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Bonobo : Global Moderator and Soon to Be TV Diplomat at the UN. wink.png

report this under regulation of mentioning the m word on tv

I think obsequious flattery is OK, so long as we don't talk about whatever-it-is that M-People do. Slow neutrons down, or some such...


surely mentioning m - peoples neurons or anything to do with brains like slowing is worthy of a ban

Life can be so unfair.

Neutrons, by the way. You might need to ask Cobalt60.


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I would say that Americans are generally seen as being a cut above the rest.

Least respected are probably the English whistling.gif

I was talking to a Thai hotel owner its a major chain and the owner is VERY influential and respected. I asked him what customers are the most troublesome just out of interest. He said and I quote "Americans, they are very loud and rude and and do not respect Thai culture". He then went on to say "The British will always be welcome here, always he went on to say."

Don't shoot the messenger.


Indians seem to get a bad rep from local thais that I speak to, especially when it comes to relationships with thai women.

From my side, Israeli's.. its a generalization yes, but in general true! Very badly behaved and don't treat thai people well..one time I had to protect a group of young Israelis when they tried to exit a restaurant without paying - the thai owners sussed it out bf hand and surrounded them as they ran outside, armed with machetes


I was talking to a Thai hotel owner its a major chain and the owner is VERY influential and respected. I asked him what customers are the most troublesome just out of interest. He said and I quote "Americans, they are very loud and rude and and do not respect Thai culture". He then went on to say "The British will always be welcome here, always he went on to say."

I might have believed the first claim until I read the second one. cheesy.gif

It's a horrific thought for us, whatever our nationality, that we might be worse than the English, but it may be true, for some nation. Of course, our anglophobia would be more convincing if we had fewer English friends.



I was talking to a Thai hotel owner its a major chain and the owner is VERY influential and respected. I asked him what customers are the most troublesome just out of interest. He said and I quote "Americans, they are very loud and rude and and do not respect Thai culture". He then went on to say "The British will always be welcome here, always he went on to say."

I might have believed the first claim until I read the second one. cheesy.gif

It's a horrific thought for us, whatever our nationality, that we might be worse than the English, but it may be true, for some nation. Of course, our anglophobia would be more convincing if we had fewer English friends.


Anglophobia... have to remember that term.

I doubt anybody is above suspicion in this case although countries with a colonial history have a nag for making everyone remember what once was.

That said I've met people from Italy, Germany and Israel that have behaved a lot worse than the Brits or Americans but of course that's only from my personal experience and should be taken as such.


Indians get a hard time. Strange as Ganesh is so idolised. And of course Erawan. stems from the days that many were money lenders.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Huh? I never knew that. I though the Chinese were the money lenders.

You'll need more than that to distract me from my wine

If people have a prejudice against moneylenders, they should help their friends out more.

Unfortunately, a friend in need is less common than a friendly money-lender...


TV Cricket

The team with two knees

so long as we can keep the payments up

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Americans may use the term "Canuck" as derogatory if they wish; considering how much baggage the term "American" carries. That identity has been abandoned by all the other inhabitants of the western hemisphere.

Not to veer more off-topic, but I don't think I have every heard an American make a derogatory remark about Canadians in my life (or Australian, for that matter.) This has been especially true after the Canadian embassy in Tehran rescued six American diplomats during the hostage crisis there.

Anytime I have even heard "Canuck" uttered by an American, it has been with what I would consider a degree of fondness.

This is my experience as well, they make some jokes, but I never met any American that has had a problem with Canadians. ....

In general, no Americans have any beef with our 51st state. shock1.gif


Americans may use the term "Canuck" as derogatory if they wish; considering how much baggage the term "American" carries. That identity has been abandoned by all the other inhabitants of the western hemisphere.

Not to veer more off-topic, but I don't think I have every heard an American make a derogatory remark about Canadians in my life (or Australian, for that matter.) This has been especially true after the Canadian embassy in Tehran rescued six American diplomats during the hostage crisis there.

Anytime I have even heard "Canuck" uttered by an American, it has been with what I would consider a degree of fondness.

This is my experience as well, they make some jokes, but I never met any American that has had a problem with Canadians. ....

In general, no Americans have any beef with our 51st state. shock1.gif



Indians seem to get a bad rep from local thais that I speak to, especially when it comes to relationships with thai women.

From my side, Israeli's.. its a generalization yes, but in general true! Very badly behaved and don't treat thai people well..one time I had to protect a group of young Israelis when they tried to exit a restaurant without paying - the thai owners sussed it out bf hand and surrounded them as they ran outside, armed with machetes

I thought the problem with Israelis was that they tried to sleep 10 to a room. IN Khao SAn Road they sit watching movies in bars with one bottle of water.

  • Like 1

Indians seem to get a bad rep from local thais that I speak to, especially when it comes to relationships with thai women.

From my side, Israeli's.. its a generalization yes, but in general true! Very badly behaved and don't treat thai people well..one time I had to protect a group of young Israelis when they tried to exit a restaurant without paying - the thai owners sussed it out bf hand and surrounded them as they ran outside, armed with machetes

I thought the problem with Israelis was that they tried to sleep 10 to a room. IN Khao SAn Road they sit watching movies in bars with one bottle of water.

