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Un Says Violence In Syria Is Affecting Up To 2 Million Civilians


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UN says violence in Syria is affecting up to 2 million civilians < br />

2012-08-01 00:01:10 GMT+7 (ICT)

NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) -- United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday urged an end to the ongoing violence in Syria, where as many as two million people are now affected by the civil war.

At the UN headquarters in New York, Ban described the situation as 'tragic and intolerable,' underlining that continued fighting is not the answer. "Further militarization of this conflict will only perpetuate the devastation and prolong the suffering. A sectarian civil war would also gravely imperil Syria's neighbors," he said.

Ban recently undertook visits to China, south-eastern Europe and London, where he met with the UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy for the Syrian Crisis, Kofi Annan, who has been working to achieve a peaceful resolution to the conflict. But Ban underscored that Annan's efforts require the international community's united and concrete support to succeed.

Furthermore, Ban alleged that the Syrian government is escalating its "brutal crackdown" against the opposition by attacking heavily populated areas with fighter aircraft and helicopters, but he noted that armed opposition groups have also stepped up their attacks.

"Each day, as the violence spirals, more Syrians are killed, injured, tortured or forced to flee their homes or their country," he said, adding: "I am extremely concerned by the impact of shelling and use of other heavy weapons on civilians in Aleppo and other locations in Syria."

Ban's comments came just hours after the acting head of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), Lieutenant General Babacar Gaye, told reporters in the Syrian capital, Damascus, that he witnessed heavy shelling in the city of Homs during a visit to the area on Sunday, and voiced concern about ongoing fighting in Aleppo.

The UN estimates that more than 10,000 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Syria and tens of thousands displaced since the uprising against President al-Assad began nearly 1.5 year ago. The opposition believes the number of deaths has already surpassed 17,000.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-08-01

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Ban alleged that the Syrian government is escalating its "brutal crackdown" against the opposition by attacking heavily populated areas with fighter aircraft and helicopters, but he noted that armed opposition groups have also stepped up their attacks.

yes indeed !!!ermm.gif

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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling. Of course Assad is a tyrant by our standards, but under his rule Syria was a stable country, a secular society where freedom to practice the religion of your choice was allowed. There are more than 200 Christian cathedrals and churches in Damascus alone. Whereas in Saudi Arabia, who are financing and arming the foreign Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the government on the US behalf, it is illegal under pain of serious punishment to even own a bible! Here we have foreign insurgent terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus, major cities where they have little popular support, embedding themselves amongst the civilian population, using them as human shields, carrying out suicide bombings and other despicable acts which if carried out anywhere else would be roundly condemned by the West for what it is. Terrorism. Foreign insurgents have been pouring into Syria via Turkey, a NATO ally for months, from Libya, Tunisia, Iraq etc. How would any government react if foreign terrorists, armed and supported by foreign powers were attacking and killing police, armed forces etc in an attempt to overthrow the Government. Just imagine if it was discovered that the occupy movement in America were being covertly financed and armed by Russia or Iran, and they started an armed campaign against the police and armed forces. I have no doubt they would make Assad look like a Sunday school teacher in comparison. It has been confirmed this week that Al Qaida fighters are in Syria, on the ground fighting, trying to overthrow the government on our behalf. The US have lost any moral high ground they may have claimed with these revelations, what short memories they have. But the greater prize, ie Iran, is all that matters to them, and a subjugated Syria is vital to this aim. The ends justify the means, no matter who they have to jump in bed with to achieve it. And all this under a Democrat administration. Shameful! All the BS rhetoric from Obama before he was elected, 'Change we can believe in' etc, proven to be just what it was, weasel words. Hillary Clinton gives the impression that she has never seen a war she doesn't like! Does anybody really believe that when these Islamic fundamentalists are in control of Syria they will be friendly to the West? Syria will go the same way as Libya and Iraq, shortly to be joined by Afghanistan, controlled by warring factions who although killing each other, and driving out Christians and other non believers all have one thing in common. A hatred and contempt for the West. We will reap what we sow.



