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Just Been Fined 1000Bht For Flicking A Cig End On The Floor!


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Unbelievable- I was outside an office in Bangkok today when i got a tap on the shoulder and a telling of and fine by to police officers.

Even though one of them was smoking and there was cig ends all over the floor.

What could i do in the face of obvious extortion, i paid.

As anybody else had experiences similar to this? And what have they done?

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"Unbelievable- I was outside an office in Bangkok today when i got a tap on the shoulder and a telling of and fine by to police officers.

Even though one of them was smoking and there was cig ends all over the floor."

So if someone else commits murder it's ok for you to do it too?

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OP. I've got a jet-ski for rent in Phuket if you're into that sort of thing. My pal Lek the tuk tuk driver will drop you off. His rates are very reasonable. BTW Jim Thompson's house is closed today. Would you be interested in purchasing some stones from this gem shop I know in the "TAT One Day Buy A Diamond For Next To Nothing And Sell It On At A Massive Profit" promotion? biggrin.png

Edited by mca
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hahaha sucker...

a BiB favourite.... you know that you actually did the wrong thing, so you know that you can't argue against it... and they know that you know, so they know you will pay...

paying 5 or 10 times the fine is the scam part...

do the right thing next time, no probrem...

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As anybody else had experiences similar to this? And what have they done?

This subject has come up hundreds of times here over the years. My recollections based on reading a handful of the hundred or so threads and thousands of posts:

It is BMA aka "sidewalk" police, rather than RTP.

The official littering fine is 2,000 baht. Some negotiate down to 200 ~ 500 baht, others simply have walked away feigning misunderstanding.

Some recommend looking around for these BMA Police, and being aware of the situation. Some reports indicate the BMA Police have gotten quite sophisticated and aggressive of late, even using two-way radios and tracking foreigners observed smoking. Obviously they assume foreigners can afford the fines, and most Thais who could afford them seem to generally not litter.

Others recommend not littering, and even carrying the remains of your detritus to prove innocence.

FWIW, there was a shakedown video of some Swedish female tourists near MBK on the BTS walk-way which caused some blowback.

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These officers lurk outside office buildings and shopping centers, waiting for a farang to light up. They stalk these farangs like prey until they discard the butt onto the filthy footpath or sewer. The lack of trash bins makes this a very lucrative operation.

About a dozen of these 'police' work the hotel district on Sukhumvit.

Each one bring in about 6,000Bt per hour.

That's over 500,000 per shift.

Similar operations are run on Silom, Kow San, Grand Palace, etc.

These guy make more then the police that run the jet ski scam.

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yep, even as a smoker, i believe you deserved what you got.

The fact that the cop was smoking, and there were cigarettes on the ground are irrelevant unless the cop dropped his cigarette to write you the fine.

The fact that there were cigarette butts all over the ground is just an indicator that the law in that area should be strongly enforced.

If your logic is carried forward i can honestly say i am happy i don't have to share my favorite beach or hiking trail with you, one piece litter comes in to view and its open season to do same.

the fact that you didn't stand up for yourself and demand a receipt is a bonus in my estimation, though hardly justified.

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I have been caught once and as people point out the fine is 2000 baht, there are signs stating this. Scam or not, bottom line is don't put your butt on the floor and you won't pay any money.

Certainly no scam, quite the opposite, the guilty offender got the gift of a half price fine.

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