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Rowdy Rally Forces Thaksin To Cancel Meeting In Los Angeles


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Is it even legal for somebody touring the US on a tourist visa to be attending , as the major drawcard, what could be deemed to be politically motivated rallies like the one described in the OP ?

It seems he isn't there to visit the Grand Canyon and Disneyland like a toursit, but is instead there to create a public nuisance and rub certain Thai politicians, businessman and others faces in it. I know of at least one Western democracy closely aligned with the US that would not tolerate such activity by a tourist and would revoke the Toursit Visa and send the individual packing immediately. sad.png

Good point , he is accepting funds for dinners and the such. This would violate his tourist visa. Needs a work permit. smile.png

Needs a green card and he AIN'T gonna get that.
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My Big Question: How much did Thaksin "donate" to BO's campaign to get a visa??? BO and Thaksin are birds of the same corrupt feather. As an American, I am ashamed this jackwagon was allowed in the US without being arrested and deported.

I seriously doubt Thaksin gave anything. As an Obama supporter of course I don't agree with everything that the government does under his administration. That's an unrealistic expectation of any president.

Especially a president saddled with the incoming horror show he was handed.

Thaksin need only have the Foreign Ministry say we don't want hin for anything,

his cousin is the FM, and of course business is business.

Edited by animatic
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My Big Question: How much did Thaksin "donate" to BO's campaign to get a visa??? BO and Thaksin are birds of the same corrupt feather. As an American, I am ashamed this jackwagon was allowed in the US without being arrested and deported.

I seriously doubt Thaksin gave anything. As an Obama supporter of course I don't agree with everything that the government does under his administration. That's an unrealistic expectation of any president.

Especially a president saddled with the incoming horror show he was handed.

Thaksin need only have the Foreign Ministry say we don't want him for anything,

his cousin is the FM, and of course business is business.

".........we don't want him for anything,"

Oh, if only that were true.

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Are the yellow shirts now causing problems in the U.S? What next a blockade of the Los Angeles Airport? I bet that if 2,000 Americans conducted themselves the same way in Thailand they would quickly be rounded up, thrown into jail and deported.

Which US fugitive is planning to visit Thailand?

:) They are already here!

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Since Thaksin was unable to attend his own 200 dollar meal at a famous Thai restaurant in LA, I wonder if he stopped at Mc Donalds for a Happy Meal?

He probably did scarf down some chicken nuggets and fries.

I'm sure I saw this dame with the red hair out on a date with Ronald McDonald ! giggle.gif


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This so called meeting if Thaksin was supposed to happen in Thaitown. A subdivision in North Hollywood. All kinds of goofy crap happen in Hollywood, gay pride parades, porno star parades, etc., and most people of Los Angeles don't even know where Thaitown is.

According to a couple of Thai monk friends, Thaksin was supposed to show up at Wat Thai LA for a blessing, but of course, this got cancelled as well.

I'm sure the immigration people are keeping a close watch on Thaksin's movements. If only a couple of hundred people show up to voice their protest of him, nothings going to happen. If maybe 10 or 20 thousand showed up, and mind you, the largest concentration of Thai's outside Thailand live in this Thai town area, up to 100,000, then the immigration dept. would probably get involved.

This is just publicity for Thaksin. Nothing more.. coffee1.gif

p.s. Most Los Angeleans probably thought that goofy lady in red hair was a transvestite, and this was another of the weirdo parades that Hollywood always has. laugh.png

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What a lot of you may not realize, when a person, in this case Thaksin, goes to the temple to ask for blessings, he or she is asked to repeat the promise to not: 1. Kill or harm anyone. 2. Not to steal anything. 3. Not to commit sexual misconduct. 4. Not to lie.. 5. Not to drink or take drugs.

Everytime a blessing is conferred.. biggrin.png

And I'm sure, Thaksin would proudly agree to this blessing. laugh.png

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Here we go again. Taksin Shinawatra is world famous. That is a fact. He was removed from office illegally, also Fact. His conviction for a minor offense was all that a seething cauldron of Abhisit and his yellow shirt snakes could obtain. The whole Red Shirt Yellow shirt thing is a National embarrassment brought on by would be politicians that cannot control their emotions. It is over. We have a new government. If you don't like it prepare a credible manifesto and wait for the next general election.

