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Just Been Fined 1000Bht For Flicking A Cig End On The Floor!


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It would be nice if the litter police really were concerned about the environment.

Wonder why they don't have more trash bins out there?

Just about every farang that lights up is stalked like prey.

I read these officers have even givin walkie talkies to some of the vendors to report sightings.

Not a very good thing to do to tourists/visitors/guests in the hotel district.

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yep, even as a smoker, i believe you deserved what you got.

The fact that the cop was smoking, and there were cigarettes on the ground are irrelevant unless the cop dropped his cigarette to write you the fine.

The fact that there were cigarette butts all over the ground is just an indicator that the law in that area should be strongly enforced.

If your logic is carried forward i can honestly say i am happy i don't have to share my favorite beach or hiking trail with you, one piece litter comes in to view and its open season to do same.

the fact that you didn't stand up for yourself and demand a receipt is a bonus in my estimation, though hardly justified.

If the law is applied equally I agree, but it's not. The guy was singled out purely because he's a falang and therefore easy pickings. If you want to see littering at it's grossest have a look around some of the back streets of Pattaya. The Thais will dump mountains of garbage on any available spare land rather than pay to have it taken to a city dump, they pour all kinds of toxic chemicals down storm drains and waterways. I see them throw down packaging outside a 7 eleven when there's a bin 2 metres away.You seem to be blaming all the rampant dumping of garbage in Thailand on one cigarette butt.

not sure where you got that, he littered, he got caught. he paid.

we are not talking about back streets of Pattaya, we are talking about one person who thinks he should be exempt from responsibility for his actions because everyone else is doing it -- which is exactly how the back streets of Pattaya ended up covered in shit.

The OP cant even claim ignorance or lack of education as his excuse, as lame as that is

I also said that if the law is applied equally I agree, but if the police or government want to get serious about littering they could start with the Thais themselves. Singapore was cleaned up almost overnight from the dump that it was, they fined everyone regardless of race.

Singapore is clean because they pay Bangladeshis half the minimum wage to pick up singaporean's crap all day. The government once did an experiment where they left a small area alone and within days it was full of rubbish. Fines only work if there are people to witness and prosecute every offence. Which there isnt so it is down to social responsibility and awareness on the subject. Which this part of the world, Singapore included is sadly lacking. Its just that with its small size and cheap foreign labour it is easier to contain but given the chance they would be just as bad as the Thais.

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

In short just not drop cigarette buts and you will be ok. Yes its wrong that its not enforced on Thais. But not dropping buts and bringing a small ashtray that you can put away solves it all.

Yes I do agree, however whilst it is common knowledge amongst long time residents/expats etc, it is not so much publically aware amongst visitors, and will result in bad press and pee'ed off tourists at the end of the day.

Wheras a concerted effort to remove rubbish, sufficient rubbish bins, beach cleanups, etc would do far more to enhance Thailands global image and increased tourist revenue.

SAD but I firmly beleive that for teh sake of lining a few pockets, nothing will change in a positive way

The argument about pissed off tourist and all that has been used many times and the one more nail in the coffin, they keep coming and acting stupid, so no affect yet
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I told my mom about this when she came to visit. She bought one of those small ashrays with a sliding lit. Uses it for her buts, so easy. I mean most expats know of this problem why don't they just buy one of those too if they smoke ?

Yes its bad when they go after tourists, yes its bad if they single out farangs. But the sign is there and for those with experience buying one of those ashtrays is not that hard.

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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

I'm not sure stopping smoking would "bring the government down", what they would be forced to do is increase taxes across the board to make up the shortfalls.

You are right of course, in reality even at 90% of the price being tax, it represents only about 10B GBP or 2% of tax revenues.

Will have to think of another way to change the Government.... sigh

The Tax of course, goes nowhere near covering the costs to the state of treating smoking related illness.

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The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

Yet another pathetic conspiracy theory! I think I just saw Michael Jackson moon-walking past my window.

Edited by Radar501
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These officers lurk outside office buildings and shopping centers, waiting for a farang to light up. They stalk these farangs like prey until they discard the butt onto the filthy footpath or sewer. The lack of trash bins makes this a very lucrative operation.

About a dozen of these 'police' work the hotel district on Sukhumvit.

Each one bring in about 6,000Bt per hour.

That's over 500,000 per shift.