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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling.

Huh? There is no hypocrisy about condemning a dictatorship that has slaughtered over 20,000 of its own people in a very short period of time. It is much more "appalling" to make absurd justifications and excuses for such a régime's barbaric behavior.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling.

Huh? There is no hypocrisy about condemning a dictatorship that has slaughtered over 20,000 of its own people in a very short period of time. It is much more "appalling" to make absurd justifications and excuses for such a régime's barbaric behavior.

So you are a supporter of Al Qaida and other assorted Islamic terrorists then. Good to know where you stand.
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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling. Of course Assad is a tyrant by our standards, but under his rule Syria was a stable country, a secular society where freedom to practice the religion of your choice was allowed. There are more than 200 Christian cathedrals and churches in Damascus alone. Whereas in Saudi Arabia, who are financing and arming the foreign Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the government on the US behalf, it is illegal under pain of serious punishment to even own a bible! Here we have foreign insurgent terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus, major cities where they have little popular support, embedding themselves amongst the civilian population, using them as human shields, carrying out suicide bombings and other despicable acts which if carried out anywhere else would be roundly condemned by the West for what it is. Terrorism. Foreign insurgents have been pouring into Syria via Turkey, a NATO ally for months, from Libya, Tunisia, Iraq etc. How would any government react if foreign terrorists, armed and supported by foreign powers were attacking and killing police, armed forces etc in an attempt to overthrow the Government. Just imagine if it was discovered that the occupy movement in America were being covertly financed and armed by Russia or Iran, and they started an armed campaign against the police and armed forces. I have no doubt they would make Assad look like a Sunday school teacher in comparison. It has been confirmed this week that Al Qaida fighters are in Syria, on the ground fighting, trying to overthrow the government on our behalf. The US have lost any moral high ground they may have claimed with these revelations, what short memories they have. But the greater prize, ie Iran, is all that matters to them, and a subjugated Syria is vital to this aim. The ends justify the means, no matter who they have to jump in bed with to achieve it. And all this under a Democrat administration. Shameful! All the BS rhetoric from Obama before he was elected, 'Change we can believe in' etc, proven to be just what it was, weasel words. Hillary Clinton gives the impression that she has never seen a war she doesn't like! Does anybody really believe that when these Islamic fundamentalists are in control of Syria they will be friendly to the West? Syria will go the same way as Libya and Iraq, shortly to be joined by Afghanistan, controlled by warring factions who although killing each other, and driving out Christians and other non believers all have one thing in common. A hatred and contempt for the West. We will reap what we sow.



Haha, you cite and apparently believe Robert Fisk. Enough said.

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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling.

Huh? There is no hypocrisy about condemning a dictatorship that has slaughtered over 20,000 of its own people in a very short period of time. It is much more "appalling" to make absurd justifications and excuses for such a régime's barbaric behavior.

So you are a supporter of Al Qaida and other assorted Islamic terrorists then. Good to know where you stand.

Wrong again, but I certainly am not a supporter of Assad or his murderous regime.

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Saying that a desire for the fall of Assad equates to supporting al Qaida is as valid as saying that supporting the England football team means you also support the racist scum of the EDL.

While both might cheer for the same team the approach and desired outcome are very different.

Ironically the west can either fully support the FSA and speed up Assad's downfall or hold back and let Al Qaida gain traction as indicated by theintetesting piece from the Guardian above.

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It is certainly undeniable that AQ are present in Syria along with their rent'a'jihaddist army. Recent testimony from journalists freed after being taken hostage was that some of the militants had Birmingham or Greater London accents. I suppose we can at least be thankful they were otherwise engaged at the time of the Olympics. Meanwhile over the border in Iraq two thirds of the Christians have been driven out and the same fate almost certainly awaits those residing in Syria, if it's 'liberated' that is. Assad is of course despicable, but at least 10,000 deaths less despicable than his father. Things didn't seem to matter then back in 1982 when the world seemed more preoccupied with around 150 dead Palestinians, where Israel was blamed by proxy, as oppose to 25,000-40,000 massacred in Hama by Assad senior. But now the world is more humanitarian lead by such beacons of human rights as the Saudis, it's a shame that Assad's backers stink just as bad.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Saying that a desire for the fall of Assad equates to supporting al Qaida is as valid as saying that supporting the England football team means you also support the racist scum of the EDL.

