don't like to believe things that seem not to be believable anymore than I do but this is true, I worked in Alaska for about 3 years saved my cash and then bought 2 pizza resturaunts and the rights to the entire state to open as many more as we wanted with another man from working for min wage and overtime, their is no way a min wage worker could save enough to buy 1 parlor let alone 2 AND the rights to the whole state with 3 years of work in Thailand ..... It didn't work out all that well because my partners now ex wife embeseled a bunch of money, we closed the shops but ended up selling the rights and breaking even eventually. But none of that would have been possible as a min wage worker in Thailand ..... The pizza chain was Shakey's the time was the 80's and yes we got a good deal from the owner who was losing money and sick of it all. Gorden Apker of DAGO foods ..... Dan was his partner and while dago is an Itialian slight the name came from dan and gordon ...dago


some of these micro businesses are pretty all right

theres a scruffy looking fruit slicer who gets a roaring trade between two big condo blocks and i later found out the fruit slice stalls manned by teenagers in the neighbouring streets are also his enterprise 's

then theres the laundry ,10 thb per item of clothing ? thats gotta be a money spinner

costs 40 thb to wash 12 kg of clothes in the machine (if you do it yourself)

give it to the lady in her "shop" ,she does all and charges 500-600 (if you want it ironed you can probably double that again

Her husband just bought a new harley davidson 1200cc and he doesnt even work himself .........smile.png

Gotta tell my wife about this. biggrin.png

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All the Thai people I have known work long hours and they sleep long hours too (not that I can blame them for sleeping long hours). I have great respect for them for the hours they work for so little.

In a hotel I frequented a lot in central Thailand they started at 3500 a month. The manager got 6000 a month. for 9 hours a day, 6 days a week.

The wages in BigC were a little better but 12 hours a day.

In the laundry and doing the ironing it was hot, sweaty work for 12 hours a day and 5000 per month with 2 days off a month.

Out in the fields working the sugar, rice and similar they get very little money for long hours.

On the other hand I have known people selling food by the side of the road earning 30K a month for a lot less hours.

Yes, they work hard and I have never heard a single complaint except about the fact I do not work. You holiday every day!! Oops blink.png


Our Thai maid in Bangkok works a solid 10 hour shift for 5 pounds per day. In London, we paid 10 pounds per hour!

Seeing some of these low-level workers slave away for a pittance reminds me how lucky I am to have been born in a country with such great opportunities for well-paid employmeInt.

I hope one day the Thai workers will be rewarded for their endeavours with equivalent wages.

Careful Brit, what tell us here and what you've told us elsewhere about the incomes of maids in London isn't adding up.

Remember, posting on forums is a long game.


I have pretty much the oppisite opinion , when I see hard working Thai people they stand out as unusual not the norm , for example go to patpong and watch the guys set up or take down the shopping area around the bars and those guys actually do work hard and it's noteworthy because it's unusual , I see guys packing bags of rice at a hard working clip and it stands out because it's unusual not because everyone is doing it. Have you been inside many factorys ? The pace is pretty slow , a fish factory in Alaska runs nearly 3 times as fast. The labor required to make a Toyota in Thailand is FAR more than the same setup in Japan. A Thai watriess would have a VERY difficult time adjusting to working a busy shift at Dennys in America because they just don't move that fast. Have you seen a bartender in a busy nighclub in Vegas slinging out the drinks so fast you can barely believe it ? I have sure never seen that in Thailand !

Those millions of small biz owners would be better off with some Denny's waitress's , Vegas bartenders , Japaneese auto workers , and Mexican construction workers in my opinion.

My friend who is Thai and educated in Calif owns Hotels in Thailand and he told me once it takes 4 Thai people to do the work of 1 American at his Thai Hotels. Probabbly a bit of an exaguration but you get the point.

True, most of the time when they have enough for a couple of beers they don't bother showiing up again until they're spent up. They're not bothered putting in a bit of extra work for more money.


Please pass that along to the last contractors I had , who did an excellent job however had a shift of 6 with 2-3 laying down sobering up in shifts at any given time ! I get your point but I think it's a bit of an exaguration. Thai people don't come to the city to work as a sacrafice they come because they think it's better not a sacrafice. I have never seen Thai or Burmeese people work anywhere close to as hard or get a house up nearly as fast as Mexicans in America , and their general work ethic is no where near the Japaneese.

The unfortunate reality is if in fact they did work really hard and were in fact productive while doing it, they would get paid more than they do. Their low pay is a function of their lack of productivity not because the owners are ripping them off so bad and keeping a staggeringly unfair percentage of the company profits.

I have pretty much the oppisite opinion , when I see hard working Thai people they stand out as unusual not the norm , for example go to patpong and watch the guys set up or take down the shopping area around the bars and those guys actually do work hard and it's noteworthy because it's unusual , I see guys packing bags of rice at a hard working clip and it stands out because it's unusual not because everyone is doing it. Have you been inside many factorys ? The pace is pretty slow , a fish factory in Alaska runs nearly 3 times as fast. The labor required to make a Toyota in Thailand is FAR more than the same setup in Japan. A Thai watriess would have a VERY difficult time adjusting to working a busy shift at Dennys in America because they just don't move that fast. Have you seen a bartender in a busy nighclub in Vegas slinging out the drinks so fast you can barely believe it ? I have sure never seen that in Thailand !