Similar operations are run on Silom, Kow San, Grand Palace, etc.

These guy make more then the police that run the jet ski scam.

It's not only anti-farang. I know a filippino business man who was also scammed to pay 2000 Baht near MBK. They go for everyone non-Thai.

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I always thought Farangs never flick away butt ends on the floor and always make it a point to dispose them in the dustbins. If no bins were available, they carry them in their hands till they find one or take them home.

May be I am mistaking them for Japanese folks.

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It's not only anti-farang. I know a filippino business man who was also scammed to pay 2000 Baht near MBK. They go for everyone non-Thai.

How can being fined the posted penalty of 2000 Baht be a scam?

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It's not only anti-farang. I know a filippino business man who was also scammed to pay 2000 Baht near MBK. They go for everyone non-Thai.

How can being fined the posted penalty of 2000 Baht be a scam?

Because there is no such penalty for Thais who litter the city freely.

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It's not only anti-farang. I know a filippino business man who was also scammed to pay 2000 Baht near MBK. They go for everyone non-Thai.

How can being fined the posted penalty of 2000 Baht be a scam?

Because there is no such penalty for Thais who litter the city freely.

Not true. But most Thais wouldn't have the 2,000 baht on hand to pay, so it would involve a lot of paperwork. Far easier to target the so-called educated foreigners who do have the money and should know better.

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It's not only anti-farang. I know a filippino business man who was also scammed to pay 2000 Baht near MBK. They go for everyone non-Thai.

How can being fined the posted penalty of 2000 Baht be a scam?

Because there is no such penalty for Thais who litter the city freely.

Nonesense, if in fact you truly believe that the law does not apply to Thai's, then the term you are looking for is "selective enforcement", a scam it certainly is not.

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"Unbelievable- I was outside an office in Bangkok today when i got a tap on the shoulder and a telling of and fine by to police officers.

Even though one of them was smoking and there was cig ends all over the floor."

So if someone else commits murder it's ok for you to do it too?

Its not murder its suicide when you smoke yourself to death wink.png

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Talking of Singapore.

I was fined the equivalent of 12500 baht for not having decibel killers in the silencers of my motorbike a few weeks ago bah.gif

If it was a Harley I don't sympathise one little bit. How Harley owners get away with the window (and ear) shattering noise from their bikes is beyond me. Forget cigarette pollution, how about noise pollution?

Edited by giddyup
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Lets face it this enactment of the law is nothing more than an excuse for BIB to ellicit money from farangs.

No one would argue that properly disposing of waste is an admirable ideal.

The reality is :

1) lack of rubbish bins - to wit I am sure a deliberate policy to catch more farangs

2) only Farangs are targetted

3) just take a look at any street, road beach or tourist spot in Thailand, the biggest polluters are Thais and it is widespread.

4) YES YES YES everyone including all smokers know it is bad for them, but it is their CHOICE

Should everyone stop smoking, certainly - especially in Aus and UK then we could bring the government down by reducing the tax they collect

Should people be mindful of littering and pollution, OH yes, but the Thai Government should provide rubbish bins - which they will not as it will encroach on this highly profitable " catch a farang "

I say lets follow teh lead and start pretending to throw away teh butts whilst actually retaining them. If enough people do it then after a while they will give up and move onto another SCAM, because that is all it is

I'm not sure stopping smoking would "bring the government down", what they would be forced to do is increase taxes across the board to make up the shortfalls.

You are right of course, in reality even at 90% of the price being tax, it represents only about 10B GBP or 2% of tax revenues.

Will have to think of another way to change the Government.... sigh

The Tax of course, goes nowhere near covering the costs to the state of treating smoking related illness.

You have facts to support this? Don't forget it costs the government less in aged pension payments because smokers die younger. It's a win/win.

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IMO: It seems simple enough to drop and extinguish the cherry and carry the butt until you can dispose of it in a bin.

However, due to the risk of terrorism there are fewer bins around in the city centre, but the 'clear' bins are present in most areas.

Getting caught for littering is someones own fault.

But, it is also clear that the Police are targeting foreigners, or rather they are not specifically targeting foreigners, they are simply targeting those from whom they can extort a fine. It would be a waste of their time to attempt to get money from a poor motorcycle driver.

If as foreigners we follow the laws and behave respectfully I can't see how the police would ever have a chance to extort anything from us.