While both might cheer for the same team the approach and desired outcome are very different.

Ironically the west can either fully support the FSA and speed up Assad's downfall or hold back and let Al Qaida gain traction as indicated by theintetesting piece from the Guardian above.

Now that's a leap bringing the EDL into a thread about Syrian violence. The only way I could link the two would be to point out that eyewitness accounts witnessed the EDL's mortal enemies trying to liberate Syria by kidnap, murder and bombings - I guess there must be something in the Birmingham culture that makes it's citizens preoccupied with Syria. rolleyes.gif

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Foreign insurgents have been pouring into Syria via Turkey, a NATO ally for months, from Libya, Tunisia, Iraq etc. How would any government react if foreign terrorists, armed and supported by foreign powers were attacking and killing police, armed forces etc in an attempt to overthrow the Government. Just imagine if it was discovered that the occupy movement in America were being covertly financed and armed by Russia or Iran, and they started an armed campaign against the police and armed forces. I have no doubt they would make Assad look like a Sunday school teacher in comparison. It has been confirmed this week that Al Qaida fighters are in Syria, on the ground fighting, trying to overthrow the government on our behalf. The US have lost any moral high ground they may have claimed with these revelations, what short memories they have. But the greater prize, ie Iran, is all that matters to them, and a subjugated Syria is vital to this aim. The ends justify the means, no matter who they have to jump in bed with to achieve it. And all this under a Democrat administration. Shameful! All the BS rhetoric from Obama before he was elected, 'Change we can believe in' etc, proven to be just what it was, weasel words. Hillary Clinton gives the impression that she has never seen a war she doesn't like! Does anybody really believe that when these Islamic fundamentalists are in control of Syria they will be friendly to the West? Syria will go the same way as Libya and Iraq, shortly to be joined by Afghanistan, controlled by warring factions who although killing each other, and driving out Christians and other non believers all have one thing in common. A hatred and contempt for the West. We will reap what we sow.



There's no argument regarding AQ presence in Syria (which isn't exactly news) and involvement in the fighting. That doesn't automatically make every one fighting against Assad's regime an AQ member/supporter. I seriously doubt that they are anywhere near outnumbering home-grown rebels. Same goes for other "imported" outfits.

Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas, not to mention other atrocities, is not an acceptable mode of operation if the regime's declared aim is to fight foreign terrorists. True, the other side got a fair share of bad deed themselves, but proclaiming them as terrorists, what would one expect? A government, on the other hand, is usually upheld to somewhat higher standards.

That you have "no doubt" that similar activities (the Occupy movement) would be put down in a much harsher manner if discovered to be a foreign plot is an empty assertion with nothing to support it. People that complain about lose of freedom, repression by state etc in the West as being equivalent or similar to what goes on in places like Iraq and Syria, just don't have a clue.

A "subjugated Syria" is vital to the USA aim of winning the "greater prize" (Iran)? Syria is not about to be solidly controlled by anyone anytime soon, so unless I misunderstood the concept, can't really see what you possibly meant. If anything the Syrian state of affairs draws more USA/NATO resources. Even is Syria was somehow magically controlled by a new pro-USA government, the bearing it would have on dealing with Iran can hardly be described as vital.

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In US, the news primarily articulated concerns over AQs involvement saying that AQ could feasibly get hands on chemical weapons and use same against Israel causing rapid destabilization in the area. If true, would seem that US has more concerns about AQ involvement than anything else. Nevertheless, there are always the detractors and conspiracy folks who will condemn or perhaps blame US no matter what happens. Such is life.

