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Soi Forbidden To Farangs


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If you are not breaking any local laws and are within your rights, you can do one of two things. 1) Move to a non-muslim neighborhood or 2) tell them to <snip> off. Personally I would tell them to <snip> off, but that's just me.

He was a man quite a big one, in a Muslim street, and I am a woman and on my own.

I would have love to be able to F.. off, but did not think I was in position allowing me this

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I think the post is nonsense and the OP is just lonely and looking for attention.

Social media is the way to go apparently for lonely folks that don't go out to much.

Erm it is about me going OUT

Please tell me how it is a nonsense, I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

Or may be you don't like it because for once, we are not debating Bar Girls ?

Well sorry but unless this site changes its name to "All you need to survive with your Thai wife" I will post here.

Edited by aneliane
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Geez aneliane, ive never known anyone whos had this much negative stuff happen to them here as you.

You might want to have a good think about whats going on (in general, not just this situation).

Is it there area you live you think? (If so, maybe consider moving if its that seriously detrimental)

Or is it something maybe you do? (Think carefully..maybe you give out some kind of negative impression...??? Is it possible?)

If I was in that situation and the guy was rude to me, id first off be speaking in Thai, telling him he is speaking impolitely and not to speak to me in that way. Then i would have turned up in the area again, without the dog, buy something from a local muslim shop and ask them politely their opinion. Id either gain msyelf some allies, or know for sure there are rules (or just not friendly).

Could always (as suggested) don yourself a burka lol..

Try being a woman without a bf/husband and not shit load of money to protect you from all type of craps

You will see, a shit load of annoying stuffs are going to happen

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I think the post is nonsense and the OP is just lonely and looking for attention.

Social media is the way to go apparently for lonely folks that don't go out to much.

Erm it is about me going OUT

Please tell me how it is a nonsense, I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

Or may be you don't like it because for once, we are not debating Bar Girls ?

Well sorry but unless this site changes its name to "All you need to survive with your Thai wife" I will post here.

What I try to say is that I don't believe this story and you just made it up.

Just my opinion and maybe I'm wrong. No big deal really.

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Which soi?

Parts of that area resemble Taliaban Central.

For the non believers, take a walk up Pattanakarn soi 20, walk past the old Nth Korean BBQ place and keep going until you hit the 7-11 at the bottom of On Nut 17.

This place for years has been a muslim area, check out On Nut where it hits Pattanakarn, plenty of mosques and muslim villages.

If you are of the PC brigade, dont read any further.

Plenty of the followers of the religion of peace from sub saharan Africa now live in this area, and bring with them their own interpretation of how females should be treated.

Almost like Kabul at times.

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Which soi?

Parts of that area resemble Taliaban Central.

For the non believers, take a walk up Pattanakarn soi 20, walk past the old Nth Korean BBQ place and keep going until you hit the 7-11 at the bottom of On Nut 17.

This place for years has been a muslim area, check out On Nut where it hits Pattanakarn, plenty of mosques and muslim villages.

If you are of the PC brigade, dont read any further.

Plenty of the followers of the religion of peace from sub saharan Africa now live in this area, and bring with them their own interpretation of how females should be treated.

Almost like Kabul at times.

makes you wonder about their visa status really? whistling.gif

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I think the post is nonsense and the OP is just lonely and looking for attention.

Social media is the way to go apparently for lonely folks that don't go out to much.

Erm it is about me going OUT

Please tell me how it is a nonsense, I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

Or may be you don't like it because for once, we are not debating Bar Girls ?

Well sorry but unless this site changes its name to "All you need to survive with your Thai wife" I will post here.

What I try to say is that I don't believe this story and you just made it up.

Just my opinion and maybe I'm wrong. No big deal really.

right so I made all this up just to get people to get interested in my miserable life ?

Wow I do go quite a long way to get attention, I mean the story, all the details...

Sorry to disappoint you but my imagination is not so fertile and I do know of much better ways to get people's attention.

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I think the post is nonsense and the OP is just lonely and looking for attention.

Social media is the way to go apparently for lonely folks that don't go out to much.

Erm it is about me going OUT

Please tell me how it is a nonsense, I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

Or may be you don't like it because for once, we are not debating Bar Girls ?

Well sorry but unless this site changes its name to "All you need to survive with your Thai wife" I will post here.

What I try to say is that I don't believe this story and you just made it up.

Just my opinion and maybe I'm wrong. No big deal really.

I suppose it's a little bit embarrassing to admit that we don't believe people could have experiences different from our own.

I've only zipped through the outer suburbs of On Nut in a taxi, so apart from what the bloke in the van tells me, I know very little. I was always interested to stop off at those karaoke places at the top of Soi Pratanakarn, but I never did


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Which soi?

