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How Did U Find Ur Job As Expat?

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I came here for a holiday in 2006, at the time I was a researcher at Sun Micro. I liked it so much I went back to the states, quit my job and started searching.

I identified a busness that needed my skill set, took the VP of Ops out to dinner and told him I would do pretty much anything he needed, but I had to live in Thailand. Three months later I was here managing the APAC region for a small telecom company. I travel a lot but Banglamung is home. Couldn't be happier.

Good work. A skillset to kick-off with helps. Immensely.

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I came here to 'retire' at the age of 33. When the money started running out after 3 years of heavy partying, I requalified to work in the oil and gas industry, spending pretty much all that remained of my 'retirement' fund.

6 months searching for jobs globally lead to nothing so I was forced to go back to the UK due to lack of funds. 7 days later I was back here working for a O&G integrity firm, now 3 years later I am a senior manager running my own division of the company, and earning more than I did before I 'retired'. I often compare this to a lottery win and would not recommend it as a career path.

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My company, based out of the USA has an office in Bangkok, there is an internal competitive process to get full expat package jobs abroad- I began working for the company in the US and after EIGHT years of trying for a Bangkok post (4 interviews) i finally got the post 3 years ago. I could have moved immediatly if i had accepted a local package, but i managed to be patient enough to wait all those years...life in Bangkok as a full expat is Tremendous!- as Alan Partridge would say.

My story is similar. Working for a megacorp with offices all over the world, I was third in line for a SEA posting, spending time in Singapore, Jakarta, KL, HK and Bangkok. The first two candidates actually turned down the posting as they saw it as a hardship assignment. I had to subdue my joy when I got the offer. I made Thailand my home as I rotated between locations while working out of the Bangkok office. Alas, those years are gone and a couple promotions later I am back in the west, although I am angling for a permanent relo to KL for the balance of my career with the company.

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Went to work in Saudi to avoid the high, UK, single-man taxation. No recommendations or tips, just answered their ad in the famous Thursday Daily Telegraph Appointments section. Two years of that experience was enough to get me transferred to Australia for their start ups. That got boring after a couple of years so jumped over to one of the rival companies doing a start up in China. Hung in there for about 8 years (set up camp in Thailand) before I got bored and put in my notice. Former China country manager picked me for a start up in Oman which got very boring, very quickly. I volunteered for their Iraq start up which was 'career changing' as it started 2 weeks before Saddam invaded Kuwait. Not boring! After being a 'hostage' (and making loads on bonuses) I quit only for my employer to offer me a US office based global start up support position that saw me leave Thailand and work Gulf of Mexico, Angola, North Sea and Singapore. Rolled with that for about 6 years until mergers and buyouts saw me back working for some idiots people I had quit from! Set myself up as an independent consultant for a couple of years until a new company head-hunted me for... wait for it... their start up in Australia.Then another one back in the North Sea. When my boss wanted me to move full-time to the US, I balked at the tax implications, then quit and went independent in Cuba, Brazil, Peru and Gulf of Mexico. Hired back into my previous employers new onshore division for their Alaskan startup, then Mexico and Saudi but walked away when they too wanted me back in the US office full-time. As an independent consultant, there was less and less work in the Gulf of Mexico due to arcane offshore visa/permitting and after a superb couple of years doing shore support in West Africa, ended up doing jobs between Vietnam and Brazil. That commute (from the US) became hazardous to my health so decided to set up camp (again) in Thailand. Now I just cherry pick the juiciest jobs in the region with the odd soiree to places that take my fancy like Suriname, New Zealand, Seychelles and Romania.

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Decided to spend the 3 months before my job in Singapore started in Thailand oops!

Had already met a girl and decided she was worth staying for dependent on finding work. Did 2 years of underpaid work before waking up and investing in and working at a friend's company, then sold it and worked a few start ups before starting my own company. Still have a passion for start ups and find Asia a great place to be an entrepreneur.

Having connections who know you work hard and competently is important.

Sent from Android, please excuse errors in type or judgement.

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No education, no skills, I lied my way through interviews and have been doing ever since. Hopefully I will be able to retire before anyone finds out how incompetent I am.

If they ever do, PM me. I am hiring.

What are you offering?

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