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What Are The Best Health Insurance Options?

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What are the options for "old farts"??? I am 63 and currently have insurance through work. I only plan to work for a couple more years.. What options are available then?


Having looked into this myself recently, I've been told by numerous people that William Russell and BUPA are not always the best at paying out although their plans/costs are quite reasonable, whilst Allianz are one of the better options out there in terms of costs, benefits and actually getting things paid out without problems.

As always I'm sure people have their own individual experiences and choices, but we'll probably be going for Allianz ourselves.


Good thread.

I can't face paying the premiums, plus I've not been near a docter or had an operation in about 35 years (broken arm playing hockey at school): so I'm going to risk it and not take out any cover.

What I have done is set-up a savings account in Thailand (local bank) and I'm going to put in about 1 million baht - use this as an emergency medical fund and for the retirement visa (I'm 50 next year).

I guess if I develop a chronic illness I'll go back to the UK.

Edit: I am going to start annual medical screening next year - preferably without the prostrate check.

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I agree with londoedan. I have never been near a doctor in 40 years so rather than pay 75,000 baht health insurance i will save it. Over 13 years that's 1 million baht saved which would cover all but the major illnesses. If i get anything too serious go back to the UK. OK it's a bit of a risk but i wouldn't want to pay a bundle in insurance and find that when i need it they don't pay out.


I agree with londoedan. I have never been near a doctor in 40 years so rather than pay 75,000 baht health insurance i will save it. Over 13 years that's 1 million baht saved which would cover all but the major illnesses. If i get anything too serious go back to the UK. OK it's a bit of a risk but i wouldn't want to pay a bundle in insurance and find that when i need it they don't pay out.

That would last about 10 days if you were unfortunate enough to have an accident and ended up in ICU :(


I agree with londoedan. I have never been near a doctor in 40 years so rather than pay 75,000 baht health insurance i will save it. Over 13 years that's 1 million baht saved which would cover all but the major illnesses. If i get anything too serious go back to the UK. OK it's a bit of a risk but i wouldn't want to pay a bundle in insurance and find that when i need it they don't pay out.

That would last about 10 days if you were unfortunate enough to have an accident and ended up in ICU sad.png

Thats about the going rate in Europe but not Thailand. Tell us what Hospital in Thailand would charge this kind of amount, so we can all avoid this particular hospital !



I agree with londoedan. I have never been near a doctor in 40 years so rather than pay 75,000 baht health insurance i will save it. Over 13 years that's 1 million baht saved which would cover all but the major illnesses. If i get anything too serious go back to the UK. OK it's a bit of a risk but i wouldn't want to pay a bundle in insurance and find that when i need it they don't pay out.

That would last about 10 days if you were unfortunate enough to have an accident and ended up in ICU sad.png

Thats about the going rate in Europe but not Thailand. Tell us what Hospital in Thailand would charge this kind of amount, so we can all avoid this particular hospital !


Check out this topic http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/564051-115000-baht-to-fix-a-broken-toe-or-the-cheap-option-is/page__hl__%20bangkok%20%20hospital (and that was only for a broken toe!!) many more topics on the same sort of prices if you use the search function. Problem is, if you had a serious accident, you would not have much choice of what hospital you landed in, and a spell in ICU will be far more costly than that for a broken toe.

I personally know of one Belgian man that was admitted to ICU in one of the supposedly cheaper hospitals in the area and his bill was 1.3M for two weeks stay, his sister flew over from Belgium to pay the hospital bill and took him home from the hospital as there was nothing more they could do, he died 3 days later. Scary prices.

Insurance is a must here, in my opinion anyway.


Having looked into this myself recently, I've been told by numerous people that William Russell and BUPA are not always the best at paying out although their plans/costs are quite reasonable, whilst Allianz are one of the better options out there in terms of costs, benefits and actually getting things paid out without problems.

As always I'm sure people have their own individual experiences and choices, but we'll probably be going for Allianz ourselves.

Allianz (medical) is very good - talk to Peter over at AA Insurance Brokers - they are the contacts in Thailand


I agree with londoedan. I have never been near a doctor in 40 years so rather than pay 75,000 baht health insurance i will save it. Over 13 years that's 1 million baht saved which would cover all but the major illnesses. If i get anything too serious go back to the UK. OK it's a bit of a risk but i wouldn't want to pay a bundle in insurance and find that when i need it they don't pay out.

That would last about 10 days if you were unfortunate enough to have an accident and ended up in ICU sad.png

Thats about the going rate in Europe but not Thailand. Tell us what Hospital in Thailand would charge this kind of amount, so we can all avoid this particular hospital !


Check out this topic http://www.thaivisa....ngkok hospital (and that was only for a broken toe!!) many more topics on the same sort of prices if you use the search function. Problem is, if you had a serious accident, you would not have much choice of what hospital you landed in, and a spell in ICU will be far more costly than that for a broken toe.

I personally know of one Belgian man that was admitted to ICU in one of the supposedly cheaper hospitals in the area and his bill was 1.3M for two weeks stay, his sister flew over from Belgium to pay the hospital bill and took him home from the hospital as there was nothing more they could do, he died 3 days later. Scary prices.

Insurance is a must here, in my opinion anyway.

Of course, if a Farang is administered to a "Farang-Hospital", and it appears that he is "on his own" without Thai Family connection, they will try to throw the financial book at him. Sad but true.

