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Go Harry !


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It could have been a lot worse. It could have happened in Thailand and catapulted all our favourite tabloids into world fame (God forbid!). If he was caught on camera, I think it would have been more than billiards they would have been playing.

Still, he would have to think of a better excuse than Apache helo. training, don't think that is available here...................thumbsup.gif

Took this from my scooter this morning!


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Harry is behaving completely in character in much the same manner that his Great Aunt did. She was a total bitch, almost permanently pissed and never short of male company between the sheets. He will never be King and she was never going to be Queen.

Then go back another generation and look at 4 brothers. One a weak syberite without a sense of obligation or duty, the second forced into a position that he was ill equiped to deal with, but with guts and determination making a good fist of it and earned the respect of his subjects, the third had a reputation of not being too bright and the appearance of liking the bottle too much, the fourth a druggie homosexual who in the scheme of things served no useful purpose. His only claim to fame is that he bedded Barbara Cartland - in my view a fate worse than death.

The Press were never permitted to mention the 'pied a terre' just off Pall Mall that Phil the Greek had the unfettered use of, to what purpose one might well ask. Rumours of a certain young 'madam' enjoying romps in the Royal Stables at Windsor were never aired. Only the obtuse didn't ponder the reason why a B rated actress was invited to attend Harry's father's first wedding held in St. Pauls. Poor Harry having to live down that his father wanted to be a sanitary towel used by a woman so ugly that when she was born, the doctor took one look at the babe and then slapped her mother.

Keep it up Harry. Maybe Elton will write 'Candle in the Wind' version No. 3 for you.

Edited by Bagwan
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I wouldn't mind, but its not his own money !

IMHO the Royal Family are an absolute anachronism - if they won't go quietly (and I doubt they will) then the Russians knew how to deal with people like this circa 1918.

Vive la revolution thumbsup.gif

They are a tourist attraction and draw millions of visitors with a penchant for BS. Don't ask me why. My idea of a holiday isn't to leg it to D.C. to look at the home of the Prez. and maybe catch of glimpse of the .......................... (fill in your own estimation here)

The Ruskies were commies so what did they know about turning a few shillings? Any decent entrepreneur (particularly an American one) would have made a grand production of the executions and sold tickets to the grisly event. Where were Barnum and Bailey when they were needed?

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Only the obtuse didn't ponder the reason why a B rated actress was invited to attend Harry's father's first wedding held in St. Pauls

To the contrary - I would suggest that it is only the obtuse who would spend time digging up past and alleged indiscretions of the Windsors, and putting them together in a bitchy post on TVF.

The intelligent wouldn't waste their time pondering anything about this family. coffee1.gif

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Only the obtuse didn't ponder the reason why a B rated actress was invited to attend Harry's father's first wedding held in St. Pauls

To the contrary - I would suggest that it is only the obtuse who would spend time digging up past and alleged indiscretions of the Windsors, and putting them together in a bitchy post on TVF.

The intelligent wouldn't waste their time pondering anything about this family. coffee1.gif

I didn't spend any time at all digging up what you call 'indiscrections'. Most of what I posted is common knowledge. Are all the posts about the Shinawatra clan's 'indiscretions' also bitchy posts?

The intelligent and sentient wouldn't waste their time denying historical facts that have been suppressed by the Establishment by threat of 'D' notices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prince Harry has been deployed to Afghanistan for four months, the Ministry of Defence says.

The prince, an Apache helicopter pilot, arrived on Thursday night at the main British base, Camp Bastion in Helmand.

The 27-year-old, who is third in line to the throne, will take part in combat missions against the Taliban.

It is his second Afghanistan deployment - he spent 10 weeks in Helmand province in 2007-08 but was pulled out after media reported his secret deployment.


Edited by smokie36
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This is the kind of thing to me which constitutes press intrusion....fair enough if he was married, but he's a single bloke. Where is the story??

Some in the know say that Harry ( THE GAY ) is now being blackmailed because the truth is the Vegas Mob has pictures of him is gay scenes. Now they want to control the casinos in London. I do not believe this do you? I like Harry

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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This is the kind of thing to me which constitutes press intrusion....fair enough if he was married, but he's a single bloke. Where is the story??

Some in the know say that Harry ( THE GAY ) is now being blackmailed because the truth is the Vegas Mob has pictures of him is gay scenes. Now they want to control the casinos in London. I do not believe this do you? I like Harry

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This is the kind of thing to me which constitutes press intrusion....fair enough if he was married, but he's a single bloke. Where is the story??

Some in the know say that Harry ( THE GAY ) is now being blackmailed because the truth is the Vegas Mob has pictures of him is gay scenes. Now they want to control the casinos in London. I do not believe this do you? I like Harry


How do you know it is <deleted>? Please tell me. Do you know Harry? I am interested in truth

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This is the kind of thing to me which constitutes press intrusion....fair enough if he was married, but he's a single bloke. Where is the story??