10 in a room? Sounds kinky. At least they don't try to share one prostitute for 10 punters like some other nationalities I am too polite to mention. whistling.gif

Indians seem to get a bad rep from local thais that I speak to, especially when it comes to relationships with thai women.

From my side, Israeli's.. its a generalization yes, but in general true! Very badly behaved and don't treat thai people well..one time I had to protect a group of young Israelis when they tried to exit a restaurant without paying - the thai owners sussed it out bf hand and surrounded them as they ran outside, armed with machetes

I thought the problem with Israelis was that they tried to sleep 10 to a room. IN Khao SAn Road they sit watching movies in bars with one bottle of water.

10 in a room? Sounds kinky. At least they don't try to share one prostitute for 10 punters like some other nationalities I am too polite to mention. whistling.gif

Maybe he was just too polite to mention that


Indians seem to get a bad rep from local thais that I speak to, especially when it comes to relationships with thai women.

From my side, Israeli's.. its a generalization yes, but in general true! Very badly behaved and don't treat thai people well..one time I had to protect a group of young Israelis when they tried to exit a restaurant without paying - the thai owners sussed it out bf hand and surrounded them as they ran outside, armed with machetes

I thought the problem with Israelis was that they tried to sleep 10 to a room. IN Khao SAn Road they sit watching movies in bars with one bottle of water.

10 in a room? Sounds kinky. At least they don't try to share one prostitute for 10 punters like some other nationalities I am too polite to mention. whistling.gif

Maybe he was just too polite to mention that

I find the young Israelis on long holiday post military service are generally into each other and are not into Thai prostitutes.


Maybe he was just too polite to mention that

I find the young Israelis on long holiday post military service are generally into each other and are not into Thai prostitutes.

Never having served in the Israeli military, nor having worked as a Thai prostitute, I will have to bow to your greater knowledge. However, the previous posters never speculated regarding the age of the tourists in question, nor their military service record - whether recent or long passed.

  • Like 1

Never having served in the Israeli military, nor having worked as a Thai prostitute, I will have to bow to your greater knowledge.

Is that 'bow' akin to 'bend over'?

Attention to detail ... I not that you (SC) did not sign off in your usual manner ... so maybe someone have corrupted your posting.

According SC ... without the customary signature ... whistling.gif


I was talking to a Thai hotel owner its a major chain and the owner is VERY influential and respected. I asked him what customers are the most troublesome just out of interest. He said and I quote "Americans, they are very loud and rude and and do not respect Thai culture". He then went on to say "The British will always be welcome here, always he went on to say."

I might have believed the first claim until I read the second one. cheesy.gif

It's a horrific thought for us, whatever our nationality, that we might be worse than the English, but it may be true, for some nation. Of course, our anglophobia would be more convincing if we had fewer English friends.


Anglophobia... have to remember that term.

I doubt anybody is above suspicion in this case although countries with a colonial history have a nag for making everyone remember what once was.

That said I've met people from Italy, Germany and Israel that have behaved a lot worse than the Brits or Americans but of course that's only from my personal experience and should be taken as such.

Anglophobia-LOL. All the former British colonies yearn for the good old days, when they paid their taxes to the crown and where proud to be part of an Empire.
  • Like 2

Anglophobia-LOL. All the former British colonies yearn for the good old days, when they paid their taxes to the crown and where proud to be part of an Empire.

Too true. After we told them all to sod off 54 of them asked if they could join the Commonwealth smile.png

  • Like 2

Anglophobia-LOL. All the former British colonies yearn for the good old days, when they paid their taxes to the crown and where proud to be part of an Empire.

Too true. After we told them all to sod off 54 of them asked if they could join the Commonwealth smile.png

Can't really blame them with a name like that. wink.png


Most respected - Americans and Canadians (Thais do not know the difference). They are most respected because the Thai's limited social and personal skills can not see past the gushing fake niceness and can certainly not detect irony or the blatant hypocrisy that come hand in hand with being American. I would imagine that when a Thai meets an American that they think are genuine and decent, they are really meeting a Canadian. Either way they see big bucks coming their way in tips, over spending, bribes, or the hope that the the Thais will be able to trick the Americans somehow. They are usually mistaken though because even the Americans are not as stupid as Somchai believes.

Brits have a reputation that proceeds them in other ways. They know we are polite but are a little less direct that Yanks so are less offended than usual. They know we are cads, bounders with a certain amount of derring doo about us, so they treat us cautiously not least because we do not kow tow to them and accept at face value everything they say (excluding the sad sack gits who marry bar girls and become victims of domestic wallet abuse). The Irish are either confused with English on the whole - no recognition of that country actually existing.

Scandinavians are seen in two lights; the most likely to not only whisk away a bar girl and marry her in a foreign country, but also to import to their snowy town all her friends for their mates as well. They are also, according to the Thai government statistics, the most likely to physically abuse their Thai partners. On the other hand, the non whoring ones, are seen as uber farangs with their blonde hair and glacial blue eyes. Respected if a little feared. Germans ditto.