Edited by ttelise
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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling. Of course Assad is a tyrant by our standards, but under his rule Syria was a stable country, a secular society where freedom to practice the religion of your choice was allowed. There are more than 200 Christian cathedrals and churches in Damascus alone. Whereas in Saudi Arabia, who are financing and arming the foreign Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the government on the US behalf, it is illegal under pain of serious punishment to even own a bible! Here we have foreign insurgent terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus, major cities where they have little popular support, embedding themselves amongst the civilian population, using them as human shields, carrying out suicide bombings and other despicable acts which if carried out anywhere else would be roundly condemned by the West for what it is. Terrorism. Foreign insurgents have been pouring into Syria via Turkey, a NATO ally for months, from Libya, Tunisia, Iraq etc. How would any government react if foreign terrorists, armed and supported by foreign powers were attacking and killing police, armed forces etc in an attempt to overthrow the Government. Just imagine if it was discovered that the occupy movement in America were being covertly financed and armed by Russia or Iran, and they started an armed campaign against the police and armed forces. I have no doubt they would make Assad look like a Sunday school teacher in comparison. It has been confirmed this week that Al Qaida fighters are in Syria, on the ground fighting, trying to overthrow the government on our behalf. The US have lost any moral high ground they may have claimed with these revelations, what short memories they have. But the greater prize, ie Iran, is all that matters to them, and a subjugated Syria is vital to this aim. The ends justify the means, no matter who they have to jump in bed with to achieve it. And all this under a Democrat administration. Shameful! All the BS rhetoric from Obama before he was elected, 'Change we can believe in' etc, proven to be just what it was, weasel words. Hillary Clinton gives the impression that she has never seen a war she doesn't like! Does anybody really believe that when these Islamic fundamentalists are in control of Syria they will be friendly to the West? Syria will go the same way as Libya and Iraq, shortly to be joined by Afghanistan, controlled by warring factions who although killing each other, and driving out Christians and other non believers all have one thing in common. A hatred and contempt for the West. We will reap what we sow.



Haha, you cite and apparently believe Robert Fisk. Enough said.

What a puerile and childish comment. Robert Fisk has has LIVED and reported from the Middle East for more than thirty years. Fisk holds more British and international journalist awards than any other foreign correspondent. How about you? What are your credentials? Thought not. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" Could have been written for you!
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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling. Of course Assad is a tyrant by our standards, but under his rule Syria was a stable country, a secular society where freedom to practice the religion of your choice was allowed. There are more than 200 Christian cathedrals and churches in Damascus alone. Whereas in Saudi Arabia, who are financing and arming the foreign Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the government on the US behalf, it is illegal under pain of serious punishment to even own a bible! Here we have foreign insurgent terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus, major cities where they have little popular support, embedding themselves amongst the civilian population, using them as human shields, carrying out suicide bombings and other despicable acts which if carried out anywhere else would be roundly condemned by the West for what it is. Terrorism. Foreign insurgents have been pouring into Syria via Turkey, a NATO ally for months, from Libya, Tunisia, Iraq etc. How would any government react if foreign terrorists, armed and supported by foreign powers were attacking and killing police, armed forces etc in an attempt to overthrow the Government. Just imagine if it was discovered that the occupy movement in America were being covertly financed and armed by Russia or Iran, and they started an armed campaign against the police and armed forces. I have no doubt they would make Assad look like a Sunday school teacher in comparison. It has been confirmed this week that Al Qaida fighters are in Syria, on the ground fighting, trying to overthrow the government on our behalf. The US have lost any moral high ground they may have claimed with these revelations, what short memories they have. But the greater prize, ie Iran, is all that matters to them, and a subjugated Syria is vital to this aim. The ends justify the means, no matter who they have to jump in bed with to achieve it. And all this under a Democrat administration. Shameful! All the BS rhetoric from Obama before he was elected, 'Change we can believe in' etc, proven to be just what it was, weasel words. Hillary Clinton gives the impression that she has never seen a war she doesn't like! Does anybody really believe that when these Islamic fundamentalists are in control of Syria they will be friendly to the West? Syria will go the same way as Libya and Iraq, shortly to be joined by Afghanistan, controlled by warring factions who although killing each other, and driving out Christians and other non believers all have one thing in common. A hatred and contempt for the West. We will reap what we sow.



