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Starbucks Thailand Tells Teachers "Order More Coffee Or Get Lost"

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Not a coffee drinker but I do go in for an orangina sometimes and sit and read a book on my ipad, tend to stay 30 minutes max as I get bored in one place. I do however notice numbers of students in there taking up many tables and it can be annoying for people if they cant find a seat, i do understand the feelings of starbucks when this happen, the quality of their product has nothing to do with this, they are not a library, however it seems book shops are fair game to sit around all day reading books for free.

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Well, I was called "highly self important" by a guy that wants the room to clear itself when he arrives with his cup of coffee. That is the synthesis of this thread, am I wrong?

Uh, yes, you're wrong. Totally. Obviously.

Go back and read the OP.

But you are definitely right, I don't care either way. There are actual problems in life, not getting a seat at starbucks is not one of them (that violin is playing for you this time).

You "don't care," but then you immediately hit your cliché button, twice (only has one cliché I guess), to show--what? You see, not only is Starbucks, a US$ 3.3 billion corporation, not asking for or needing any of your mock "sympathy," neither are its customers. Contrary to your imagined importance, you're just not needed at all, pal, sorry.

However, you can always contribute to Starbucks by buying something there and not freeloading.

With the new policy Starbucks has moved responsibly for its customers, its employees, and its shareholders. Great! as many posters here have observed. Funny, but almost no one here has supported the freeloaders, even those who don't like Starbucks, or at least pretend they don't. A few trolls, maybe.

Now I and other paying customers can, I hope, be more assured of finding a place to sit when we go, or try to go, to Starbucks. Nobody in this thread has said or even implied, in any way whatsoever, that this is an issue of earth-shattering importance. Your puerile attempt to exaggerate it into such, for the customers, to support your mock sympathy gained no traction and simply enforced the impression that you're merely trolling.

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Starbucks sucks!

then start a topic about it. this is NOT about whether you like their coffee or not. It's is about their new policy about free-loaders.

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Why don't they just charge extra for a seat? Standing room free. The assistant can just simply ask "would you like a seat with your coffee sir" That will be 100 baht per hour, the students and teachers will quickly move on to the likes of KFC or Macca's.

resonable idea, start charging for a seat and the freeloaders will soon bugger off and those that want to be there will pay for the service. You go to a decent restuarant and you pay corkage on your own wine that you bring and pay for the use of the glasses so why not pay to use the seats at an upmarket exclusive coffee shop.


Starbucks sucks!

then start a topic about it. this is NOT about whether you like their coffee or not. It's is about their new policy about free-loaders.

Come on james, I thought it was well thought out, lucid argument he puts up, he really gets into the nitty gritty of the problem, deals with the McDonaldisation of society and touches on the problems of socialism and capitalism, and all that is wrong with the youth of today and sliding educational standards, don't be too harsh on him


Why don't they just charge extra for a seat? Standing room free. The assistant can just simply ask "would you like a seat with your coffee sir" That will be 100 baht per hour, the students and teachers will quickly move on to the likes of KFC or Macca's.

YEs, agreed on, but really maybe they should go to the Big C food court and leave seats for coffeshop customer. And these kee-nok Englsih teacher, why come to Thailand to work anyway?

Remind me of the guy who sit in pub watching premier sport who sip on water for 2 hour and buy nothing other.

Im sure if they could convince the student they would prefer be sitting on steps of 7/11 with bottle of beer changtongue.png


Starbucks sucks!

then start a topic about it. this is NOT about whether you like their coffee or not. It's is about their new policy about free-loaders.

Come on james, I thought it was well thought out, lucid argument he puts up, he really gets into the nitty gritty of the problem, deals with the McDonaldisation of society and touches on the problems of socialism and capitalism, and all that is wrong with the youth of today and sliding educational standards, don't be too harsh on him

Btw you sold of Aqualanguish to some italian club today for a cup or espresso.

Let's face it. SB wants to be like a puffy haired bmw 5 series driver here - or as basil would say "you don't want common folk sniffing around when you are serving hautte coffee". SB lost it's snob appeal. First you let in farangs in t-shirts and sandals (see beach road patts for example), next thing you know you got local riffraff wandering in to wash up. Before you know it , it will be like 7. Had to stamp it out. Cut the snake's head off so to speak.


Why don't they just charge extra for a seat? Standing room free. The assistant can just simply ask "would you like a seat with your coffee sir" That will be 100 baht per hour, the students and teachers will quickly move on to the likes of KFC or Macca's.

YEs, agreed on, but really maybe they should go to the Big C food court and leave seats for coffeshop customer. And these kee-nok Englsih teacher, why come to Thailand to work anyway?

Remind me of the guy who sit in pub watching premier sport who sip on water for 2 hour and buy nothing other.

