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An excerpt from todays "The Nation" in an opinion piece.

"PM Yingluck finally confronts the leadership issue

Suan Dusit Poll, released last week, said that while 7,319 respondents asked to evaluate the government's performance level gave the premier a passing grade of 6.11, some of the most important items on the government's agenda were rated as unsatisfactory.

The government's anti-corruption campaign gets 4.22 out of 10; anti-poverty work is rated 4.56; activities to resolve unemployment are given 4.66; fighting against illegal influence is rated 4.32; and attempts at national reconciliation are given only 4.76 out of 10. "

Being that we here live in the Twilight Zone , the above may be plausable.

But to those in the real dimension consider the following"

The first paragraph indicates that more than 60% approve of the PM's Leadership.

The second paragraph indicates a less than half approve of the way her government is handling the indicated problems of the country and rate this handling as unsatisfactory.

Now lets break that down.....

The government is operating at an unsatisfactory clip...


The majority of those polled feel that the PM is doing a good job leading us into this unsatisfactory position ??????

Rod Serling ...... a little help please....


Perhaps you should consider that no goverment ever gets good grades in corruption, competence etc for obvious reasons. The poll merely reflects that as far as the low expectation of any government goes she is seen as doing OK.


It shows that she is better at hiding when government business comes up and she has much better spin doctors.

And leave us not forget her strong point. Photo Ops.

The first paragraph indicates that more than 60% approve of the PM's Leadership.

I'm not sure that's what it means. Thai polls are just really bad, the questions are weird and the answers are often equally bizarre and they never explain what the results mean. What exactly does a 6.1 score mean? Did they ask everyone to score on a scale from 1-10? You could get the majority giving under 5 and a minority of red shirts giving a perfect 10 and average out to a 6.1. Would a score of 5 really be considered passing anyway? The polls here are just badly constructed so I wouldn't put a lot of faith in them either way.

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