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Thai Supporting Farang?


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Basically the discussion with a mate was as follows.

A Thai lady would monetarily support an ill or disabled Thai husband but not a Farang husband.

I have a Thai lady friend who, as the result of an auto accident was blinded as was her husband in the same wreck. He stays home and she works as a masseuse to pay the bills. The person I was talking to said that would never happen if the husband was a Farang.

What do you think? Are there any Farangs out there married to a Thai lady who think their wives would support them if they ran out of money or became disabled?

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:D What do you know Boon Mee?? :o

Anyway, I believe that the wife would try as hard as possible to support the farang husband but the govt would make it nearly impossible for him to stay in Thailand.

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agreed, my wife told me when we packed up and permenantly moved here if I didn't have work etc, she would support me as long as it needed. She said she would go and work in a factory or back in a shop to maintain me.

She later went to the trouble of telling me how much she would make with a job in a shop, and then how much rent and everything was, and then how many bottles of beer I could have a month.

I asked her why, and she told me that she was my wife and just because I take care of her, if there is bad luck etc, it doesn't change that you have to eat and pay the bills, and she should try to maintain the family, whilst I sought work again.

I still happily support her, and dread the day I can't support her.

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Its easy for her to feed you all that garbage knowing full well that your overseas pension is never going to stop.


agreed, my wife told me when we packed up and permenantly moved here if I didn't have work etc, she would support me as long as it needed. She said she would go and work in a factory or back in a shop to maintain me.

She later went to the trouble of telling me how much she would make with a job in a shop, and then how much rent and everything was, and then how many bottles of beer I could have a month.

I asked her why, and she told me that she was my wife and just because I take care of her, if there is bad luck etc, it doesn't change that you have to eat and pay the bills, and she should try to maintain the family, whilst I sought work again.

I still happily support her, and dread the day I can't support her.

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Well Mask I am sure as you appear to know Khutan and his wife so well that you are absolutely correct in your assessment.

On the other hand IMHO you are talking a load of garbage.

I also have pensions coming in to support myself and my family but my wife also said that she would do her best along with her family to support me and strangely enough I believe her.

As the house and land etc are paid for and the farm is showing some profit then she would be able to support me though obviously our life style would change a lot.

There are a lot of extremely happy and loving couples and families who share everything and who are not just here on tourist visas and monthly border runs looking for a fresh woman and cheap beer all the time.

I am proud to say that I am one of them.

Its easy for her to feed you all that garbage knowing full well that your overseas pension is never going to stop.


agreed, my wife told me when we packed up and permenantly moved here if I didn't have work etc, she would support me as long as it needed. She said she would go and work in a factory or back in a shop to maintain me.

She later went to the trouble of telling me how much she would make with a job in a shop, and then how much rent and everything was, and then how many bottles of beer I could have a month.

I asked her why, and she told me that she was my wife and just because I take care of her, if there is bad luck etc, it doesn't change that you have to eat and pay the bills, and she should try to maintain the family, whilst I sought work again.

I still happily support her, and dread the day I can't support her.

Edited by billd766
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Could she support me? Probably not (at the moment anyway).

Would she try? Yes. 100%.

I have complete and utter faith that she would do absolutely anything to help me - whatever the cost to herself. She would try and cut the t#ts off a Tiger.

My favourite story is when watching the film Zulu on TV (me for the 1 millionth time) her for the first, in between her reading something or other.

Like a typical woman she interrupted at odd moments asking "why they do?". However being a very visual film it was quite easy for her to follow the plot anyway.

She asks me, ""why they stay and fight?...........I think they lose"

"I think Farang stay, Farang stupid. Black man too much"

I try and explain that they do it because they are there, they have been ordered to, because it is their duty and because they want to help their friends and if one man runs away they all die for sure. I was aware that perhaps I was not being very succesful with my explanations because all I got was a single "oh" - which is was usually a sign of "someone" :D thinking things through.

After the film was over (and at the risk of ruining the ending for anyone.........a lot of the British soldiers survived!) I quickly forgot about it.

Later on that evening I got her serious face, she said "I think somebody fighting when know lose and die for sure very stupid". I had to broadly agree. Then she added. "You know........ I do same army movie" (at this point I thought this was going to be the start of another one of the stories from her "colourful" past).

I ask "when you do?"

she said "trouble come......... I do for you".

I said "You tell me somebody fighting and know lose and know die very stupid!"

she said "I know - but.......I think....... sometime must do" I got the serious look and an embaressed nod.

