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Suegha, If you are hangover tomorrow morning... I come and kiss you better.... :D

So it´s 19.03 here in Guatemala right now, Friday night, the bar is starting to fill up with people, and I´d just showered and started my evening shift behind the bar. Business looking good.

In walks a couple who are attended to by one of my indigenous workers, and the are still there now, and the guy is the boss of the local labour dept. and I had to sit down and pretend to be a customer...


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Suegha, If you are hangover tomorrow morning... I come and kiss you better.... :D

So it´s 19.03 here in Guatemala right now, Friday night, the bar is starting to fill up with people, and I´d just showered and started my evening shift behind the bar. Business looking good.

In walks a couple who are attended to by one of my indigenous workers, and the are still there now, and the guy is the boss of the local labour dept. and I had to sit down and pretend to be a customer...


Gutted,..... Hey, you're not doing something illigal are you....?

Shame on you.... :o:D:D


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Are lucidity and hangover never compatible???

I am quite lucid right now although I am quite drunk! What about if I'm hungover in the morning???

Maybe you thought you were lucid because you were drunk... :D

Anyway how is your hangover today suegha? Is already 1 pm in the afternoon and you haven´t log in yet... :o ...makes me wonder about grade of your headache... :D

Edited by Glauka
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Are lucidity and hangover never compatible???

I am quite lucid right now although I am quite drunk! What about if I'm hungover in the morning???

Maybe you thought you were lucid because you were drunk... :D

Anyway how is your hungover today suegha? Is already 1 pm in the afternoon and you haven´t log in yet... :o ...makes me wonder about grade of your headache... :D

Grade 1 superfly TNT/ ACME bomb type headache I reckon.....


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Are lucidity and hangover never compatible???

I am quite lucid right now although I am quite drunk! What about if I'm hungover in the morning???

Maybe you thought you were lucid because you were drunk... :D

Anyway how is your hangover today suegha? Is already 1 pm in the afternoon and you haven´t log in yet... :o ...makes me wonder about grade of your headache... :D

No hangover glauka, up early, off to the gym for my Tai Chi, home to entertain guests, a nice salmon curry and loads more wine - this is the life...

I am one of those 'lucky' people. I never suffer from hangover.

Oh, and my lucidity was never in question!

I was not as drunk as teople pimp I was!!!

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:o So Lucky I always get terrible hangovers...red wine is the worst for me.

That´s why i don´t drink red wine...

The day after a big drinking night out i always like to lie down and watch films...eating and watch films...I actually like some of my hangover days... :D

Edited by Glauka
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No Mexican Border for me love. I stayed out of sight as much as possible (out of sight, out of mind) as long as possible, and those people were in my bar all friday night, all day Saturday, and most of the afternoon sunday.

On Sunday Night, I fell in Love.

On Tuesday Morning, (a few hours ago) my heart was broken once again.

Kayo the Klwon got played by a wonderful English Lady of thirty years experience.

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No Mexican Border for me love. I stayed out of sight as much as possible (out of sight, out of mind) as long as possible, and those people were in my bar all friday night, all day Saturday, and most of the afternoon sunday.

On Sunday Night, I fell in Love.

On Tuesday Morning, (a few hours ago) my heart was broken once again.

Kayo the Klwon got played by a wonderful English Lady of thirty years experience.

Life bites you on the ass and women just tend to bite, now if you could change that around..... :o


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How can you fall in love in one evening??? Must be the mystic lake and mountains and air and zacapatata etc?!!

Lots of Zacapa, but just a wonderful woman, who kept her honour despite giving me lots of pleasure. She's a BF back home / which normally I DON'T allow to stop me.... But I....

Well, to keep it short and sweet,

She offer me her honour,

and all night long,

It was off her and On her....

And she.. ah... I just saw her go into my bar....

She came back... Plot thickens....

To be continued after all it seems...

*Just like when Bobby Ewing came back from the dead... So does Elizabeth... A lovely Lass....

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three years 1/2.. women her age (and older :o ) I tend to find far more interesting.

Okay, I've been Upping her anticipation of seeing me, but I[m going back in a minute... Just gotta reply to another thread... not addicted ... to tv.com

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Awww poor Klown

Ah well, sheet happens....

How can you fall in love in one evening??? Must be the mystic lake and mountains and air and zacapatata etc?!!

Do you believe in Love at first sight? Yes I'm certain that it happens all of the time.

Isn't this a line from a Beatles song?

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What are you talking about woman?

Wanted in Columbo or wanted in Quito? Choice is ours? I know where I'm heading! :o

Oh, I thought you meant 'Columbo' the cop show - I used to love that bungling cop. Ahh!!!

Edited by suegha
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I have many parts of the world left ot discover ladies... don´t be discouraged...