In my case, I wear always a necklace that indicates that no decisions or actions shall be taken on my behalf, unless my Wife and/or my Thai-Kids are contacted and directly involved. They can be reached 24 hours a day.

2 of my kids have a law-degree and they would know readily how to deal with potential "Highway-Robbery-Attempts" of any hospital administration.

But, like mentioned above, if the Farang is "on his own" and has no Family-Backing, this is probably the worst situation a Farang can find himself in here in Thailand. (With or without insurance,) because the insurance will also soon discover, if a patient is laying helplessly in a hospital bed without external help or not.

Shakespeare: To pay or not to pay. This goes especially for "International" Health Insurance Companies that have their seat in the Cayman-Islands or god knows where ! Know what I mean ?



50+ and you think you don't need health insurance, you must be nuts. How much is your health worth?

I'm 57 have never been sick and like most blokes I think I'm indestructible. But once people hit 50 you start to notice guys in similar age group dropping like flies. Not to mention all the various ailments.

Local hospitals maybe okay for short stays and relatively minor incidents. But anything more you'd be in more capable hands with a better environment in a private hospital. Prices are cheaper than home, but being private they know people are either well off or have insurance. Therefore their pricing reflects this.

By the way. I hate insurance companies. Their greed is simply confirmed by the fact that in any city or town in the world the biggest and best buildings are either insurance companies or banks......I also hate banks, but that's another story.


NZI/InterGlobal is good and pay immediately - they advertise daily in the Bangkok Post....

Without insurance we can only hope nothing serious will befall anyone but just having chemo is about 300,000/400,000baht a single session and in most cases they need to repeat every 3 to 4 weeks - not counting the costs involved with MRI and PT scans.....(60,000 to 80,000) per one session....


50+ and you think you don't need health insurance, you must be nuts.

Well thats the plan - I'll see how it goes and let you know if anything drops off.

Perhaps my biggest worry living outside the UK is a traffic accident or being hit by someone crossing the road. I might take-out some accident coverage with a decent company.


Bupa International

Worldwide Medical Insurance

Worldwide Medical Plus

Worldwide Evacuation

Myself 36, Mrs 25 and baby 2yo

$768 a month (23'000 THB)

Wow !

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50+ and you think you don't need health insurance, you must be nuts.

Well thats the plan - I'll see how it goes and let you know if anything drops off.

Perhaps my biggest worry living outside the UK is a traffic accident or being hit by someone crossing the road. I might take-out some accident coverage with a decent company.

Well good on you. Wishing you a long and healthy life.


having chemo is about 300,000/400,000baht a single session

Are you sure they're the right numbers ? 6000 UKP for one Chemo session ?

There are of course many different chemo treatments but on average this is the price for "out patient" in most cases you will need 2 different types of chemo plus various other medications - and it is not the Hospital costs but the costs of the chemo


I have none. My last doctors visit was ~200 baht and that included medication. If I'm mangled in a wreck somewhere I can just pay cash. The medical care is inexpensive here unlike the usa.


Bupa International

Worldwide Medical Insurance

Worldwide Medical Plus

Worldwide Evacuation

Myself 36, Mrs 25 and baby 2yo

$768 a month (23'000 THB)

If you and the family have to do frequent wordwide travels, this might be the right policy for you. But if having a fixed domicile in Thailand with no lenghty trips outside of Thailand, then you would be paying far too much.

Worldwide Evacuation: In general, will only take place, when a certain medical condition can not be "rectified/cured" in the country where the illness/accident occurs. So, as long as the local Hospital claims, that they can cure you, your insurance will make no efforts to bring you back to your home country. And you can count on it, that every Djungle-Hospital will claim that they can cure you. Everyone wins: The Djungle-Hospital for issuing the bill and the insurance company that does not have to fly you back to a more expensive medical-stay in your homeland.

The only one that can not win in this scheme is the insured.

So, to make this somewhat clearer: No matter what will happen to the insured, may it be only a broken leg or a very recent diagnosis of cancer, as long as the local hospital and your insurance agree, that the medical problem can be resolved in the country where you are currently staying , you will not be evacuated to your home country.

This is perfectly legal. It will not help, if anyone stands in front of the hospital in his hospital-pijama and cries out: I want to go home because I have insurance.

If there is a clause that should be stricken out of "International-Health-Insurance-Schemes", this would have to be the one. I am amazed that nobody seems to be aware of the above.



Bupa International

Worldwide Medical Insurance

Worldwide Medical Plus

Worldwide Evacuation

Myself 36, Mrs 25 and baby 2yo

$768 a month (23'000 THB)

$768 a month? I am single, 55. I have Florida Blue Cross Blue Shield, "catastrophic" plan basically. $5,000 USD maximum deductible and out of pocket cost a year. I pay $132 a month. Their out of network and claim payment system sucks, but that is pandemic to the USA. But if something serious happens, I find a way to get myself back to Florida and in their network (I am allowed to choose my own doctors). I hate insurance premiums of any type, i.e. Auto also. I been paying premiums for 25 years now. I haven't collected on anything except one small auto accident for about $500 dollars as I recall and about $1,200 on one medical because I was traveling and had to get some expensive emergency treatment while out of town. As I approach retirement (could do it now), medical is quite an issue I don't see a clear cut path forward on yet


I have none. My last doctors visit was ~200 baht and that included medication. If I'm mangled in a wreck somewhere I can just pay cash. The medical care is inexpensive here unlike the usa.

You poor deluded chap - hope you never get seriously ill

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