Parts of that area resemble Taliaban Central.

For the non believers, take a walk up Pattanakarn soi 20, walk past the old Nth Korean BBQ place and keep going until you hit the 7-11 at the bottom of On Nut 17.

This place for years has been a muslim area, check out On Nut where it hits Pattanakarn, plenty of mosques and muslim villages.

If you are of the PC brigade, dont read any further.

Plenty of the followers of the religion of peace from sub saharan Africa now live in this area, and bring with them their own interpretation of how females should be treated.

Almost like Kabul at times.

I'm actually in Prawet, so it's the other end of Onnut, but there is a quite big community and also I don't know if you notice but Onnut seems to be the recycling soi around my place I can name at least 5 rubbish treatment / recycling plants and you can't approach the main road without seeing a smelly rubbish truck pass by

Oh my god now I know why the rent is cheap !

Edited by aneliane
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Which soi?

Parts of that area resemble Taliaban Central.

For the non believers, take a walk up Pattanakarn soi 20, walk past the old Nth Korean BBQ place and keep going until you hit the 7-11 at the bottom of On Nut 17.

This place for years has been a muslim area, check out On Nut where it hits Pattanakarn, plenty of mosques and muslim villages.

If you are of the PC brigade, dont read any further.

Plenty of the followers of the religion of peace from sub saharan Africa now live in this area, and bring with them their own interpretation of how females should be treated.

Almost like Kabul at times.

makes you wonder about their visa status really? whistling.gif

I believe these people are Thai-Muslims, Thailand has quite a good proportion of Islamic followers in its people

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I think the post is nonsense and the OP is just lonely and looking for attention.

Social media is the way to go apparently for lonely folks that don't go out to much.

Erm it is about me going OUT

Please tell me how it is a nonsense, I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.

Or may be you don't like it because for once, we are not debating Bar Girls ?

Well sorry but unless this site changes its name to "All you need to survive with your Thai wife" I will post here.

What I try to say is that I don't believe this story and you just made it up.

Just my opinion and maybe I'm wrong. No big deal really.

right so I made all this up just to get people to get interested in my miserable life ?

Wow I do go quite a long way to get attention, I mean the story, all the details...

Sorry to disappoint you but my imagination is not so fertile and I do know of much better ways to get people's attention.

Sure babe.

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it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Quite frankly if I were a Thai Muslim who visited this website on a regular basis and saw the amount of racist discrimination that is discussed about them here, I would have a general dislike of westerners also, not to mention the ones who completely disregard their culture and customs on some of the Thai Muslim Islands where westerners go topless and treat the beach as if it were a commune in Southern France..

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You were a woman out alone

You were a woman not wearing any covering of your head/hair/face

You were a woman wearing shorts

You are a woman

Maybe they don't want their children / themselves exposed to the infidels, who dress inappropriately and have too much independence.

But yeah, difficult for you to read what to do in the situation, as being a woman you're in a different situation to 99% of posters on the forums here (Most of which would have likely wanted to confront anyone who was being that rude.... but then he probably wouldn't be that rude to a man who might turn and confront him, especially as it's probably more of a sexist opinion he had, rather than a racist one (or likewise anything to do with your dog)). Either way, I'd say to not worry too much about it, it's not your problem, it's his.

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it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Quite frankly if I were a Thai Muslim who visited this website on a regular basis and saw the amount of racist discrimination that is discussed about them here, I would have a general dislike of westerners also, not to mention the ones who completely disregard their culture and customs on some of the Thai Muslim Islands where westerners go topless and treat the beach as if it were a commune in Southern France..

I'd have not mentioned them.

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it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Quite frankly if I were a Thai Muslim who visited this website on a regular basis and saw the amount of racist discrimination that is discussed about them here, I would have a general dislike of westerners also, not to mention the ones who completely disregard their culture and customs on some of the Thai Muslim Islands where westerners go topless and treat the beach as if it were a commune in Southern France..

They actually told me, this is a Muslim shop, you or your dog are not coming in.

I did insist on saying my dog was staying out, they refused me to come in.

And they were gesturing arms pointing fingers clearly OUT.

I was dressed as any Thai lady dressed in my soi

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salam alai kum

Answer with

wa'aleikum a salaam

smile and try to be sensitive to other peoples cultures,

having said that, if its just a nutter harden up and move along.

i had a lady scream at me 'go away' a couple of times in side the times square building on sukhumvit.

Those pesky buddhists burning there incense

not alowing women to touch them...

Sent from my HTC One X using Thaivisa Connect App

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it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Quite frankly if I were a Thai Muslim who visited this website on a regular basis and saw the amount of racist discrimination that is discussed about them here, I would have a general dislike of westerners also, not to mention the ones who completely disregard their culture and customs on some of the Thai Muslim Islands where westerners go topless and treat the beach as if it were a commune in Southern France..