Those millions of small biz owners would be better off with some Denny's waitress's , Vegas bartenders , Japaneese auto workers , and Mexican construction workers in my opinion.

My friend who is Thai and educated in Calif owns Hotels in Thailand and he told me once it takes 4 Thai people to do the work of 1 American at his Thai Hotels. Probabbly a bit of an exaguration but you get the point.

I hope one day they are rewared for the endeavors with equivalent wages IF they reward the company with equivalent productivity....... as of now they do not

And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

Here...........we have a special thread just for members like you


Go talk to yourself over there coffee1.gif


I have pretty much the oppisite opinion , when I see hard working Thai people they stand out as unusual not the norm , for example go to patpong and watch the guys set up or take down the shopping area around the bars and those guys actually do work hard and it's noteworthy because it's unusual , I see guys packing bags of rice at a hard working clip and it stands out because it's unusual not because everyone is doing it. Have you been inside many factorys ? The pace is pretty slow , a fish factory in Alaska runs nearly 3 times as fast. The labor required to make a Toyota in Thailand is FAR more than the same setup in Japan. A Thai watriess would have a VERY difficult time adjusting to working a busy shift at Dennys in America because they just don't move that fast. Have you seen a bartender in a busy nighclub in Vegas slinging out the drinks so fast you can barely believe it ? I have sure never seen that in Thailand !

Those millions of small biz owners would be better off with some Denny's waitress's , Vegas bartenders , Japaneese auto workers , and Mexican construction workers in my opinion.

My friend who is Thai and educated in Calif owns Hotels in Thailand and he told me once it takes 4 Thai people to do the work of 1 American at his Thai Hotels. Probabbly a bit of an exaguration but you get the point.

Funny, just two weeks ago one of our American suppliers told us to look after our electricians and CAD guys well, as they would put to shame anyone of the same trade currently working in their factories in the states.

Excellent comment coming from a non-BullSh1tter...........................wink.png

I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

I knew if I waited long enough we would agree on something. Good job. I agree.

Seems to me there're a lot of overseas guys on this forum. Some from Europe, some from back in the States. I'm guessing their link to Thailand is mainly because of dating sites. I'm cool with that.

Sure, they know nothing about Thailand, and they don't know that on dating sites they're getting gold diggers and Thai men's rejects, but I always leave them alone so they can figure stuff out by themselves. They'll lose a bit of green to extend the fun or delay the truth, but they'll be better off for it in the end.

At least they're not trolling.


Our Thai maid in Bangkok works a solid 10 hour shift for 5 pounds per day. In London, we paid 10 pounds per hour!

Seeing some of these low-level workers slave away for a pittance reminds me how lucky I am to have been born in a country with such great opportunities for well-paid employmeInt.

I hope one day the Thai workers will be rewarded for their endeavours with equivalent wages.

Careful Brit, what tell us here and what you've told us elsewhere about the incomes of maids in London isn't adding up.

Remember, posting on forums is a long game.

As I have said before, we paid 10 pounds per hour for cleaners in London (never less, sometimes more). As I have also explained before we had a cleaner in London who was working long hours nearly every day between various low-level jobs in and around the local (Chelsea) area and earning decent money (c. 800 pounds per week I predict).

What is the inconsistency you are referring to?


Our Thai maid in Bangkok works a solid 10 hour shift for 5 pounds per day. In London, we paid 10 pounds per hour!

Seeing some of these low-level workers slave away for a pittance reminds me how lucky I am to have been born in a country with such great opportunities for well-paid employment.

I hope one day the Thai workers will be rewarded for their endeavours with equivalent wages.

Isn't the minimum salary in Bangkok something like 6 Pounds for an 8 hour work day?

So you're ruthlessly exploiting these people and even proud to post it on a public forum?

As explained in another thread that is my best guess of her salary from the agency, which is the most relevant figure to make my point as that is what she is willing to work for. Including other discretionary payments we pay well over 500 baht per day (although I am not counting).


Our Thai maid in Bangkok works a solid 10 hour shift for 5 pounds per day. In London, we paid 10 pounds per hour!

Seeing some of these low-level workers slave away for a pittance reminds me how lucky I am to have been born in a country with such great opportunities for well-paid employmeInt.

I hope one day the Thai workers will be rewarded for their endeavours with equivalent wages.

Careful Brit, what tell us here and what you've told us elsewhere about the incomes of maids in London isn't adding up.

Remember, posting on forums is a long game.

As I have said before, we paid 10 pounds per hour for cleaners in London (never less, sometimes more). As I have also explained before we had a cleaner in London who was working long hours nearly every day between various low-level jobs in and around the local (Chelsea) area and earning decent money (c. 800 pounds per week I predict).

What is the inconsistency you are referring to?

