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Why Do Farangs Wai Hookers?

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Thai’s can recognize and use a vast number of types of wai’s depending on social status, power, age, and prestige there are 3 major groups of higher prestige people in Thai society. Initiating a wai to each of these groups is different.

Royal Family/Monks

bow your head and raise your hands until the index fingers or thumbs touch the forehead.

Teachers/Older Family Members

bow your head and raise your hands until the index fingers touch the nose.

Older acquaintances/Superiors at work

bow your head and raise your hands until the index fingers touch the mouth.

Etiquette and social status also determines who initiates the wai. Younger people will wai older people first and those who are lower in social status wai those of higher status first.

IMO hookers should never be given a wai. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

Why is it that so many of you Farangs insist on waiing hookers at the bars?

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Perhaps they see qualities that people overly concerned with social standing miss

Like what for example?

Well if you look hard enough you can usually find attractive qualities in a personality, try it....

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Let's get this straight, I not saying they don't deserve any respect, but I do not think they shouldn't be waiied. I don't see any Thai people going in and waiing any type of bar staff, unless they are on lower social status as the working girls.

You’re going to pay money for sex. I don't think this deserves a wai. Financial compensation is fair enough, or a handshake would also be considered ok.

As it is so easy to get the “wai -thing’ wrong and even insult someone with an improperly done wai, it is best for non-Thai not to wai, in my opinion.

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Perhaps they see qualities that people overly concerned with social standing miss

Like what for example?

Well if you look hard enough you can usually find attractive qualities in a personality, try it....

Sure I agree, but I still feel it is inappropriate, respect and financial compensation should be enough. They are hookers, not your friends, and if they are your friends, I guess it would be ok.

IMO one shouldn't go around waiing unfamiliar people in a (hooker bar) with a wai.

Makes you look a true Farang fool.

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What perch are you sitting on that you have so many views of Farangs doing this in bars? I have never seen this myself but I don't hang around in bars watching what other people do or in general actually. To wai is a Thai thing so some foreigners might not know how it works. Sometimes by reflex I have wai'd a child who wai'd me and then realized I am not supposed to.

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I think when you wai you should feel your wai to be sincere in paying your respects physically, mentally and spiritually towards someone.

I don't feel this way when I go to a gogo bar or beer bar.

And beleive me, I see Farang doing it every single time I go for a massage or have a couple beers at the bar.

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Let's get this straight, I not saying they don't deserve any respect, but I do not think they shouldn't be waiied. I don't see any Thai people going in and waiing any type of bar staff, unless they are on lower social status as the working girls.

You’re going to pay money for sex. I don't think this deserves a wai. Financial compensation is fair enough, or a handshake would also be considered ok.

As it is so easy to get the “wai -thing’ wrong and even insult someone with an improperly done wai, it is best for non-Thai not to wai, in my opinion.

So to you the wai thing is all important,when in reality it's merely a superficial point of contact,and to you it's all important to get the Thai wai correct,utter newbie nonsense.............think outside the box,it's a person, a human being you are dealing with,not a statue. one point you did not cover is the fact a wai is not expected from a "Farang"

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Let's get this straight, I not saying they don't deserve any respect, but I do not think they shouldn't be waiied. I don't see any Thai people going in and waiing any type of bar staff, unless they are on lower social status as the working girls.

You’re going to pay money for sex. I don't think this deserves a wai. Financial compensation is fair enough, or a handshake would also be considered ok.

As it is so easy to get the “wai -thing’ wrong and even insult someone with an improperly done wai, it is best for non-Thai not to wai, in my opinion.

So to you the wai thing is all important,when in reality it's merely a superficial point of contact,and to you it's all important to get the Thai wai correct,utter newbie nonsense.............think outside the box,it's a person, a human being you are dealing with,not a statue. one point you did not cover is the fact a wai is not expected from a "Farang"

Your right. " a wai is not expected from a "Farang" so why do people do it if they have no idea what the meaning behind it is?

The basic concept is, the higher the hands are held in relation to the face and the lower the bow, the more respect or reverence the giver of the wai is showing.

I don't wai hookers period. Call it what you want, but I still like to know why so many Farangs do.

Better let the newbies know now what the wai means, and if they are going to wai, at least let them understand the full meaning of the wai.

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ill stick to what i said too, and i would wai them to show repect to what they have to do everyday of there lives,

thats my opinion, you have yours as you seam to be such an expert on the wai,

we,ll have to agree to differ and leave it at that

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let me try and explain to you,

theses girls sell there body to feed there family, weather it be there child or there mama and papa,

there isnt money free in this country like in the west,

and these girs do what they do becouse they have to, not to feed some drug problem like in the west,

your happy to come here and take advantage of them, but you dont feel the need to wai them, just to show a little repect for what they are doing,

your un real,,,,,,,,,

Let me try to explain....

These girls do what they do because being on their back pays better than the real work.

They do what they do because they chose to do it.

There are thousands of jobs on offer and a much larger majority of Thai females DO NOT hook.

Good morning and welcome to reality

Finally someone with a little common sense. Good Morning!

Edited by FlyByNights
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Usually the idiots that wai hookers think they are being polite, clever and are trying despately to be liked/accepted by a culture that is foreign to them. Much as they wai hotel staff or a tuk-tuk driver.

The times for farang to extend a wai are few and far between.

It is just as important (more so) to know when and whom not to wai as it is - to wai.

And yes, I have seen dozens of farang wai-ing hookers as well as other acts of utter stupidity. Don't get me wrong, they mean well - but they look like fools.

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I have no way to lay any sort of percentage but I would say that for every woman that is on the game out of desperate circumstance there is another two who are simply lazy, love the nightlife compared to her boring little shithole, develop drinking/drugs problem, shopping for guys to send them money every month, etc...

Bargirls no longer have interest in marrying guys for a variety of reasons - just send money.

My GF's sister has two kids and makes about B250 a day and lives in BKK. Her husband earns scant more. They have two kids in substandard housing. She is not a hooker.

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Why do posters on here always use the word Farang in an english language post........

(One of the few Thai words they have picked up while talking to said hookers and using it makes them think they look like they are Thailand expat veterans?????)

Edited by negreanu
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the wai is to show respect to another human being regardless of what job a person is doing they still need to be shown respect and your thoughts on this is pure disrespect for another person and hope they treat you in the same manner as you deserve and yes i married an ex bar girl who is a very honest and respects everyone regardless of standing as you should.

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I just don't wai anyone at all and .

In saying that it doesn't bother me, let people embrace the culture if they feel the need.

Why you guys getting so worked up over something so trivial?

They are getting worked up because they are the ones who are actually doing the waiing.

Sometimes the truth hurts.

I myself also think a hello/sawasdee is enough.

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Your right. " a wai is not expected from a "Farang" so why do people do it if they have no idea what the meaning behind it is?

When I enter a restaurant or the hospital I get waied by the waiter/tress and by ther nurse.

Do you really think I should not wai back????

That's irrespectful in my book, I DO wai back.

I do think you're wrong.

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the wai is to show respect to another human being regardless of what job a person is doing they still need to be shown respect and your thoughts on this is pure disrespect for another person and hope they treat you in the same manner as you deserve and yes i married an ex bar girl who is a very honest and respects everyone regardless of standing as you should.

Ok great, so you married a ex-hooker. There is nothing wrong with that,100's of farang have been doing this for decades. Point is that there is no point in waiing hookers on the take.

It's just plain dumb and stupid to do it.

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