Haha, you cite and apparently believe Robert Fisk. Enough said.

What a puerile and childish comment. Robert Fisk has has LIVED and reported from the Middle East for more than thirty years. Fisk holds more British and international journalist awards than any other foreign correspondent. How about you? What are your credentials? Thought not. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" Could have been written for you!

Cute. Response typifies individuals governed by emotion/fear rather than reality/reason. Fisk is a fantasist.

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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling. Of course Assad is a tyrant by our standards, but under his rule Syria was a stable country, a secular society where freedom to practice the religion of your choice was allowed. There are more than 200 Christian cathedrals and churches in Damascus alone. Whereas in Saudi Arabia, who are financing and arming the foreign Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the government on the US behalf, it is illegal under pain of serious punishment to even own a bible! Here we have foreign insurgent terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus, major cities where they have little popular support, embedding themselves amongst the civilian population, using them as human shields, carrying out suicide bombings and other despicable acts which if carried out anywhere else would be roundly condemned by the West for what it is. Terrorism. Foreign insurgents have been pouring into Syria via Turkey, a NATO ally for months, from Libya, Tunisia, Iraq etc. How would any government react if foreign terrorists, armed and supported by foreign powers were attacking and killing police, armed forces etc in an attempt to overthrow the Government. Just imagine if it was discovered that the occupy movement in America were being covertly financed and armed by Russia or Iran, and they started an armed campaign against the police and armed forces. I have no doubt they would make Assad look like a Sunday school teacher in comparison. It has been confirmed this week that Al Qaida fighters are in Syria, on the ground fighting, trying to overthrow the government on our behalf. The US have lost any moral high ground they may have claimed with these revelations, what short memories they have. But the greater prize, ie Iran, is all that matters to them, and a subjugated Syria is vital to this aim. The ends justify the means, no matter who they have to jump in bed with to achieve it. And all this under a Democrat administration. Shameful! All the BS rhetoric from Obama before he was elected, 'Change we can believe in' etc, proven to be just what it was, weasel words. Hillary Clinton gives the impression that she has never seen a war she doesn't like! Does anybody really believe that when these Islamic fundamentalists are in control of Syria they will be friendly to the West? Syria will go the same way as Libya and Iraq, shortly to be joined by Afghanistan, controlled by warring factions who although killing each other, and driving out Christians and other non believers all have one thing in common. A hatred and contempt for the West. We will reap what we sow.



Haha, you cite and apparently believe Robert Fisk. Enough said.

What a puerile and childish comment. Robert Fisk has has LIVED and reported from the Middle East for more than thirty years. Fisk holds more British and international journalist awards than any other foreign correspondent. How about you? What are your credentials? Thought not. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" Could have been written for you!


Edited by ttelise
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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling.

Huh? There is no hypocrisy about condemning a dictatorship that has slaughtered over 20,000 of its own people in a very short period of time. It is much more "appalling" to make absurd justifications and excuses for such a régime's barbaric behavior.

what makes it utterly barbaric is that the slaughtered citizens were unarmed and peacefully protesting whistling.gif

