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Thai Immgration Problems/Confusion.. Laughed At?

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I live in Nonthaburi and I’m married to a Thai girl and have a Non-O Single Entry visa which is due to expire end of July. Both I and my wife are flying to America the end of August. My current visa is only good until the end of July, so I need to get a 1-2 month extension.

Why should they call us little kids who know nothing and laugh and joke to us.. Our fault or theirs?

Full story below.. (Maybe helpful to others)

My first mistake was thinking that I should go to the “Main Immigration Complex” at Chaengwattana. When I arrived I got in line L I believe, waited 4 hours for the queue. After It was my turn, I walked into the cubical and the lady said I can’t do it here because I live in Nonthaburi, that I must go to Nonthaburi Immigration. I thought this was ridiculous.

The lady did hand us a checklist for all the documents well need though. So at least she was helpful in some way.

Day 2/Attempt 1 – Today we went to the Nonthaburi Immigration, and as soon as we walked in, the lady said we need a copy of all my copies and a photo of us in front of our house (house number). None of this was on the government checklist paper we were given the day before. So, both me and my wife walk out kind of upset and go home and get copies of everything and take a photo which we printed in black and white.

Day 2/Attempt 2 - We then went back to immigration 1 hour later. The lady checked everything again, and it was all ok, except we had to make a copy of even the TM7 form, along with some other weird paper my wife had to fill out. It’s very weird that we have to make a copy of the visa extension form. Anyway, now we have our queue number.

After waiting about 4 hours we go to counter 1 and the lady typed our info into the computer then we waited for our queue again and later went to counter 6. We hand our papers to the lady and everything is ok except that our bank book was updated yesterday instead of today. You have to get a letter from the bank for your bank statement 400,000 baht. So we leave all the papers at immigration and drive to the bank.

We updated the bank book and got a new letter dated today which showed my balance of 400,000 baht.

Day 2/Attempt 3 – We made copies of the bank stuff so we have 2 of everything again. We then hand them to the lady. She jokes to us rudely saying we only needed to update the bank book and did not need a new letter. Also, we updated the bank book but because we had no transactions for today day it still only showed yesterday’s date. This was no good, even though we also had a letter from the bank for today with the balance on it. No matter what we said, it was no good. She said we have to deposit 100 baht or something so it will show todays date on the bank book.

The lady kind of moves on from this, and pulls out a paper saying we need to get 3-4 neighbor’s to sign it and some other stuff.. At this point we definitely have to come back the next day.

Here is the kicker, Even though on the TM7 we wrote we just want an extension for 60 days, and even after telling the other lady at Chaengwattana this a few times who is the one that gave us the checklist. IT WAS ALL FOR THE 1 YEAR EXTENSION… After I asked the lady at the end specifically why we need all this stuff just for a 1-2 month extension, she then said you can get a re-entry permit. And even after this I then said, NO, we are not coming back to Thailand. She then realized that I just want some kind of 2 month extension to visit your wife (Duh, Did no one read the TM7 form where I wrote 60 day extension???). She sorted out ¼ of all the papers we originally gathered and it was finished, I had my extension.

At this time, all the staff around her and the boss are joking and making rude comments (with a smile) about how me and my wife are still just kids and don’t know anything, and noticed we got married in Bang Rak on valentine’s day and joke about it asking if we had fun? And said we must of won the gold prize etc etc..

Edited by chrisf77
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You have to go to the immigation office for the area you live in, that would be Nonthaburi in your case. Can't see why you blame immirgation for the fact you go to the wrong office.

The bankbook and update is also standerd, as is having to submit all documents in two fold. (All applications will be send to bankkok for final approval).

It is unfortunate that she didn't understand the request for a 60 day extension rightaway, but things like that can happen.

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1. An extension of stay can only be processed at the location serving your residence so nothing Chiang Watanna could have done. Did you ask the information desk before getting into queue and explain exactly what you needed and where you lived? The actual queue do not check more than that you have the TM.7 and if tourist or non immigrant extension so expect that is why not noticed until you got to desk.

2. 60 day extensions were rare (in fact officially marked one time only with no definition) until recently so many officers have little experience with them so would believe husband/wife appearance to be the normal Thai wife extension unless pointed out. At some point it would likely have been noticed on TM.7 but first check is for number of copies and required documents unless advised otherwise.

As for comments about comments it may just be a culture difference if you have not lived here for some time and gotten used to such jokes being to lessen tension rather than a put down. Perhaps not; but it is easy to mistake real meanings some times - even when not new here.

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I have always found Nonthaburi Immigration really good. There have been big changes in the last couple of months and the old boss has gone. However when I went for my 90Day a few weeks ago I was in and out in 5-10mins.

I do think that the mix up was a mis-understanding ... just writing what you want on a form is not the best way, better to also get your wife to explain exactly what is wanted. Mine always does and we never have any problem.

OK unlucky that you went to Chang Wattana first, there is pleanty of info on this site as to who goes where. This Thai laughing and joking business is just sence of humour or trying to hide the 'error, or as Lop says to lighten up'.

Anyway you now know what is required for when you eventually want to stay here. I was very surprised that they wanted a bank letter dated the same day. I got one a few days earlier but updated my book before going to Immigration ... no problem.

Edited by JAS21
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I always update my bank books a few days before and never ever had a problem at Nonthaburi, the older lady who sits at the far end next to the guy with the eye patch is okay and so is the guy, the rest are all new to me.

To the OP it pays to read on here first, I live just the other side of the Chaengwattana complex, but in Nonthaburi, so have to drive all the way to Bangyai as well.

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Well, about when they all started making jokes.. It was not me but my wife that said they were being rude and treating us like kids..

