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How To Tell A Thai Girl She Is A Bad Singer?


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My wife has this friend who is absolutely stunning, when we were in Sydney on holidays, she got approached by 12 different guys in a pub (yes I counted).

Really sweet girl too, but dam_n......... SHE HAS A BIG FLAW.....


She puts a lot videos of her singing on facebook, yes its good with the sound down, but dam_n, she sings these songs so bad, even the Thai songs.

When she sings the English songs, she has this Asian accent and sort of reminds me of a female version of William Hung.

So, how do I tell her she is a bad singer without hurting her feelings?

This morning she made a new video, I was the first to comment with a "lol".

WIll she know by this? Or do I need to go Simon Cowel on her ass?

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Does it matter, if it makes her happy? Why burst her bubble if it brings her joy?

I honestly think many Thai dont have really good voices to be honest, and not great with rhythm..but i do LOVE that they still go for it and do the whole Karaoke and dance-your-pants-off thing.

I think sometimes we are hung up about things like this in the west, that it prevents us from just letting our hair down and enjoying something for the sake of enjoying it, even if we arent good at it.

Post a rotten karaoke singing video of your own, and just let the world enjoy! biggrin.png

Edit: some "bad" dancing ///singing..etc..brings me great joy just watching. IE:

Edited by eek
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I wouldn't tell her, just try and avoid as much as possible and keep smilling. biggrin.png

Agreed, but if you feel you must, do it from a distance. If she has posted her singing many times on Farcebook (sic) then she probably thinks she's quite good. Criticism may not be welcome.

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..but is she singing when out in public a lot? Is it just on Facebook? If so..i dont get why it matters. If she is single and looking for guys and adds them, and they run cuz of her singing..well all the better, for, she will have filtered out the ones that cant handle something she obviously enjoys!

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Just be honest, spit it out, don't hold back, give the cold hard facts, tell her that her singing sounds like a goose getting strangled.......

& then run for cover. laugh.png

BUT, she won't forget in a hurry if she is like my Mrs. whistling.giflaugh.png
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Be ridiculously over positive on things she is actually good at and "wean" her away from the singing...

Heap on the encouragement like crazy; for example:

"Hey, why not do some more painting today instead of the singing my dear, you are like that Rembrandt fella..."

Trust me, I have done this many times....many times....many, many times...

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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Be ridiculously over positive on things she is actually good at and "wean" her away from the singing...

Heap on the encouragement like crazy; for example:

"Hey, why not do some more painting today instead of the singing my dear, you are like that Rembrandt fella..."

Trust me, I have done this many times....many times....many, many times...

In LOS ? crazy.gif
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I've taken to stuffing wads of tissue in my lugs as soon as "voice like a nightingale" Mrsw00t.gif heads for the mike.....................................usally accompanied by a slap to the back of the head as she goes blink.png

Tell her she's not a good singer? ..........................................No Way.

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Nah she is a sweet girl. One of the nicest people I know, I am not the only one who agrees her singing is bad.

I mean its not bad, its totally just wrong. She does a lot of videos of her singing, I think about 15 or 20. You can see he thinks she is a good singer.

I might just leave it, but maybe she is just having fun and she likes doing it. She still better than me which isnt hard.

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It's not the singing that gets me........it's the volume!!! I don't want to hold my dinner plate as the singer attempts to vibrate it off the table with his version of My Way annoyed.gif

Why does Thailand have to be so goddammed loud rolleyes.gif

As for being atrocious, oh well as long as she enjoys it let her carry on guitar.gif

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Your singing is crap................usually works for me

Another thing that also worries me is when people say " she is stunning" rather like the stab story, Im usually very disappointed.

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I wouldn't tell her, just try and avoid as much as possible and keep smilling. biggrin.png

Agreed, but if you feel you must, do it from a distance. If she has posted her singing many times on Farcebook (sic) then she probably thinks she's quite good. Criticism may not be welcome.

I once commented on someones awful singing on You Tube and they went beserk, toss***s, They really do think they are good, thats the sad part.

The other sad thing is the world is heading the way of only ever giving praise, not pc to say its crap, ask a Uk teacher if they can say a kid is crap in a report.

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Why would you tell her?

What makes someone else the judge of good and bad? Why do people think they are doing someone a favour by being critical of their behaviour?

If she is happy singing then all power to her I say.

I have a terrible voice, but I don't mind lighting up a few tunes.laugh.png It makes me happy

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Does it matter, if it makes her happy? Why burst her bubble if it brings her joy?

I honestly think many Thai dont have really good voices to be honest, and not great with rhythm..but i do LOVE that they still go for it and do the whole Karaoke and dance-your-pants-off thing.

I think sometimes we are hung up about things like this in the west, that it prevents us from just letting our hair down and enjoying something for the sake of enjoying it, even if we arent good at it.

Post a rotten karaoke singing video of your own, and just let the world enjoy! biggrin.png

Edit: some "bad" dancing ///singing..etc..brings me great joy just watching. IE:

Some go totally viral like this one a few years ago smile.png

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