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Quiet Helmets That Dont Shake


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As far as being smooth thru the air at high speed, I have found the Arai to be a good choice. I got mine back in my racing days, and the big selling point is that they make more than one shape of helmet.

Head shape is anywhere from round to oval, and a dealer can fit you and adjust the cheek pads so that it fits your head well. This really cuts down on the flopping at speed.

But where to get this service in LOS - that is the question. My days of riding at Max - or over - are done.

If i was still in LOS id just get new pads for the REAL, but cant get them over here in the states.

I dont usually ride at max, well maybe a little...sometimes i look down and realize im going over 100 mph without realizing it.

Im waiting for an Arai Corsair to pop up cheap but...i think many other people are too.

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The third paragraph here says that the TIS certification is mandatory for manufacturers and importers of motorcycle helmets.


With TIS, which stands for Thai Industry Standard, the only thing you know is that the first helmet is from the same quality as any other helmet of the same model. It's an industry standard and not a safety standard, you can find plastic buckets (real plastic buckets) that have the TIS logo...

Richard, I am struggling to find any relevancy in your post. How do non-helmet TIS standards (like the TIS 2134-2545 you posted which concerns air conditioners) that have nothing to do with helmet testing standards (TIS 369-2539) and this conversation? My Scuba tank has "DOT" on it. Is that relevant?

I think you need to take another look at this... http://app.tisi.go.t...tis369_2539.pdf There is a heck of a lot more there than "the first helmet is from the same quality as any other helmet of the same model."

Richard, you made a comment to Sylvian of Shark Helmets on your website which I linked to above in which you made the claim that TIS 369-2539 is not a requirement for helmets in Thailand. Is that still your understanding? If so, why? Do you have some better references for us? Reading the articles on your site, it would appear you are in regular contact with industry manufacturers. You should know this topic frontwards and backwards.


True the logo was not from a helmet, it was so people know how the logo looks like.

Second yes, I seen the documents TIS is making, and I would like to see where in the law it says Thai Motorcycle helmets need to be to confirm the (TIS) Thai Industrial Standard. So far as I know the law says that a motorcycle helmet needs to be confirm an Industrial Standard.

Anyway, I not see the TIS-369-2539 as a serious safety standard. A 120 Baht (3 Euro / US$ 3.90) helmet at BigC supermarket also has the TIS-369-2539 safety standard, but I push a dent into the outer shell with my thumbs... Imagine what a simple hammer blow will do... or what about 100km/h against a car traveling at 60km/h, simple math 100+60 is 160km/h brut force on a helmet who I can crack with my hand...

They have a saying if your head is worth 5 dollars buy a 5 dollar helmet...


The Correct TIS logo

I provided a link above which states it is mandatory.

If you read the TIS 369-2539 it states that they categorize helmets into 3 catagories. The 120B helmets are in a different catagory than the full face.

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In the same TIS document, but Thai version, it also says that the helmets can be ISO/R 1511-1970 or JIS T 8133-1982 this are both very old standards and basically the ISO/R 1511-1970 evolved into a much modern version... anyway to make a long story short...if your helmet is either DOT, Snell or CE approved you're legally wearing an approved helmet.

So I said it....

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