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NASA Cancels Climate Studies In Thailand


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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

Well I doubt that very much I think you Americans are so scared of your own government, that you are constantly fixated on the conspiracy theory that might or might not happen.

Personally i think it was due to the fact that Thailand cant make its mind up on anything. Its political process is so ancient its the one thing that is destroying this country from the inside out.

They were probably in fighting over how much they should charge the Americans for using the land. They have well and truly shot themselves in the foot this time.

The pure laziness of officials in Thailand begs belief. They are some of the worst corrupt members of government in the world today.

It will continue to be a major problem for this country until the social and political structure is dragged into the 21st century.

Wow Ouch!!! that hurt!

Are you 'paranoid'? ... or what! coffee1.gif

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

NASA do have one or two revamped U2's for weather research. They have the altitude capability to bring scientific instruments into real time environments. The last rime I saw one was at Townsville in Australia many years ago. Nohing changed pilot or support crew wise. The pilots still wore high altitude suits and chase cars supported the aircraft on landing & takeoff.

I have also been privy to being shown over an Lockheed Electra (you would see as a version of P3 Orion maritime military aircraft). This aircraft was exotica itself. Specialized pods with air density lasers and other sampling equipment. This aircraft flew into the hearts of weather cells & storms. The reason why the Electra was chosen was at minimum twofold. Endurance and structural strength.

So dont judge a book by it's cover.

Edited by Garry
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Someone else will gain..........and the next time a US governmental decision is made re investment in Thailand, this will be remembered. There's a new book being published.........

How To Lose Friends and Self Destruct


Thai Government 2012.

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Congratulations to all the haters and doubters.

Explain ?.

What's to explain? The people who hated the idea of an American agency doing a research study in Thailand and the people who doubted the intentions of the 2 month study, thinking that NASA was going to spy on Thailand (as if Thailand is some advanced superpower!!) have got what they wanted: That is the project cancelled. Hysteria was caused by the demorats, always putting the political interests ahead of the nation.

And of course America has never attempted to use another Governmant agency to spy for it. And I thought Thailand was a Superpower...well that's what everyone here keeps telling me...have I truly been that naive all these years...I'm devastated!

The only country that would spy on Thailand would be;

  • Countries whose firms are owed Billions of dollars from Thai Corrupt practices (getting the project done and not paying the bill)
  • Countries who also are considerably supported by sex tourism; industrial espionage from the Philippines
  • Rice reliant countries who buy Thailand's rice, do not believe a bloody word the governments says, so want to know if they will eat next year or not
  • likewise the Japanese working out exactly when they should pull out and go to Myanmar of Cambodia where the brides are less, and they really will get what they pay for

That's about it. The very idea that Thailand would be seen as a target for others is ludicous lol. Also, if they wanted to know exactly what was going on, all a foreign power would need to do would be to walk up to any politician or army chief, pay them some cash, and they would be told everything.

However, the Yanks would love to have another point of access to western and central China. Fact. Weather sure, but lots of little bits of kit can be stashed in weather reccon appliances.

I would say on balance that Hottie Yinglucks distant chinese relatives have bundled a load of cash to her and her family to delay it, and that is what they have done by declaring house talks with no vote; therefore something that can rumble on and on forever.

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Surprise, surprise!

I am a bit surprised. I really figured they would get this worked out after the initial grand standing. I am very disappointed but can't help but wonder now if there was a dual purpose the NASA mission.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

To those of you who haven't been to America, the arrogance there is appalling. The news pays almost no attention to those countries outside the United States, and when they do it's rarely with an unbiased view. Like dluek, I'm an American ex-pat, and after my first few visits to Thailand I realized that U.S. is reaping what it has sown. It's much harder to rebuild trust once it's lost.

Thailand is reaping what it has sown as well and will likely inherit the wind as a consequence.

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U.S. Embassy spokesman Walter Braunohler said Thursday that NASA can't wait because the climate study focuses on regional weather patterns that occur only in August and September.