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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling. Of course Assad is a tyrant by our standards, but under his rule Syria was a stable country, a secular society where freedom to practice the religion of your choice was allowed. There are more than 200 Christian cathedrals and churches in Damascus alone. Whereas in Saudi Arabia, who are financing and arming the foreign Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the government on the US behalf, it is illegal under pain of serious punishment to even own a bible! Here we have foreign insurgent terrorists in Aleppo and Damascus, major cities where they have little popular support, embedding themselves amongst the civilian population, using them as human shields, carrying out suicide bombings and other despicable acts which if carried out anywhere else would be roundly condemned by the West for what it is. Terrorism. Foreign insurgents have been pouring into Syria via Turkey, a NATO ally for months, from Libya, Tunisia, Iraq etc. How would any government react if foreign terrorists, armed and supported by foreign powers were attacking and killing police, armed forces etc in an attempt to overthrow the Government. Just imagine if it was discovered that the occupy movement in America were being covertly financed and armed by Russia or Iran, and they started an armed campaign against the police and armed forces. I have no doubt they would make Assad look like a Sunday school teacher in comparison. It has been confirmed this week that Al Qaida fighters are in Syria, on the ground fighting, trying to overthrow the government on our behalf. The US have lost any moral high ground they may have claimed with these revelations, what short memories they have. But the greater prize, ie Iran, is all that matters to them, and a subjugated Syria is vital to this aim. The ends justify the means, no matter who they have to jump in bed with to achieve it. And all this under a Democrat administration. Shameful! All the BS rhetoric from Obama before he was elected, 'Change we can believe in' etc, proven to be just what it was, weasel words. Hillary Clinton gives the impression that she has never seen a war she doesn't like! Does anybody really believe that when these Islamic fundamentalists are in control of Syria they will be friendly to the West? Syria will go the same way as Libya and Iraq, shortly to be joined by Afghanistan, controlled by warring factions who although killing each other, and driving out Christians and other non believers all have one thing in common. A hatred and contempt for the West. We will reap what we sow.



Haha, you cite and apparently believe Robert Fisk. Enough said.

What a puerile and childish comment. Robert Fisk has has LIVED and reported from the Middle East for more than thirty years. Fisk holds more British and international journalist awards than any other foreign correspondent. How about you? What are your credentials? Thought not. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" Could have been written for you!


+1 Robert Fisk is a great journalist, war correspondent and author who lives in Beirut. He not afraid to bring to the attention of the public the outrages of dictatorships/extremist groups as well as the good and the bad policy decisions by Western countries. He is a very courageous man.

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+1 Robert Fisk is a great journalist, war correspondent and author who lives in Beirut. He not afraid to bring to the attention of the public the outrages of dictatorships/extremist groups as well as the good and the bad policy decisions by Western countries. He is a very courageous man.

Fisk is a nasty little antisemite with a tawdry history of fabricating 'facts' to fit his narrative. Those keeping up with events would have read that his past is catching up with him though as several of his fellow journalists have denounced him.


Edit: And thanks for the reminder of Fisk scapegoating the Christians of the middle east who he evidently expects to welcome Islamist 'freedom', no doubt he would have something to say about turkeys not looking forward to Christmas too.

Edited by Steely Dan
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The hypocrisy and double standards of the US and their cheerleaders regarding Syria is quite frankly, appalling.

Huh? There is no hypocrisy about condemning a dictatorship that has slaughtered over 20,000 of its own people in a very short period of time. It is much more "appalling" to make absurd justifications and excuses for such a régime's barbaric behavior.

what makes it utterly barbaric is that the slaughtered citizens were unarmed and peacefully protesting whistling.gif

Some are indeed armed and engaged in fighting, some are foreign mercenaries/terrorists, the majority are neither - I doubt that the Syrian army invests much effort (if at all) when targeting its opponents.

Same goes the other way around, of course, and the casualty figures tossed around in the media are often general (that is, caused by both sides).

One would expect a government to uphold higher standard of military conduct, especially when dealing with situations in which own civilians can get hurt.

Edited by Morch
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It effects civilians when they go out and play with toys they shouldn't be touching. Like these 'civilians'. I wonder if these jokers are in the UN's estimate of 2 million.


Yes, really, they've got only themselves to blame. If the they stayed home, kept their mouths shut and heads bowed non of this would happen, right?

