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A Subjective Take On Why I Live Here


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Sgunn65 very well said and I agree with you.

I been living in BKK and Phuket and I also prefer Pattaya any day and I am happy I live here 6 month a year (6 month overseas working).

Even my very quiet non drinking & drug user/gambling Thai wife whom I meet in Bkk like it here now.

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Couldn't agree more ! thumbsup.gif

The only minus point I didn't agree with was this one:

"Not being able to walk places in relative comfort and safety"

There are a few places without a decent pavement (Soi Bukhao for eg) but I don't think this is too much of an issue, for me at least.

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Your "take" is spot on. It pretty much describes my visage of my how and why. I find it interesting that you posted it here, I would add emphasis to "No theatre, art, good original live music or crisp autumn days in the park." and extend it to the country at large. The lack thereof is a window to the remorseful island of this country and this area in a sea of accelerating change and modern civilization. Eventually, the benefits simply won't compensate and that will drive one out no matter how good life is in the self-bubble. Five years is a long time to be without fresh air.

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So basically you live here because it is chaep. It is one of the only countries in the world that you don't have to pay any tax.

Most countries consider you a resident for tax purposes if you stay more than six months in any calender year . Most of these countries make you pay tax on your world income. I think Thailand will wise up to this in the near future and follow other countries. Then you might not find it so cheap! Personally the only reason I stay here is because I have so many wonderful Thai friends.

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Actually you assume wrong. I do pay tax and social security. My job is legitimate. And had you read my post you would see that I said I have a much higher standard of living here which is not the same as living here because it is cheap. And I did list quite a few things I like about living here as well.

You live here because you have so many wonderful Thai friends, well that is marvelous. I have quite a few friends here from different nationalities which I like. I guess I should have mentioned multiculturalism but none of those friends are Thai so maybe not.

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Actually you assume wrong. I do pay tax and social security. My job is legitimate.

Do you work as a teacher?

I dont think you can find other jobs legal in Thailand .

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So basically you live here because it is chaep. It is one of the only countries in the world that you don't have to pay any tax.

Most countries consider you a resident for tax purposes if you stay more than six months in any calender year . Most of these countries make you pay tax on your world income. I think Thailand will wise up to this in the near future and follow other countries. Then you might not find it so cheap! Personally the only reason I stay here is because I have so many wonderful Thai friends.

The tax laws are very different in each country; just take close neighbors Canada and the US; if you hold a US passport you are bound to pay income taxes irrelevant if you are resident or non-resident of the US, not so in Canada. Thailand has elected to implement its taxation system differently and residents in the country are subjected to taxes depending on where, how and when they earn revenues, especially focusing on when they bring these revenues in the country if it was earned offshore. If a foreign resident is careful, he can minimize obligations to pay direct income taxes in Thailand, but he will still contribute to Thailand well-being through the 7% VAT and all other duties and custom taxes imposed on various items, starting with car prices way more expensive here than in the US or Canada.

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Yes, a very good post and take on Pattaya.

Although I mainly live and have a small travel and tours business in Chiang Mai - for many years I also kept a small room on Big Buddha Hill, the Soi in which the Asia Pattaya Hotel is located. Circumstance, not choice, made me give it up. The room was in a block of rooms where other Farangs and Thais lived with a small restaurant bar outside. I had many Farang and Thai friends there.

Like you, I did not avail myself of the many bars towntown but on occasion used the many restaurants there and in Jomtiem.

I am a life member of the Royal Varuna Yacht Club, which is located a few sois away up the hill. Although I do not sail any longer it is a little oaisis with pleasant facilities including guest rooms, swimming pool and restaurant.

My daughter from the Uk has come to stay in Pattaya many times as have the Thai gils that I work with in my office. Never had a problem and they always thoroughly enjoy themselves.

Ultimately you have to take as you find.

All the best,


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I wish people who like it here would keep quiet about it. rolleyes.gif

I don't want to share the good things we have here with anymore people. Let the detractors continue to knock Pattaya about the bleeding obvious.


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So basically you live here because it is chaep. It is one of the only countries in the world that you don't have to pay any tax.

Most countries consider you a resident for tax purposes if you stay more than six months in any calender year . Most of these countries make you pay tax on your world income. I think Thailand will wise up to this in the near future and follow other countries. Then you might not find it so cheap! Personally the only reason I stay here is because I have so many wonderful Thai friends.

My friend you live in a dream world, of course you pay tax here - personally too much !

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Your "take" is spot on. It pretty much describes my visage of my how and why. I find it interesting that you posted it here, I would add emphasis to "No theatre, art, good original live music or crisp autumn days in the park." and extend it to the country at large. The lack thereof is a window to the remorseful island of this country and this area in a sea of accelerating change and modern civilization. Eventually, the benefits simply won't compensate and that will drive one out no matter how good life is in the self-bubble. Five years is a long time to be without fresh air.

I could not describe the situation any better.

Things are a-changing in Thailand,what was, now is-not, the attitude of Thai be it official or the guy in the street has hardened somewhat over the years. Life living under a visa regime is a doubtful life,the yearly chain is not for being overlooked . I feel as no distinct change to visa conditions will change in the near future but I feel as though the starting blocks for visa change are being thought of though.