I looked at her and I believed her - but I knew that already :D

It is also I guess quite reassuring that she can actually "handle herself" and has never been scared of people physically, just in case I ever meet 20,000 Zulus on the way home from the Pub :o . So the mental inage of her inserting spears up the jacksies of 20,000 Zulus is not totally far fetched. The most disturbing thing is that I would do the same for her. And THAT scares the cr#p out me, but I would not change if for the world.

So back to the original question. "Thai supporting Farang" the answer in my case is. Yes.

(PS I ain't going to get into "Knew that already" here - still have the visa to do!)

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Its easy for her to feed you all that garbage knowing full well that your overseas pension is never going to stop.


agreed, my wife told me when we packed up and permenantly moved here if I didn't have work etc, she would support me as long as it needed. She said she would go and work in a factory or back in a shop to maintain me.

She later went to the trouble of telling me how much she would make with a job in a shop, and then how much rent and everything was, and then how many bottles of beer I could have a month.

I asked her why, and she told me that she was my wife and just because I take care of her, if there is bad luck etc, it doesn't change that you have to eat and pay the bills, and she should try to maintain the family, whilst I sought work again.

I still happily support her, and dread the day I can't support her.

Mask, I don't see anywhere in Khuntans posting that he's receiving a pension from overseas, he's talking about if he should loose his job, you have a very negative oppinion on Thai women.

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Basically the discussion with a mate was as follows.

A Thai lady would monetarily support an ill or disabled Thai husband but not a Farang husband.

I have a Thai lady friend who, as the result of an auto accident was blinded as was her husband in the same wreck. He stays home and she works as a masseuse to pay the bills. The person I was talking to said that would never happen if the husband was a Farang.

What do you think? Are there any Farangs out there married to a Thai lady who think their wives would support them if they ran out of money or became disabled?

Perhaps an extension to the question may be relevant.

" And would dependant Thai family allow her to support him with his change in fortunes "

Parents, brothers, sisters ect.

I have known several sad cases where the couples where happy and content only to be seperated by the family who want more support and i,m not talking food ect.

The ladies in these relationships always showed distress and said they wanted to stay together but couldn,t because they where frightened of the older family who,s lifestyle was to be effected.

This is not being cynical and not saying all Thai wives ect. wouldn,t support there husbands/boy friends, but an observation of one of the reasons why they cannot/will not.

Unfortunately until you are personally running out of money or hitting bad times it,s impossible to be 100% sure one way or the other.

You could of course test the waters by making out your not so well off now and wait for the reaction. :o

At such a time when you are disabled or otherwise i hope you have a positive reaction and some good friends just in case.

marshbags :D:D:D

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QUOTE(The Mask @ 2006-01-22 19:02:32) *

Its easy for her to feed you all that garbage knowing full well that your overseas pension is never going to stop.

QUOTE(Khutan @ 2006-01-22 17:53:40) *


agreed, my wife told me when we packed up and permenantly moved here if I didn't have work etc, she would support me as long as it needed. She said she would go and work in a factory or back in a shop to maintain me.

She later went to the trouble of telling me how much she would make with a job in a shop, and then how much rent and everything was, and then how many bottles of beer I could have a month.

I asked her why, and she told me that she was my wife and just because I take care of her, if there is bad luck etc, it doesn't change that you have to eat and pay the bills, and she should try to maintain the family, whilst I sought work again.

I still happily support her, and dread the day I can't support her.

Mask, I don't see anywhere in Khuntans posting that he's receiving a pension from overseas, he's talking about if he should loose his job, you have a very negative oppinion on Thai women.

I think you live in the real world Mask. Well observed! Most of these retired guys on pensions would soon be kicked out if the pension stopped. The old farang with no money, no need to keep up that bullshit anymore. In my experience I'd say about 10% of women would look after their husband. But none if they hadn't paid for the house yet.

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What do you know Boon Mee??

Boon Mee knows! :o

Thanks for that, Ulysses G! :D


I'm thinking in general terms here comparing Farang vs. Thai attitudes toward this kind of maintenance issue. While it's very true that Thai pooying (Asians) are wrongly perceived to be more subservient and meeker than their Farang sisters, I have noticed that Farang gals will take less crap from their husbands than Thai will. It's a cultural thing - the Thai husband can get away with 'more' with a Thai wife than Farang.

In the end though, you're probably right...just another poor schmuck's opinion.

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I don't know, a good percentage of the Thai women I know don't take much crap either. But then, none of them are married to farangs.