40,000 quid a year for cleaning your loo, do they have a Degree for this job ? whistling.gif
I hope one day they are rewared for the endeavors with equivalent wages IF they reward the company with equivalent productivity....... as of now they do not

And exactly who is in controll of paying your maid ? It seems a little disingenous to me, to say you hope your maid gets paid the same someday and then pay her 5 pounds a day ? Or did you mean you hope the other guy does all the paying ?

Better productivity will come over time in line with improved education and training, as well as more efficient working hours.

My point about hours is that they are often working the equivalent hours of two full-time jobs, and one's productivity is negatively correlated to working hours.

Also, don't forget (on the flip side) that Thai workers are not protected by anything like as strict labour laws as back in the UK, for example.

With regards to our maid, we pay the local going rate (obviously) as paying her London wages would cost us an extra +100k baht per month.

However, I wouldn't mind paying that if it was the going rate and if that was the personal price of an entire nation of workers (including my extended family) receiving a good wage.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

We pay our loyal, hardworking maid 500baht a day because she deserves to be paid more than the going rate. There's nothing to stop you rewarding yours with pay above the slave rate she currently receives from you, regardless of what the going rate is. I'd be ashamed to pay a good worker the equivalent of as little as 5 Pounds a day.

Agreed. We pay 10k per month to the agency and I guess they pay her 250 baht per day (could be more but I don't know). We give her about another 2000 baht per week so it will work out +500 baht. I still consider to be very well but she is satisfied. Although as explained I would happily pay much more if that was the price to me of all Thai workers being well paid (and all the associated benefits to society that would engender).

I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

I knew if I waited long enough we would agree on something. Good job. I agree.

Seems to me there're a lot of overseas guys on this forum. Some from Europe, some from back in the States. I'm guessing their link to Thailand is mainly because of dating sites. I'm cool with that.

Sure, they know nothing about Thailand, and they don't know that on dating sites they're getting gold diggers and Thai men's rejects, but I always leave them alone so they can figure stuff out by themselves. They'll lose a bit of green to extend the fun or delay the truth, but they'll be better off for it in the end.

At least they're not trolling.

Unlike you crazy.gif


Our Thai maid in Bangkok works a solid 10 hour shift for 5 pounds per day. In London, we paid 10 pounds per hour!

Seeing some of these low-level workers slave away for a pittance reminds me how lucky I am to have been born in a country with such great opportunities for well-paid employmeInt.

I hope one day the Thai workers will be rewarded for their endeavours with equivalent wages.

Careful Brit, what tell us here and what you've told us elsewhere about the incomes of maids in London isn't adding up.

Remember, posting on forums is a long game.

As I have said before, we paid 10 pounds per hour for cleaners in London (never less, sometimes more). As I have also explained before we had a cleaner in London who was working long hours nearly every day between various low-level jobs in and around the local (Chelsea) area and earning decent money (c. 800 pounds per week I predict).

What is the inconsistency you are referring to?

40,000 quid a year for cleaning your loo, do they have a Degree for this job ? whistling.gif

No and neither do builders who can earn much more with a bit of common sense...


Lot of difference with your quoted trades. If someone in your Chelsea's loo cleaner earns 800 quid a week it will be the agency that takes that, not the E. European on a pittance.


Lot of difference with your quoted trades. If someone in your Chelsea's loo cleaner earns 800 quid a week it will be the agency that takes that, not the E. European on a pittance.

Not if they are smart enough (like the girl I am talking about) to knock on the doors, make the phone calls and reply to the job adds (and advertising their services) so that they can cut out the middle-man...



I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

Here...........we have a special thread just for members like you


Go talk to yourself over there coffee1.gif

Why should I, it seems that you are one of the few, if not the only one , who disagree with my point of view in this thread.

Oooops, you are the OP of this , and so many more, silly rose tinted glass threads so that is why you don't like to hear the thruth.

I can't wait to read your threads after you have lived here on a constant base for a few years, which of course may happen never.



I'm glad to see that there is at least one member that is not living in denial and opening silly threads about oxymorons.

Maybe the reason is because you live here and aren't dreaming about pink elephants while in your homecountyry.

Here...........we have a special thread just for members like you


Go talk to yourself over there coffee1.gif

Why should I, it seems that you are one of the few, if not the only one , who disagree with my point of view in this thread.

Oooops, you are the OP of this , and so many more, silly rose tinted glass threads so that is why you don't like to hear the thruth.

I can't wait to read your threads after you have lived here on a constant base for a few years, which of course may happen never.

Your right, it will never happen, I'll spend half my life in Thailand, and that will do me. I could be there now but I choose not to be, I will live there when it suits me. Don't be allocating yourself some special powers of insight though, some of us guys here have been expats in multiple places, maybe we're a bit more switched on than you'll ever know.

So if you're trying to tell me.........things feel different after you have lived here for years........whoop de whoo, who would have thought coffee1.gif



In this modern age of the internet we can skmply google Maid salaries for London, likewise how much builders make.

Unlike unsubstatiated claims, the numbers Google turns up are believable and checkable.Y

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