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How High Must Be The Monthly Income For A Visa Gold Card In Thailand?

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I have a bank account on kasikorn and the scb bank!

How high must be the monthly income, that I can apply for a gold credit card in Thailand ?

How much does it coasts, on each bank, and how much higher is the insurance comparing to normal credit cards that covers only 5000 Thb hospital coasts in case of emergency !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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The Bank of Thailand sets a minimum salary for the issue of any credit card by Thai-registered banks - I believe it's currently THB 15,000 per month. Beyond that, it's up to each bank to determine its individual policies for issuance of "premium" credit cards, be that gold, platinum, titanium or plutonium. There may be some consumer comparison sites that show each issuers features and requirements, but I haven't found one in English.

Note that if your principal aim is to obtain accident insurance, you may find that purchasing a policy directly from an insurance company gets you better terms & conditions than the policies rolled in "free" with credit cards, as the latter tend to be full of exclusions in order to reduce the cost to the credit provider.

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In Kasikorn bank:

  • Gold card

o Monthly income THB 30,000 or more

  • Platinum card

o Monthly incomeTHB 50,000 or more

They WANT to se workpermit, on this one - even though, you all ready opened an account without one. I have the Platinum card - and they wanted WP/Proof of salary.

I will soon be without WP, for a while - hope they don't cancel it - I actually i prefer Debitcards over Creditcards. Often you can get more cash out of Debitcards, when abroad.

And as stated above, the always try to fuc_k you with the insurances - only thing that is good is lounge access, but the crappy one from Kasikorn only allows 2 pr. year. As far as i remember, the better master cards, was with no limit on the lounge access.....

Edited by KhunMoo
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