He says it is too early to say whether NASA will revisit the project next year.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/06/27/4595070/nasa-cancels-climate-study-project.html#storylink=cpy

Edited by Nisa
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Does anyone have factual data as to when this request was made? Was it a few months ago, or August last year. If it was August last year, who was setting on the request, and why? If it was only a few months ago, than how can NASA think that any government would approve it in such a short time.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

To those of you who haven't been to America, the arrogance there is appalling. The news pays almost no attention to those countries outside the United States, and when they do it's rarely with an unbiased view. Like dluek, I'm an American ex-pat, and after my first few visits to Thailand I realized that U.S. is reaping what it has sown. It's much harder to rebuild trust once it's lost.

Oh-ho... as if THAILAND was a country you could trust to do business with... especially when it comes to construction companies, communications companies... etc. etc.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

The US record of "aggression, (not strong enough a word) is a horror known throughout the world. But, had this been a straightforward military venture, Thailand would have accepted it quickly, with open arms. The fact that it was "just" science interested the administration very little, obviously. No clear path to profit, methinks. Can picture the discussion-"science? science?...we don't need no stinkin science".

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U.S. Embassy spokesman Walter Braunohler said Thursday that NASA can't wait because the climate study focuses on regional weather patterns that occur only in August and September.

He says it is too early to say whether NASA will revisit the project next year.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.co...l#storylink=cpy

Too logical for Thais to understand. I thought it rained all year round?

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What is shows is that the foreign policy of Thailand is set by human rights abusers like Abhisit and Suthep and their party and by pro Chinese sentiments. Not only is the decision to give in to Abhisit and friends toe debate this in parliament short sighted, it is also damaging to relations with the US. Although I am not a great America lover, the US has significantly more to offer to Thailand than the Chinese who are literally only out for own success and gains.

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People at the old airport would have been more than happy to rent space and tarmac access had the NASA people gone to them. In the long run, it would have been substantially less than firing up U-tapao.. Admiral was sent here to try to show a friendly face for the effort and Hilliary was here in December? Atmospheric studies...So green everyone should want one.. Been there.. done that, wrote the script and got the TeeShirt.

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Does anyone have factual data as to when this request was made? Was it a few months ago, or August last year. If it was August last year, who was setting on the request, and why? If it was only a few months ago, than how can NASA think that any government would approve it in such a short time.

The original request was made under the previous government, about 18 months ago.

More contacts were made with the present government 12 months ago, and followed up by NASA since then, but because it was to use the airport run by the Thai navy the official channel was NASA - US Military - Thai Navy - Defence minister - Science Minister

As far as I know this has been stuck on the desks of the Defence and science ministers in Thailand for the last 12 months and no response from them as to a decision.

Finally, on a courtesy visit last month, Gen Dempsey raised the issue directly of why there was no response, therefore leading to articles in the newspapers and the political fuss

The planning has been available on the NASA websites for over a year.


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Scientific community would be devasted. Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas. Sad day for Thailand.

This government want to keep everyone in Thailand stupid so they can manipulate them into believing whatever this government promises will come true

Edited by givenall
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- Science Minister

As far as I know this has been stuck on the desks of the Defence and science ministers in Thailand for the last 12 months and no response

ah but the esteemed science and technology minister has been very busy organising tug boats to speed up the flow of the rivers to reduce the amount of flooding...

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- Science Minister

As far as I know this has been stuck on the desks of the Defence and science ministers in Thailand for the last 12 months and no response

ah but the esteemed science and technology minister has been very busy organising tug boats to speed up the flow of the rivers to reduce the amount of flooding...

Maybe the astrologers have held that auspicious day for the consideration of the proposal hasn't arrived yet.

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Having lived in Africa and Asia for many years and experienced the US ways, I tend to think that this NASA project is only a foot in the door ...

See what "Voice of Russia" says, as reported by the Voltaire Network at http://www.voltairen...llenge-to-China


You have to be kidding! Are you totally unaware of how many American real military personnel are already here? So why would the gringos have to go through the lame subterfuge. Ludicrous.

For sure. Russia, that bastion of truth in the press. NOT! Seems Thailand signed an agreement back in 2010. Ineffectual government for sure. Focus is on Thaksin, not the Kingdom.

Nasa signed a joint statement with the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Gistda) in September 2010, during the Abhisit administration, stating their intention to conduct the research.

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