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Are the yellow shirts now causing problems in the U.S? What next a blockade of the Los Angeles Airport? I bet that if 2,000 Americans conducted themselves the same way in Thailand they would quickly be rounded up, thrown into jail and deported.

Which US fugitive is planning to visit Thailand?

Have a stroll down walking street in Pattaya or come visit Phuket, you are bound to met a few.

Difference hough, is that the fugitives in Thailand were not convicted in a politically influenced trial, but were nailed for things like pedophilia, theft, and violent crime.

How about stealing from an entire country or maybe the executions of over 2000 "suspected" drug dealers? Sounds like "theft, and violent crime" to me.

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What did the U.S Have to Gain by issuing this Fugitive a Visa?

THAT is an interesting query kiniyow. Even more interesting would be a truthful answer. Anyone?

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Here we go again. Taksin Shinawatra is world famous. That is a fact. He was removed from office illegally, also Fact. His conviction for a minor offense was all that a seething cauldron of Abhisit and his yellow shirt snakes could obtain. The whole Red Shirt Yellow shirt thing is a National embarrassment brought on by would be politicians that cannot control their emotions. It is over. We have a new government. If you don't like it prepare a credible manifesto and wait for the next general election.

blink.png Fact?

Thaksin resigned, he didn´t manage to form a coalition, during the coup he was a illegal "Caretaker Premier". He didn´t want to let go of power.

Read the link from The Guardian.


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"the former PM would not attend due to security reasons, on advice from local police"

Implications boggle the previously most unboggleable mind.

Sounds like the LAPD made an offer he wouldn't refuse.

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Are the yellow shirts now causing problems in the U.S? What next a blockade of the Los Angeles Airport? I bet that if 2,000 Americans conducted themselves the same way in Thailand they would quickly be rounded up, thrown into jail and deported.

No kidding; another example of Thai double standards. If they want to protest they should do it in their own country.

How would they react if a couple thousand westerners converged on wireless road to protest Obama or Bush etc? I think we all know the answer to that one.

Burmese activists have a long history of doing so in Thailand. But that doesn't fit well with your argument does it?

As for farangs in Thailand, there has been a long history of abject failure amongst the barstool types to organise anything more than a 'farang association of Thailand' which is held at the local subway in lower Sukhumvit. The traditional pattern is that after the first three meetings the association dies due to lack of interest and things to complain about. The civil rights movement, they ain't, and perhaps more akin to the political equivelent of the 'man flu' in terms of things to complain about.

They actually run out of "things to complain about"?

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Well it seems that the charge for a ticket to the dinner was $200 !!!! Seems the people that agreed to host him are of the same ilk as Thaksin, just rob everybody blind!

One can only hope that the Thai community in New York and LA make sure that the restaurants that hosted him (sorry the really cheapo eating houses) are blacklisted and go out of business.

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"the former PM would not attend due to security reasons, on advice from local police"

Implications boggle the previously most unboggleable mind.

Sounds like the LAPD made an offer he wouldn't refuse.

Or most likely, COULDN'T refuse.. whistling.gif

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The following might help any debate as to the way in which each side in this 'stuggle' might see the other:

There's an annual contest at Griffiths University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.

This year's term was 'political correctness'.

The winning student wrote:-

'Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by mainstream media,

which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end.'

This year? 2012? Are you sure? Pretty sure this definition has been around a bit longer.

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See where 'fighting for democracy' and 'freedom-of-speech' gets you ?

The b*stards hold up signs with malicious messages, and scream insults, and you can't roll burning car-tires or throw grenades back at them, or send in the ronin !

How dare people hold a view, that isn't Dear Leader's, perhaps they need a new US-Constitution too ! laugh.png


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I think it's an inspired move; the Great Coward taking his infamous disappearing act on tour. Wonderful.

Where is the next destination he'll be showing his amazing avoidance skills? (Or not, as it were)

I think if he went to the Falklands, the penguins would throw rocks at him.

Your attempt at a swipe fails as penguins have wings adapted for swimming. The wings are not capable of throwing anything.

Sadly the penguin population is endangered due to overfishing by the local and foreign fisheries.