Some in the know say that Harry ( THE GAY ) is now being blackmailed because the truth is the Vegas Mob has pictures of him is gay scenes. Now they want to control the casinos in London. I do not believe this do you? I like Harry


How do you know it is <deleted>? Please tell me. Do you know Harry? I am interested in truth

I can't believe that for once I agree with JT

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go harry , asap .

the humiliation and embarresment , he has brought to the queen and country is unforgiveable .

he should be punished , sripped of his royal priveleges , and kicked out of the army .

i hope his father , being a retired army officer , gives his son a good talking too ,in a physical way .

His father was a naval officer. His father was also an adulterer so perhaps his father isn't best suited to giving Harry 'a good talking to' in any way at all.

His father was an army officer. The Prince of Wales was a navy officer!

Hold on, so now his father wasn't the Prince of Wales (Charles) so who was this father who was an army officer ? Does Harry know this ?

James Hewitt, Harry might not know but the entire population of the UK does

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James Hewitt must be very proud of his son

Do you know either of them personally?

Got any truth or confirmed websites that publish the "truth" as the publics "Right to know".

It must be true, it was in that paragon of truth and honesty, the Sun newspaper or perhaps the News of the World in the UK.

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Yesterdays BBC News reported Harry is to serve in Afghanistan for 4 months at his own insistence. ph34r.png

Could this be a good way to get rid of Harry like the establishment might have gotten rid of his Mother. I know nothing about England but some of my English friends believe this or are taking the piss out of me

Your English friends are extracting your urine.

Prince Harry is an extremely popular and "Ballsy" serviceman.

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James Hewitt must be very proud of his son

Do you know either of them personally?

Got any truth or confirmed websites that publish the "truth" as the publics "Right to know".

It must be true, it was in that paragon of truth and honesty, the Sun newspaper or perhaps the News of the World in the UK.

Well Harrys mother was shagging Hewitt then out pops Harry who is a dead ringer for Major James...........go figure
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James Hewitt must be very proud of his son

Do you know either of them personally?

Got any truth or confirmed websites that publish the "truth" as the publics "Right to know".

It must be true, it was in that paragon of truth and honesty, the Sun newspaper or perhaps the News of the World in the UK.

Well Harrys mother was shagging Hewitt then out pops Harry who is a dead ringer for Major James...........go figure

I agree maybe that's why the establishment want to get rid of Harry and his bad genes. Tell me more I never heard off this Hewitt person I only known she working to get rid of landmines I thought good things of her. Now I find out from my friend and you she ran around

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James Hewitt must be very proud of his son

Do you know either of them personally?

Got any truth or confirmed websites that publish the "truth" as the public's "Right to know".

It must be true, it was in that paragon of truth and honesty, the Sun newspaper or perhaps the News of the World in the UK.

Well Harry's mother was shagging Hewitt then out pops Harry who is a dead ringer for Major James...........go figure

I agree maybe that's why the establishment want to get rid of Harry and his bad genes. Tell me more I never heard off this Hewitt person I only known she working to get rid of landmines I thought good things of her. Now I find out from my friend and you she ran around

Major James Hewitt was a British Army Officer who Princess Diana admitted having an affair with while married to Prince Charles who himself was also having an affair but that's another story.

Prince Harry just happens to be the spitting image of James Hewitt hence the rumours.

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Prince Harry just happens to be the spitting image of James Hewitt hence the rumours.

He's a spitting image of his uncle too. But let's get back on topic.

With the amount of inbreeding in the uppermost classes, its scarcely surprising. Its high time one of them married someone from the commonwealth


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Prince Harry just happens to be the spitting image of James Hewitt hence the rumours.

He's a spitting image of his uncle too. But let's get back on topic.

With the amount of inbreeding in the uppermost classes, its scarcely surprising. Its high time one of them married someone from the commonwealth


I as a American never knew how screw up England's Royal Family is I have to Thank all the Englishman on Thai Visa for teaching us Americans this.

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James Hewitt met Princess Diana 2 years AFTER Harry was born. That is quite well documented.

Now I am mixed up I heard everything from the English and everything is different maybe they too have to much interbreeding and are screw up to.

Now once and again is the Hewitt person Harry's father and did the Queen kill Harry's mother. Also does the Harry believe this too. Hurry I am 83 years I need the answer soon.

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The main difference between an officer and his comrades in the Ranks is this: An officer is personally responsible to the Queen, by virtue of holding the Queen's Commission, for the good name and efficiency of the Army. The soldier in the Ranks does not have this personal link with the Sovereign: he is engaged to serve under the command of the Queen's Officers and to obey them.

It is essential that officers at all times are worthy of the name Gentleman. The qualities of a Gentleman can be no better stated than by the philosopher Amiel who said

"The gentleman, then, is the man who is master of himself, who respects himself and makes other respect him. The essence of gentlemanliness is self-rule."

Robert E Lee said, “"I cannot trust a man to control others, who cannot control himself."

I knew a major once who liked to come and visit my Aunt, his name was Geraldine when he visited my Aunt and wore a lovely frock....

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