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Cat And Mouse With The Cops...Oh And Remember Mr Bts Balloon?


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I need to put this in Bin" slowly moving my hand into his line of site with the fag butt clenched pride of place between thumb and finger to head height.

Why does this sentence seem dirty?

Depends how old Bin is.

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I need to put this in Bin" slowly moving my hand into his line of site with the fag butt clenched pride of place between thumb and finger to head height.

Why does this sentence seem dirty?

Depends how old Bin is.

Recognition where recognition is due...... it made me laugh anyway...............cheesy.gif

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While i agree smokers are weak willed people and i hate traveling with them (always needing smoking breaks). They are not sub human or crazy, and people drinking destroy their brain too. People eating too much sugar.. ect you get the point we all do things that give us pleasure but aren't great for us.

Most smokers that i know are not of the anti social kind that are described here. They have learned that they have a foul habit and should not bother others with it. They try to smoke where they don't bother others. The group that thinks its ok to smoke everywhere, i have no respect for them as i have no respect for drunks that bother people and drug heads that do the same.

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they should have just smoking pubs, i know which ones would be more fun,,

there was never any trouble with the old smoking side and the no smoking side,

if they want fresh air sit outside, all the fresh air you need,

apart from the polution cars,smells of food burning, toilets ect,

good old smoke

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Breathe anyway you want. Its not my job to make sure you have clean air to breathe.

Perhaps you could go and live in a mountain somewhere, far way from the pollutants of tobacco and diesel smoke and dodgy cooking and drains, and the internet...


EDIT: My apologies, by the way, for joining in this bickerfest.

Perhaps we could get back on topic, and propose more entertaining ways to wind up our brothers in brown


My preference for the last 2 days has been the following. Any time I see one of the SOB's loitering somewhere I walk over and ask them something, usually directions. I try to drag it out as long as possible using my very bad Thai as an excuse. Standing outside Fortune I spotted one and asked him how to get to Central Rama 9. He told me to take a taxi after about 2 minutes but he never just pointed across the road to where it is clearly visible.

Now before anyway says "Ohh how dare you waste police time like that" I think I was actually doing someone a favour. By keeping him busy for 2 minutes, someone might have avoided being extorted by the b"stard. If all Farangs did this, maybe they would just up and disappear from the streets?

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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

Nice avatar. So what do you reckon does Kiwi get the best shine on those jack boots or do you use something else?

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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

Nice avatar. So what do you reckon does Kiwi get the best shine on those jack boots or do you use something else?

I like Kiwi. I'm a great believer in trusted brands. I used to use Ox Blood colour on my Cherry Red docs.


EDIT: By the way, it isn't made from real kiwis; and it wasn't all-black, either, obviously, given the comment above.

Edited by StreetCowboy
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I love it every time a smoker gets dumped on by these guys, what is it now, 2000b baht or such ?

Disgusting habit by people that usually have very little regard for people around them.

Nice avatar. So what do you reckon does Kiwi get the best shine on those jack boots or do you use something else?


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O goody! A farting vs smoking thread. I sometimes do both, but never around other people.giggle.gif

And I hope, not at the same time. It just provokes ill temper when you flare up at people


Captain Methane never has those issues.

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dirty smokers throwing your trash around like you own the streets, hopefully next time they catch you.

Putting it in a waste bin is throwing it around?

If the native population followed his example there wouldn't be anything like the amount of crap scattered around as there is now.

almost all smokers throw their butts around most of the time, 1 time in a bin doesnt make it right.

Add to that the unecessary smoke giving everyone around cancer and sore throat. Smoking in public just means that a kid will almost everytime get the smoke blown into his face. Very nice.

Do you drive a car, Hostile 17? Use electricity? Own anything with lead in it that had to be mined from earth? There are far more filthy things in the world than tobacco - that you are a part of (as we all are). But smokers have made an excellent focus for the anger of the sanctimonious - and let's them off the hook for their own guilt... keeps their fingers pointed towards others. Yes, people shouldn't subject non-smokers to their smoke in enclosed spaces, but rules and laws have been enacted to prevent this and still you lot have to keep beating smokers down into pariahdom. What will you get your knickers in a twist about after cigarettes are finally gone?

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Sounds all rather sad and pathetic to be honest. But, whatever keeps you happy I guess...

What's pathetic about having a bit of fun with one of the BiB bullies? One must entertain one's self from time to time.

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Sounds all rather sad and pathetic to be honest. But, whatever keeps you happy I guess...

What's pathetic about having a bit of fun with one of the BiB bullies? One must entertain one's self from time to time.

I covered some of your points in an earlier post but they (BiB bullies) are so fixated on the evil smokers that they are deaf to anything else. It doesn't matter how toxic the air, or poisonous the water, or what gas guzzler they drive, as long as there's not a smoker anywhere near.

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almost all smokers throw their butts around most of the time, 1 time in a bin doesnt make it right.

Add to that the unecessary smoke giving everyone around cancer and sore throat. Smoking in public just means that a kid will almost everytime get the smoke blown into his face. Very nice.

Do you drive a car, Hostile 17? Use electricity? Own anything with lead in it that had to be mined from earth? There are far more filthy things in the world than tobacco - that you are a part of (as we all are). But smokers have made an excellent focus for the anger of the sanctimonious - and let's them off the hook for their own guilt... keeps their fingers pointed towards others. Yes, people shouldn't subject non-smokers to their smoke in enclosed spaces, but rules and laws have been enacted to prevent this and still you lot have to keep beating smokers down into pariahdom. What will you get your knickers in a twist about after cigarettes are finally gone?

We shall spend our knicker twisting time breathing in comfort.

What's pathetic about having a bit of fun with one of the BiB bullies? One must entertain one's self from time to time.

I covered some of your points in an earlier post but they (BiB bullies) are so fixated on the evil smokers that they are deaf to anything else. It doesn't matter how toxic the air, or poisonous the water, or what gas guzzler they drive, as long as there's not a smoker anywhere near.

Finally you get it.

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Sounds all rather sad and pathetic to be honest. But, whatever keeps you happy I guess...

What's pathetic about having a bit of fun with one of the BiB bullies? One must entertain one's self from time to time.

As I said, each to their own. If you want to hang out with a traffic copper on the side of a road in 30 degree heat playing silly buggers, knock yourself out.

Edited by samran
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Worse than religious fanatics.

Talk about not seeing the woods for the trees.

That's the point. Its not about belief in God, or your own health, or anyone else's health, it about righteous indignation and bullying other people.

Nor is it about littering; its about being able to pick on someone and extort money from them, getting back to the original poster's point; and it's not about discouraging the police from doing that, its about having a laugh at their expense and making yourself feel big and clever, while frustrating and upsetting them.

It's about enjoying zero-sum games.


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Its immature.

But we all need to play sometimes.

I just worry that someone might take you seriously

I am serious about the smoking.

I am serious about being quite good looking, but thats another thread.

Giddyup thought it serious enough to take his toys and put me on ignore.

Hounding a litter copper is not serious however and I like to see more of it.

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Would this fall under the catagory of people with not enough to occupy their lives and end up making mountians out of molehills for lack of anything substantial to do in their lives ? If you were 12 it would be funny to other 12 year olds , when your over 30 it's just sad and embarassing for you.

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