Anyway, just to add some drama, at around two in the morning, when I was quite warm and fuzzy in bed with elizabeth, Huge intolerable knocking, and shouting comes from outside the front gates.

When I have tried ignoring him and he won´t go away, I finally throw on some shorts (and my specs) and I go out to see what the hel.l and shut him the f8ck up.

It is a 60 year old heavily bearded regular customer (once or twice a month)... He is adamant that I am having after hours party - which I was not - and he was ABSOLUTELY OUT OF HIS MIND....

I eventually, with a lot of yelling, managed to get him to f.ck off, and got back to bed....

An hour or two passes and I´m happily dozing in an even happier ladies arms.... and there is a huge explosion like noise.

Before the noise has died I´m out there and he has just reversed his pick up truck through our fortress like doors, and smashed the rear of his car, and our gates,

(Look under the green logo sign, and where all the banners are hanging from, you can see we have rather large solid, strong wooden gates.)

a few tables and I was there when he opened the driver door to get out, and the man was a wreck, in even worse coked up drunk state then he had been earlier, and he came at me with a pistol, but I had the advantage as he was still getting out of the car, I slammed his arm on the door frame several times, hard, pointing his gun hand away,out on the street, and he eventually let go, and that clattered to the ground. (I later saw the safety was on)

He staggers out, and I`m yelling at this crazy son of a bit.ch "what TF do you think you are doing? Are you absolutely out of your mind, you crasy motherf/"%& ?" And so on and so forth. I push him, hard, out on the street and he falls, his head striking hte ground.

I get into the car and start trying to shift the automatic into neutral, thinking, I´m just gonna roll it off the entrance ramp, and let it glide out in the street... He get up, out of the corner of my eye.

He is coming at me, and his hand is going into a shoulder bag he is carrying.

I run around the open driver door and meet him before he can walk in the garden, and I grap his arm and twist it behind him, making him stand akwardly and I yell, "What the <deleted>.ck are you taking out of your bag?" Repeatedly.... He won´t let go of whatever it is, so I put my hand in, and twist him round a bit more, so he fall over. I have him pinned to the ground with his neck under knee, and I am trying to release his grip on some handle he is holding.... Evtually I tear the string bag apart, and I see the knife, with a 6inch serrated blade, and as I am prying his fingers off it, he is trying to speak, "I´m going to kill you!" I´m going to kill you!"...

I, in my rage, "I think I´d gathered that when you charged in here on your tank waving a gun at me, you crazy bastar.d!"

I shoved him, hard, out on the street again, and he went flying, literally. He bashed his head on the street again.

I went over to him, lying face down, with some blood dribbling from his crown. He wasn´t moving, but he was breathing regularly, and he was mumbling, still, about how he was going to kill me. I found his car keys in the remains of the string bag, and I got in, drove the truck out, and with a lot of heavy lifting and pulling -at four in the morning on a deserted street in a tourist capital- I am dragging a corpse like figure into the back seat.

I drive his car to a nearby beach road parking lot. I chuck the keys in his short pockets, put his wallet un the waistband in the small oif his back, and I walk back, barefoot and only in my shorts still, to the bar.

The Gates have been half smashed through beyond repair. Replacements I cannot afford at this time.

Two tables shattered, and there is a gun, a knive, my glasses, and I don´t want to know a thing. I stack five large tables infront of what is left of the gates, blocking any view. I try to jam them with chairs, so they won´t be moved too too easily. At least, they will make enough noise to get my attention, if anyone tries to get in again, and I go back up to the house, a hundred meter back.

The young lady has hidden herself in a loft, and was sitting there in total panic for a while. SHe recovered quickly, and instead of saying she wanted to go back to her hotel room (and her travelling girlfriend), she made me sit down, made me tea, sat me down and hugged me, and let me sit quietly and didn´t bother me and I was so glad to have that special person there, and so completeley there, if only for a night.ç.

Friend, lover sister wife..

Alas now she has left. And I am doing anything not to have a nervous brakedown. After the attacks of last week, and now this... life gets harder...

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I have many parts of the world left ot discover ladies... don´t be discouraged...

Anyway, just to add some drama, at around two in the morning, when I was quite warm and fuzzy in bed with elizabeth, Huge intolerable knocking, and shouting comes from outside the front gates.

When I have tried ignoring him and he won´t go away, I finally throw on some shorts (and my specs) and I go out to see what the hel.l and shut him the f8ck up.

It is a 60 year old heavily bearded regular customer (once or twice a month)... He is adamant that I am having after hours party - which I was not - and he was ABSOLUTELY OUT OF HIS MIND....

I eventually, with a lot of yelling, managed to get him to f.ck off, and got back to bed....

