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Anti-Corruption Commission Readies Case Against Plodprasob Over Tigers


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If he was already convicted once in connection with this affair, why the hell does he still have a job with the government for chrissakes???!!!

I think you may have answered your own question there.

Clearly yet another case of a political prosecution, in which the PTP Science Minister is totally innocent, so no need to do the honourable thing and step-aside while the case against him proceeds. wink.png

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If he was already convicted once in connection with this affair, why the hell does he still have a job with the government for chrissakes???!!!

I think you may have answered your own question there.

Clearly yet another case of a political prosecution, in which the PTP Science Minister is totally innocent, so no need to do the honourable thing and step-aside while the case against him proceeds. wink.png

It's a shame he's not an "Untouchable" in India.


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If he was already convicted once in connection with this affair, why the hell does he still have a job with the government for chrissakes???!!!

we can assume that the richest Cabinet Minister can be described as one of the "untouchables"

Untouchables: Asia's biggest wildlife traffickers

BANGKOK (August 15, 2012)- Squealing tiger cubs stuffed into carry-on bags. Luggage packed with hundreds of squirming tortoises, elephant tusks, even water dragons and American paddlefish. Officials at Thailand's gateway airport proudly tick off the illegally trafficked wildlife they have seized over the past two years.

But Thai and foreign law enforcement officers tell another story: Officials working-hand-in-hand with traffickers ensure that other shipments through Suvarnabhumi International Airport are whisked off before they even reach customs inspection.

It's a murky mix. A 10-fold increase in wildlife law enforcement actions, including seizures, has been reported in the past six years in Southeast Asia. Yet, the trade's Mr.Bigs, masterful in taking advantage of pervasive corruption, appear immune to arrest and continue to orchestrate the decimation of wildlife in Thailand, the region and beyond.



Any farang can make up such stories.

There is no proof at all.

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If he was already convicted once in connection with this affair, why the hell does he still have a job with the government for chrissakes???!!!

we can assume that the richest Cabinet Minister can be described as one of the "untouchables"

Untouchables: Asia's biggest wildlife traffickers

BANGKOK (August 15, 2012)- Squealing tiger cubs stuffed into carry-on bags. Luggage packed with hundreds of squirming tortoises, elephant tusks, even water dragons and American paddlefish. Officials at Thailand's gateway airport proudly tick off the illegally trafficked wildlife they have seized over the past two years.

But Thai and foreign law enforcement officers tell another story: Officials working-hand-in-hand with traffickers ensure that other shipments through Suvarnabhumi International Airport are whisked off before they even reach customs inspection.

It's a murky mix. A 10-fold increase in wildlife law enforcement actions, including seizures, has been reported in the past six years in Southeast Asia. Yet, the trade's Mr.Bigs, masterful in taking advantage of pervasive corruption, appear immune to arrest and continue to orchestrate the decimation of wildlife in Thailand, the region and beyond.



Any farang can make up such stories.

There is no proof at all.

Your ignorance has no bounds. Racist as well. Your a keeper!
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What is wrong with farming tiger

In an endangered species like the Bengal tigers that Plodprasop was illegally sending to China, their very limited gene pool is ruined through the incestuous breeding program the tiger farm utilized.

Limiting the genetic diversity can lead to extinction.


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What is wrong with farming tiger

In an endangered species like the Bengal tigers that Plodprasop was illegally sending to China, their very limited gene pool is ruined through the incestuous breeding program the tiger farm utilized.

Limiting the genetic diversity can lead to extinction.


Don't hold your breath for a reply to this very salient point. It'll fly right over this particular poster's head ermm.gif Edited by silsburyhill
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What is wrong with farming tiger, monkey, dog for their meat?

Or shark for their fin?

Or goose for their liver?

I suppose goose is OK, as it is a farang delicacy.

Moving right along past the toxic xenophobia... coffee1.gif

You omitted humans from the meal mix. Why not? w00t.gif They are in huge oversupply already, and pushing many other species into extinction... let's restore some balance... ermm.gif Perhaps SuneeTH would like to be our first volunteerclap2.gif [explanation: yes, this is sarcasm]

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'Mr Wrong' asks for understanding


Plodprasob admits to image problem, says he's innocent as tiger-export graft case kicks off

No matter what he does, no matter what he says, Science and Technology Minister Plodprasob Surassawadee, who chairs the Water and Flood Management Committee, is resigned to the fact that he is always "Mr In the Wrong".