5 years for me is too long without fresh air,regular trips back to the 'omeland compensates though

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Actually you assume wrong. I do pay tax and social security. My job is legitimate.

Do you work as a teacher?

I dont think you can find other jobs legal in Thailand .

???? I know hundreds of people that work in the Oil & Gas industry here, many of them TV posters, i know a few who work in Car manufacturing on the Eastern seaboard too, hundred's of foreigners working as consultants and managers in the real estate business, etc. etc.......... Did you really think teaching jobs were the only ones available to foreigners??? Surely not!!

I take your point, but would suprised if there are more than a 1000 western expats working Thai O&G, I am not including other SEA nationalities here who would be classed as expats in Thailand....ie Malaysian, Indonesian etc....I stand to be corrected of course, but even as a best case as regards western expats...no more than 2000 and reducing by the year and would predict in next 5-7 years almost none at all

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[i take your point, but would suprised if there are more than a 1000 western expats working Thai O&G, I am not including other SEA nationalities here who would be classed as expats in Thailand....ie Malaysian, Indonesian etc....I stand to be corrected of course, but even as a best case as regards western expats...no more than 2000 and reducing by the year and would predict in next 5-7 years almost none at all

Funny you should mention this perceived trend as I was talking about this in the office the other day. I've been working in the O&G / Petrochem industry for the last 18 years, the majority of this has been in SE Asia / Asia. I keep on expecting 'Western' expats to be phased out but it doesn't seem to be happening and people with experience are in more demand these days than ever. I don't work in Thailand at the moment, but in a neighbouring country and in our head office we have specialist engineers in their late 60's working on projects and one of the clients PM's is in his early 70's !

Edited by londoedan
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[i take your point, but would suprised if there are more than a 1000 western expats working Thai O&G, I am not including other SEA nationalities here who would be classed as expats in Thailand....ie Malaysian, Indonesian etc....I stand to be corrected of course, but even as a best case as regards western expats...no more than 2000 and reducing by the year and would predict in next 5-7 years almost none at all

Funny you should mention this perceived trend as I was talking about this in the office the other day. I've been working in the O&G / Petrochem industry for the last 18 years, the majority of this has been in SE Asia / Asia. I keep on expecting 'Western' expats to be phased out but it doesn't seem to be happening and people with experience are in more demand these days than ever. I don't work in Thailand at the moment, but in a neighbouring country and in our head office we have specialist engineers in their late 60's working on projects and one of the clients PM's is in his early 70's !

The problem with Thailand, there are active nationalisation polices in place and every year the company has to go back and justify an expat position to the DMF, as part of the justification for that year, they need to explain their nationalisation policy and how they intend to implement it, so as the industry get more and more mature with more Thai nationals coming up through the ranks, evenutally this will catch up with the vast majority of the expats...will there ever be none ? Don't thinks so, but numbers reduced considerbly from current levels.

Over last few years believe there a have been quite a few very experienced expats who have been "pushed" out on the back of nationalisation

Same as your experience, yes there are expats working in Thailand in their 60's & 70's same

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So basically you live here because it is chaep. It is one of the only countries in the world that you don't have to pay any tax.

Most countries consider you a resident for tax purposes if you stay more than six months in any calender year . Most of these countries make you pay tax on your world income. I think Thailand will wise up to this in the near future and follow other countries. Then you might not find it so cheap! Personally the only reason I stay here is because I have so many wonderful Thai friends.

I don't think that will happen. if it did then people will just up and leave if they find it hard financially to stay in Thailand, and the Thais need us. We know they don't want us here, by by god they sure need our money.
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So basically you live here because it is chaep. It is one of the only countries in the world that you don't have to pay any tax.

Most countries consider you a resident for tax purposes if you stay more than six months in any calender year . Most of these countries make you pay tax on your world income. I think Thailand will wise up to this in the near future and follow other countries. Then you might not find it so cheap! Personally the only reason I stay here is because I have so many wonderful Thai friends.

My friend you live in a dream world, of course you pay tax here - personally too much !

what I refered to was all the people living here as extended tourists, maried to Thais etc.

As a permanent resident I do have to pay tax. The point I was trying to make was that it might not be so cheap to live here in the future

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You live here because it's cheap, no other reason!

But you never realise it is relative to your native country!

Ie cigarettes in England 7.00 for 20 Thailand 80baht.

Ie monthly salary England average 1200, monthly salary Thailand average Thailand 240

Get real!!!!!!!!

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Well put... I also have lived here for 5 years and work here. I have a beautiful wife and could NEVER live the lifestyle I have here back in the U.S. About the only think I miss is some of the TV and some food. Otherwise, Pattaya fulfills all my needs at a much reduced cost compared to the U.S.

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I wish people who like it here would keep quiet about it. rolleyes.gif

I don't want to share the good things we have here with anymore people. Let the detractors continue to knock Pattaya about the bleeding obvious.


Make sure it is all positive news about Pattaya.

The beach was lovely a few weeks ago, very pleasant experience and not once did we experience double, triple or quadruple over charging. Pattaya is a lovely, respectful, pristine environment.

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