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Brazen Daylight Theft- What Would You Do?


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Together with hitting the bottle at breakfast and being p1ssed by 10am, this post encapsulates that other danger to Farangs in Thailand - The imploding of one's word to the point where you were once someone that had a life, life challenges and things to do when you get up in the morning, to a life without all these things, where the big issues of your former life have been replaced by worrying about someone pinching what might very reasonably be regarded as your garbage.

It just goes to show, the amount of worrying some folk do has nothing to do with the size of the problem and everything with they've found something to worry about and in the absence of any bigger problem the minute nonsense takes on gargantuan dimensions.

One of the best posts I have ever seen
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Together with hitting the bottle at breakfast and being p1ssed by 10am, this post encapsulates that other danger to Farangs in Thailand - The imploding of one's word to the point where you were once someone that had a life, life challenges and things to do when you get up in the morning, to a life without all these things, where the big issues of your former life have been replaced by worrying about someone pinching what might very reasonably be regarded as your garbage.

It just goes to show, the amount of worrying some folk do has nothing to do with the size of the problem and everything with they've found something to worry about and in the absence of any bigger problem the minute nonsense takes on gargantuan dimensions.

One of the best posts I have ever seen

Yes, an excellent statement by GuestHouse and something to reflect on in the future.

I shall save this in my articles worth keeping file on my computer.

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you sound worried......yawn......

Together with hitting the bottle at breakfast and being p1ssed by 10am, this post encapsulates that other danger to Farangs in Thailand - The imploding of one's word to the point where you were once someone that had a life, life challenges and things to do when you get up in the morning, to a life without all these things, where the big issues of your former life have been replaced by worrying about someone pinching what might very reasonably be regarded as your garbage.

It just goes to show, the amount of worrying some folk do has nothing to do with the size of the problem and everything with they've found something to worry about and in the absence of any bigger problem the minute nonsense takes on gargantuan dimensions.

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Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

Edited by dave111223
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Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

It`s not always a risk leaving things out in the street.

A year ago I locked my wife out for 3 days and when I went out again, she was still there.

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Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

There's an old English saying "Where there's muck there's brass".

I used to throw away my empty beer bottles, newspapers, plastic and cardboard but my TGF put a stop to that. She would hoard everything and once every few weeks (depending on consumption) she'd call the recycling lady who would turn up on a motorcycle-sidecar outfit with some scales and some heavy duty sacks. Everything would be sorted, bagged, weighed and priced and my GF kept the proceeds - sometimes several hundred baht.

When she wasn't looking I put an (unopened) five kilo bag of rice on them and it apparently only weighed 4.6 kilos. Either her scales were out or the shop had ripped me off, I wonder which? whistling.gif

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The guys you really gotta watch out for are the ones with the big yellow truck. They come around twice a week, lift anything outside the house that isn't nailed down, throw it in the back and then just drive off - waving as they go! Someone really should do something about them!



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Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

There's an old English saying "Where there's muck there's brass".

I used to throw away my empty beer bottles, newspapers, plastic and cardboard but my TGF put a stop to that. She would hoard everything and once every few weeks (depending on consumption) she'd call the recycling lady who would turn up on a motorcycle-sidecar outfit with some scales and some heavy duty sacks. Everything would be sorted, bagged, weighed and priced and my GF kept the proceeds - sometimes several hundred baht.

When she wasn't looking I put an (unopened) five kilo bag of rice on them and it apparently only weighed 4.6 kilos. Either her scales were out or the shop had ripped me off, I wonder which? whistling.gif

Funny story laugh.png

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Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

There's an old English saying "Where there's muck there's brass".

I used to throw away my empty beer bottles, newspapers, plastic and cardboard but my TGF put a stop to that. She would hoard everything and once every few weeks (depending on consumption) she'd call the recycling lady who would turn up on a motorcycle-sidecar outfit with some scales and some heavy duty sacks. Everything would be sorted, bagged, weighed and priced and my GF kept the proceeds - sometimes several hundred baht.

When she wasn't looking I put an (unopened) five kilo bag of rice on them and it apparently only weighed 4.6 kilos. Either her scales were out or the shop had ripped me off, I wonder which? whistling.gif

Probably both.

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Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

There's an old English saying "Where there's muck there's brass".

I used to throw away my empty beer bottles, newspapers, plastic and cardboard but my TGF put a stop to that. She would hoard everything and once every few weeks (depending on consumption) she'd call the recycling lady who would turn up on a motorcycle-sidecar outfit with some scales and some heavy duty sacks. Everything would be sorted, bagged, weighed and priced and my GF kept the proceeds - sometimes several hundred baht.

