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I live in a gated community, and have some neighbors.The houses are normal town houses connected together. With the neighbors on the left i have almost no contact other neighbors to the other side i do have contact with. I lived here long before they ever moved in but they were never friendly with us even prepared food early in the morning with tuk tuks delivering stuff and making a racket. I never cared about that because this is Thailand and after half a year or so it stopped.

Now all of a sudden a female is standing there with the police complaining about noise. She says i make too much noise working out in my home gym. The police were not happy with the situation because the lady never talked with us about this and it was early (normal times). This was from 20.00 till 20.45 or something like that i workout 4-5 times a week.

Personally i don't see the problem, im not throwing weight around or making excessive noise. I think it might be the bass of the sound system and not the working out itself At least that is what i think because i put the weights not on the floor but on rubber. Dropping weights and stuff would only damage my own floor so im quite careful with what i do. There might be some sounds from training itself but i highly doubt its the problem. So so far im just going to get an mp3 player and use that instead of the sound system.

The wife was not happy either because nothing was ever said by her husband (seen him plenty of times but did not know he was married because i never saw her). In the end i wonder what the laws are here concerning sound. I think if i just turn the music down a bit im doing my bit because i think that 8pm til 9 pm is not a late in a residential area.

I doubt the police would do anything to enforce it because they were really hesitant when they were here, and the fact that the lady damaged our fence and had never contacted us about it also did not make her case that strong.. But id like to know what are the legalities here.

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are you grunting when your working out?

try holding some of your exertion in.

works on the battlefield to, learn to accept it and it actually makes you stronger mentally and more focused.


I'm sure I would be annoyed as your neighbor as well. 8 PM until almost 9 PM, 5 night a week... Most Thais are asleep by about 9 PM.


Maybe she was scared to confront you because you look like a big bad meathead.

I recommend you buy her some flowers to show there is a nice little boy behind all those muscles.

Also, suggest to her to let you know directly in future if your anti-social behaviour is upsetting her.

Listening to your music via headphones will solve the noise problem.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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It's a failure on their part to communicate effectively... Nothing new there, one of the things we all love about Thailand is the level of non-confrontationalism... In this case it works against a simple and positive outcome because you are clearly reasonable.

You are doing the correct things already by switching to headphones.

Wait a week or two and speak with them, tell them you are using headphones, ask them if they can still hear you...

Stay reasonable, I can't see how any law can be involved.

That said, noise travels through a town house so opinions will vary on light but repetitive noise.

Attempting to get them onside might allow them to understand and with it become more tolerant of what appears to be a repetitive dull thud; which to be honest would annoy many over time.

are you grunting when your working out?

try holding some of your exertion in.

works on the battlefield to, learn to accept it and it actually makes you stronger mentally and more focused.

Actually i seldom grunt while working out, with seldom it almost never happens and when it happens is not loud.

It's a failure on their part to communicate effectively... Nothing new there, one of the things we all love about Thailand is the level of non-confrontationalism... In this case it works against a simple and positive outcome because you are clearly reasonable.

You are doing the correct things already by switching to headphones.

Wait a week or two and speak with them, tell them you are using headphones, ask them if they can still hear you...

Stay reasonable, I can't see how any law can be involved.

That said, noise travels through a town house so opinions will vary on light but repetitive noise.

Attempting to get them onside might allow them to understand and with it become more tolerant of what appears to be a repetitive dull thud; which to be honest would annoy many over time.

I really think its the music, it cant be from the workout. Maybe putting the weights back after a set. But only with heavy weights. Mind you that would mean 1 thud ater every set for max of 12 sets per day. So 12 thuds in 45 min, the rest i use dumbells or bodyweight like pull ups.

Would have been easier if the talked with us and then wife could go into their house while i was training to see what its all about. If its the music the solution is easy. I personally think it was the music as i was playing ramstein.

Anyway will get a sweat proof mp3 player and see how it goes.

But i still like to know about the legalities of this.

Maybe she was scared to confront you because you look like a big bad meathead.

I recommend you buy her some flowers to show there is a nice little boy behind all those muscles.

Also, suggest to her to let you know directly in future if your anti-social behaviour is upsetting her.

Listening to your music via headphones will solve the noise problem.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

I hope its the music, that is easily solved. Im no big meathead and easily approuchable as the other neighbors know.

No flowers, im not happy about her wrecking the fence. Her husband has spoken often with my wife. He never brought it up perhaps she just needs to nag. But goingbto try the mp3 player way first.

I'm sure I would be annoyed as your neighbor as well. 8 PM until almost 9 PM, 5 night a week... Most Thais are asleep by about 9 PM.

Most days i try to workout earlier like 18.30 or 19.00 and done 45-50 minutes later. Just want to know how bad it is and what is allowed and what is not.

If im in my right ill still go the mp3 way but no other concessions. Its not like they are perfect neighbours themselves they are not well liked in the neighborhood.


i find your post addled and hard to follow"

The wife was not happy either because nothing was ever said by her husband

whose wife, whose husband?

anyways only thing to do is get the mp3 player and see how it goes.