Im sure if they could convince the student they would prefer be sitting on steps of 7/11 with bottle of beer changtongue.png

Then where would the Big C food court customers sit, which customer is more important the Big C or Starbucks? Why not study in a library or school study area or even at home or a friends house? When I study or have work to do I like to do it in private without distractions of people walking in and out continuously


Good on Starbucks for being brave enough to make an issue like this public. Private businesses are not public spaces free to anyone that wants to occupy them .


I'm neither for or against Starbucks. I grind my own beans and press the coffee out at home. If I'm in the need of some espresso shots and Starbucks is there then I'm not against buying some from them.

The fact is that they buy the top 3% of all the coffee beans in the world. Maybe the screw up the roast or you don't like the names for their sizes but to say they have shit coffee is to say you don't really know what good coffee is. They get the best beans. They do because they can and that's what they want. They are huge and demand the best and they get it.

Same as Wal-Mart gets the best Chinese made goods. Folks can complain all day and night how they are the destruction of the world but the fact remains you will never find better made Chinese goods for cheaper than what Wal-Mart has.

Haters are just haters.

No one makes you like them. No one force you to spend money there. You have free choice. But all this hating on a thread about Starbucks policy is getting rather boring. Don't like them, don't go there. That will certainly free up more seats for paying customers. The fact remains that they are everywhere and have a huge market share cause more folks like them than don't. Deal with it.

The worst European goods is by far better than the best Chinese goods obtained by Wal-Mart, IKEA, Harrods, Galeries Lafayette, etc

Oh you think.. you do know that the iphone is made in China right? As is most of the goods in the world today. Just because it's made in China don't just assume it's crap.

Also, I bet the prices of the EU made goods does not at all compare to the price of the Chinese made goods.

and wait.. isn't IKEA Swedish?


I dont use Starbucks as a cup of Nescafe 43 bean is just as good at home.

But I do agree with them that some people purchase 1 cup and sit there for hours on their computers or I-Pads taking up space and hence they are losing business.

Good move Starbucks.


When I'm in USA I have to buy a cup of coffee to use the free wifi. If not, I am not a customer and somebody just freeloading. When I am in Thailand, I should not have to buy a cup of coffee if I am already paying for the wifi. If Starbucks wants people to buy coffee, then they can do exactly what the USA does and make the wifi free so people will have to buy the coffee. When I go into Starbucks and buy wifi, I am then a customer as I have spent money in Starbucks to use the Wifi.

A cup of coffee in USA Starbucks costs around $1.00. I'm paying three times that amount to use Starbucks wifi for a few hours in Thailand. So how about making the Wifi free so then the money I spend on the wifi can be transferred over into the coffee so all the whiners can see the coffee cup instead of the wifi card and feel that this makes me less of a freeloader.

Never seen Starbucks in Thailand advertise as an internet cafe. What you are saying is a kin to saying you came into starbucks, bought a condom from the bathroom vending machine and that makes you a customer. Get real mate. If all you want is to use the internet and not drink coffee might I suggest an internet cafe and not a coffee shop.

I use Starbucks wifi and not an internet cafe because internet cafes often have keyloggers to steal your information. You'd be insane to log in to your online banking account at an internet cafe. Condom machine in the bathroom? Get real. It's not something in the bathroom, it's a product being sold up front right alongside the coffee and the snacks. You walk up to the register and purchase your internet time just like any other product they sell and the money goes into the register right on top of the money that the last guy paid for his coffee with. You are a customer when you walk up to a counter and buy a product, whether that be a cup of coffee or an internet card. If people are not supposed to go there to use their internet, then how about they get rid of the internet all together and focus on coffee, or how about give internet access cards to everybody who purchases a coffee. Obviously they sell the cards separately for good reason.


When I'm in USA I have to buy a cup of coffee to use the free wifi. If not, I am not a customer and somebody just freeloading. When I am in Thailand, I should not have to buy a cup of coffee if I am already paying for the wifi. If Starbucks wants people to buy coffee, then they can do exactly what the USA does and make the wifi free so people will have to buy the coffee. When I go into Starbucks and buy wifi, I am then a customer as I have spent money in Starbucks to use the Wifi.

A cup of coffee in USA Starbucks costs around $1.00. I'm paying three times that amount to use Starbucks wifi for a few hours in Thailand. So how about making the Wifi free so then the money I spend on the wifi can be transferred over into the coffee so all the whiners can see the coffee cup instead of the wifi card and feel that this makes me less of a freeloader.

Never seen Starbucks in Thailand advertise as an internet cafe. What you are saying is a kin to saying you came into starbucks, bought a condom from the bathroom vending machine and that makes you a customer. Get real mate. If all you want is to use the internet and not drink coffee might I suggest an internet cafe and not a coffee shop.

