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Bananas To You


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@Orac, refrigeration may help

@Astral, I totally agree

@eek, you're bad, I can't concentrate now

@Telldem, let me guess, and you're a very handsum man too biggrin.png

I just made one. Seriously! Bwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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@Orac, refrigeration may help

@Astral, I totally agree

@eek, you're bad, I can't concentrate now

@Telldem, let me guess, and you're a very handsum man too biggrin.png

I just made one. Seriously! Bwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


You have no idea how jealous I am biggrin.png

@Lenny, sorry, I'm an idiot wai.gif

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Have a readymade supply from my garden, nothing like

picking the first banana to ripen, taste amazing .. ..it's

what to do with the other 179 on the bunch.

Make loads of Bannoffee Pie with them and sell it on the street, I'll be your first customer biggrin.png

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Ahhh, Blether and the simple banana have started quite a thread! Let's also take a moment to honor the Thai Fried Banana, always available on a road near you. Something that can be a tasty treat if cooked fresh or be something to throw at dogs if not.

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Ahhh, Blether and the simple banana have started quite a thread! Let's also take a moment to honor the Thai Fried Banana, always available on a road near you. Something that can be a tasty treat if cooked fresh or be something to throw at dogs if not.

the very smell of bananas frying makes me want to spew.

Bananas are great, but fried? why?

its like pineapple on pizza. no thank you.

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Sorry if this is a bit vague !

I read somewhere years ago, that UNICEF or the WHO had done surveys, and it was found that children who had bananas for breakfast, and at lunch time concentrated better, and got higher exams results than children who didn't have bananas.

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I love bananas and banana roti's are wonderful - especially with ice-cream!

Unfortunately, my brother warned me to look out for tiny, white worms at each end - nothing worse than seeing them after you've eaten the first bite... Its rather put me off sad.png.

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You need to grow one of these Mr Blether then youll have a plentiful supply


Is that thing for real...?

That looks amazing eh?.......where did you see that Travelmann?? smile.png

Click on the link i posted in post #7.

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You need to grow one of these Mr Blether then youll have a plentiful supply


Is that thing for real...?

That looks amazing eh?.......where did you see that Travelmann?? smile.png

Click on the link i posted in post #7.

That's the same link I put on the OP whistling.gif

@Daftpunker, there's more, much more, if you put your thinking cap on. coffee1.gif

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Does anyone know what the banana with big black seeds in are called ?

I was given one and nearly broke my front teeth.

I think that these are the original wild bananas.

This thread has reminded me that I haven't had frozen banana custard for ages.

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Did you know that a banana is actually a herb? I did my GCSE English oral exam on bananas, got an A too.

I am suprised they don't have plantain in Thailand, I think fried plantain would be nice with some or the curries here rather than just sliced cucumber.

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You need to grow one of these Mr Blether then youll have a plentiful supply


Is that thing for real...?

That looks amazing eh?.......where did you see that Travelmann?? smile.png

This is called Musa 1000 fingers. You can get seeds from it and grow it in Thailand.

This was in Singapore botanical gardens.

I still keep my nanas in the fridge when green and done see them going brown faster at all? NOTE WHEN GREEN

If you want the bananas to ripen quickly, store them at room temperature. Placing bananas in the refrigerator slows down the ripening process tremendously. According to Dole, refrigeration will turn the skin/peel brown faster but that the fruit will remain fresh longer than if stored at room temperature. See Related Links.


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...wouldn't be sold in UK supermarkets as they don't meet EU regulation sizes and appearance etc

More fool the EU and UK

I think you'll find that plantains that don't fall into the EU food category of bananas could be sold as plantains.

You'd be grumpy if some cheeky monkey tied to fob you off with swedes when you wanted turnips, and similarly, some other plantain when you were after a banana. I'm a little surprised that ll you banana afficionados are not more specific regarding the specifc fruit that you like, since apparently there is such a variety. If I got one of the hard, starchy ones that they use to feed the elephants, when I wanted a big, soft sweet banana, I'd not be entirely happy.


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@Travelmann, I thought that refrigeration helped, but Lenny gave me into trouble, and being a big wuss as I am I just folded and apologized.

@SC, I'm away to google plantain, it's a word I've heard but not looked into......that's me educated again on TV.

Plantain info.......I didn't know that smile.png


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Well....used the odd banana for illicit purposes...of course the meaning of illicit varies amongst all, so just being careful.

My daughter will eat a hand of landyfingers in a day.

I usually like the bigger ones, ripened naturally on the tree and my fav way to eat is on top of cereal, smothered in cream and splashed with honey.....oh and banana fritters and ice cream....and banana splits and icecream...banana pancakes.....banana milkshakes.....

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Only be careful when you try to pronunc banana in Thai. Its very simular to something else. I've tried it :)

You mean you tried to eat "something else " or tried to pronounce it? Lol

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We are down by the head with bananas and usually end up giving a lot away.

But my favourite way to have them is in a smoothie........bananas, coconut ice-cream, milk and flaxseed oil......yummmmmm.

Have not researched but I do recall from my previous life, that when we carried bananas in reefers from Brisbane to NZ, they had to be maintained at 12 degrees celsius........apparently this was the ideal temperature to cease the ripening process as well prevent them turning brown.

There is a roadside shop in our village that makes banana chips.......not too bad, but I still prefer my smoothies.


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Got to have a fresh banana in my protein shake every morning. Aroi maak maak! thumbsup.gif

Although they consist mostly of sugars, these sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and fiber, makes them ideal for an immediate and slightly prolonged source of energy. Also help to promote bone health. thumbsup.gif

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A good banana can keep the wife satisfied.

When we get a lot, we slice n dice...well slice only, thin and long and dry in the sun and refrigerated.

They last forever and taste is outstanding....dry, yet still chewy, not hard dry...and extra sweet for some reason.

We also used to get all the bees on them while in the sun....so bees bums all over them might have added a little kicker.

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