The walls of most Thai houses are thin as paper, and sound - especially bass, carries. Are you conscious of your noise level as to how it may be perceived by others?

I had an English neighbour who had a particulary loud, bass voice, and when he and his missus were having an argument (which was often), all we could hear through the walls was his 'Boom boom boom bloody voice'. Thankfully they were evicted by their landlord after a few months.

You might not think your noise levels are unreasonable but others may not agree with you. Maybe make a sound recording of your average workout (plus music) and then play it back. See what you think about it if it was done to you when you wanted peace and quiet. This is important if your neighbours have school-age children. Forget the wall, the issue you have raised is about noise. One thing at a time huh?

And yes, after 8pm is too late to be disturbing the peace. Think about the phrase 'the quiet enjoyment of ones property'.

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If its the music the solution is easy. I personally think it was the music as i was playing ramstein.

I was on your side until you mentioned it was neo Nazi music. Where I live you would be more likely to get a brick through your window than a friendly few words with PC plod.

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and so it begins Rob. Got the number of the cops that visited so you can call when your neighbor has the soaps on too loud? Ramstein at 9pm would have me knocking on your door too mind you. Send your neighbor over a basket of that concentrated chicken soup stuff and wai your biggest wai to her, asking for forgiveness. Perhaps visit a wat is in order.

Maybe its your big dogs that are scaring her - barking quietly at only decibels those in the know can really understand driving her mad?

Call the police cause you have your music too loud, would she do this if you were a Thai, I doubt it. Police responding to it is a joke really.

I once had a neighbor complain that my bbq smelled too good... well better than what their maid was scraping off the bottom of the pan.


If its the music the solution is easy. I personally think it was the music as i was playing ramstein.

I was on your side until you mentioned it was neo Nazi music. Where I live you would be more likely to get a brick through your window than a friendly few words with PC plod.

Curious about the connection Nazi and Ramstein. As far as i know its just German music but with a lot of base. I like it for training at times just like guns and rozes / billy idol ect because it has an aggressive beat to it that helps. But please do tell about Nazi and Ramstein cause the only connection i see is that its german.

The walls of most Thai houses are thin as paper, and sound - especially bass, carries. Are you conscious of your noise level as to how it may be perceived by others?

I had an English neighbour who had a particulary loud, bass voice, and when he and his missus were having an argument (which was often), all we could hear through the walls was his 'Boom boom boom bloody voice'. Thankfully they were evicted by their landlord after a few months.

You might not think your noise levels are unreasonable but others may not agree with you. Maybe make a sound recording of your average workout (plus music) and then play it back. See what you think about it if it was done to you when you wanted peace and quiet. This is important if your neighbours have school-age children. Forget the wall, the issue you have raised is about noise. One thing at a time huh?

And yes, after 8pm is too late to be disturbing the peace. Think about the phrase 'the quiet enjoyment of ones property'.

I think she might have a point about the volume of the music. Im not even sure about that but will go for an mp3 player.

There is no way to evict us as the property is ours. I still consider it normal use at a normal time. Finishing at 9pm at the latest but usually before 8pm. I doubt the police can do a thing but im looking for laws to see what is normal and what is not.

I do believe there are laws governing this and if im in the wrong then im in the wrong. However if she is just an old hag who likes to complain then to hell with her.


is the music for sure, townhouses are connected and thin walled, the vibrations travel through the rebar also, the fact you are willing to change to a personal sound system via headphones says alot about your character. thumbsup.gif

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and so it begins Rob. Got the number of the cops that visited so you can call when your neighbor has the soaps on too loud? Ramstein at 9pm would have me knocking on your door too mind you. Send your neighbor over a basket of that concentrated chicken soup stuff and wai your biggest wai to her, asking for forgiveness. Perhaps visit a wat is in order.

Maybe its your big dogs that are scaring her - barking quietly at only decibels those in the know can really understand driving her mad?

Call the police cause you have your music too loud, would she do this if you were a Thai, I doubt it. Police responding to it is a joke really.

I once had a neighbor complain that my bbq smelled too good... well better than what their maid was scraping off the bottom of the pan.

You can knock at my door anytime and then id come and investigate, i doubt your first point of action would be damaging my fence and calling the police.

The police responding to it did not take her side, said she should have talked with us. When their music is too loud (and yes it happens) i don't complain as i accept stuff like that up till about 11pm.

Id start complaining only if that kind of normal stuff was happening at strange hours. Same with construction work after 10pm.

I just want to know the laws now, i will be making sure i use a headset and mo3 player but that is it. The police are welcome to come into the house and investigate. I think without the music the complaint will be un grounded. It might even ve un grounded now. My wife has been in the next room and the living room (1 floor below it) countless times without hearing it. She has also been in the room while i train and does not find it loud.