I use Starbucks wifi and not an internet cafe because internet cafes often have keyloggers to steal your information. You'd be insane to log in to your online banking account at an internet cafe. Condom machine in the bathroom? Get real. It's not something in the bathroom, it's a product being sold up front right alongside the coffee and the snacks. You walk up to the register and purchase your internet time just like any other product they sell and the money goes into the register right on top of the money that the last guy paid for his coffee with. You are a customer when you walk up to a counter and buy a product, whether that be a cup of coffee or an internet card. If people are not supposed to go there to use their internet, then how about they get rid of the internet all together and focus on coffee, or how about give internet access cards to everybody who purchases a coffee. Obviously they sell the cards separately for good reason.

And if the internet card you purchase from Starbucks has no time limit on it that what are you hear complaining about? Are they asking you leave after they sold you a net card?

Whatever you say, they are a coffee shop. They also sell CD's and coffee cups. They are still a coffee shop. They offer the other stuff to compliment their main products, brewed coffee. Don't be an ass and think that Starbucks is an internet cafe. Do they even offer computers for customer use? These "key loggers" you speak of in net cafes, are they installed on your computer or theirs? What stops you from going into an internet cafe with your computer and buying net time?

That they sell wifi time to their customers doesn't make the wifi buyers customers. That they even make their customers pay for WIFI tells me there are tons of guys like YOU out there that don't realize that the net is for their coffee customers and not just for anyone that wants a cool place to sit down and use the net.

Certainly you are part of the problem and not the solution. Perhaps they should triple the net rates they charge NON coffee customers and then give actual coffee customers some free wifi time. Bet that would free up some space for paying customers.


Lots of free advertising here anyway, they got us there.

I try to avoid large corporations whenever possible and try to keep the little guy (that I identify with) in business, because I was also always the little guy, the man with a business and a family to support.

The little guy usually offers you better service, but he may not always have the product. The little guy is knowledgeable, he has to be, he devotes his life to it. Unlike a large corporation where the boss is really never there and the staff are usually wishing they were somewhere else, don't know how to serve you or what it is they serve......

When that small business closes, it becomes big business. Keep mum and pop working, in whatever country you live.

A lot of unfounded assumptions which really don't hold water in the real world.

Remember that those multi-national companies largely employ local people (your neighbors). Secondly, your assumptions are exactly the opposite of my experience when comparing a 7-11 with a local mom & pop convenience store. The little guy has horrible, ignorant service and expired product (often you have to blow the dust off the product to find the expiration date, if any). The staff at 7-11 are always courteous and I can always find consistency in product quality.

Try again.

You're the definition of a 'TOOL', keep rationalizing your greedy capitalism for Quality Control. QC right?

ROFLMAO -- without "greedy capitalism", there wouldn't even BE a Starbucks for these Starbucks Occupiers to be trying to freeload in, in the FIRST PLACE!! Unbelievable.

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That they even make their customers pay for WIFI tells me there are tons of guys like YOU out there that don't realize that the net is for their coffee customers and not just for anyone that wants a cool place to sit down and use the net.

Certainly you are part of the problem and not the solution.



I doubt very few people whinging on this thread are teachers. I have not seen a foreign teacher providing tutorials in a restaurant or coffee shop. I know it probably does happen, but overall, it is a uniquely Thai trait.


a lot of them might be posers, with their university jackets, teaching at star bucks...

when they have to meet at some pupils home, most of the fun will be gone...

the recklessness here is astounding... and its NOT so, that people dont realise that they do...

easy to find out, just be reckless yourself - woooohoooo, baaaaaad farang...

recklessness is perfectly alright, when directed towards certain groups... a buddhist approach?


Nothing has changed at my local Starbucks at Suzuki Avenue, over the weekend more than 80% of the tables were taken up by students studying. Just like everything else here, if you dont enforce the rules, dont bother making them.


Why don't they just charge extra for a seat? Standing room free. The assistant can just simply ask "would you like a seat with your coffee sir" That will be 100 baht per hour, the students and teachers will quickly move on to the likes of KFC or Macca's.

YEs, agreed on, but really maybe they should go to the Big C food court and leave seats for coffeshop customer. And these kee-nok Englsih teacher, why come to Thailand to work anyway?

Remind me of the guy who sit in pub watching premier sport who sip on water for 2 hour and buy nothing other.

Im sure if they could convince the student they would prefer be sitting on steps of 7/11 with bottle of beer changtongue.png

Then where would the Big C food court customers sit, which customer is more important the Big C or Starbucks? Why not study in a library or school study area or even at home or a friends house? When I study or have work to do I like to do it in private without distractions of people walking in and out continuously

Most of the Big C food court have very big area, much more than few chairs at starbucks. Can fit all the teacher and student they want without imposing on others

and is aircon toosmile.png

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