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In my opinion, butt droppers should first of all be fined the full 2,000 baht, next, submit to a jolly good public flogging with split bamboo canes, followed by public disembowelment with rusty barbed wire and finally being suspended by the ankles under a pedestrian bridge. Then they should be tossed out of the country and declared persona-non-grata!

That'll teach 'em!

I doubt if this would still be enough for the anti-smoking lobby. They would want your children's children to suffer the same fate, or perhaps public crucifixions, beheadings, burnings at the stake etc.

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Talking of Singapore.

I was fined the equivalent of 12500 baht for not having decibel killers in the silencers of my motorbike a few weeks ago bah.gif

If it was a Harley I don't sympathise one little bit. How Harley owners get away with the window (and ear) shattering noise from their bikes is beyond me.

Agree completely. Horrible things.

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If your asking ifI have ever gotten unfairly extorted the anser is NO

If you asking if I litter and have been caught is answer is also NO

Why ? Because I conduct myself in a respectfull manner and people don't extort me, and since it's rude and disrespectfull to litter I don't do it.

Do I play 12 year old cat and mouse games with cops over littering ? No Why ? Because it not only rude and disrespectfull it's childish and my life is fulfilling enough to have better things to do.

In my home state in the USA it would cost you 30,000 bht for the same thing on the highway. Mostly because of Fire reasons but other litter is the same price.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for you because you litter ? Are we supposed to wish the cops let everyone litter ? Is it suppopsed to be unfair because they caught you and not the other 10 people who did it ? Is it supposed to be unfair because the cops seem to target guests who really should be well behaved instead of Thai people ? Booo Hooooo wa wa wa ....... Stop being rude and disrespectfull and you won't have to worry about it.

If you really didn't know flicking the head of a cig butt is a FIre danger and littering even though it burns out I take it all back and would just say sorry but it is and now you know.

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In my opinion, butt droppers should first of all be fined the full 2,000 baht, next, submit to a jolly good public flogging with split bamboo canes, followed by public disembowelment with rusty barbed wire and finally being suspended by the ankles under a pedestrian bridge. Then they should be tossed out of the country and declared persona-non-grata!

That'll teach 'em!

I doubt if this would still be enough for the anti-smoking lobby. They would want your children's children to suffer the same fate, or perhaps public crucifixions, beheadings, burnings at the stake etc.

Seems reasonable.......

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Here is a story for ya for those who complain the cops should be arresting the other guy instead .......

I had a friend that sold grams of weed , eventually the cops came around and arrested him of course, it was on the news and his Family menbers were complaing about it and saying the usual thing .... " Why are you not out arresting the herion dealers or the crack dealers" ect ...... The cop said , Because yesterday we were concentrating on Drunk Drivers , the day before that we did actually arrest 2 crack dealers , tomorrow we will be doing something else , I'm sorry that you don't like the order in which we arrest people breaking the law , I'm sure that the people arrested today for minor trafic offences think we should have been arresting weed dealers instead , I have 2 solutions to solve the problem , the first is to join the Police Force , become the Chief and then YOU can decide how the recources are spent , the second is to follow the law and you won't have to worry about weather we arrest you in the proper order , on the proper day for the proper crime in relationship to the other offenders.

However in bottom line is your son was breaking the law and arresting him yesterday or tomorrow , or arresting more serious criminals sooner would not have changed that.

The end of that story is a little ironic because after he negoiated his fine and got it all taken care of about 2 weeks later he stabbed and killed someone over some dispute over a pound of weed ....... pretty much rendering the idea that they should be arresting more serious criminals moot in the end.

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In my opinion, butt droppers should first of all be fined the full 2,000 baht, next, submit to a jolly good public flogging with split bamboo canes, followed by public disembowelment with rusty barbed wire and finally being suspended by the ankles under a pedestrian bridge. Then they should be tossed out of the country and declared persona-non-grata!

That'll teach 'em!

I doubt if this would still be enough for the anti-smoking lobby. They would want your children's children to suffer the same fate, or perhaps public crucifixions, beheadings, burnings at the stake etc.

Seems reasonable.......

Then who's next? Left handed people, red heads? I know. Everyone who doesn't agree with me.

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I fail to see the corolation with litterbugs being fined and some concern that left handed people would be next ? I also fail to see a corolation that people who might be caned like in singapore, for what we might think are minor crimes would lead to left handed people being caned as well.

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