I believe you workout now too so just think when working out the only sound you hear would be racking the barbell after a set. During a workout with barbells or dumbbells there is no clanking sound (or your doing it wrong). I put my dumbbells on rubber mats after a set so that sound would be non existent. So we are talking a real limited amount of possible sounds here. That is why i think its the music or probably just the bass.

i find your post addled and hard to follow"
The wife was not happy either because nothing was ever said by her husband

whose wife, whose husband?

anyways only thing to do is get the mp3 player and see how it goes.

My wife was not happy the husband of the neighbor had never told her anything but my wife did talk with him regularly. She found the police thing over the top. Maybe the neighbour lady thought i feared the cops.

In fact i did not and explained to them it was not late at all ( still before 9pm) and that i highly doubted her claim. I was not going to stay passive because i think the complaint was groundless. It only later came to me it might have been the bass of the music instead of the workout itself. That was just totally illogical. Anyone who has ever workout knows that its real hard to make loads of sound just working out.

Ist not iron agains concrete all the time or iron against concrete. Those sounds would be well below accepted sound values. In fact the only sound i can think of is putting the barbell back after a set. That sound incurs once every minute and a half and is not loud

Try a new hobbyl What about meditation get you the peace you are searching for through lifting weights and won't upset the neighbours.

No way not going to stop working out, music in headset, that is it. The rest im sure off will fall well within legal limits at that time. Been working out ever since we moved here 4 years back and never a word.


Why are you even working out that late - do you not know anything about your body and its processes? For a person involved in fitness you are way on the wrong path and working against yourself. You brain releases melatonin from the pituitary gland in the brain when light fades. It does this to slow everything down thus getting you into sleep mode. It shuts down metabolism (thus try not to eat large or late), and to 'wake up' your body by physical exercise at that time is not very smart.

Up to you - the headphones would also be my advice.


I'm sure I would be annoyed as your neighbor as well. 8 PM until almost 9 PM, 5 night a week... Most Thais are asleep by about 9 PM.

What a crock of crap.


If its the music the solution is easy. I personally think it was the music as i was playing ramstein.

I was on your side until you mentioned it was neo Nazi music. Where I live you would be more likely to get a brick through your window than a friendly few words with PC plod.

You've never listened to Rammstien, so calling it NAZI music makes you look like a racist.


Why are you even working out that late - do you not know anything about your body and its processes? For a person involved in fitness you are way on the wrong path and working against yourself. You brain releases melatonin from the pituitary gland in the brain when light fades. It does this to slow everything down thus getting you into sleep mode. It shuts down metabolism (thus try not to eat large or late), and to 'wake up' your body by physical exercise at that time is not very smart.

Up to you - the headphones would also be my advice.

I agree with this post.

Unless you don't go to sleep until 2-3am, you're working out at the wrong time of day. For your body, not your neighbors.

Headphones are the way to go also. Heavy metal next door to me in the evening would have me throwing things!


Why are you even working out that late - do you not know anything about your body and its processes? For a person involved in fitness you are way on the wrong path and working against yourself. You brain releases melatonin from the pituitary gland in the brain when light fades. It does this to slow everything down thus getting you into sleep mode. It shuts down metabolism (thus try not to eat large or late), and to 'wake up' your body by physical exercise at that time is not very smart.

Up to you - the headphones would also be my advice.

I agree with this post.

Unless you don't go to sleep until 2-3am, you're working out at the wrong time of day. For your body, not your neighbors.

Headphones are the way to go also. Heavy metal next door to me in the evening would have me throwing things!

Personally i agree, with the music thing. I just had a row in the moring on my rowing machine (no sound that penetrates walls and had a headset up (always do that when working out 8am-9am dont want to disturb people. But i was playing Ramstein again and it does have a lot of bass beats and my sound system is quite big (not that i play it full power) So i guess its the music. Music is easily fixed pair of headphones and im done.

But i am just not going to let anyone take me hostage in my own home as far as normal noise is concerned. That is the reason why i want to know what the exact law is. Next time (if there is a next time as im going to use headsets) and if the police comes again ill ask one officer to go to my gym and the other one into her home with my wife then at least i know if the complaint is valid because if there is any sound from the lifting itself its really limited.

In general i love training in the evening but i prefer to start around 18.00 till 19.00 that is what i normally aim for but once in a while its later because of food digestion ect and then my sessions end at 9.00pm. Still i think that is al pretty civil hours concerned.

As for the other thing about melatonin ect.. you might be right you might not be but for me working out at the times mentioned is the most sensible.

If anyone has any advice about an mp3 player that is a bit sweat resistant please let me know because i read the ipod is easily damaged by sweat.


I might have missed something here, but what did she do to your fence?

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She broke a shella (concrete wood or whatever you call it)board that was on my side of the fence last night, probably before calling the police. So now i will have to replace that. Nothing much actually but kinda childish. It really tempts me put my car back in front of our house, that way they cant park their car anymore. I always move the car a bit away from the front of our home so they can park easier. Probably wont lower myself to that because it will only escalate things.


She just need affection, show her how you muscles are big and she will become a lovely b.... as all the other ones...


1 she is married.. 2 i am married and 3 most important she is ugly. Not even to keep the peace would i do such a thing.

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