An hour or two passes and I´m happily dozing in an even happier ladies arms.... and there is a huge explosion like noise.

Before the noise has died I´m out there and he has just reversed his pick up truck through our fortress like doors, and smashed the rear of his car, and our gates,

(Look under the green logo sign, and where all the banners are hanging from, you can see we have rather large solid, strong wooden gates.)

a few tables and I was there when he opened the driver door to get out, and the man was a wreck, in even worse coked up drunk state then he had been earlier, and he came at me with a pistol, but I had the advantage as he was still getting out of the car, I slammed his arm on the door frame several times, hard, pointing his gun hand away,out on the street, and he eventually let go, and that clattered to the ground. (I later saw the safety was on)

He staggers out, and I`m yelling at this crazy son of a bit.ch "what TF do you think you are doing? Are you absolutely out of your mind, you crasy motherf/"%& ?" And so on and so forth. I push him, hard, out on the street and he falls, his head striking hte ground.

I get into the car and start trying to shift the automatic into neutral, thinking, I´m just gonna roll it off the entrance ramp, and let it glide out in the street... He get up, out of the corner of my eye.

He is coming at me, and his hand is going into a shoulder bag he is carrying.

I run around the open driver door and meet him before he can walk in the garden, and I grap his arm and twist it behind him, making him stand akwardly and I yell, "What the <deleted>.ck are you taking out of your bag?" Repeatedly.... He won´t let go of whatever it is, so I put my hand in, and twist him round a bit more, so he fall over. I have him pinned to the ground with his neck under knee, and I am trying to release his grip on some handle he is holding.... Evtually I tear the string bag apart, and I see the knife, with a 6inch serrated blade, and as I am prying his fingers off it, he is trying to speak, "I´m going to kill you!" I´m going to kill you!"...

I, in my rage, "I think I´d gathered that when you charged in here on your tank waving a gun at me, you crazy bastar.d!"

I shoved him, hard, out on the street again, and he went flying, literally. He bashed his head on the street again.

I went over to him, lying face down, with some blood dribbling from his crown. He wasn´t moving, but he was breathing regularly, and he was mumbling, still, about how he was going to kill me. I found his car keys in the remains of the string bag, and I got in, drove the truck out, and with a lot of heavy lifting and pulling -at four in the morning on a deserted street in a tourist capital- I am dragging a corpse like figure into the back seat.

I drive his car to a nearby beach road parking lot. I chuck the keys in his short pockets, put his wallet un the waistband in the small oif his back, and I walk back, barefoot and only in my shorts still, to the bar.

The Gates have been half smashed through beyond repair. Replacements I cannot afford at this time.

Two tables shattered, and there is a gun, a knive, my glasses, and I don´t want to know a thing. I stack five large tables infront of what is left of the gates, blocking any view. I try to jam them with chairs, so they won´t be moved too too easily. At least, they will make enough noise to get my attention, if anyone tries to get in again, and I go back up to the house, a hundred meter back.

The young lady has hidden herself in a loft, and was sitting there in total panic for a while. SHe recovered quickly, and instead of saying she wanted to go back to her hotel room (and her travelling girlfriend), she made me sit down, made me tea, sat me down and hugged me, and let me sit quietly and didn´t bother me and I was so glad to have that special person there, and so completeley there, if only for a night.ç.

Friend, lover sister wife..

Alas now she has left. And I am doing anything not to have a nervous brakedown. After the attacks of last week, and now this... life gets harder...

:oHOLY MOLY Kayo!!!!! what a story!!!

Why didn't you call the Police...if there's any?

Hope you are OK!


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nothing effective in this part of the world. Justice is still in our own hands out here.

I´m okay. I just have to take it easy today.

I was a nervous wreck before.. Tv.com, sadly or otherwise, does make me happier, in the manner of distraction, like watching a movie or reading a good book or something. something.

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nothing effective in this part of the world. Justice is still in our own hands out here.

I´m okay. I just have to take it easy today.

I was a nervous wreck before.. Tv.com, sadly or otherwise, does make me happier, in the manner of distraction, like watching a movie or reading a good book or something. something.

You think he will be back (since you know the B#$@#rd)???

BTW: congratulation with your discovery on the topic "what is this place" well done!!!

Was this before or after the attack?


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Oh God!!

What a horrible thing to happen!! Hoping you are alright.

On a lighter note - Elizabeth will have had a night to remember!! What a story to tell when she gets home to the Midlands!! "Well, I met this nice guy, we had a good night together when all of a sudden..."

Stay safe.

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What a story Kayo!!!! Gosh do you think will come back? Is no way to stop this people?

I am sorry for you and Elisabeth , Do you think she will come back? :o

I don´t like to hear that people who are so happy together have to come apart....

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