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Thai Internet Through True: Be Patient Please, Sabai Sabai


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It is shameful how Internet is working since around noon to-day in the suburbs of BKK. Messages like "Http/1.1. service unavailable", "connection reset", several cuts, you name it.

Strange is that "The Nation" is "suffering" less and ThaiVisa most, but also my photo-albums, Google and Speedtest.

Yes, it is raining since this afternoon but it wasn't the whole day.....................

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I called them as here in pattaya we are having issues as well. They told me they are doing network maintenance. Seems better now. Hopefully it will stay better.

Edited by Jayman
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Already lots of problems since 2 weeks. It's certainly not the weather.

It reminds of the situation in some third world county and their electric power. Since they do not have enough power generator, the country take turn to lose power in some areas in a rotating manor

This is exactly what true is doing instead investing in better technology, the customer have periodical problems in all areas. And they get by using routine maintenance as an excuse

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Knock on wood but here in my western Bangkok moobaan my True 20Mb/2Mb DOCSIS (cable) internet plan has been rock solid for the 13 months I've been with TrueOnline...like 99.9% reliability. Over the last 13 months I've only noticed three times the internet and TV signal went down and those times were for periods of 4 to 10 hours and it was supposedly an widearea outage (i.e., most of my khet suposedly or at least my entire moobaan which is a large one)...but the second the TV signal came back on the internet connection came back also. The download/upload speeds are excellent at least 95% of the time; the other 5% I would just say good.

Even during the late 2011 flood when my moobaan had around a meter of water in it for around a month my True cable and internet never went down. Folks in my moobaan on True cable internet/TV continued to enjoy TV/internet during the flood; but moobaan neighbors who were on TOT ADSL (only True and TOT service the moobaan) they didn't have any internet for weeks as the TOT junction boxes pretty much at ground level were under water/shorted-out...but all the True boxes/electronics were high up on poles....TOT has now moved their junction boxes high up on poles. But unfortunately for TOT, it appears they lost most of their internet customers in my moobaan since True has faster/cheaper internet plans and proved so reliable--at least in my moobaan. But I'm fully aware True internet can suck in other areas....when it comes to internet in Thailand it seems Location, Location, Location makes a big difference along with luck of the draw in how well the internet works in a particular area. Preaching to the choir I know.

Just luck of the location I guess but I will admit the True cable system in my moobaan is new/only 13 months old...hopefully, True will keep it well maintained...and that can only be a hope based on how Thai electric/telecommunicans companies appear to maintain the lines and electronics hanging on the poles. Yeap, knock on wood...I have no doubt my time will come when the internet connection sucks.

Here's some speedtest results as of around 11:20am Bangkok time (True proxy tuned-on to prevent skewed/bogus/faster than light results...otherwise I get bogus 20Mb download speeds and 15ms ping times to most any international server on Earth):

Bangkok to San Francisco


Bangkok to Singapore


Bangkok to Bangkok


In closing, let me say it again, knock on wood (such as my head).

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Yes, the "network-maintenance" is always the excuse produced by polite smiling brainwashed TRUE-staff.

TRUE seems to be only interested to invest in fast money-making "business" like True-Vision, I-phone and I-pad, oh, and don't forget their delicious coffee-shops. I guess that line-connections and -maintenance hasn't been done by TRUE but by uninterested contractors against squeezed unrealistic prices.


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