They actually told me, this is a Muslim shop, you or your dog are not coming in.

I did insist on saying my dog was staying out, they refused me to come in.

And they were gesturing arms pointing fingers clearly OUT.

I was dressed as any Thai lady dressed in my soi

Really, there is little point in trying to look for logic in the opinion of bigots. You have this forum as proof of that. The question is whether you want to appease them, ignore them, or confront them, and you should make that choice for your own benefit.... you cannot reasonably hope that they will learn anything (again, I quote this forum as a reference)


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You were a woman out alone

You were a woman not wearing any covering of your head/hair/face

You were a woman wearing shorts

You are a woman

Maybe they don't want their children / themselves exposed to the infidels, who dress inappropriately and have too much independence.

But yeah, difficult for you to read what to do in the situation, as being a woman you're in a different situation to 99% of posters on the forums here (Most of which would have likely wanted to confront anyone who was being that rude.... but then he probably wouldn't be that rude to a man who might turn and confront him, especially as it's probably more of a sexist opinion he had, rather than a racist one (or likewise anything to do with your dog)). Either way, I'd say to not worry too much about it, it's not your problem, it's his.

"You were a woman out alone

You were a woman not wearing any covering of your head/hair/face

You were a woman wearing shorts

You are a woman"

Have you actually visited this perfumed garden of delights?

Are you trying to say my mrs should dress as if she was in jeddah or kabul?

Sorry this is Bkk we are talking about, however I recognize some of the followers of the religion of peace may not be so liberal.

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I have never heard of such rudeness from any Muslim, I have travelled extensively throughout the Muslim world and have only been met with Kindness. I am White British by the way.

Maybe there was more too it.. Maybe there was a big Hi Lo game going on they didn't want you to see :-)

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I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

need to know its driving me nuts.

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I have never heard of such rudeness from any Muslim, I have travelled extensively throughout the Muslim world and have only been met with Kindness. I am White British by the way.

Maybe there was more too it.. Maybe there was a big Hi Lo game going on they didn't want you to see :-)

I have been met with off-hand incoherence, which I interpreted, perhaps wrongly, as rudeness. I put it down to a poor education and unfamiliarity with a sophisticated urban environment. Some things are not about religion. Like football, politics, sex

well, I am sure that there are some things that are not about religion, anyway


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I have never heard of such rudeness from any Muslim, I have travelled extensively throughout the Muslim world and have only been met with Kindness. I am White British by the way.

Maybe there was more too it.. Maybe there was a big Hi Lo game going on they didn't want you to see :-)

And my local shop too ?

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Try another soi.

it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Use something like this next time.


No wear another dog.

Rotweiler or Doberman (big German Shepard, is also OK) seems to be loved by everyone.....No one ever complained :-)

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I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

need to know its driving me nuts.

I think they were just paricularly perceptive and good judges of character

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it's 100 meters from my house, I have been also thrown out of a shop on my own soi because it was muslim

Quite frankly if I were a Thai Muslim who visited this website on a regular basis and saw the amount of racist discrimination that is discussed about them here, I would have a general dislike of westerners also, not to mention the ones who completely disregard their culture and customs on some of the Thai Muslim Islands where westerners go topless and treat the beach as if it were a commune in Southern France..

what a weirdo...they may live there but they don't own them islands...besides many of those people are 'probably' making a living out of westerners being there topless or not!

reason for edit...because someone was probably going to challenge me on whether I have proof or not with regards to anyone Thai-Muslim making a living out of a tourist island whistling.gif

Edited by norrona
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I was wondering if anyone can tell me, i was in a soi in Bangkok several years ago with another western man.

cannot recall what part but i feel it may have been around sukhimvit, 2 japanese men came out of a restaurant and told us we must leave the soi ASAP as its japanese only, they had beautiful suites on and were about 25 years old.

I was not having it because we were in a soi, not in a club, not in any form of establishment, but they insisted it was a japanese soi andthere is nothing there for us.

me and my friend were only passing through, we had our muay thai camps shirt on, well known camp, they cleary were not phased or detered, thai clubs usualy wai then race you to the nearest tables when we wear them, sorryif that sounds big headed but its true.

are there japanese soi's like this or was it 2 fools playing games, as i said they had suits on, spoke good english, and thinking back there were no farang in the soi despite being fullof establishments.

need to know its driving me nuts.

I think they were just paricularly perceptive and good judges of character

thanks for the answer, by the way, we both do charity work for children, unpaid.

we don't drink,smoke, or sleep around but thanks for the answer i expected but was kind of hoping i would not get.

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