When she wasn't looking I put an (unopened) five kilo bag of rice on them and it apparently only weighed 4.6 kilos. Either her scales were out or the shop had ripped me off, I wonder which? whistling.gif

Put a little sand in the crushed cans.rolleyes.gif

Edited by Shot
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You would have been better off being polite and asking them to return the items and explaing to them it wasnt trash ..... giving them an easy way out to save face and pretend it was all a misunderstanding ...... being rude NEVER improves a situation although sometimes in the end you might previal inspite of it.

I kind of doubt you will accept anything except except high praise for your behavior though.

What I would have done is get back the items by doing pretty much the opposite of what you did.

You must have omitted to read the part where I said <to find a Thai man and his wife/ gf driving off> Where did I have time to "ask politely"? I doubt they spoke English anyway, and it was pretty obvious that they knew they were stealing the item- I already said it was obviously not trash.

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It would seem that the overall answer to your question would be ....... Don't leave things on the side of the road that are valuable to you

How you can operate a computer and not already understand that is a mystery to me.

I fail to see why it is so important for you to take the time to make pointless statements, and while I may have been "rude" to a thief absconding with someone elses property, you are equally rude with your nasty comment.

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Unless the "Item" was a motorbike or something that belongs in the street, then I think the OP is trolling.

No Thai person i've ever met would leave valuable items out in the street. My Thai family wouldn't even leave what I consider to be "trash" out in the street (ie old bits of metal, or scrape wood etc...)

I suggested getting a plastic bottle recycling bin at our condo; everyone looked at me like it was crazy...because, according them, someone would come round and nick the plastic bottles...(hmm...isn't that the point?)

Why am I a troll? I asked a perfectly reasonable question, which was "what would YOU do in that situation", but instead you make silly statements about leaving "valuable" items in the street. I never said the item was valuable, however, it was useful, which is why they went to the trouble of stealing it.

We have worker huts outside our house, should we move them inside the fence? Sorry, they wouldn't fit. Likewise with the item in question.

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What did your wife and her family members say about it?

Haven't told them as it would only piss them off, and there's nothing to be done as I don't know who stole it.

Also, if he did, my BIL might be taking some direct action which might lead to repercussions, and I really don't want to have to leave to avoid getting beaten up etc.

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I don't get what the big deal is about saying what it was they took? It's all a bit cryptic, if it was too big to have inside your property then how did two people on a motorbike ride off with it?

You wouldn't have workers huts on the side of the road, thats public property, they would be on your property fenced or not.

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I have to wonder if some people on this thread actually know anything about Thailand outside places like Pattaya.

Out in the country, people leave all sorts of stuff outside their house gates. I've even seen an industrial concrete mixer on the street- according to some posters, the owner should move it into the house for safety, or perhaps he should move it into the carport and leave his car on the street!

In my wife's village most people grow vege gardens on the road verge, secure in the knowledge that no one is going to take the veges.

If you don't want to answer the question I asked, why are you even wasting time on this thread. Surely there are other posts much more deserving of your scintillating wit, not.

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Why am I a troll? I asked a perfectly reasonable question, which was "what would YOU do in that situation", but instead you make silly statements about leaving "valuable" items in the street. I never said the item was valuable, however, it was useful, which is why they went to the trouble of stealing it.

If you had posted in a normal manner, such as "someone stole my <roof tiles>", you'd get maybe 5 replies, but instead you use mystery and vague descriptions to get as much mileage out of the thread as you can... that's is considered trolling.

Edited by dave111223
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Why am I a troll? I asked a perfectly reasonable question, which was "what would YOU do in that situation", but instead you make silly statements about leaving "valuable" items in the street. I never said the item was valuable, however, it was useful, which is why they went to the trouble of stealing it.

If you had posted in a normal manner, such as "someone stole my <roof tiles>", you'd get maybe 5 replies, but instead you use mystery and vague descriptions to get as much mileage out of the thread as you can... that's why you are a troll

Why is it necessary for anyone to know what the item was in order to answer the question? Pretty clear question, I think, "WHAT WOULD YOU DO?".

If people don't wanrt to answer the question, that's their perogative, but there's no need to get their knickers in a twist and start calling people trolls.

<a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.>

Did my post fill that definition? I think not. However, YOU are posting inflammatory statements, so perhaps it is YOU that is the troll!

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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I have to wonder if some people on this thread actually know anything about Thailand outside places like Pattaya.

Out in the country, people leave all sorts of stuff outside their house gates. I've even seen an industrial concrete mixer on the street- according to some posters, the owner should move it into the house for safety, or perhaps he should move it into the carport and leave his car on the street!

In my wife's village most people grow vege gardens on the road verge, secure in the knowledge that no one is going to take the veges.

If you don't want to answer the question I asked, why are you even wasting time on this thread. Surely there are other posts much more deserving of your scintillating wit, not.

So was it something valuable that was taken - like an industrial concrete mixer? Mind you, that would be a bit heavy to 'run off' with...

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