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Would the same person be looking through and laughing and making jokes if it was their son in the toga outfit ?

The tourists and holiday makers never see this side, they love and believe the enormously successful government marketing scam slogan of Land Of Smiles.


I have often seen people laugh and joke at funerals, it is not a sign of disrespect as the joke is almost certainly not on the deceased, but rather a method of some people releasing nervous tension, and often the boredom of hanging around awaiting for events to unfold. When I am dead laugh all you wish. In fact you can start now if it makes you feel more relaxed.

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Lack of compassion is not just a Thai phenomenon. Sadly this is how low people can sink to these days.

There are actually websites out there that theme the sufferings, tragedies and traumas of people and animals for the entertainment of others. These websites are even sponsored by advertisers.

The Internet has become a platform for the ghoulish behaviours of the sick minded of society. Could you imagine that there are people who actually promote victims of tragedy as entertainment? Well, this is exactly what is happening and there are many cashing in on it. How would anyone feel seeing a nearest and dearest, murdered, death by accident or raped on the Internet? The worst part is that these sorts of material are easily accessible to the young, the brain dead, psychos and the crank elements that take in this stuff with complacency.

It`s all a sign of the times and especially since the dawning of the Internet, where pain and suffering is all available for our entertainment pleasure at the click of a button.

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this is after all a country where the army shoots dead it's own citizens. What else can you expect?

save the politics for one of the 22 threads dedicated to it in the news section.

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I have often seen people laugh and joke at funerals, it is not a sign of disrespect as the joke is almost certainly not on the deceased, but rather a method of some people releasing nervous tension, and often the boredom of hanging around awaiting for events to unfold. When I am dead laugh all you wish. In fact you can start now if it makes you feel more relaxed.

Yep, also imho the Buddhists in general take death far less seriously than the Christians in general.

At the time of my visits as a tourist, i was asked from a happily joking waitress to go with her to the temple..To see her friend who has died in the night in a road accident.. I declined, so we went to the beach instead.


get over it. being able to laugh when faced by death is celebrating life.

You got it man!

To each their own, but again, in my opinion , to be laughing and joking in a serious situation like this , does show what I think is a serious character flaw in too many of the Thai population. This is not meant as a condemnation of all Thais, just a certain element.

No, this is in fact a character strength. 25 years and you don't realize this??

It's to do with accepting the will of nature with intelligence rather that emotion.


get over it. being able to laugh when faced by death is celebrating life.

You got it man!

To each their own, but again, in my opinion , to be laughing and joking in a serious situation like this , does show what I think is a serious character flaw in too many of the Thai population. This is not meant as a condemnation of all Thais, just a certain element.

No, this is in fact a character strength. 25 years and you don't realize this??

It's to do with accepting the will of nature with intelligence rather that emotion.

I disagree - If it were strength of character we would see those who loose their loved ones, family etc also behaving in a similar accepting manner (or even smiling and joking as with the Op). I've seen close Thai friends loose family members and a smile or a joke at the time is most certainly not acceptable.

IMO: Some folk walk around with the 'Don't give a £$%K' switch permanently engaged. In a society where its the norm not to show emotion it appears to have become cool to laugh in the face of death.

Black humour and poor taste has become the socially accepted norm in a society of diminished accountability and dwindling consideration.

These situations present a certain lack of 'taste' in much of the population where popular national characteristics such as non-confrontationalism also turn into flaws where no one speaks out against such poor taste.

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So where's the thread then? Couldn't find it

Edit: Actually, found it but the pictures have been removed. They're available on <URL Automatically Removed> but couldn't see anyone laughing/joking about the situation.


I think laughing at dead people is weird but does no harm to the deceased (although the impact on the bereaved depends on the context).

Of course, I am assuming there is no after-life. If my belief in atheism is wrong, at the time of my death the joke will probably be on me.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules


Shame on the OP for trying to twist the death into an anti -Thai tirade. This happens all over the world, just a way of coping with tragedy.

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Shame on the OP for trying to twist the death into an anti -Thai tirade. This happens all over the world, just a way of coping with tragedy.

Sorry, but when I see a person who's dead be it family or stranger, I do not laugh. It's pathetically insensitive and very disrespectful. Do you think he'd be laughing if that was his brother laying there???


get over it. being able to laugh when faced by death is celebrating life.

You got it man!

To each their own, but again, in my opinion , to be laughing and joking in a serious situation like this , does show what I think is a serious character flaw in too many of the Thai population. This is not meant as a condemnation of all Thais, just a certain element.

No, this is in fact a character strength. 25 years and you don't realize this??

It's to do with accepting the will of nature with intelligence rather that emotion.

You give them to much credit for being able to think like that.


Shame on the OP for trying to twist the death into an anti -Thai tirade. This happens all over the world, just a way of coping with tragedy.

Agree. Why do farangs pick and choose single, random events to try and paint all Thais as being a certain way? Are they trying to paint themselves as morally superior in the process? I'd say yes to the latter and it's rather pathetic.


Shame on the OP for trying to twist the death into an anti -Thai tirade. This happens all over the world, just a way of coping with tragedy.

Agree. Why do farangs pick and choose single, random events to try and paint all Thais as being a certain way? Are they trying to paint themselves as morally superior in the process? I'd say yes to the latter and it's rather pathetic.

Why shooting the OP ?blink.png

He never said " all Thais " ! He felt disturbed at 1 picture, that's all !

Nobody wants to be superior imho..Pesonally, having lived in Asia a few years, i tend to accept death as normal in life..and not over-dramatize it..But none of my Thai and foreign friends, or the people who i respect, would take pictures giggling at a corpse..

Like somebody said, " What if he's your brother which have just been shot ? " Would you like to have strangers giggling around ??


The average westerner is absolutely petrified of death, whereas the average Thai is not.

Having said that, the pics you see on newspapers here I find very disrespectful.

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