Mediterranean types are usually bundled in with the Arabs, and their view of Arabs has been eloquently expressed elsewhere. The French / Northern Italians as being lotharios (nothing new there then). The Thai business fraternity love the Arabs, French, Spaniards, Italians etc though as their business ethics match their own and have no problem responding to a tender bid with "Yup, we can do it, how much do you want in your pocket to ensure we get the project".

Chinese and Japanese people are adored because most Thais would love to think they are Chinese (even though the Chinese mainlanders pour scorn on them reading Thais and Thailand for exactly what it is; a piss pot country with airs above its standing in the world stage; corruptible, rapable, and not dissimilar to Eurodisney; fun for a while but decaying and not all that fun, and certainly not a long term viable option). Koreans are mistaken as Japanese until the check bin arrives. Ironic that in all of Asia, the Korean personality is in my mind most like Thailands; do what ever you like, and the only time you feel shame is if someone catches you out and publicises the fact. Even that is fake shame and will laugh about it with their friends.

Black people are a little lucky because they often escape the national ties and get bundled in together if they are affluent and educated or indeed blatently drug and whore peddlers. One or the other is my thoughts on it. Educated and affluent they are often treated better than most white guys if only because the Thais are confused that the person standing there is not actually the same as the nigerian drug dealer gang that lives down the road.

Australians are usually assumed to be American or Brits. Brits mostly as the similarities are greater and despite the fact that Aussies are still trying to make Australia just like America, deep inside they would be more offended at being classed American than a Brit. Yanks don't play proper sports. Simple as that. New Zealand does not exist unless Rugby is playing somewhere because the Thai's love a Man United type of team. Passionately. For a week.

Local neighbour in the North they hate but will fake niceness if they can exploit them some how, Malaysians / Singaporeans are either the same as them, or assumed to be Indian or Indonesian. In this case treated with great amounts of suspicion.

I think that is all. But at the end of the day, just like all people around the world, when they get to know someone personally, it doesn't matter who you are and where you come from. When you have breached that boundary they treat you in the manner you deserve, which is a basic reflection of who you are.

  • Like 2

Anglophobia-LOL. All the former British colonies yearn for the good old days, when they paid their taxes to the crown and where proud to be part of an Empire.

Yes and far less problems in the world, if the natives started getting out of hand, send a gun boat up the river to fix it up quickly....none of this Iraq war crap, Vietnam may never have happended etc etc...Under British rule the world would have been a better place today

  • Like 1

Anglophobia-LOL. All the former British colonies yearn for the good old days, when they paid their taxes to the crown and where proud to be part of an Empire.

Yes and far less problems in the world, if the natives started getting out of hand, send a gun boat up the river to fix it up quickly....none of this Iraq war crap, Vietnam may never have happended etc etc...Under British rule the world would have been a better place today

Tea sales would also have been up and there would have been a lot less 7-11's.....................thumbsup.gif


Anglophobia-LOL. All the former British colonies yearn for the good old days, when they paid their taxes to the crown and where proud to be part of an Empire.

Yes and far less problems in the world, if the natives started getting out of hand, send a gun boat up the river to fix it up quickly....none of this Iraq war crap, Vietnam may never have happended etc etc...Under British rule the world would have been a better place today

Tea sales would also have been up and there would have been a lot less 7-11's.....................thumbsup.gif

And we would have no problem getting Black pudding anywhere in the world irrespetive of how remote the location, and just think how things would be simplified...

take the Olympic's for example, wouldnt need muliple flag poles and different countries national flags at the winners podium....a single flag pole and single flag needed....the Union Jack

English would be the one true language, so no problems getting understood anywhere in the world when British citizens go on their summer holidays

The advantages are endless

  • Like 1

I would say that Americans are generally seen as being a cut above the rest.

Least respected are probably the English whistling.gif

Actually, not only the Thai, but most of the World word agree that the Americans are the cr譥 de la cr譥 of society.

Thats got to be the funniest joke today! LMAO

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App


no mention of the term - puu-yai-angrit? meaning a proper Englishman.

pretty sure thais consider themselves above burmese,people from laos (laotians?), and cambodians.

I think the only case where the respect/disrespect is much deserved is with the Japanese, from my experience, they do a very good job of being tourists. (Polite)


no mention of the term - puu-yai-angrit? meaning a proper Englishman.

pretty sure thais consider themselves above burmese,people from laos (laotians?), and cambodians.

I think the only case where the respect/disrespect is much deserved is with the Japanese, from my experience, they do a very good job of being tourists. (Polite)

I asked some educated Thai friends this morning and they said American generally are disrespected as they seem to think they shouldn't have to learn a new language(absurd I know)


no mention of the term - puu-yai-angrit? meaning a proper Englishman.

pretty sure thais consider themselves above burmese,people from laos (laotians?), and cambodians.

I think the only case where the respect/disrespect is much deserved is with the Japanese, from my experience, they do a very good job of being tourists. (Polite)

I asked some educated, intelligent Thai friends this morning and they said American generally are disrespected as they seem to think they shouldn't have to learn a new language(absurd I know)

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