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My Biggest Mistake In Thailand.......


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Biggest mistake I made was moving here and taking some time to find my own independence. I was quite dependent in many ways with my boyfriend when I first got here. Now I am my own person and much more independent. I actually feel more secure like this. smile.png

"moving here and taking some time to find my own independence."

If I understand your post correctly, you are saying "moving here and taking too long to find my own independence."

If so, I have to agree with you. My early days here, I was lost and totally reliant on the lady that I was with at the time when traveliing around Thailand, away from the tourist areas. Nowadays, though not fluent in Thai, I can go anywhere I like with very few problems. It's great being able to take care of oneself without having to rely on someone else, like an helpless child.

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Biggest mistake I made was moving here and taking some time to find my own independence. I was quite dependent in many ways with my boyfriend when I first got here. Now I am my own person and much more independent. I actually feel more secure like this. smile.png

"moving here and taking some time to find my own independence."

If I understand your post correctly, you are saying "moving here and taking too long to find my own independence."

If so, I have to agree with you. My early days here, I was lost and totally reliant on the lady that I was with at the time when traveliing around Thailand, away from the tourist areas. Nowadays, though not fluent in Thai, I can go anywhere I like with very few problems. It's great being able to take care of oneself without having to rely on someone else, like an helpless child.

Yes kind of. I moved here with the intention to live here however my Thai boyfriend wanted me to live with him and I did. However I realised that this was a very bad idea as I became dependent on him and it wasn't good for our relationship. Now I have my own apartment and I've found my own two feet firmly on the ground I feel much more secure. The boyfriend and I are still together and doing much better now that I can actually do things on my own.

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When first arriving not knowing the money and tipping the taxi driver 50 satang.

Kicking a football on the beach while wearing sandals and watching said sandal flying into a ladies green curry :(

Made me laugh - well done (for said sandal) : )))

Edited to say that i never ever do anything wrong - it's just not in my nature. :)

Edited by Judecalling
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Believing that EVERYTHING is cheaper. I was surprised after I did all my own homework how misguided and misinformed most are. I guess it must be all that CHEAP crap beer that they drink.smile.png

On Edit: You can buy an excellent quality beer in the states for nearly 25% cheaper then you can buy a bottle of Leo

I assume thats a typo.

Excellent quality beer in the States?..................whistling.gif

Nope No typo. Guess you never been there.

The selections of beer you have in the US is virtually endless and if you buy they avg about $.75 to $1.00 a bottle(I do not count Bud, Coors, Miller as beers either). Leo is about a buck converted and it is utter crap and only gets worse as you dip into Chang family. I am always amazed at the guys that say "I cant get wait to get to Thailand and drink cheap beer" Its not cheap to buy, its just cheaply made.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg on cost related stuff.

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First came to Thailand in 1988 & had the best holiday traveling with a BG. Came back 10 other times expecting the same experience – what's the definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. you expected the same results, nothing insane about that
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My biggest mistake was to get dragged into working for a Chandlery in Phuket. As a semi-retired person I was planning to move to Thailand three months later from South Africa, where I was to become an English Language Teacher in Bangkok. In the mean time a Thai money-seeking ladyboy who was boarding with us in Johannesburg, met the owner of a chandlery (British) in Phuket on the internet, who had developed a taste for ladyboys and was actually married in the UK to another one. The chandler promptly flew out to Johannesburg to come and 'try her out', and he was convinced by the ladyboy that I would really be an asset to his business. I didn't really want this but played along, as I was planning to go to Thailand anyway. And who knows, I thought, it could work out well.

I got rid of everything I had in SA in a hurry, as I had no intensions of going back, and was to start the new job in Phuket and then later in BKK asap. I bought two one-way tickets to BKK, and flew to Phuket two days later. Now the chandler and I knew I had very little knowledge of yachting and boats, and I was put in charge of moving the shop to a new location, organising stock as well as sales, with 10ths of thousands of stock items. It was a monumental task that he left to me, while he flew back to Bangkok cavorting with ladyboys and 'apparently' sniffing lots of coke. With one other full time Thai employee and a bunch of part-timers that could speak no English, I was left to my own devices. I lasted three months and never got paid. I lived of the 'petty cash' I was provided with, for three months. Why should I deplete my own bank account and work for free? Suddenly I was accused of being a bad manager that couldn't control the Thai staff and organise the shop, which may be true, as I am a very nice person who like to treat other people with respect, unlike him. Oh and suddenly I was expected to be an accountant as well. Hell, I dropped accounting in Grade 5 at school: hated it!

Next thing I know, a South African transvestite from Cape Town appeared on the scene in a huff and a puff, makeup and mascara streaming from a long night on the bus from BKK, in Phuket, with the cheek, arrogance and self-confidence of a Cape Flats prostitute, clearly being put in charge and with the sole purpose of slowly working me out so that I would leave voluntarily. (I didn't). The Chandler made me fly a few times between head office in Bangkok and Phuket at my own cost, which by now was mounting up to a small fortune, while he was claiming the tax rebates from MY tickets, and chewing at my personal budget. Don't worry, in the end I managed to recuperate some of my losses from the Chandler in my own devious but fair little way! Later I found out that the sl@t from Cape Town also had left (or was fired??) and is back in South Africa, prostituting him/herself there. I also learned that before me there were a steady turnover of Thai managers every three months. No Thai person wanted to work for the man.

This was two years ago, and I immediately found a FANTASTIC job in BKK as English Language teacher with a FANTASTIC school who really cares and looks after their staff. Free medical insurance, work 5 days a week, annual leave, work permit, they even do my 3 months reporting and pays for everything. I've never been so happy in a job and am teaching kids from 5 to 13 years old. Love it!

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Not being polite.

It seems so obvious doesn't it? I have limited patience for idiots and those of limited intellectual capacity and so I am abrupt and dismissive. Not a good attitude to have if one wishes to maintain a relationship with Thais. They do things in their own way that works for them. I have come to accept that.

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Moving here before having a job, wish i would have worked for a multinational first and transferred here instead of doing the whole teaching thing. I now enjoy teaching, but I would trade it in a heartbeat to work for a large company making my old salary back home.

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Buying land and building a home etc much too quickly, should have taken a lot more time, did more research and just lived here for much longer before making that commitment to a specific place.

Edited by CharlieH
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