Well mr smarty britches, the clever penguins would kick / flick stones at him. lol.

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Are the yellow shirts now causing problems in the U.S? What next a blockade of the Los Angeles Airport? I bet that if 2,000 Americans conducted themselves the same way in Thailand they would quickly be rounded up, thrown into jail and deported.

No kidding; another example of Thai double standards. If they want to protest they should do it in their own country.

How would they react if a couple thousand westerners converged on wireless road to protest Obama or Bush etc? I think we all know the answer to that one.

Probably these Thai's are legal naturalized citizens, not like in Thailand where most foreigners are regarded as 2nd class citizens.

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On the contrary, it shows he puts public safety ahead of his outreach activity.

I commend Dr. Thaksin for his consideration of the safety of others.

Thaksin lost face big time, plain and simple and I am loving it! He is a criminal, convicted while his brother in law was PM and under a Constitution that came forth through a Referendum. Shame so many people in Thailand are blinded by this creep and his dynasty.

The big difference for him is that in the US he cannot send his thugs to attack his opponents and silence them.


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Here we go again. Taksin Shinawatra is world famous. That is a fact. He was removed from office illegally, also Fact. His conviction for a minor offense was all that a seething cauldron of Abhisit and his yellow shirt snakes could obtain. The whole Red Shirt Yellow shirt thing is a National embarrassment brought on by would be politicians that cannot control their emotions. It is over. We have a new government. If you don't like it prepare a credible manifesto and wait for the next general election.

In order.

Yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, can't wait.

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Is it even legal for somebody touring the US on a tourist visa to be attending , as the major drawcard, what could be deemed to be politically motivated rallies like the one described in the OP ?

It seems he isn't there to visit the Grand Canyon and Disneyland like a toursit, but is instead there to create a public nuisance and rub certain Thai politicians, businessman and others faces in it. I know of at least one Western democracy closely aligned with the US that would not tolerate such activity by a tourist and would revoke the Toursit Visa and send the individual packing immediately. sad.png

Good point , he is accepting funds for dinners and the such. This would violate his tourist visa. Needs a work permit. smile.png

Maybe all the Americans that are on TV can lodge a complaint with the Bangkok Embassy about his illegal work in the US. No double standards allowed. Seeing all legal working foreigners in Thailand have to have a WP. whistling.gifgiggle.gif

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If you don't like it prepare a credible manifesto and wait for the next general election.

A credible manifesto?

History has shown that the main voter base do not vote for a credible manifesto, they vote for pie in the sky promises and an envelope of cash.

What is the next PTP credible manifesto going to contain to beat the last one.... a free pony for all girls under fifteen?

Credible manifesto my backside.

how many people do you think got envelopes of cash to vote ptp? i'm interested to hear your opinion of a figure.

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If you don't like it prepare a credible manifesto and wait for the next general election.

A credible manifesto?

History has shown that the main voter base do not vote for a credible manifesto, they vote for pie in the sky promises and an envelope of cash.

What is the next PTP credible manifesto going to contain to beat the last one.... a free pony for all girls under fifteen?

Credible manifesto my backside.

how many people do you think got envelopes of cash to vote ptp? i'm interested to hear your opinion of a figure.

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Are the yellow shirts now causing problems in the U.S? What next a blockade of the Los Angeles Airport? I bet that if 2,000 Americans conducted themselves the same way in Thailand they would quickly be rounded up, thrown into jail and deported.

Which underlines the difference between a free and democratic country and one that is not - and probably won't be for at least another two generations..

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If you don't like it prepare a credible manifesto and wait for the next general election.

A credible manifesto?

History has shown that the main voter base do not vote for a credible manifesto, they vote for pie in the sky promises and an envelope of cash.

What is the next PTP credible manifesto going to contain to beat the last one.... a free pony for all girls under fifteen?

Credible manifesto my backside.

how many people do you think got envelopes of cash to vote ptp? i'm interested to hear your opinion of a figure.

yeah, maybe try answering my question instead skywalker69, instead of posting the video of red shirts getting money for the trip to bangkok.

i know you're probably of the opinion that they value their lives less than 2000 baht or whatever it was and only went to bangkok to get their expense money.

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