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Bananas To You


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Do you like bananas???

They are everywhere in Thailand and some are absolutely delicious. Being a bit obsessed with bananas I have been pouring over this website......


To me it's like banana porn!!! All shapes and sizes and hundreds of different varieties. In fact I'm amazed, as some of them look like sub species. You know, the worst of it is too, a lot of them ( possibly all of them? ) wouldn't be sold in UK supermarkets as they don't meet EU regulation sizes and appearance etc

I think that's terrible, what a waste of good bananas annoyed.gif . A little cafe I visit in Chiang Mai makes me banana shakes just the way I like them, just banana, liquidized, and poured over ice. Ama!!!!!!!!!!zing.

That's how I like bananas, cold, liquidized, and refreshing. Some people say I'm a bit obsessed with bananas, but I just say nuts to them coffee1.gif

How do you like yours?????

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I like banana pancakes but only the ones where the banana is cooked into them...not the silly babana syrupy stuff then fresh banana on top. That is just lazy!

Fussy aint I? biggrin.png

Edit: Whoever heard of babana....

Edited by smokie36
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Bananas are quite small in Thailand though...let's be honest. You can find far larger varieties in the Caribbean for instance...so I hear anyway...whistling.gif

Or Ghana apparently...for anyone who likes them a bit more substantial.

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What an usual topic ...

Must admit that I encourage the Lass to eat them occasionally because sometimes she gets a cramp, typically in her leg ... but a banana relieves that.

Maybe it the potassium in them ... don't know ... but if you suffer from cramps I do recommend them.

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Dice up two bananas and half an avocado. Put in the blender with a bit of ice for an incredible smoothie. When the sun gets over the yard arm, do the same thing but add a bit of rum. Bananas should be a daily thing if you live in Thailand!

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You can buy grilled bananas on the streets in Thailand, but I always have a good look at the stall before buying. Sometimes there are flies buzzing around, and they could have just been sitting on doggy-doo in the street.

Indoor markets have them too, and there are a couple nearby where I indulge. One place gives you a palm sugar sauce to dip them in, and the other gives you a coconut milk sauce. Very tasty.

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Dice up two bananas and half an avocado. Put in the blender with a bit of ice for an incredible smoothie. When the sun gets over the yard arm, do the same thing but add a bit of rum. Bananas should be a daily thing if you live in Thailand!

I wonder if it works as well with a nice juicy mango and the rum can go into the next one?

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Everyday for lunch I have a banana shake made by my wife. This consists of frozen milk (milk put into the ice cube tray, then frozen) and bananas blended together with a top up of milk from the fridge. Preferably guay kai bananas the little fat ones. Bloody love nanas!

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Everyday for lunch I have a banana shake made by my wife. This consists of frozen milk (milk put into the ice cube tray, then frozen) and bananas blended together with a top up of milk from the fridge. Preferably guay kai bananas the little fat ones. Bloody love nanas!

Sounds nice I think I will give it a try, maybe even try adding rum for a sundowner version.

Edited by RabC
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Have you tried a BANOFFEE - preferably iced!

Crushed ice, banana, half your usual instant coffee requirement, milk, BLITZ in a blender While its buzzing add a small slurp of cheap honey. Quick easy and Yummy

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"Ever grab a snack but then feel hungry again 20 minutes later? Next time, reach for a banana. This Superfruit is loaded with potassium, which can lower your blood pressure, and is one of the best sources of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that fills you up and helps to boost your metabolism."


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I do find that banannas here tend to go off quickly - if they last more than a couple of days I am lucky. Any tips on how to make them last longer???

Buy em Green they are cheaper, stick them in the fridge and take out what you need each night before bed.

Alternatively take smaller bites...................theyll last longer clap2.gif

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My parents came.

My wife offered some of the medium size fat bananas. My parents didn't want them.

But tried a little bit so they have peace.....

The almost freaked out....They told they never had such a delicious banana in their life. They bought some and carried in the airplane back to Farangistan.

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