About going to the wrong place.. I went to Chaengwattana before to do stuff, and they never said I had to go to the Nonthaburi Immigration then... Which is why what happened happened..

Also about the bank letter, We were confused there also.. After we got a new one dated today, they said they did not need a new one, just an updated bank book. Although we updated the bank book, but there were no transactions, only from yesterday.. So even though we updated it today it only showed the date of yesterdays transaction..

I just figured it weird sense we also had a bank letter dated today with our balance on it.. And we updated the bank book just an hour ago but like I said above..

Anyway, Thanks for pointing out everything.. Even if we were wrong I feel better after reading your posts..

My wife always gets mad that they dont speak english to me.. Because she never knows what I need to do..

Edited by chrisf77
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Couldn't the OP's wife just ask the Immigration officials to speak English, so her husband could understand? Or perhaps she could make them slow down so she can translate sentence by sentence for the OP. The OP could request this too, if it's evident the wife is listening to an entire paragraph that she's expected to summarize. The Immigration officials will probably just get frustrated with the slow pace and switch to English on their own.

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1. An extension of stay can only be processed at the location serving your residence so nothing Chiang Watanna could have done. Did you ask the information desk before getting into queue and explain exactly what you needed and where you lived? The actual queue do not check more than that you have the TM.7 and if tourist or non immigrant extension so expect that is why not noticed until you got to desk.

2. 60 day extensions were rare (in fact officially marked one time only with no definition) until recently so many officers have little experience with them so would believe husband/wife appearance to be the normal Thai wife extension unless pointed out. At some point it would likely have been noticed on TM.7 but first check is for number of copies and required documents unless advised otherwise.

As for comments about comments it may just be a culture difference if you have not lived here for some time and gotten used to such jokes being to lessen tension rather than a put down. Perhaps not; but it is easy to mistake real meanings some times - even when not new here.

More, there is a very clear sign - in English at the front door of the Chang Wattana Immigration office declaring they only deal with the Bangkok province and (if I recall) the sign further says "if you do not live in Bangkok, you must go to your regional office".

I was there as recently as last week and it was still there.

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I wish to say that what matter most is both of you together - having to deal - not only with lost in translation ( actual and virtual impressions according to what conditioned the beholders ) also the bureacracy amusing load of paper work on assembly line ( various authorized flavour from one place to another ). I'd agree that the bank letter dated to the day stating the balance is better than other. And if they don't speak english to you and having sort of a mockery ambience- a smile or a laugh ; in my experience, Thai people smile when they are happy and the same smile plays when they make a mistake-when they are affraid and especially "in fear"- does it matter what conditioned the same smile anymore if you see through their uniforms and just passing through - Good luck and have a great journey.
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Yes that sounds about what can be expected from Immigration. Unfortunately, you will have to go through this again when your next extension of stay is due. Just keep in mind the Thai immigration system is not set up to help you or provide good service or be polite. It purpose is to raise revenue through never ending extensions of stays, reentry permits, and fines for any violation or missed 90 day reports. Thailand is still a 3rd world country so we can't really expect anything better from their inept government departments and un caring "public servants"

Edited by Time Traveller
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Funny, I never in twenty years had a negative experience with Thai immigration. They were always perfectly pleasant and helpful -- much more so than any civil servants I had to deal with "back home" (DMV, anyone).

Of course, I speak Thai and am respectful and friendly myself, so perhaps that has something to do with it.

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Life would be so much easier if a Foreign husband had the same rules as a Foreign wife.

What makes you think it is any easier? Still have to stand in the same silly queues and take the same silly photo's of all and sundry outside the house.

Edited by samran
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Yes that sounds about what can be expected from Immigration. Unfortunately, you will have to go through this again when your next extension of stay is due. Just keep in mind the Thai immigration system is not set up to help you or provide good service or be polite. It purpose is to raise revenue through never ending extensions of stays, reentry permits, and fines for any violation or missed 90 day reports. Thailand is still a 3rd world country so we can't really expect anything better from their inept government departments and un caring "public servants"

Sorry to disagree but no problem at Chiang Mai immigration office even considering the number of people they deal with. Considering the amount of stupid they deal with they handle it fairly well.
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mae hong son immigration officers point blank refuse to speak to me in english will only speak thai, even after my request for them to speak english 1 word answer NO

mae hong son immigration officers point blank refuse to speak to me in english will only speak thai, even after my request for them to speak english 1 word answer NO

Thats ONE word..........!?
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A cultural difference is that those in a senior/superior position can make nearly any type of joke about a junior/inferior, but not the other way 'round. Elderly foreigners typically get treated with more respect due to their age. As a young foreigner, it's something you need to get used to. It's not seen as rude in this culture, and rarely intended as such. It's just the way things are done.

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....I live just the other side of the Chaengwattana complex, but in Nonthaburi, so have to drive all the way to Bangyai as well.

Same thing with my situation, on one side of our road it is Bangkok, on the other side it is Nonthaburi, and you can bet on which one we reside ? I am using the Nonthaburi office for 8 years now and never experienced major hurdles but speaking fluently the dialect certainly helps, as I saw many "visitors" struggling for various reasons. Even for the 90 days confirmation of residence they need a copy of the first page of your passport, so not surprised they required copies of everything for visa extensions. I always keep copies of everything, including the house residency book, at hand. The staff has always been polite and trying their best, even when huge amounts of alien (neighboring country) workers were requesting re-entry permits or renewing their extensions of stays, even though at these times the place is really crowded. The new setup, following some major renovations during the last 6 months, hopefully on the longer run will allow for a better streamlining of all activities. Even when something goes wrong, keeping the smile up and the politeness help to circumvent potential roadblocks.

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