"Maybe my handsome face annoys them," he told The Nation in an exclusive interview.

Plodprasob, a Deputy Leader of the Pheu Thai Party who is known for speaking frankly, has received a lot of public criticism of his work over the past year.

The most notable instance was when he told the media that he was "10,000 per cent" and "1 million per cent" confident that Don Mueang Airport, which was used as the headquarters of the Flood Relief Operations Command (FROC) to handle last year's massive flooding, would not be inundated.

A few days after he made the comments, the airport was under water.

He also told the media in the early stages of the crisis that the flood situation in Bangkok would not get worse, but some areas of the capital ended up submerged under more than two metres of water.

His faulty predictions have been parodied by netizens. One group produced a video clip entitled "Nostradamus of Thailand and his prediction about flood". The video went viral, with more than 400,000 people viewing the clip. One commented, "Plodprasob, he has always been a ridiculous person."

"I know that I am not the type of guy who is always flattering other people. Nor am I good at socialising," Plodprasob said.

He has held many senior positions including Director-General of the Fisheries Department, Secretary-General of the Sea Policy and Recovery Committee, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Agriculture Ministry, Secretary-General of the Agricultural Land Reform Office, Director-General of the Royal Forest Department, and Permanent Secretary of the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry. He was also the first Director of the National Disaster Warning Centre.

During his tenure as Natural Resources and Environment Permanent Secretary, he was accused by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) of having approved the export of 100 tigers to China in 2003, when he was head of the Royal Forest Department.

Later, then-Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont removed Plodprasob from his position as Permanent Secretary.

Last week, NACC Secretary-General Apinan Israngura Na Ayuthaya met with the Office of the Attorney-General to arrange for proceedings to begin against Plodprasob over the tiger-export case.

Plodprasob said he was currently immune to legal prosecution because he is a sitting member of Parliament.

"Oh, please. Come on - I don't know anything about this and had no involvement in it," he said.

Last year after the flooding, Plodprasob was appointed to the Strategic Committee for Water Resources Management (SCWRM). Reports emerged of many conflicts among committee members, some of whom resigned. Plodprasob was later designated Chairman of the Water and Flood Management Committee to oversee the implementation of water and flood policies drawn up by the SCWRM.

However, the relevant agencies have not collaborated with him much on proceeding with the plans.

"I am not the sort of person who uses power to force other people to follow my orders, even though the government had given me authority over all related ministries. Instead of using power, I just talk with them and try to understand their job. If I could ask them something, I would like to say, please understand that this is the way I am," he said.

As Chairman of the Water and Flood Management Committee, he is now drafting legislation to establish a Water Ministry to manage water and flood problems in the long term. All water- and flood-related agencies would come under this ministry. "I am not an ambitious person who wants to be water minister - I don't know when this ministry will be set up. Even though this ministry will not be a Grade A state agency, it will get a large budget," he said.


-- The Nation 2012-08-19

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Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!

You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout

Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!

You sulph'rous and thought-executing fires,

Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts,

Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder,

Strike flat the thick rotundity o' th' world,

Crack Nature's moulds, all germains spill at once,

That makes ingrateful man!

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The most notable instance was when he told the media that he was "10,000 per cent" and "1 million per cent" confident that Don Mueang Airport, which was used as the headquarters of the Flood Relief Operations Command (FROC) to handle last year's massive flooding, would not be inundated.

A few days after he made the comments, the airport was under water.

His FROC center was FROC'd.

His 1,000 boat propellers to control a flooded river is another of his huge gaffes.


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Lest we forget, this is the muppet that wanted to have an exotic animal buffet at the Chiang Mai zoo.

Oh don't worry we'll be unlikely to be able to forget - Buchholz will be along soon with a headline from 2006 or whenever claiming a tenuous link with this thread.............

The link is far from tenuous.

Besides, in your mind it wouldn't matter what crime he committed so long as he bats for your "side".

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