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Making A Hooker Into A Housewife

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As the saying goes " You cannot make a ho into a house wife"

This has surly been proven wrong by a good number of men dating back since the Vietnam war.

I think a whore can be converted, but, I wouldn't want to be the guy taking upon this challenge.

My question is, how many of you have actually had success marrying ex hookers, and for those of you that are single, do you think it is possible to reform the ho into a decent housewife? Would you ever consider making a prostitute your wife? IMO it would be a challenge only a very few could endure.

This question is asked with all due respect for the working girls, so please to all you Feminist activists, try to control yourself.


Edited by FlyByNights
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Can't see this thread lasting but here's my tuppence worth.

When I worked in a hotel in Bangkok there were numerous foreigners checking in with their spouses where, "unfortunately", ( for extreme want of a better word) the wives dressed as if they'd just come off shift at Soi Cowboy. Clip clopping across the lobby in 5 inch heels, low cut top, tattoo on display and a mini skirt ( and I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination ) that was positively indecent.

I don't know if the husband thought it was "sexy" and wanted to show her off thinking other folks would be envious but they must have been oblivious to the quick glances from some of the local guests that had nothing to do with jealousy..

Ex-prostitute or not you didn't think " I wonder if she used to be a neorusurgeon?"

If I didn't want people to think I was a cowboy I wouldn't ride a horse, wear a stetson and carry a six-gun.

Dressing a bit more conservatively without descending into a frumpish look would have transformed half of them.

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