Taking a clip of some untrained people trying to use a mortar and asserting this discredits the OP, is a callous joke by itself. Guess it could also be used to show not all people involved are highly trained foreign terrorists.

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It effects civilians when they go out and play with toys they shouldn't be touching. Like these 'civilians'. I wonder if these jokers are in the UN's estimate of 2 million.


Yes, really, they've got only themselves to blame. If the they stayed home, kept their mouths shut and heads bowed non of this would happen, right?

Taking a clip of some untrained people trying to use a mortar and asserting this discredits the OP, is a callous joke by itself. Guess it could also be used to show not all people involved are highly trained foreign terrorists.

To avoid skewing the argument I think it necessary to consider what the likely outcome would be should Assad be removed. Would those formerly bowing their heads set out on the path of an all inclusive democracy or would Islamic extremists try to destabilize any consensus government endorsed by outside influences until said influences lose interest leading to the Islamists gaining control.

I'm not by the way excusing the Russian or Chinese stance, which by supposedly letting the Syrian people choose for themselves means in effect letting Assad the tyrant prevail due to superior force.

P.S Of the two million civilians affected per the OP an estimated 140,000 of them are Christians who have fled their homes with nothing. Iraq is a blueprint of what to expect there, as at least 50% of the Iraqi Christian population has fled post 'liberation'.

Edited by Steely Dan
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It effects civilians when they go out and play with toys they shouldn't be touching. Like these 'civilians'. I wonder if these jokers are in the UN's estimate of 2 million.


Yes, really, they've got only themselves to blame. If the they stayed home, kept their mouths shut and heads bowed non of this would happen, right?

Taking a clip of some untrained people trying to use a mortar and asserting this discredits the OP, is a callous joke by itself. Guess it could also be used to show not all people involved are highly trained foreign terrorists.

To avoid skewing the argument I think it necessary to consider what the likely outcome would be should Assad be removed. Would those formerly bowing their heads set out on the path of an all inclusive democracy or would Islamic extremists try to destabilize any consensus government endorsed by outside influences until said influences lose interest leading to the Islamists gaining control.

I'm not by the way excusing the Russian or Chinese stance, which by supposedly letting the Syrian people choose for themselves means in effect letting Assad the tyrant prevail due to superior force.

P.S Of the two million civilians affected per the OP an estimated 140,000 of them are Christians who have fled their homes with nothing. Iraq is a blueprint of what to expect there, as at least 50% of the Iraqi Christian population has fled post 'liberation'.

I think you know the answer to that one Dan.

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It effects civilians when they go out and play with toys they shouldn't be touching. Like these 'civilians'. I wonder if these jokers are in the UN's estimate of 2 million.


Yes, really, they've got only themselves to blame. If the they stayed home, kept their mouths shut and heads bowed non of this would happen, right?

Taking a clip of some untrained people trying to use a mortar and asserting this discredits the OP, is a callous joke by itself. Guess it could also be used to show not all people involved are highly trained foreign terrorists.

The point of the VDO is when does a civilian lose the rights of a civilian ? And are these jokers, and the tens of thousands of jokers just like them running amok in Syria today, part of the UN estimates? I believe there count, particularily the casualty count of civilians to be inaccurate. Because IMO civilians taking up arms are no longer civilian. But are indeed enemies of the state in this instance. Combatants. Trained or not. How many innocent people may this mortar crew have injured prior to the VDO being taken ? I don't think they could lay a target to save themselves.

People like this, if they were captured in Iraq or Afghan, would be label terrorists and /or insurgents and would be locked up. Some may find themselves in foriegn prisons including GITMO. See how the shoe never quite fits onto the other foot when it comes to western interests over the best of the rest.

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    11. 93

      Game over

    12. 54

      PM Faces Pressure Over Thaksin's Alleged Hospital Fake-Out

    13. 2,205

      Thai gov. to tax (remitted) income from abroad for tax residents starting 2024 - Part II

    14. 93

      Game over

    15. 35

      Thai Khmer - is it alive anywhere in South Isaan?

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