I think that alot of women would be willing to support a husband who is disabled but not willing to support a husband who is lazy or shirking. That said, I know a few Thai women who do support shirking husbands (farangs and thais) and none of them are happy about it.

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If the Thai wife and her Farang husband are living in Farangland, if she has a half decent job and if she has any true feeling for him, she would make every effort to support her husband in order to maintain the relationship and her lifestyle.

To leave her husband, her job and her newly adopted country to return to Thailand, would mean failure and result in losing too much face.

I know of one Thai wife with an older Aussie husband living Down Under and her income exceeds that of her husband's. She has just bought a car for him and furniture for their house. She pays her own fare back to Thailand for holidays and financially supports her family members living in Thailand.

Her reasoning is that he provided her with the opportunity to better her life by bringing her to Australia.

She is demonstrating her gratitude and love for her husband by sharing the expenses.

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If the Thai wife and her Farang husband are living in Farangland, if she has a half decent job and if she has any true feeling for him, she would make every effort to support her husband in order to maintain the relationship and her lifestyle.

To leave her husband, her job and her newly adopted country to return to Thailand, would mean failure and result in losing too much face.

I know of one Thai wife with an older Aussie husband living Down Under and her income exceeds that of her husband's. She has just bought a car for him and furniture for their house. She pays her own fare back to Thailand for holidays and financially supports her family members living in Thailand.

Her reasoning is that he provided her with the opportunity to better her life by bringing her to Australia.

She is demonstrating her gratitude and love for her husband by sharing the expenses.

If you're going to do a straight post MM, without irony, sarcasm or weird humour, could you indicate at the top so I know what to expect? :o

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My wifes been supporting me for years, as all our income comes from the farm, which as a falang I cant own (although in theory the cows are mine :o ). Most of the land was her's anyway and the rest given to us by her mum along with the house when we got married.

Oh I've about an other 20 years left before I get any pensions.


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My wifes been supporting me for years, as all our income comes from the farm, which as a falang I cant own (although in theory the cows are mine :o ). Most of the land was her's anyway and the rest given to us by her mum along with the house when we got married.

Oh I've about an other 20 years left before I get any pensions.


Welcome back RC!

I know that if I was 'skint' my wife and her family would support.

That's just the way it is with 90% of Thai.

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92.5% of the Thais I know are not of the opinion that 50.3% of the Thai wives married to 65.4% of farang husbands would support said husbands, unless 76.3% of the Thai government voted to implement legal changes which, with a bit of goodwill and a large portion of luck, could improve the situation for 33.9% of the 49% of farangs who live here on a 50-50% permanent basis, provided that 21.1% of the more respected Thai soothsayers do not predict that the possibility of a major earthquake forbidding, or making exceedingly difficult to the point of not being of the mind the struggle to stay on and attempt to lead a futile existence in the face of diversity, a future existence in the Land of Smiles.

But I do not know that many Thais, so perhaps the above should be taken with a grain of salt or two.

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92.5% of the Thais I know are not of the opinion that 50.3% of the Thai wives married to 65.4% of farang husbands would support said husbands, unless 76.3% of the Thai government voted to implement legal changes which, with a bit of goodwill and a large portion of luck, could improve the situation for 33.9% of the 49% of farangs who live here on a 50-50% permanent basis, provided that 21.1% of the more respected Thai soothsayers do not predict that the possibility of a major earthquake forbidding, or making exceedingly difficult to the point of not being of the mind the struggle to stay on and attempt to lead a futile existence in the face of diversity, a future existence in the Land of Smiles.

But I do not know that many Thais, so perhaps the above should be taken with a grain of salt or two.

I need a scientific calculator and a clear head to work out what this post is all about. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
Basically the discussion with a mate was as follows.

A Thai lady would monetarily support an ill or disabled Thai husband but not a Farang husband.

I have a Thai lady friend who, as the result of an auto accident was blinded as was her husband in the same wreck. He stays home and she works as a masseuse to pay the bills. The person I was talking to said that would never happen if the husband was a Farang.

What do you think? Are there any Farangs out there married to a Thai lady who think their wives would support them if they ran out of money or became disabled?

my wife is back in england now cooking in a thai resteraunt, while i am here looking after the kids

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maybe the question should be would you support and stay with your thai wife is she was disabled. or would you find a young new one

Neeranam Posted Today, 2006-02-05 12:16:31

Of course I would stay with her and support her.

I totally agree with Neeranam.

I will stay with her and support her until the day that one of us died ( I am 21 years older than my wife). I would not think twice about it either.

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